First off, if anyone thinks any of these are FAQ candidates, those questions should probably be split off into their own threads. I'm just wondering if there's already official word on any of this. For me personally, this isn't for PFS so for rules-grey areas I'll just ask my DM.
And I'll start with the easy question:
A.) Which publication has the rules, and this chart for Magic Item Slots for Animals? The "unusual" entry seems to be off there and I'd like to look at the original source but my google-fu is failing me.
And on to the weirder:
B.) Is the ability to grasp/carry an item necessary to activate a normally hand-held item, or just to wield and otherwise carry it around? Ie. could a familiar touch an item held in its master's hand, or even could a human spellcaster touch a gargantuan staff lying on the ground, and potentially activate it?
C.) Specifically with the popular Quarterstaff of Entwined Serpents, it states "At will, the wielder can use the staff to cast magic missile, creating two such missiles." so with that it reads that one must actually be wielding the quarterstaff to use that ability, but assuming a tiny familiar with a tiny-sized one, what kind of activation is that? Does the "can use" mean it's Use-Activated, or is it unspecified and thus default to Command Word?
D.) So I have a character with a Flowering Lattice familiar, and I'd just been using it as a collection of skill bonuses in a very socially-oriented game. (Also it's flowery and silly and fit the character.) Then i realized, as a creature that originally lacks an Int score, gaining one would usually mean it gains a feat. However, the rules for familiars states they retain the feats the base creature has (none, in the case of the flowering lattice). I know mindless creatures that become familiars lose the mindless trait, but I don't recall seeing anything specifically on whether or not they should gain a feat in the process as well. I know "specific trumps general" but this seems to be two sets of general rules intersecting. My GM would probably allow it the feat since the lattice is fairly sub-par as familiars go, but just curious if there's something official I'd missed.
Also curious if any of this has come up in other people's games and how it was run there. Thanks for any feedback!
I still maintain that Totes Redonk is a perfectly fine name for a halfling. And Ellowel sounds like a fine elvish name.
I kind of earned a reputation for too many joke names, so I've tried to shift away from it, but alas it's a hard reputation to shake. Even with names like Heinrich Chopenhausen where I'm not even trying to be funny, the name just got too many giggles. I mean, yes naming my rat familiar Pak may have been pun-inspired. And sure I admit if I name a halfling Paur Knickleshins, yes I'm being kind of silly. But that doesn't mean all my character's names are some kind of joke..
To some extent it depends on your GM. Most I've played with tend to ignore most of the light-level rules. "Someone has a light source? OK, good enough." With those kinds of GMs, spending a trait on low light vision is basically a waste.
An ice cream scooper wouldn't work. The radius of curvature is too large. What you want is a melon baller. Wait, oh fixing it?
If he has/can get his old eyeballs and pop them back into the sockets, then the eye and optic nerve damage should be fixable with a remove blindness/deafness spell.
There's the echolocation spell you might be able to add to a permanent item.
There's the Blind Man's Fold which, while not exactly a cure, is helpful at least. Or for the same price, Goggles of Night say they allow you to "see normally" in addition to gaining darkvision. Whether seeing normally in the monk's case means remaining blind (the new normal) or getting his old normal vision back is subject to interpretation. Or my favorite of the 12,000gp options, you can get a greater hat of disguise and just change into a humanoid that actually has eyes - as a polymorph effect, I think that should work.
Or for a cheaper option, Kinsight Goggles could let your friend see through your eyes. It would certainly take some getting used to I'd imagine, but it's probably better than not seeing at all.
Well at the very least you can move through allied squares normally and enemy squares with a successful acrobatics check (with no risk of Attacks of Opportunity thanks to the spell). I can certainly see some GM variation now on exactly what you can and can't do with Bladed Dash. My point was that even with an interpretation where it's almost but not quite teleportation, it's still not overpowered.
While it's a command word to activate or deactivate a weapon like a flaming or a frost weapon... once activated it stays on. Sheathing it suppresses the energy automatically, and when you draw the weapon later it's ready to go. You'd only want to turn off the energy effect, as a previous poster said, when you're facing something that using that type of energy against is a bad idea.
Minor insight into what they think about it. Devs believe it takes a standard action to activate and then one can leave it on in the sheathe. Unfortunately for those who gain the property suddenly, this is not feasible for them.
