August 2014 New Release Shipment thread

Customer Service

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

You have my sympathies.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hi there,

So... my August order is still pending... still don't have access to the PDFs... and still have no clear date as to when I should expect this to resolve...

"Soon" has been the call word for quite some time now... but it seems that only those being squeaky wheels are getting greased and those of us sitting quietly by are being somewhat overlooked...

Also, I would rather not have a double order of the Skull and Shackles Core Game come September... as it is hard enough to justify the hundred or so dollars a month spent on subscriptions as it is without being double charged for such a pricy product...

Thanks for your time and hopefully this will be resolved soon...

Outlawdog wrote:

Hi there,

So... my August order is still pending... still don't have access to the PDFs... and still have no clear date as to when I should expect this to resolve...

"Soon" has been the call word for quite some time now... but it seems that only those being squeaky wheels are getting greased and those of us sitting quietly by are being somewhat overlooked...

I'm in the same boat. I work in retail, I understand you-know-what happens, I'm being patient and not flooding Paizo with angry calls/tickets of where my stuff is. I know the CS peeps are doing their best to put out the huge nuclear fire that is herein known as Paizogate. I know this is a printing issue that is out of the scope of Paizo's control.

However its been a week since the last shipping day, and so far (short of one email) there has been no status change on my order.

It is what it is, but it looks like I dont have much of a choice but to wait it out.

Liberty's Edge

As you can see from my prior post, I wasn't a squeeky wheel and I just received my shipment email. However, my last name begins with a B, so I tend to be either among thr first shipped (unless they decide to go in reverse alphabetical).

Take heart dear friends, your stuff will ship.

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My last name starts with a P, so I'm stuck no matter what direction they go! :)

I doubt they go by last name, but what subscriptions you get to maximize workflow efficiency and thereby reduce mistakes.

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Man, I got my email just now about it shipping. Boy, I should have posted here a week ago! :)

SCSi wrote:
Man, I got my email just now about it shipping. Boy, I should have posted here a week ago! :)

So you are telling me that posting on here will help get your shipping email faster? This is amazing.

Xroud wrote:
SCSi wrote:
Man, I got my email just now about it shipping. Boy, I should have posted here a week ago! :)
So you are telling me that posting on here will help get your shipping email faster? This is amazing.

Highly doubtful it had any effect on the shipping.

SCSi wrote:
Xroud wrote:
SCSi wrote:
Man, I got my email just now about it shipping. Boy, I should have posted here a week ago! :)
So you are telling me that posting on here will help get your shipping email faster? This is amazing.
Highly doubtful it had any effect on the shipping.

I know ... its sometimes hard to express sarcasm ;)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Its not by last names its by size, content, destination, shipping method and order in which it came off the printer plus whatever other warehouse voodoo goes on down there. They've got a lot shipped today but there are definitely still a chunk to go out next week. These orders are priority for the warehouse and they are flying through them as fast as possible.

sara marie

Sara Marie wrote:

Its not by last names its by size, content, destination, shipping method and order in which it came off the printer plus whatever other warehouse voodoo goes on down there. They've got a lot shipped today but there are definitely still a chunk to go out next week. These orders are priority for the warehouse and they are flying through them as fast as possible.

sara marie

Does this mean for those waiting on shipping emails that we can get expedited shipping perhaps?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I got my Shipping email and access to my PDFs about 1 1/2 hours ago.

I subscribe to the PACG and I received my Skull and Shackles Base Set this weekend, so I'm very excited to play. Weirdly my subscription page shows ANOTHER Skull and Shackles Basic Set coming in September. I don't need two - how do I prevent the extra one from coming?


Bill Racicot wrote:

I subscribe to the PACG and I received my Skull and Shackles Base Set this weekend, so I'm very excited to play. Weirdly my subscription page shows ANOTHER Skull and Shackles Basic Set coming in September. I don't need two - how do I prevent the extra one from coming?


That is just a glitch, which pretty much everyone is experiencing. It will get fixed. If on the off chance it isn't, when you get your "confirmation" email for the September subscription if it is still on there, contact customer service then.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Bill Racicot wrote:

I subscribe to the PACG and I received my Skull and Shackles Base Set this weekend, so I'm very excited to play. Weirdly my subscription page shows ANOTHER Skull and Shackles Basic Set coming in September. I don't need two - how do I prevent the extra one from coming?


That is just a glitch, which pretty much everyone is experiencing. It will get fixed. If on the off chance it isn't, when you get your "confirmation" email for the September subscription if it is still on there, contact customer service then.

Awesome. Thanks!

Dragnmoon wrote:
I got my Shipping email and access to my PDFs about 1 1/2 hours ago.

I will have to live vicariously through you. I am still waiting for my S&S order to ship (order number 3228572).

Agradeleous wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
I got my Shipping email and access to my PDFs about 1 1/2 hours ago.
I will have to live vicariously through you. I am still waiting for my S&S order to ship (order number 3228572).


I just got my an hour ago so it is coming soon. Patience is a virtue and hopefully Paizo has something nice planned to make up for the delays.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I just spoke with Will (our Warehouse manager) and we hope to be wrapped up by Friday, possibly sooner. The reason its hard to tell is that the size of the base set means that only a few items can potentially ship in a box with it and its hard to tell if X number of orders for base sets still pending will require more than one package.

Sara Marie wrote:
I just spoke with Will (our Warehouse manager) and we hope to be wrapped up by Friday, possibly sooner. The reason its hard to tell is that the size of the base set means that only a few items can potentially ship in a box with it and its hard to tell if X number of orders for base sets still pending will require more than one package.

