What is the most unsettling character I can make?


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Rules for the character.

Can only use Paizo material.

Must be a core race.

Anything else goes. I'm wanting to see if I can make something creepy. Psychological horror comes to mind specifically. I'm open for any suggestions that falls within these rulesets. Think of that one person who people mysteriously die around, or the sweet happy-go-lucky serial killer. Maybe the girl who wakes up every morning to find something dead underneath the sheets. The more creative the better. I want to see what the minds of this forum can produce.

Well, theres currently a thread about a summoner who had "relations" with his eidolon. If you really want to creep people out some tentacled abonimation love would probably do the trick.

Not that this is a good idea. And I can't imagine why you would actively want to creep people out, but hey...

It's your choice I guess

Claxon wrote:

Well, theres currently a thread about a summoner who had "relations" with his eidolon. If you really want to creep people out some tentacled abonimation love would probably do the trick.

Not that this is a good idea. And I can't imagine why you would actively want to creep people out, but hey...

It's your choice I guess

Maybe not sexually creepy. Sexual stuff at the table usually just makes things uncomfortable. Again, psychological horror comes to mind, not tentacle hentai.

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Apparently you can just play yourself.....cause I'm a fairly creeped out by anyone who would want to do this.

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Chaotic Evil Ranger with Favored Enemy (Humanoid {Halflings})

"I'm good with kids."

Shadow Lodge

A blight Druid who summons vermin, swarms, and infects people with horrible deisease, poisons and curses. I was going to play this character in my evil game soon

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Grand Lodge

@Dominus lol.

Stay away from me.

Shadow Lodge

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Zon Kuthon worshiping dentist.

Think Laori Vaus from Curse of the Crimson Throne

Curse of the Crimson Throne:
Even though she was a follower of Zon-Kuthon, her NPC was pretty friendly and though she had a pretty disturbing and unsettling view of art I know a lot of people who consider her one of their favorite NPCs.

Kerney wrote:
Zon Kuthon worshiping dentist.

Ya, this is more what I'm looking for. I want to steer away from anything sexual, just as that is a touchy and uncomfortable subject for a lot of people.

Silver Crusade

A carriage chasing personal injury lawyer

Scarab Sages

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I read one in one of the summoner threads of a constantly pregnant summoner of Lamashtu that gives birth to her monstrous ediolon.

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Make a witch/ summoner with a small sized eidolon.

Talk about how she once loved a demon, and how she lost him long ago.

Constantly rock the little eidolon to sleep at night whispering, "Mommy loves you."

Take the ability to brew potions out of small children. Delightfully feed children to your eidolon while clapping excitedly and when confronted by the authorities make sure to tell the eidolon to thank the parents involved for the meal.

Go overbearing extra crazy mode. This brought to you by a kids show i watched recently. :P

Grand Lodge

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Well, Vivisectionist was considered too "squicky" for PFS.

Maybe Alchemist is the way.

Grand Lodge

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With the extra arms, intelligent Tumors, Vestigial Twins, and Vomiting Swarms, I think you are covered.

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Mayhem Havocrain wrote:

@Dominus lol.

Stay away from me.

Don't worry, you won't even have to look at him. Hide In Plain Sight used with his Favored Terrain (Under Your Bed).

Grand Lodge

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The Racial Heritage(Grippli) combined with the Agile Tongue feat, will get you a 10ft long prehensile tongue.

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A Forlorn Elven wizard who is utterly obsessed with keeping his companions from ever dying, so he delves deeply into necromancy because he can't bear to lose anyone else...ever...again...

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Kerney wrote:
Zon Kuthon worshiping dentist.

Going to second this one. You'll be a success!

Scarab Sages

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
The Racial Heritage(Grippli) combined with the Agile Tongue feat, will get you a 10ft long prehensile tongue.

Do this as a Bard and you're Gene Simmons.

Scarab Sages

Arachnofiend wrote:
Kerney wrote:
Zon Kuthon worshiping dentist.
Going to second this one. You'll be a success!

I love that Battlefield Surgeon is a Kuthite trait.