RAW I'm not "could" be right. I am right. You can argue intent, but the RAW is clear. The Magus ability grants the weapon property. It does not then also activate said weapon property.
When you apply the property, why can you not simply apply it active? Is there anything that states that these enchants default to inactive when they're first applied? You're already making a number of decisions about assorted special weapon enchantments. It's like building a lamp and plugging it in - the position of an on/off switch seems like a pretty simple decision to make in the process.
so in your mind, if there are melee combatants between me and that wizard I want to charge, bladed dash lets me by pass the enemy in my lane?
Likewise if there is a river, or a wall of force…I can just bladed dash in a straight line instantly, ignoring all obstacles?
I'm not sure about Wall of Force, but when I was playing my Magus, to my mind, the GM's mind, and everyone else at the table, yes to all the others. I would routinely use it to get behind tough enemies to set up flanking. And it's not just my gaming group - there was a thread a while back about casting Bladed Dash while grappled and everyone seemed to think it would work fine so long as you made the concentration check.
I guess it didn't even occur to any of us that the instant movement allowed by the spell might be subject to normal movement rules. But even then the spell isn't overpowered. Useful, yes. Situational, absolutely.
Enhancement bonuses on ranged weapons and ammunition don't stack, but (most) special abilities do. Many of the magic weapon abilities for ranged weapons have a notation saying that they bestow that property on ammunition that they fire. Given that this is bestowed, it's not subject to the total +10 limitation that a magic weapon can have.
So if you have a +5 holy longbow of speed, and you fire a +1 thundering shocking burst flaming burst bane (outsiders) arrow at an enemy, it's going to be a +5 holy thundering shocking burst flaming burst bane (outsiders) arrow, which has an effective bonus of +13!
Has there been an official ruling on that I missed? Last I checked that was still a debated topic if the effective bonus of weapon+ammo could pass +10.
Can things be conjured outside the area and then brought in? Or would they wink our of existence as soon as they crossed the threshold?
Because if you can bring in things conjured outside, that makes a good case for healing potions. You wouldn't be able to make them in there, but once made you can easily say the conjuring has taken place and is stored in the potion until used.
So, no advice? Other useful traits or feats? I realize that Shaman is a fairly new class and not many have played it, and Stone is probably not the most popular spirit. But there have been similar builds with Toppling Spell. Anyone play one, and have some feedback on it? Even "Don't do that. It's a terrible idea."
So trying to search for these answers on my own and coming up dry. I know that there's a default save DC for curses, and many say what happens with a will save. I'm just not sure if there's a default will save for any curse that can affect an opponent, across the board.
So I have an idea I'm kind of kicking around. This would be for PFS. I'd be interested in some feedback, or some ideas I haven't thought of.
Shaman class, primary spirit being stone, probably dwarf. I've actually never played a dwarf in Pathfinder, but I like the race and the theme fits here. That human/half-human favored class option is super juicy, but I think I just prefer the character concept of a dwarven stone shaman. Extra wisdom either way. Going to play him mostly as a caster (with hexes). Buffs/debuffs, some control, some healing.
One question: if a hex doesn't mention a save, does that mean there is none? Metal Curse seems strictly worse than Evil Eye (at least until 16th level which I'll never see in PFS) unless it doesn't allow a save.
Another question on something I'm a little uncertain on: when you take the Magical Lineage trait, does the associated spell need to be one you can cast at the time? I was thinking of the Toppling Spell/Spiritual Weapon combo. Will I need to wait until 3rd level and pick up Additional Traits at that point? I may just do that regardless. The extra traits wouldn't be bad - there's a lot of good dwarf traits. But I don't know if that's something I'd need to do or not.
4th level Hex will likely be Stone Stability, to get Improved trip at 5th from that. If I really want to focus on this, I could take Fury's Fall as my normal feat at 5th (and Greater at 10th, for as long as that'll last). I'm not sure just how much I want to invest into the trip schtick though. I might prefer an Extra Hex. But shaman's a nicely flexible class without necessarily needing feats. I like the versatility, but I know being really good at one thing is often nice. If I'm up against something that can't be tripped, I still have other options.
