Te'Shen |
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Tatya Dyalov wrote:Thomas Long 175 wrote:And if you're unlucky enough to be a Witch, you automatically take double damage.I hate their trample ability.
I mean seriously, have you ever had a house land on you? Its like insta death attack!
Double damage? You mean you die twice?
Yes. It takes out the witch and the witch's contingent spell resurrection/reincarnate/psionic revivify. This includes the bonded witches familiar that was not actually trampled by said house.
Simon Legrande wrote:Hey, if it's already going House of Fire 1, you may as well prestige a bit.Kimera757 wrote:The fiendish template gives them spell resistance too, right? The things have loads of hit points and spells just wash off them. And just think of the huge size bonuses to grapple. Houses aren't remotely balanced.It's entirely possible that you'd end up with a House of Fire.
Wait... so now we've got an infernal bard house that's just that much better at making everyone broken, sticky, and confused?... That is the Real BBEG, gentlepersons... and one that no one knew needs vanquishing.

Gentleman Nurn |
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I just wanna say...
My players are going to hate you guys. They already hate the boards for inspiring me to stat out a creature that uses scent on light and eats it (thus leading to lots of dark vision)...
Now they're going to be terrified that every house, store, hut, barn, and warehouse is going to actually try and eat them. They're already terrified of Gazebos (Animate Object + Haunt rules + other home brew stuff = FUN!)....
I can see it now... A Large sized dog house, with legs, ears, and a tail. The entry-way full of adamantine teeth. It's innards? Full of Gelatinous Cube, and the floating remains of those who have disturbed it's master's grounds. The Master, of course, being the Colossal mansion that houses the soul of it's creator's wife, whom died during the construction, and until the still-beating eldritch heart of the Chelaxian opera diva is dug out of the foundation and destroyed, the house shall return every time it's destroyed, serving as both body and phylactery for the vile temptress. (Colossal house, lich archetype, siren's song).
Edit: Every night, the mansion sings soothing songs to the bones of it's pre-death lover, as it did in life, who's corpse rests still in the master bedroom. The song manifests as a haunting lullaby, spreading out from it's hilltop into the town below. Every night, at least one villager is drawn to the mansion while they sleep, wherein they disappear behind the closing, ivy-choked gates... [/edit]
*wrings hands evilly* Heh heh heh......

PathlessBeth |
We have "Advice" wherein all sorts of threads exist concerning various OP builds and items and creatures ...
Then we have an entire section devoted to just House rules ...
Good point--
you could House rule in a Faerun game that someone could destroy Ao. HOUSES ARE STRONGER THAN THE GODS!
Mark Hoover |
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Watch out though; some houses have PCs of their own under their control. They are called House Parties - they made a bunch of movies on the subject back in the 90's.
Also check for vermin; houseflies are no joke.
Some of them can be beneficial though. There is a famous physician house that they made a tv show about so the construction may provide healing.
Oh and finally check the elevation of the place before you attack. Hill House is notoriously haunted and evil.

Vod Canockers |

Make sure your house isn't in the middle of the street.
You can marry your house, but make sure she's a Brick House. (ladies stay away from the male Brickhouse it's not that attractive.)

Mark Hoover |

Some of these creatures are aberrant, like mimics and such. They are known as the dreaded house coat. Their main attack seems to target females and causes aging and general frumpiness while imparting a near-euphoric sense of comfort
Some have familiars: house cats
Animals often have such intense reactions of fear from these creatures they flee at all costs until they are mind controlled; this is known as the animal being House Broken

Artemis Moonstar |
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You never want to go swimming in a lake, for the lake houses the rotting remains of the Lake House's victims... Some Lake Houses store their undying hockey-mask murdering minions in the lake. And sometimes, those rotting remains happen to reanimate.
Secluded cabins are also a bad idea. It seems every secluded cabin out in the middle of the woods across a bridge has their own copy of the Necronomicon.
Also... Are we sure the White House isn't a ghost with a sheet over it's head?
If you get sick while in a cabin, it's probably the Cabin's fever.

Simon Legrande |

You never want to go swimming in a lake, for the lake houses the rotting remains of the Lake House's victims... Some Lake Houses store their undying hockey-mask murdering minions in the lake. And sometimes, those rotting remains happen to reanimate.
Secluded cabins are also a bad idea. It seems every secluded cabin out in the middle of the woods across a bridge has their own copy of the Necronomicon.
Also... Are we sure the White House isn't a ghost with a sheet over it's head?
If you get sick while in a cabin, it's probably the Cabin's fever.
Based on the current resident, I don't think so... /noracist