travelling from Ardis to Thrushmoor

Carrion Crown

Sovereign Court

hi there
i was navigating in maps and Rule of Evil documents, looking a way to find if there was a "road" between ardis and the south (more precisely to thrushmoor).
i didnt found anything
there is someone out there that has a good idea on how the route can be ?
and the mileage/types of terrain ?

to me is just going south along the Senir river, then probably at the fork between the senir and the high senire there can be a village.
at that point is south through the hungry mountains (height ? passes ?)
down to Hyannis.
from there is down the danver river to rozenport and thrushmoor

the "unknown" part will be the hungry mountains..

There's not too much information on where roads are in Ustalav. So whatever you come up with should work fine, your players won't know the difference.

Movement and Travel
You'll find rules for calculating how many days it will take them to travel non-magically in the above link.

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