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Malusiocus wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Well, theres currently a thread about a summoner who had "relations" with his eidolon. If you really want to creep people out some tentacled abonimation love would probably do the trick.

Not that this is a good idea. And I can't imagine why you would actively want to creep people out, but hey...

It's your choice I guess

Maybe not sexually creepy. Sexual stuff at the table usually just makes things uncomfortable. Again, psychological horror comes to mind, not tentacle hentai.

Darn, there goes my suggestion of a grappling based alchemist......

Anyway, how about hamatula strike? This feat allows you to take piercing weapons and impale enemies on a successful hit. Again, goes into grappling checks. I suppose that a lore warden would be the best choice for something like this (their large bonuses to CMB make maneuvers more manageable).

Whispering in their ears while you do this also helps to make things extra creepy. "Shhh....it all over now.... just go to sleep and all the pain will go away"

Scarab Sages

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lemeres wrote:
Malusiocus wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Well, theres currently a thread about a summoner who had "relations" with his eidolon. If you really want to creep people out some tentacled abonimation love would probably do the trick.

Not that this is a good idea. And I can't imagine why you would actively want to creep people out, but hey...

It's your choice I guess

Maybe not sexually creepy. Sexual stuff at the table usually just makes things uncomfortable. Again, psychological horror comes to mind, not tentacle hentai.

Darn, there goes my suggestion of a grappling based alchemist......

Anyway, how about hamatula strike? This feat allows you to take piercing weapons and impale enemies on a successful hit. Again, goes into grappling checks. I suppose that a lore warden would be the best choice for something like this (their large bonuses to CMB make maneuvers more manageable).

Whispering in their ears while you do this also helps to make things extra creepy. "Shhh....it all over now.... just go to sleep and all the pain will go away"

If you do it with an unarmed strike that does piercing damage via Snake Style or hamatulatsu, you can recreate Mola Ram from Temple of Doom. You just reach into someones chest and grab hold.

"Kali Ma... Kali Ma... Kali Ma Shakti de"

LN or LE character who believes entropy and death are the only way to bring order to the world. You could play a cleric who memorizes both cure and inflict wounds, and occasionally decides to bring order to an injured person rather than cure them. Or a NE druid who dreams of a plague that kills all humanoids, in the name of a perfect natural world. Or a necromancer with an archaeologist streak, who raises skeletons of mostly extinct races (like dinosaurs), and seeks to preserve archaeological knowledge of current races by turning them all into undead. Or an Agatha Christie style investigator, and there is a murder wherever the investigator goes.

These are variations of PCs I've seen played, except the investigator. One of my mom's favorite shows was murder, she wrote and I always wondered why the investigator ever got invited anywhere (there was a murder wherever she went).

An NPC from my first Carrion Crown attempt.

Also, one of my replacement characters this year was a faceless (with a mouth) tiefling alchemist (re-animator, of course) that could still see perfectly. A combination of the pale man from Pan's Labyrinth (minus nostrils) with a cenobite from hellraiser (no wounds or anything). Spoke very little, grinned a lot, and insisted that the group have tea at regular intervals.

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Lamontius wrote:
A Forlorn Elven wizard who is utterly obsessed with keeping his companions from ever dying, so he delves deeply into necromancy because he can't bear to lose anyone else...ever...again...

I really like this one

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Imbicatus wrote:
lemeres wrote:
Malusiocus wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Well, theres currently a thread about a summoner who had "relations" with his eidolon. If you really want to creep people out some tentacled abonimation love would probably do the trick.

Not that this is a good idea. And I can't imagine why you would actively want to creep people out, but hey...

It's your choice I guess

Maybe not sexually creepy. Sexual stuff at the table usually just makes things uncomfortable. Again, psychological horror comes to mind, not tentacle hentai.

Darn, there goes my suggestion of a grappling based alchemist......

Anyway, how about hamatula strike? This feat allows you to take piercing weapons and impale enemies on a successful hit. Again, goes into grappling checks. I suppose that a lore warden would be the best choice for something like this (their large bonuses to CMB make maneuvers more manageable).

