Your S&S characters - who are you choosing?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Hey guys, I know it is early days and the role cards haven't been released yet - but I am super stoked for this game after reading the S&S rulebook. Got me to thinking again about my four-character party and wondered what other players were planning on choosing.

For me my definite choices are:

The Alchemist (he throws bombs. nuff said)
The Magus (love the character art and background - and like the combo of magic and recharging weapons)

Still not sure about my last two spots. Possibly the Oracle to provide a divine caster - and either the swashbuckler or gunslinger for final spot.

So many options! War priest and witch also sound fun too. Hmmm.

Wondered if others had decided on their line up yet, and how they were planning to balance out roles etc.

Well. I'm soloing mostly, and had my lineup pretty clear before I read through the new rules.
I was getting in to the theme of the game and had picked out the Swashbuckler and the Gunslinger on my three character crew to get the feeling of pirates. And then I though to get in the War Priest as the priest part sounded like the closest to a new healer.

Then I read the rules...

The War Priest may probably fall for the Oracle. She seems like a powerful divine caster with lot's of healing powers and predicting some of the future. I loved Kyra. Will this be a new love?

Then I read the play example in the rules and the Magus caught my eye. The combination of spells and weapons seems so fun. So much fun actually!

And yeah. The Alchemist has bombs. Ba-boom!

The only one that didn't really catch my interest of the new heroes was the Witch. And that probably means she's going to become the big hit surprise for me :)

So I'm now debating with my self on expanding the character count for my group. And if I want to run multiple groups on through the adventures. The last one is a bit fiddly, at least from AP3.

I don't know. I have to wait until I get the game/see the character sheets, but maybe I just should shuffle the new characters together and draw three random of them an just play. Let the fate decide :) Choices, choices, choices... (I love this luxury problem).

I've been chatting to my team a bit, although again, with the caveat that they haven't seen any of the cards at all:

I think our RotR Valeros wants to have a go with S&S Valeros as well - the way he speaks it's as if he couldn't imagine playing any other character.
I'm really leaning towards Ranzak, but only if someone else takes Jirelle - I'm NOT not having a swashbuckler in the party. Thankfully, one of our party has sounded like he might go that way, so that would be good.
We've also got a bit more alchemist love, which would be awesome for the party, and then we've got a fifth player who I don't think has given it any thought - I would love him to go oracle, but he's gone through RotR as Seelah and I'm not sure he'd really want to play a (vaguely) similar character...

(Key point, however, is that there will be no balancing. I really advocate people playing whichever character they want to, and if we end up short on something, we'll work round it)

Damiel is my man. I loved him during the playtest and I'm sure I'll love him in the final game. My wife will likely be playing with Merisiel as she always does.

pluvia33 wrote:
Damiel is my man. I loved him during the playtest and I'm sure I'll love him in the final game.

Cool! Are you able to elaborate on his play mechanics? (Not sure if you have to sign some NDA).He sounds a lot of fun.

Grand Lodge

Depending on who my wife chooses, I will probably go with either Magus or Warpriest.

I don't have RotR in front of me, but looking at the S&S rulebook I didn't see an obvious difference between the Valeros-es. Is there one?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
TanRu wrote:

Depending on who my wife chooses, I will probably go with either Magus or Warpriest.

I don't have RotR in front of me, but looking at the S&S rulebook I didn't see an obvious difference between the Valeros-es. Is there one?

Some of his skills went up or down a die size. He's gained Fortitude:Constitution +1.

On his powers, he can only has one feat checkbox for d4 + [] combat help, but also has the checkbox for reshuffling his weapons into his deck right away.

Also, I expect his Roles to be different from his RotR roles.

Dark Archive

My Mom is picking either Jirelle or Lirianne, my sister is going Feiya, and I am most likely going Magus.

Since the Witch is my second-favorite Class in Pathfinder, only beaten by the Paladin, Feiya will be a definite part of the new Team. The rest of my solo-tean will probably change when I see the Character-cards. Especially since the example deck in the rulebook implies that, unlike in the rpg, the witch doesn't have access to divine magic.

I contemplated building a team based on my collected rpg-Chars but that would include 3 Characters not included in Skulls and Shackles.
That Team would be:


where the Ranger could probably be replaced with the Swashbuckler.

Oh well maybe for a later playthrough, perhaps even with the aid of Character-Decks.

Klandestine wrote:
pluvia33 wrote:
Damiel is my man. I loved him during the playtest and I'm sure I'll love him in the final game.
Cool! Are you able to elaborate on his play mechanics? (Not sure if you have to sign some NDA).He sounds a lot of fun.

We weren't required to sign an NDA, but we were asked to not spill the beans on specific gameplay elements and I'd like to honor that. I will say, though, that his background write-up in the S&S rulebook (available in the latest blog post) hints at a lot of his character mechanics. Between that and his suggested starting deck, you can get a pretty good idea about how he plays.