So yeah it's just some rough ideas at this point. I usually keep my builds a little loose - some direction but not mapping everything out.
Outside of a few classes, there really aren't many low-cost options. I think that's by design.
It's a little higher level, but there's the Echolocation spell. Eventually. But it's self-only.
Orcs/half-orcs in the party could take Keen Scent as a feat.
There's the Shaman of fire as well
Storm Druid archetype, sort of
Flame Dancer bard @ level 3 can get the whole party, as a bardic performance.
In case it makes it clearer:
"At each new magus level, he gains two new magus spells of any [spell level or levels] that he can cast (based on his new magus level) for his spellbook."
because if it were:
"At each new magus level, he gains two new magus spells of [ [any spell level] or [levels that he can cast (based on his new magus level)] ] for his spellbook."
then there would be no need for the "or" nor the second half of it.
Maybe just remind the character he can take a 5 foot step back for free if he doesn't do any other movement? Unless he's fighting folks with Step Up feats, that will generally do the trick.
Snap Shot is a little weird. With a strict reading, it won't prevent you from provoking an AoO when you're attacking normally. It only stops the AoO when you make an attack of opportunity yourself (which you wouldn't be able to do without the feat).
There's a old favorite of mine that I think would be kind of neat with this as well. You see, there's throwing a punch, and there's throwing a punch. Rocket fist! You probably want returning on there as well. There's a bunch of fun ways to flavor it to keep with the clockwork theme.
Bards can cast magic. In addition, have them bring in some illusion specialists, and they can create full on 3D music "videos" live wherever they are, with extra amplified sounds and instruments.
Each bard (and illusionist) handles a different aspect of the overlapping illusions and music in order to create some very vivid and interacting scenes, all laid out to the music and the beat.
(If I were ever sucked into the world of pathfinder, that's what I would do).
Not far from what I was thinking. Ever see Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead? "We keep to our usual stuff, more or less, only inside out. We do onstage the things that are supposed to happen off, which is a kind of integrity if you look on every exit as an entrance somewhere else."
The PCs meet a troupe of traveling performers. The troupe stops to offer them a show. One way or another, PCs get drawn up onstage and the next thing they know they're in the play - not as actors. The play's the thing. Near as they can tell, the play is real life. Maybe there's a mystery for them to puzzle out. Maybe it wraps up with an epic TPK, then suddenly the party is back where they started and the troupe is packing up and moving on. The possibilities are endless. Yes, maybe it requires going a little off-book, but I think it could make for a fun and memorable adventure. :)
Or if you just want a challenging combat encounter with bards, have one be a flame dancer singing the Song of the Fiery Gaze, with an eversmoking bottle. Annoying, but effective.
At first glance this appears to be a normal chair of fair quality, but otherwise unremarkable. Anyone sitting in the chair, however, will realize its magical effects. The chair is amazingly comfortable, even for non-humanoid creatures or creatures afflicted with anything that would normally make sitting painful.
Anyone sitting in the chair must use a move action and make a DC 13 will save to stand up. Failure means they lose the action and cannot stand up that round, but they may make another attempt attempt again next round with a cumulative +1 bonus. The bonuses only accumulate if the sitter continues making attempts; should they go a round without trying to stand, they lose any bonuses accumulated.
Yeah I have a GM who likes to run gestalt games and he's tinkered with it a bit in what kind of restrictions to use. I think I give him headaches with some of the things I've tried to do..
One of the early games, classes A B and C:
lvl 1: A1/B1
lvl 2: A2/C1
lvl 3: B2/C2
I don't see the problem with it personally, but recently the rule "one side of the gestalt shall remain a single base class" has appeared. It's not a bad rule, really.
I'm also a fan of the fractional BAB and saves, modified in the same way kestral described (I think). The first time you get a good (+2) save for each of fortitude, reflex, and will, you get the +2.5. Gaining first level of any other classes that also give good progression to that save only adds the .5; keeps things much more reasonable/balanced.
I just feel like adding: a bard wearing a mithral breastplate (agile or not) with the Armor Expert trait, while still not proficient in the armor, will not take any penalties at all. Well, none from the armor.
[...]It looks like I need to pick up Weapon Finesse, Whip Mastery, and Improved Whip Mastery at a minimum.