Whispering in their ears while you do this also helps to make things extra creepy. "Shhh....it all over now.... just go to sleep and all the pain will go away"

If you do it with an unarmed strike that does piercing damage via Snake Style or hamatulatsu, you can recreate Mola Ram from Temple of Doom. You just reach into someones check and grab hold.

"Kali Ma... Kali Ma... Kali Ma Shakti de"

Noob should have used his quivering palm before the archaeologist bard got away.

Taking a page from a character I once played and even wrote and published a short story about because he was so much fun, you could max disguise, bluff, performance acting, stealth and some other skills to make a serial killer that could be anyone. Who can the enemy trust when every person they meet might be this killer in waiting?

My character also killed enemies and in cleaner terms stole their faces, using said faces as masks to great effect. This was largely flavor in terms of mechanics.

Cannibals usually hit a creepy tone fairly easily. Could go pyromancer cannibal who likes to cook his food thoroughly.

Perhaps an illusionist who enjoys making grueseome, creepy or downright terrifying illusions a bit much. I recall one spell that is a sort of veil, that nauseates people who look at it (and fail a save) because it's so weird/creepy.

Necromancers that experiment with the body (switching parts around for fun).

Alchemist that makes oozes and tosses them at enemies knowing full well the ooze can't be controlled.

Wizard focused on turning other people to stone, then stone shaping them into some grotesque art.

A caster focues on bestow curse and it's general nastiness.

Just some off the top of my head. Good luck.

Malusiocus wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Well, theres currently a thread about a summoner who had "relations" with his eidolon. If you really want to creep people out some tentacled abonimation love would probably do the trick.

Not that this is a good idea. And I can't imagine why you would actively want to creep people out, but hey...

It's your choice I guess

Maybe not sexually creepy. Sexual stuff at the table usually just makes things uncomfortable. Again, psychological horror comes to mind, not tentacle hentai.

Some kind of dominator mage who makes his enemies torture each other to death, it shouldn't be that hard as long as your enemies are evil, charm one, then convince him enemy b is a heretic/it would be funny, hold person enemy b, and wait for the screaming to end in a gurgling sob of a being with his sanity shattered. The horror of target a when the charm wears off is just the icing on the cake.

The Exchange

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Bloatmage with a fetish. Doesn't really matter what kind of fetish :)

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Jubrayl Ibor Ardoc wrote:
Bloatmage with a fetish. Doesn't really matter what kind of fetish :)

Honestly, Bloatmages as a concept is creepy without any added squick.

Scarab Sages

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DominusMegadeus wrote:
Jubrayl Ibor Ardoc wrote:
Bloatmage with a fetish. Doesn't really matter what kind of fetish :)
Honestly, Bloatmages as a concept is creepy without any added squick.

Bloatmage Witch with the flight hex: Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

I do like Lamontious's idea as well. It seems like it'd work with almost any style of party.

Another though, for fun. Wizard focused on baleful polymorph then experimenting / disecting the little critters. Or if possible training them to be part of a cute little circus / petting zoo.

Edit: Or. Most unsettling of all... have your character show people a picture of his mother in-law!!! Dum dum dum! :)

Sovereign Court

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Take the Tumor Familiar discovery as a halfling or gnome Alchemist. Get a permanent reduce person on yourself, and a permanent enlarge person on your familiar. Proceed to have super happy fun times riding your tumor into battle!

Shadow Lodge

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I'm going to win this right now.

Start with any of the Daemon Harbingers, scroll through the list until you find something disturbing enough that you get ideas, build character, and then get kicked out of your group in one run.

Here are some good ones to start.


If you don't find something in that group that doesn't gross you out and/or horrify you I don't know what to tell you.

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Imbicatus wrote:
lemeres wrote:
Malusiocus wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Well, theres currently a thread about a summoner who had "relations" with his eidolon. If you really want to creep people out some tentacled abonimation love would probably do the trick.

Not that this is a good idea. And I can't imagine why you would actively want to creep people out, but hey...

