Ramblin' Man

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

And I thought the time Tammiflu gave me really bad insomnia was horrible. Nothing compared to the procedure you’re recommended to go through when you hit 50.

The procedure itself was a cakewalk. And the results were great. The prep and following effects, however, suck big, hairy goat testicles.

Scarab Sages

In about 30 minutes, I bring the boy for his first Scouts BSA troop camping trip. He’s excited. His mother is worried.

Scarab Sages

All through the boy’s time in cub scouts, we didn’t have anything to do with Push Mobile. Not out of anything against it, it just never happened.

After all those years, and just a few months into his crossing over to a Scouts BSA troop, and we both volunteered to help out at the even today. It was easy, and fun, with absolutely perfect weather. That said, I don’t personally plan on doing any volunteering like that again. The boy will have to, for service hours so he can advance. I, however, am tired of volunteering my time for something which does not directly benefit me.

Scarab Sages

I always like it when I wake up from anesthesia and the IV is in the same place it was when I went under.

Scarab Sages

The boy is just one or two requirements away from earning his first rank in Scouts BSA. And last night I signed him up for summer camp - a week away from home. The wife is freaking out a bit, though, because I said I wasn’t going.

Scarab Sages

Stoopid medicine.

Scarab Sages

Finally! The last day (hopefully) I have to take two antibiotics and a protein pump inhibitor. What a pain in lots of places this has been!

Scarab Sages

Huzzah! My boy has earned his Scout rank. Now it just has to be awarded to him.

Scarab Sages

My wife got me a ticket for An Evening with Neil Gaiman as a gift. And although I’d love nothing more than to attend, after a bit of research I told her to see if she can get a refund.

Seeing him isn’t worth the extra crap I’d have to go through to meet the entry requirements.

Scarab Sages

I changed my mind about the wife returning the Gaiman tickets. Although I’m not sure I made the right decision. The whole thing is shaping up to be kind of a pain in the ass, logistically.

Scarab Sages

On a side note, getting older sucks. Especially when it’s official.

Scarab Sages

I was guilted into going camping with the scouts this weekend. Ugh.

Scarab Sages

I’m still regretting going on that camping trip last weekend. At least the scouts had fun, though.

Scarab Sages

The wife and I attended An Evening with Neil Gaiman last night. Although the venue sucked balls, I still enjoyed the event immensely.

I was only a little bummed I didn’t get a chance to purchase a pre-autographed book.

Scarab Sages

It seems some posts “no longer hosted” are okay, as long as the moderators agree with them.

Color me unsurprised.

Scarab Sages

Damn, this website is so messed up.

Scarab Sages

Ouch! Mixing and shoveling concrete is most definitely not something I should be doing anymore.

Scarab Sages

What sucks about it is how long it takes to recover. I’ve barely left the house in over a week now. Very inconvenient.

Scarab Sages

Turns out, it wasn’t just the work I did out in that park area last week that had me feeling crappy. I think the wife and I might have actually each got hit with a touch of the flu. Either that, or really bad colds.

Scarab Sages

I’m not sure I see the point of the flagging system anymore, if I one does anything about the posts that are flagged.

Unless, of course, they meet certain criteria.

Scarab Sages

I’ve been rewatching the Clone Wars animated series, and came to realize just how much a wuss General Grievous was. He could barely hold his own in a fight with most Jedi. At least, not without back up, or eventually tucking tail and running. And he even got his ass handed to him by Gungans.

Scarab Sages

I can be such an a-hole on occasions.

Scarab Sages

“It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
A beautiful day in this neighborhood…”

Scarab Sages

What a glorious Monday morning!

Scarab Sages

Well, the boy left with his Scouts BSA troop for Colorado this morning. His first Summer Camp. It’ll take two days of driving to get there (and then another two days back), but he should have an awesome time.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday, America!!! What an awesome country I was lucky enough to be born in!!

Scarab Sages

A picture of the boy at Summer Camp showed him practicing with a harmonica. I will have my vengeance, in this life, or the next.

Scarab Sages

Not long ago, someone I know tested positive for The Disease Which Shall Remain Nameless. No symptoms or any problems from That Disease itself, but it did prevent this person from being able to go to the dentist.

That, in turn, lead to the person being hospitalized and put on anti-biotics for a tooth infection.

Then, just a week ago, this person got hit with appendicitis.

This week, the person is back in the hospital due to after effects of the anesthesia from having the appendix removal surgery.

It’s crazy.

Scarab Sages

Took my daughter to Five Guys for dinner last night. That’s the first time I’ve had a burger in months. I don’t eat a lot of red meat anymore, typically just a bit in the sauce we do with spaghetti each week. And I try to get as little of that as posssible.

Getting old and developing health issues can be very annoying.

Scarab Sages

The wife is back from London. Her plane landed just after 5:30 pm. We didn’t get to her until nearly 7:00 pm. Stupid airport construction.

Scarab Sages

I needed dice for no particularly important reason the other day. So I went looking for mine. Found three of the four bags. One of those, my first dice bag ever, had sadly gotten a little mildewed and nasty. So I moved the dice to temporary bag, and tossed my old one. It sucked, but oh well, that’s the way things go.

