EsperMagic |
Well it's pretty explanatory in the title, but Im trying to build a weather manipulator(think Storm form the x-men), but I'm not sure what is the best way to go about it. It's a 20 point buy game and I'm stuck deciding between druid or sorcerer. I'm leaning towards druid because or access to the storm and air domains through the storm druid archetype which also will give more castings of my domain spells spontaneously. PLus it seems a bit more thematic at least. Any suggestions? I'm assuming i'll be a human though if I go druid I might be convinced to switch to a dwarf.

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I'm a big fan of the Storm Druid, myself. It's a character concept that really resonates with me.
One of my favorite feats to take with the build is Reach Spell. Turn all of those spiffy touch-range cold and electric spells into ranged touch attacks.
If I recall correctly, the Sylph race has an ability to see through mist and fog, which could come in handy. Cloud Gazer feat. The stats aren't the best for a focused build, but you can be a bit more well-rounded.
There's the Storm-Lashed feat, which cuts Perception penalties for weather & makes it easier for you to navigate high winds.
Paths of Prestige has a Master of Storms prestige class that does pretty much what one would imagine.
That's all I can think of for now. Likely I've been ninja'd, but I hope it helps!

EsperMagic |
I looked at the master of storms archetype and it was intriguing if mostly just for storm shape. I really wish it had given like a DC boost to spells with eledtric and cold descriptors(lightning and snow) but alas it doesn't. Should I take improved unarmed strike if im going master of storms to better amp up my whirlwind damage? Or stay straight druid and just wildshape into air elementals?

Zwordsman |
I'm sorry I know this isn't useful and likely borderline troll but...
Sorry again.. I can't resist that was my favorite thing ever in the GIJoe Cartoons...
On to the actual helping... DId you want to focus on changing the weather specifically (make the rainy day sunnny), or using the weather for attacks? (i.e. lightening, call lightening, buffeting winds etc)
basically . What aspect of Storm did you want to pull?
Attack wise, Sorcerer dip for added damages or altering spells to lightening, or buffing lightening/sonic spells+Storm Druid is likely the closest..

Zwordsman |
Hum.. I'd honestly end up going pure Sorc, just for the variety of spells you gain access too offensively , especially when you alter element type via bloodline (if you choose that one)
Granted I'm not the best at druid info, I do know call lightening is great for on the casting per day stuff.. So if you chose a Druid, you might consider the various ways you can buff that spell without raising it's spell level too much. and synergy with alteraing the weather with thte weather changing spell.
I still would vote a sorcerer though. Just for spells available.

Lemmy |

Druids have all sorts of weather-related spells and can even get the Weather domain for miscellaneous weather abilities. So I'd go with that.
They can turn into Air Elemental and throw a hurricanes at their enemies. That's pretty cool.
Maybe the Shaman? I didn't look too closely at its spell list, so I dunno how well it'd work.

EsperMagic |
So far I'm liking the Storm Druid acrhetype to add to the whole weather manipulator/attached to nature vibe I want over lightning blaster. Went with dwarf for the race and with a 20 point buy i have this...
I figure I'll start with the Weather Domain and then pick up the Air domain at level 9.