Demigods of Golarion

Lost Omens Products

18 people marked this as a favorite.

So. Let's talk demigods.

Lords of Chaos and Chronicle of the Righteous gave us fantastic writeups of demon lords and empyreal lords (I, personally, think Chronicle is one of the best Campaign Setting books Paizo has yet released.) The Bestiary 4 and the Wrath of the Righteous AP gave us even more information (and stat blocks!) for demon lords, empyreal lords, and even Great Old Ones. But the list of demigods extends far beyond the ranks of celestials and fiends.

This is a thread to show support for a book that introduces these divine beings -- some of which other books have alluded to, or even mentioned by name -- in more detail. Every outsider race has its deific paragons, each with their own domains, realms, followers, and agendas. As the most powerful mortal movers and shakers in the multiverse, every one of these entities can be a divine patron, mysterious benefactor, or campaign-ending mythic foe.

Demigods that could be featured in such a book include:

  • primal inevitables
  • protean lords
  • the axiomite god-mind
  • psychopomp ushers
  • infernal dukes (yes, Lorthact, I see you there)
  • kyton demagogues
  • rakshasa immortals
  • elemental lords
  • the Eldest
  • AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! (No, seriously, there's much more. It's rumored that the ancient Eoxians might have achieved independent apotheosis; the inscrutable race of aeons may be able to manifest powerful, as-yet-unnamed agents of monad; the veiled masters answer to mysterious entities even greater than themselves that lurk under the waves. The possibilities are endless.)
If you'd be interested in a Campaign Setting book dedicated to the demigods of Pathfinder, voice your enthusiasm in this thread!

I highly approve of this thread. Demons and Empyreals seem to be popular, but I would like to see Paizo branch out instead of overfocusing on them.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am very interested in a book like this, and would buy it so quick.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I would love this book.


Dark Archive

aetherwisp wrote:

Demigods that could be featured in such a book include:

  • primal inevitables
  • protean lords
  • the axiomite god-mind
  • psychopomp ushers
  • infernal dukes (yes, Lorthact, I see you there)
  • kyton demagogues
  • rakshasa immortals
  • elemental lords
  • the Eldest
  • I would definitely love to see more axiomite, inevitable, protean and / or psychopomp demigods, as those would be the most usable for clerics, paladins, inquisitors, etc. in 'no evil allowed' sorts of games.

    (Although kyton, rakshasa, etc. demigods would be useful for evil NPC clerics.)

    Oracle mysteries relevant to protean, inevitable/axiomite, formian, etc. interests would also make sense, for any factions that either don't have clerics, or have both oracles and clerics.

    This book sounds like a good idea to me.

    I support this with the caveat that I want it to be spread out. There are just too many demigods to be covered by a single book. Even a hardback sized campaign setting book. I think I'd prefer a continuation of Books of the Damned for the other fiends and a similar line for neutral outsiders.

    More Psychopomps, i need settlements details, i need society, leaders, objectives, there is not enough info of them.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Book of the Damned 4 Kytons is needed


    10/10 would buy every book that ever that was released with information on LN, N, and CN demigod-like beings. Agreed about Chronicle of the Righteous being one of the best supplements in existence. I want that book (or two or three of them) for the non-goods & non-evils.

    Radiant Oath

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Yes! Yes! A BILLION TIMES YES!!!


    I want to see the Books of the Damned style series continued. Chronicles of the Righteous was awesome, and I know Paizo could do a great job with Proteans, Psychopomps, etc.

    Major reasons:
    Devils and Demons have been done and redone multiple times: at this point I am more interested in seeing how lesser known outsiders like Kytons or Proteans fit into things.

    Some of these groups remain poorly known: There are now more types of robot in Pathfinder than their are Proteans, even though Proteans date from 3.5 days and are probably more usable in games than robots.

    Many of the outsider groups left to explore would make excellent diety options for players. Just look at all the flexibility in flavor and mechanics now available to players of good alignment. Let the Neutral characters have flavorful demigod options!

    More support for different types of campaigns. If I want to do a hellraiser themed campaign, I am still pretty limited in the types of outsiders I can throw out at people. Same goes if I am doing a campaign focused on Chaos eating away at reality, or a Lovecraftian sage about the Old Ones. These books would increase the types of campaigns that could be run without resorting to throwing random demons and devils in.

    Come on folks...I know demons are the "safe option", but if Paizo wasn't willing to experiment some, we would have never gotten Rasputin must Die or Iron Gods!

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    I might like to see demigods unassociated with the various designated alignment outsider/planar exemplar races. Not every demigod has to be a hopped up alignment-representative lord.


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Elemental lords! Oni Daimyos! Malebranche! Asura Ranas! Whore Queens! Ancestral Spirits! All of these are already canon but with little-to-no info on them.

    I also want kaiju gods, nightshade deities, and please-oh-please for the love of every demigod type listed here make Leng Deities.

    While a composite book would be unlikely, I'd love to see more details on the various demigod types - both what they stand for and what they can actually do.

    Alex Smith 908 wrote:
    Book of the Damned 4 Kytons is needed

    Yes, absolutely. I would buy that in a heartbeat.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.


    Something else than demon lords would be welcomed.

    At two pages per demigod, in a 68 pages supplement we would get about 30 demigod. So all the 9 aligments could be incarnated. I'm saying that because the book focusing on Demons and Devils were cool, but something with variety would be welcomed and we wouldn't have to wait 2 years to get an Asura Rana, an Oni Daimyos, a Protean Lord or a Psychopomp Usher.

    Would buy all of those books in an instant! Make it happen, Paizo! :)


    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'd love to get some more information on the Eldest, especially when it comes to their followers, be they druids or clerics.

    Very interested!


    I'd like to see and/or write for this.

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