Well, you don't need to. You can be strength based and still use the whip. And whip mastery/improved are mostly useful if you're planning on pulling maneuvers that will generate AoOs (like Trip), in which case basically all your feats will wind up going towards that. Between the reach of the whip and the Bladed Dash spell, there aren't many times you'll be all that worried about generating AoOs yourself unless you're up against something that also has 15' reach and Combat Reflexes.
It looks like the Frostbite + Enforcer + Rime Spell combo is probably the more efficient option. On that note, can I cast other spells while Frostbite is active? I've seen a lot of conflicting information from searching the forums. Also, is it worth trying to find room for Dazzling Display and Shatter Defenses down the line?
It is a nice spell/feat combo, if a bit cheesome. As for the questions there, as with any time you're holding charges of a touch spell: yes you can cast other spells, but you lose any remaining charges when you do. Dazzling Display and Shatter Defenses are probably not worth it, IMO.
Bodyguard + Arcane Strike (and maybe adding Riving Strike?) + Beneficial armor + Gloves of Arcane Striking seems like a really nifty combo, but once again I don't think I'll have room for it.
Could be cute on a Helpful Halfling build, with Cautious Fighter and Blundering Defense, of course. But then, I don't see what you're really getting out of Magus at that point.
The familiar arcana is a fine choice if you don't go Bladebound. Then, if you have a feat to spare on Improved Familiar down the line there's all kinds of crazy options open to you. Crazy good! But Bladebound seems pretty popular too, so really it's up to you.
I hope at least something there was mildly helpful!
Yeah looking at Prehensile Hair, I don't think that can work through the goat. It's only the witch's own hair, unless there's some feat or something in play that I don't know about.
Something like the healing hex, however, the witch can let the familiar deliver. The witch uses the action for the hex. The familiar does not need to be in contact with the witch, but it will need to make contact with the recipient to do the healing.
They can deliver touch attacks for a hex, much like delivering touch spells. Should be in with the description for Deliver Touch Spells in the witch's familiar rules.
Yeah, here's the relevant text:
Deliver Touch Spells (Su)
If a witch is 3rd level or higher, her familiar can deliver touch spells or hexes for her. If the witch and the familiar are in contact at the time the witch casts a touch spell, she can designate her familiar as the “toucher.” The familiar can then deliver the touch spell just as the witch would. As usual, if the witch casts another spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates. If the witch activates a hex, her familiar can be used to make the touch. She does not have to be in contact with the familiar to use this ability.
It's a lovely spell, really. If you make the concentration check to cast it, it can also get you out of a grapple. I've also used it for vertical distance almost as much as horizontal - getting up on top of small cliffs or such.
An interesting idea, but I think I'd lose out on that trade. Strength will be useful to hit things and do damage at the low levels when I run out of spells. It'll also be useful for all the armor I'll have to wear as an oracle. I get the improved trip and greater trip for free with the revelation. That feat would have to come out of the regular feats I get as a character.
All true. I was suggesting it as a normal feat because it's an extra bonus on trip attacks that can scale up with equipment. Even at the 10 dex, with a wand of Cat's Grace it can get you an extra +2. Not amazing, but not terrible. Swapping str and dex is more iffy, yeah. And dropping charisma probably loses you more than you'd gain.
Just tossing around ideas.
If you're planning a dual-cursed melee type with Deaf as your main curse, have you considered the wolfscarred face curse for the other? Since you cast silently, it's basically a bite attack at the cost of looking kind of freaky. *shrug*
Hmm, you could swap Str and Dex and take Fury's Fall? (Pathfinder Player Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils) It'd hurt your normal trip attempts early on but you're not getting improved trip until 4th anyway. Less melee damage with the lower strength. Eh, I guess it depends on how focused you want to be and what you're planning on doing in those first few levels.
It's still not a bad feat for a tripper even if you just buff up your dex when you want the extra bonus.
The fatigue is rage's main drawback? The only time I ever found it to be an issue at any of my games was if a fight ran really long in the early levels.
So does this weapon deals his normal damage at all when it normally hits? what happends when it crits? does the target recieve the normal damage of the hit but dosen't recieve the extra crit damage?
Normal damage on a normal hit. Regular critical hit damage on a crit. No damage, however, from the fact that you're literally sucking (some of) the life out of someone.