And I’m still not sure where my bag of giant dice is hiding. Drives me crazy.

Scarab Sages

Watching the old Burt Reynolds movie Hooper. Such a fun little flick. Probably last watched it more than 35 years ago.

Scarab Sages

It’s getting a little uncomfortable outside these days. I think we’ve either been in triple digits, or felt like we were, going on three weeks or so.

My poor lawn has definitely been suffering.

Scarab Sages

I have become convinced that whomever developed the name name of the spell Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter had foreseen the existence of my daughter.

Scarab Sages

Two days this week we’ve had rain. After about 2 months of hardly anything.

Scarab Sages

Ah, the sweet smell of hypocrisy from the powers that be here. Sad, but not surprising.

Scarab Sages

Holy carp!!! Just back in June was my 17th anniversary of posting on these boards. I can’t help but be horrified at the thought some current day posters might have been small(er) children at the time. Or perhaps not even born yet.

F$&k I’m old.

Scarab Sages

So much has changed since that time: got married, became a father (twice), changed jobs and moved part way across the country, lost my father, lost my career (for a few years), experienced some unwelcome (and likely permanent) health issues, and came to the sad realization that I don’t have a single, actual friend in the entire world (family doesn’t count).

This place has also changed. In some ways for the better, but mostly for the worse. Ah well.

Scarab Sages

Soon it will be school time again! Huzzah!

Scarab Sages

Back to school for the kidlets tomorrow!!! Huzzah!!!!!

Scarab Sages

The house has been so quiet the last few days. It’s glorious!

The dog is very sad and lonely, however.

Scarab Sages

I took the boy to the first Scouts BSA troop meeting for the school year. During the parent meeting, they kept asking for volunteers to help out with various events. I got the strange feeling they were looking at me every time.

Scarab Sages

Debating whether I want to shut down my Netflix account, my Disney+ account, or both.

To be honest, at this point I’m more inclined to say sayonara to Disney +. The most recent shows I’ve watched from them have been….less than good. And the trend only seems to be continuing. It’s pretty clear I’m no longer in their target audience - being someone who appreciates good storytelling and not feeling the need to denigrate popular (and better) characters so second (or third, or fifth) rate ones can be made to seem better. Not to mention the dangly bits. True, there’s a lot of older stuff on D+, but most of what I’d watch I already owned, so there wouldn’t be much loss.

Netflix is the one I’m really torn about. It’s more expensive, but has some shows I really enjoy. Those shows are few and far between however. And at least one of them, Stranger Things, only has one more season (so far as we know). I suppose I could stop it, and start it up again when something I like comes on, but really don’t like doing that.

Something to think on.

Scarab Sages

Good morning so far. When I dropped my daughter off at school, they had some great music on the radio. Then, all the people in front of us in the line weren’t idiots who needed to wait until the doors actually opened to let their kids out. On the way home, I saw some jackass get pulled over for speeding.

And then, I discovered a new, 11th episode of The Sandman had just been dropped on Netflix.

All that, and we’re getting more (desperately needed) rain.

Scarab Sages

My daughter wanted to watch The Incredible Hulk, with Edward Norton. I know it wasn’t a big hit at the time, but I’ve always enjoyed the movie. I think it easily surpasses some of the other MCU films, especially most of the Phase 4 crap.

Scarab Sages

Ordered a book last week. It shipped Thursday from Indiana. By Saturday afternoon it was in a facility up around Dallas-Fort Worth (about 4 hours away maybe). Since then….nothing.

Since it’s the USPS involved, this does not surprise me. I figure there’ll be no updates for about a week or so, then it’ll suddenly show as delivered.

Next time I order from this site, I’ve got to make sure to check if shipping by anything other than the USPS is an option.

Scarab Sages

The boy mentioned the other day that his new school has a D&D Club, and that he would like to join. Of course, he’s never played before, so I told him I could teach him. Which means I’d have to do some studying up on 5th Edition, as I’ve only ever played in a few games.

And, of course, the whole thing might be (temporarily) moot. He thinks only 7th and 8th graders might be allowed in the club (which is silly). If so, he wouldn’t be able to join until next year. I tried to find out myself, but there wasn’t any information on the school website other than the group name.

Scarab Sages

All that said, I’ve got mixed feelings about him wanting to delve into that particular hobby.

On the one hand, I’m ashamed of where some people have taken the hobby. I’d prefer to steer him clear of those kinds of negative influences.

On the other hand, it would be another way for me to spend more time with him, sharing something that I at least used to love.

Scarab Sages

Recently, I was reminded of the old adage about how we “cannot give to anybody anything that isn’t first taken from somebody else.”

It’s disgusting, but not surprising, to see people reveling in what’s been taken from others. That, however, is the way of the world, and a major reason why I distrust nearly everyone.

Scarab Sages

In other news, my comic book store moved locations. They went from a rapidly dying strip mall to a less rapidly dying strip mall.

If they had been smarter, they’d have moved closer to where I live. Maybe even further out than I am.

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