It's your choice I guess

Maybe not sexually creepy. Sexual stuff at the table usually just makes things uncomfortable. Again, psychological horror comes to mind, not tentacle hentai.

Darn, there goes my suggestion of a grappling based alchemist......

Anyway, how about hamatula strike? This feat allows you to take piercing weapons and impale enemies on a successful hit. Again, goes into grappling checks. I suppose that a lore warden would be the best choice for something like this (their large bonuses to CMB make maneuvers more manageable).

Whispering in their ears while you do this also helps to make things extra creepy. "Shhh....it all over now.... just go to sleep and all the pain will go away"

If you do it with an unarmed strike that does piercing damage via Snake Style or hamatulatsu, you can recreate Mola Ram from Temple of Doom. You just reach into someones chest and grab hold.

"Kali Ma... Kali Ma... Kali Ma Shakti de"

Even better if you can do that as a grippli with the Agile Tongue feat.

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Pretty much any class or race wearing an outfit obviously made out of tanned human skin will be creepy, but extra points if you can manage it as a paladin.

I think my favorites so far are the dentist and the Forlorn Elven wizard

JoeJ wrote:

Pretty much any class or race wearing an outfit obviously made out of tanned human skin will be creepy, but extra points if you can manage it as a paladin.

I can't think of a way to make paladin wearing human skin work, but you could probably do toenails. A paladin of Iomedae who is on a quest to fight a particular demon, and who must make armor from the toenails of humanoids to protect him from the demon's foul magicks.

Grand Lodge

Well, having your own Kuato is still pretty creepy.

I vote for Alchemist.

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ParagonDireRaccoon wrote:
JoeJ wrote:

Pretty much any class or race wearing an outfit obviously made out of tanned human skin will be creepy, but extra points if you can manage it as a paladin.

I can't think of a way to make paladin wearing human skin work, but you could probably do toenails. A paladin of Iomedae who is on a quest to fight a particular demon, and who must make armor from the toenails of humanoids to protect him from the demon's foul magicks.

Can human paladins were dragon skin armor? If they can, then a lizard folk paladin wearing the skin of evil humans shouldn't be any different. Or perhaps a grippli, to go with his Agile Tongue, Improved Unarmed Strike, Snake Style combination to rip his enemies' hearts right out of their chests.

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Malusiocus wrote wrote:
I want to steer away from anything sexual, just as that is a touchy and uncomfortable subject for a lot of people.

The problem is that you want someone disturbing (a very likely red button issue PC), yet not TOO disturbing. This means there's a line, and you seem to want someone to get close to the line without crossing it. Just fair warning. It's tough to do without crossing it.

There are lots of possibilities here. Simple terror would be something like the monktopus (druid / monk multiclass that wild shapes into large octopus with reach, multiple limbs, lots of combat maneuver feats and such) - idea stolen from another thread somewhere.

Using various mutations from the new Numeria book on a core character can give loads of new ideas.

Old standby of a witch that enjoys cooking children - there's even a hex that helps with that.

A variation is a "normal person" that is a witch that makes a deal, hand over a child for him or her to apprentice, or he/she curses and slays an entire community. Such a witch should be very polite, honest, and keeps strictly to the bargain. Every hour the community refuses to willingly hand over a child, a new type of curse sweeps through the whole community - escalating to murder, with the threat being the whole community would be destroyed if they continue to refuse. (Yes, stolen from a Steven King story).

Horror is always a PC that no one suspects, seems perfectly normal, yet is capable of very horrific behavior - A Pathfinder "Dexter" if you will.

Terror - something obviously monstrous out to get you.
Horror - A nice person you meet at a tavern that seems perfectly normal, until you notice the spot of blood on his or her shoe.

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Well, here's a few off the top of my head, though some I've been pondering off and on for a bit...

