Readerbreeder |
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My avatar itself would probably say something like "fish are friends, not food."
What it says about me is probably that I wanted something that looked friendly and menacing at the same time, kind of like that sh**-eating grin you get on your face when someone catches you doing something you shouldn't, but you know they can't do anything about it.

Limeylongears |
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I likes elves. And I probably should wear an elaborately carved mask at all times, even if I don't.
Also, as the elven inhabitants of the Mordant Spire are the (self-proclaimed) heirs to the treasures of the Azlanti, so we in the Breetish Isles are the inheritors of the fabled secrets of Sunken Atlantis, which is why we rule the world in secret. Just ask Lyndon LaRouche.

![]() |
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Life as an evil mastermind ruling over the feeble minds of walking meatbags feels awfully good. Knowledge itself has a delicate taste that you could only begin to experiment the day your tongue is forcefully disconnected from your spine. The iodized electricity that runs around my jar is a permanent call to ecstasy, prompting synaptic fireworks that show me the deepest secrets and rules of the universe.
Fiddling with those to create, bend and amaze the living and the not-so-living is just the icing on the cake. Why, with such power, should I miss the icy breeze of the wind on my skin in summer, the eye-melting sight of a sunrise over the ocean, the unfathomable stench of perfume on a woman ?
... god I miss my body.

Quark Blast |
My first avatar was a screaming severed head, and then I changed it to Downer Tarantula. Now, I post under my real name (using an alias) with the avatar that looks the most like me in real life. Because I've become a boring adult, I guess?
Looks more like a "pensive" adult. Or were you going for "thoughtful"?

Tacticslion |

Mine was chosen for a few related reasons (I rarely have a single thought at a time) that boiled down to keeping my online persona/name (Tacticslion), and the closest thing that was available (that I could find) at the time I created it to looking at all like a lion. It didn't, mind, at all, but it has fur and is technically a "Lion Blade", so, you know, it's kind-of, sort-of,-ish appropriate.
And I've never changed it because... I don't change my avatars. I don't know, it's a thing.
I would, however, change it if a certain Regulator would suddenly show up as an option on these boards, but the chances of that happening are about as similar as Paizo suddenly acquiring all of the rights to Final Fantasy Tacti- uh, as similar as something really unlikely to happen.

Necromancer |

I started off with an adorable little Croaker icon, because I liked the hood, couldn't cram regular croaker into a 90x90 square, and it vaguely resembled a chubby Orco.
I found the new unsettlingly sexy one after digging through non-caster/non-undead images and was reminded about how much I liked the NPC codex artwork. And again, I also like the hood.

zergtitan |
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I choose this avatar due to the fact I have Asperger syndrome and feel a strong connection to the android, human and yet different from human. I am a person who craves knowledge and is protective and supportive of my friends, with an intense hatred of those who abuse and mistreat others. I also believes that the greatest weaknesses to mankind is fear, hatred, prejudice, and zealotry(in the form of blind obedience that treats all other views as hostile or dangerous.)

♣♠Magic♦♥ |

My avatar itself would probably say something like "fish are friends, not food."
What it says about me is probably that I wanted something that looked friendly and menacing at the same time, kind of like that sh**-eating grin you get on your face when someone catches you doing something you shouldn't, but you know they can't do anything about it.
I've often wondered what your username means...

Te'Shen |
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Mine was chosen for a few related reasons (I rarely have a single thought at a time) that boiled down to keeping my online persona/name (Tacticslion), and the closest thing that was available (that I could find) at the time I created it to looking at all like a lion. It didn't, mind, at all, but it has fur and is technically a "Lion Blade", so, you know, it's kind-of, sort-of,-ish appropriate. . . .
Hmm. It looks like your icon has wings to me, which meant angel, which made me think Lion of the Tribe of Judah... but cool.
I think my icon means people are crunchy and go well with ketchup.

Tacticslion |

Oh, I keep it for a number of reasons.
It also reminds me of Sephiroth, thought that's far less scriptural. (Especially as I'm not a follower of a certain sect of Judaism.)
It's actually growing on me all the time.
I do wish I had a figure (and implied health and skill that goes with it) like my avatar, however. I'd totally take the solid white hair to get it, too. This guy is pretty intense.

Readerbreeder |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Readerbreeder wrote:I've often wondered what your username means...My avatar itself would probably say something like "fish are friends, not food."
What it says about me is probably that I wanted something that looked friendly and menacing at the same time, kind of like that sh**-eating grin you get on your face when someone catches you doing something you shouldn't, but you know they can't do anything about it.
Well, I'm a high school Language Arts teacher by trade, so when I can get enough of my students engaged with what we are studying, I suppose I can be said to "breed readers". With the advent of the national Common Core standards, Language Arts is taking a hard left away from literature, but that's a rant for another day.
In addition, all three of my children have become avid readers, so it's a literal as well as a figurative term. So, yeah; number two of what Tacticslion said upthread.

Scott Williams 16 |

This avatar was chosen after my orc barbarian character for Savage Tide was slain and reincarnated as an elf, twice. The eyes and look convey the savage nature and wrath of being made into a weakling tree huger.
The name is easy, its me and I did not feel like changing it, although I am curious about the 15 scotts before me.