The ruling is the text of the spell itself. The BAB for Spiritual Weapon is your Caster level, The plus to hit on that is based on your Wisdom bonus. (yes, even for Oracles, too..) The only way to buff your BAB is to buff your caster level. The only other way to increase your bonus to hit is to boost Wisdom.
You may want to read the FAQ entry I referenced earlier. The text of it is in that spoiler tag, and the relevant section specifically mentioning the spiritual weapon spell is bolded. Spiritual Weapon is affected by effects that affect weapon attacks.
This FAQ entry shows that at least Prayer can potentially work on it.
Ray: Do rays count as weapons for the purpose of spells and effects that affect weapons?
Yes. (See also this FAQ item for a similar question about rays and weapon feats.)
For example, a bard's inspire courage says it affects "weapon damage rolls," which is worded that way so don't try to add the bonus to a spell like fireball. However, rays are treated as weapons, whether they're from spells, a monster ability, a class ability, or some other source, so the inspire courage bonus applies to ray attack rolls and ray damage rolls.
The same rule applies to weapon-like spells such as flame blade, mage's sword, and spiritual weapon--effects that affect weapons work on these spells.
Wrath is a little more iffy. The question essentially is on the nature of Spiritual Weapon - should it be treated like a separate creature or as an extension of the caster?
As it's an evocation effect rather than conjuration I lean toward the "extension of the caster" line of thinking. However, it can be its own target for certain spells or effects that can destroy it, which suggests that maybe it should be considered a separate target for buffs. But the description doesn't specifically say anything to that extent, and if there are other specific rulings that come into play here I don't know of them.
So personally I lean towards my default - that spells are something the caster is doing. The weapon is attacking on its own, but the caster is directing it sufficiently that it gets the bonuses. That's how I would rule it.
A rogue cannot select an individual talent more than once. You could, however, grab the Finesse Rogue talent for weapon finesse. Makes level 1 rougher, but it's only level 1.
A Sap Adept/Sap Master build could get a lot of mileage out of Enforcer and Shatter Defenses, provided what you're fighting isn't immune to nonlethal damage. There you're back into 3.5 territory - really effective as long as it works, but just too easily negated.
Depending on your party, the Gang up feat can be amazingly handy. You have to bite down on the Combat Expertise, but that's a useful prereq for other things like Improved Dirty Trick, or Moonlight Stalker.
I don't know about the full tree for Moonlight Stalker, but if you already have Combat Expertise, two more feats for +2 to hit and damage for as long as you're wearing, say, a minor cloak of displacement isn't bad. Moonlight Stalker Master is nice to top it off, but the prerequisites are pretty steep. I'm with Bandw2 on the feinting thing.
Additional Traits could be something to consider as well. There's severalgoodtraits out there.
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing an overrun combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to overrrun a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to overrun you. Targets of your overrun attempt may not chose to avoid you.
Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing an overrun combat maneuver.
I've read a lot of threads on overrun. There's nothing close to consensus. Haven't seen anything official on the matter. Personally I used to lean towards your interpretation Claxon, but now I'm leaning more the other.
Those last two squares of movement are the overrun maneuver, and while it still uses ten feet of your movement allowance, it's not just normal movement - it's a combat maneuver. You use the rules for the combat maneuver for that piece of movement. The Improved Overrun feat means you do not take any attacks of opportunity from X for moving through those squares.
Attacks of opportunity from "normal movement" are chock full of exceptions. It's designed to have exceptions. Executing a combat maneuver would be one such exception. I think that makes sense.
If you overrun an opponent who doesn't have reach and you stop once you are on the other side, I would say say there's no AoO from movement. Since the maneuver includes the movement from one side of the opponent to the other, Improved Overrun will take care of the AoO from that little piece of movement. At least that's how I read it.
If you continue moving beyond that, you would be leaving a threatened square and you threaten normally without that (without a successful acrobatics check or the Grace spell or some other method of avoiding it.) Similarly with closing in on an opponent with reach - you have movement that provokes that isn't part of the maneuver.