A mentally unstable female alchemist whose sterility has caused her to obsessed having a child, using alchemy to create one since her own body has failed her. Having performed radical alterations on herself, having no use for a body that can't provide her with heart's desire, she has managed to induce the growth of tumor familiar, which has a the form of a hairless monkey, and whose face hauntingly resembles that of a human baby's, albeit twisted and deformed. It is incapable of speech, but its cries sound disturbingly like that of a child. It cannot survive apart from her for more than an hour or two, only its head and a faint outline of its body visible across her chest, but even while attached, it cries in sympathetic pain when its 'mother' is injured or in emotional distress. She is extremely overprotective of her 'child', and often vicious to those whom she perceives as insulting its hideous appearance.

An aberrant bloodline sorcerer created by the experimental implantation of a piece of a gibbering mouther in his body. He survived the procedure, but strands of black, rubbery flesh weave throughout his body, encompassing one of his eyes, now a featureless green orb that throbs when he casts detect spells. When he speaks, a faint, whispering chorus of echoes seems to speak in unison with him, and hidden beneath his clothing, a small sea of green eyes and tiny mouths flourish. He refers to himself as if he is apart from himself, describing the actions of another, unrelated being. At night, he talks in his sleep, and though he does not consciously remember this chorus of nocturnal whispers, he seems to gain more insight into the natures of aberrations and magic after awaking than he did before his slumber...if such is what it is. He finds himself using aklo without consciously thinking about it, and often feels compelled to draw incomprehensible symbols on walls, papers, sheets...any convenient surface.

A summoner who was a small, petty man who never really had the guts to do any real evil, instead satisfying himself with petty slights and by honing a certain talent for spinning horrifying tales. If he could grant others dreams filled with nightmares or keep them awake twitching at every noise or disturbed shadow, it made him feel like he had power. Yet, after a time, he felt like he could feel a third party listening in to his terrifying tales, something lurking in the darkness, and after a time, he discovered that after he had told someone his finest tale, they would be killed in the manner he had described the terrifying monster killing people. Frightened, he tried to find the truth of the matter - if only so he wouldn't be blamed - only to finally confront the monster, exactly as he had described it. Tall, with no proper face, as if it had melted away to reveal solid bone, except for the thirteen holes that riddled it...but within each of those holes was a shiny black eye embedded in flesh. Blending in with the shadows, it wielded a ripsaw glaive, and its fingers were made of knives. He almost fled...but then realized that this nightmarish tale come to life was under his command...he could describe its actions via his narrative, and it had no choice but to do what he said. Yet, without his narrative, it would do as it pleased, and what it pleased was bloody murder, which pleased its creator not at all...not that he had anything against bloody murder, in fact it rather gave him a thrill...but this entity represented power, and he intended to use it for his own aggrandizement, rather than letting it do as it pleased. Fortunately for him, it recognized him as its originator, not capable of appearing in this world without him telling its tale, so it would not murder him...and as for the rest, clever wording could keep it under control, for the most part...much as it chafed at not being allowed to fulfill its terrifying purpose.

Witch gravitating to the "cook people" hex...
And who has leadership.

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Could be an alchemist focusing on the spear syringe? Caster focused on making potions that aren't too friendly and then injecting them into people.

(speaking of which what happens when you inject someone with a potion of a touch spell?)

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Oh, come to think of it...

A human barbarian (possibly urban barbarian) who acts in a civilized, polite manner most of the time, acting like a well-built gourmet...but his appetite for new foods, particularly meats, has slowly unhinged him, his growing appetites becoming decidedly monstrous, occasionally warping his body when he spots something that looks like it could be tasty, his current adventuring lifestyle chosen to allow him to kill and eat interesting new creatures. Fiend totem to start with as his bestial appetite warps him when he 'rages', and at higher levels, bloody fist and feast of blood from Demonslayer's Handbook, and possibly boar charge and disemboweling tusks from Blood of the Moon...surprise accuracy, deadly accuracy, lethal accuracy, and mighty swing might go along with it well too.

Witch is definitely good for some unsettling things with their spell list, hexes, and mysterious patron, but not really anything particular springing to mind, concept-wise...maybe a witch who really likes to trick people into eating other people? And heads for the enchantment spells to force them to anyways if they catch on?

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