I am going to see how the original odd couple of Lini and Oloch work together. :D

I've been dreaming about the Oracle. Super excited to see all of the characters, and I hope there will be some fun surprises!

Scarab Sages

It's going to be a tough choice. A lot of it may depend on who chooses what characters, as I'm equally fine with playing the Oracle, Magus, and Gunslinger. All the new ones are really cool and interesting - so much so that I'm stoked about having a class deck for some of these come out to give more options (e.g., the Magus or Oracle class deck).

I have to admit: don't really have a huge desire to play the S&S versions of Lem, Lini, Valeros, and Merisiel. I'm way more excited about what's coming in the class decks.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I suspect my girlfriend will play Ranzak, and I will play whatever character would complement Ranzak well. Oloch, perhaps? At first I though we could have a goblin team of Ranzak and Mogmurch, but thinking more clearly I suspect Mogmurch is an Ally, just like Poog.

We've known what we were playing for a long time now, with one potential fiddly-bit. We are actually going through the S&S Adventure Path, and the character choices fit pretty well (Witch=Witch, Druid=Druid, Gunslinger=Gunslinger, Ninja=Rogue, Inquisitor=Warpriest). Combine that with my GF loving the idea of playing a Magus, and we were set. However, a major NPC (homebrew) has stolen the show, while the Ninja has fallen in the background a lot, so there's a chance the Swashbuckler may sneak in.

I love the Swashbuckler, so there's her, and Lini is pretty awesome too. After that... Daniel and Oloch.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

My girlfriend is pretty set on Feiya. I'm thinking about giving Lini a try myself. Haven't really settled for sure - we played Seoni/Kyra during Runelords, and the arcane/divine combo was very strong. Then again, it might be nice to mix it up and play something more different.

While Kyra not being in this one forces my wife to make a choice, Merisiel being a carry-over makes things more complicated for me! Rogues are always my favorite in these games, and Merisiel played so perfectly with her Disable and Acrobatics skill. Though I've really enjoyed playing through with Seoni and trying out Seelah, there's always a point where we hit a barrier and I think "Merisiel would've sleepwalked through that. :(" Disable seems to be the one skill that doesn't have much of an equivalent across all characters, and it's one of the most consistently useful of the uncommon skills (how many times did Lem roll a Knowledge check? 0, I think).

But I didn't know Merisiel was going to be in it until I saw the rulebook! So I'm excited, but now feel torn between forcing myself to try something new and going back to the old and ultra-cool. I'd been psyching myself up for the decision between Lirianne and Jirelle. Jirelle seems like my wife's sort of character, so maybe I'll leave the swashbuckling to her and try something new. I didn't have a concept in my head of what the Alchemist would be like until I saw the rulebook, but Damiel seems neat!

And that's the best part about Pathfinder, I guess, we don't really have to choose. You can always just pick up a new group of characters and start from scratch. The only problem is the monthly schedule gives less time to replay scenarios.

(not the worst problem to have :D)

Im waitingwith my final decision until I se all the character cards. Magus and the Alchemist are having a good chance :)

I also plan to make a 6 character solo party, but Im currently undicided who to include... only Ranzak has a fixed spot on the team.

I will take whatever character matches the best, after the other players in my group have selected the character they want to play...

As per my standard style of play, I will probably play all of the characters solo by the end of S&S, but I will probably start with the characters whose mechanics we have not seen yet before slipping back into more familiar territory.

So this seems a good a place to put this observation as anywhere:

Another thread about mechanics for one of the WotR characters reminded me that there are some really interesting lines in a couple of the character descriptions in the S&S rulebook.

Feiya wrote:
Feiya's familiars, such as her fox Daji, can retrieve her spells for her
Damiel wrote:
By mixing spells and potions into recipes, Damiel can keep resources that other characters would banish without a thought

and, especially

Oloch wrote:
This massive half-orc can marshal blessings and weapons as reservoirs of power, helping others succeed while retaining the cards he needs to help himself

In the playtest, I found Lem, Damiel and Ranzak to be the most fun, but they may well have received some adjustments since then, so I'll have to wait and see.

The_Napier wrote:

Another thread about mechanics for one of the WotR characters reminded me that there are some really interesting lines in a couple of the character descriptions in the S&S rulebook.

Feiya wrote:
Feiya's familiars, such as her fox Daji, can retrieve her spells for her

It's somewhat funny, but it's not Feiya who actually has a Fox in her recommended starting deck. Maybe she don't need her familiar as much. ;)

Dark Archive

I usually play with 2 of us with 2 characters each, so suspect I'll be playing as either swashbuckler or gunslinger + Damiel. Unless my playing partner throws a curve-ball with his selection.

Sovereign Court

I was going to run a class deck character, but with the delays I'll likely run the Gunslinger.

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