O: you
X: enemy (without reach)
-: movement
normal moving up to an opponent; does not provoke
movement + overrun maneuver; provokes once without Improved Overrun
movement + overrun + continued movement; provokes twice normally - once without Improved Overrun, and a second from movement when you leave a threatened square. Note with a good enough overrun attempt, the enemy would be prone for the second AoO.
If the enemy has reach, you provoke as normal for leaving a threatened square in closing with that opponent.
While the pricing chart doesn't really account for "weightless" items, there's this: "Weapons or armors fashioned from mithral are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below."
Given that a steel masterwork weapon adds 300gp to the cost, a mithral weapon should add at least that. Personally I would price it at +500gp (so 505gp) as if it were a 1 pound item, but that would just be my own house-rule.
I think a baster would be easier than a simulacrum.
Did I really just write that?
*ahem* Well, as for the original question, there's a certain roguish character type that can often land in trouble when, for instance, a husband comes home unexpectedly. If you can do this trick while hiding in the closet, then all of a sudden you're just a friend over looking to borrow an outfit. Sure you don't need to change genders to try to make that bluff, but for a lot of folks it does make it more believable..
Only leaves 6gp for the rest of your gear but that's still enough for some basics. Totally worth it to have all three damage types and cold iron and silver weapons covered and out of the way, IMO. Get a sling for free to cover ranged damage in case you need it. Or take the 1-point drop in AC and get studded leather for only 25 gp, leaving you with more than enough cash for other gear.
I don't think it's a good gestalt, IMO. Same HD, skill points, saves, and BAB. The class abilities aren't bad, but for yet another 2/3rds spellcasting class to mix with magus, I don't think it offers enough compared to other classes.
You'd mentioned wanting to be an infiltrator/skill monkey, which is why I suggested ninja. If you don't like that, then you probably don't like rogue. Slayer is up now too so I suggest giving that a look. It would be a pretty solid choice. Bard is the true master of skill monkery, and while it could work I think other things mesh better. A fighter with the Lore Warden archetype might not be too bad - fewer skills but more than the base fighter (or magus) with better hit die and BAB and tons of bonus feats. None of the ranger's combat styles really go well with the magus. Ask your DM if an urban barbarian could cast spells in their controlled rage?
If you want more spells, in addition to all the things that have been mentioned, I'd also like to point out the Divine Strategist archetype for cleric which can, down the line, get you some more out of your int.
Well if your other class gives you any bonus feats at all, then the Extra Arcana feat can get you the familiar and you're not down anything. It's better than Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) unless you're planning on going for the Improved or Greater versions.
Personally, if you want an infiltrator type skill monkey meshed with your Magus that can also get you some bonus damage: Ninja. You've got enough charisma for it. If/when you hit 6th level, you can get Ki Arcana to share your point pools. Also, you are a ninja. If you take a small-sized familiar it can really help get your flank on, or just be invisible basically all the time, because both Magus and Ninja are great at that. Did I mention you would also be a ninja?
I believe someone has already mentioned the Jolt cantrip. Or an air elemental bloodline sorcerer could use ray of frost or acid splash to do electricity damage. Or just use a weapon with the shock enchant, if you're going to harness magical electricity damage somehow.
Thing is, it's magical electricity damage, not just electricity, so harnessing it without destroying the mechanism could be tricky. With a weapon you can add the merciful enchant to make all the damage nonlethal, which objects are immune to. That's one of the advantages of shocker lizards as well, if you can keep them far enough apart.
You know, theoretically, with stand up, you could wind up passing a distance so great in such a short period of time that you literally would be moving faster then light. Assuming the GM doesn't limit free actions at least.
Well "realistically" the rogue would burn up from air friction before that point. If you're letting things like the speed of light enter into the equation then you'd also probably want to add some mechanic for the air friction damage - probably fire damage, but maybe bludgeoning if you're moving faster than the air can. Yeah. It's possible it could be warded against, but you may need to do this in as near a vacuum as you can manage. So, a construct would be ideal, provided it can get the rogue levels. Wyrwood rogue, perhaps, if you can find and hire or otherwise persuade one. Have an airtight container it can stand in and ... you know, any GM that would let this work would probably also let you use Prestidigitation to clean the air out from inside the thing - it'd probably work better than any mundane pump.
The whole notion of the amazing ... I'm going to call it "rapidly reproning rogue" amuses me far too much. There may be something wrong with me..