Hi Sara. Thank you for the update. The only thing in my order is the base set. I originally had some card sleeves ordered too but I cancelled them last Friday.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I have to say, I am beginning to get a bit annoyed by the whole thing. I received a copy of the Advanced Class Guide from Amazon today that I ordered a couple of days ago, so I at least have a copy of that.

But my order is still pending, a month after it was initially generated. This is getting not fun.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shem wrote:
This is getting not fun.


I'm not even waiting on a S&S base set - just books. Books are easy to ship. :-( Ah well, I'll keep waiting for my email... Hopefully I'll be able to read Iron Gods by the weekend.

Whoop, my email just came through. Okay, I'll stop mumbling and grumbling now. :-)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

My package showed up today. There's hope if ye still wait!

I finally received my shipping notification for Skulls and Shackles yesterday! I should have it in my paws next Wednesday!

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

[pessimist]I'm gonna be last, I just know it. :-([/pessimist]

Ed Reppert wrote:
[pessimist]I'm gonna be last, I just know it. :-([/pessimist]


I was just about to respond to another post in Customer Service with a REAL snotty answer, but I decided to read this thread, and your post took me out of my funk so I am not responding to the other post.

I am glad that my wife and her friends that are visiting are out to lunch because they would have though that I was crazy because I was laughing so hard.

My dog however, just rolled her eyes at me... lol....

-- david

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

You're welcome. :-)

I really hope the My subscriptions piece gets fixed soon (I know Paizo CS is hoping so as well). The hard part is trying to second guess how much I am spending this month, as not only is the total off but the shipping is also off because of the two base sets, neither of which should be there.

My best guess at the moment is I am going to be charged for the add-on deck and deck 2 at $15.99 each + $6.56 for each in shipping, for a total of $45.10. However if the two base sets showing are also charged then that is $127.96 total plus $22.03 for a total of $149.99. The account I use for gaming can handle $45. It cannot handle $150. So the real concern for me is not when it ships, but just to make sure I don't get hit by an overdraft charge. With all of the confusion and not actually knowing what is going to be charged until the authorization actually goes through, its a bit troubling.

I'm sure the CS team will get it all worked out in the end, but at the moment I am trying to keep a close watch so as not to be call unaware.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

After talking with will and looking at some of the orders with pending Base Sets and it looks like we have shipped what we can ship and remaining orders have payment issues or are waiting for other items to come in.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Oh? My subscription order (#3172827), which includes not only stuff from my August subs, but stuff from my July subs, is still pending. As far as I know, there should be no payment issues and no "other items waiting to come in". I never got a shipment in July, btw.

I did post a question earlier this week about another pending order (#3267152), regarding what seemed (and still seems) to be relatively high shipping, but your answer to that seemed to say that's the way it is, so I figured I'd just let it go. That order shouldn't affect the subscription order anyway, unless you're planning to combine the two, but I've seen no evidence of that.

Please check the status of these orders and let me know what's going on.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

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Sara Marie wrote:
Shem wrote:
This is getting not fun.

I have a strong suspicion this is a lot less fun for the Paizo staff than for us. After all, we're just waiting for stuff to be shipped, they're in a rowboat beached in the middle of the Bay of Fundy watching the tide roll in ...

(I suspect the worst part of it is that they can't do a heck of a lot about it because it feels like a lot of it has been an ever nastier series of software glitches ... which then require manual adjustment ... which then makes the backlog even worse ...)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Sara Marie wrote:
After talking with will and looking at some of the orders with pending Base Sets and it looks like we have shipped what we can ship and remaining orders have payment issues or are waiting for other items to come in.

So if this is the case, is it just more cost effective now to roll these types of orders over to the September shipments for one big mega shipment?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

It depends entirely upon the customer. Most payment issues are resolvable by the customer going to the order history page and retrying from there. If someone doesn't do that, and its still pending, the auth process is *supposed* to combine the orders and retry the payment method. Same thing with orders pending on other items. In an ideal world we would look for orders being held by stuff and see if anything needed to be moved or adjusted, but with a 1633 email backlog, that's not happening anytime soon unless prompted by a customer for a specific order.

Liberty's Edge

Sara Marie wrote:
Most payment issues are resolvable by the customer going to the order history page and retrying from there.

My order 3208888 is still struck, but I don't see any option to retry in the order history page. I don't know if it is struck because there is some material in my sidecart and that somewhat has blocked the system. As the cost to send material oversea are pretty high I want to get a single shipment if possible.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Diego Rossi wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
Most payment issues are resolvable by the customer going to the order history page and retrying from there.
My order 3208888 is still struck, but I don't see any option to retry in the order history page. I don't know if it is struck because there is some material in my sidecart and that somewhat has blocked the system. As the cost to send material oversea are pretty high I want to get a single shipment if possible.

I have forced it through.

Liberty's Edge

Sara Marie wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
Most payment issues are resolvable by the customer going to the order history page and retrying from there.
My order 3208888 is still struck, but I don't see any option to retry in the order history page. I don't know if it is struck because there is some material in my sidecart and that somewhat has blocked the system. As the cost to send material oversea are pretty high I want to get a single shipment if possible.
I have forced it through.

Thanks, I have just got the confirmation SMS from the credit card. I was wondering who was sending it at 23.37, it was a nice message. :-)

I had an expired credit card on file. I updated my account to reflect current payment info. Is there anything else I need to do, or will my subscription resume as normal?
Will the PACG character add-on ship on its own, or will it wait until adventure deck 2 is released and then ship together?

To your second question, the character add-on deck will wait for adventure deck 2 this month, because it was pushed back. So everyone is getting it in this month's subscription, not just you.

Grand Lodge

I'm not sure what happened, I've been watching my subscription for updates and the payment verification got pushed back two times and not it says I'm not getting my shipment until the middle of next month with

Class deck
Adventure deck 1
Adventure deck 2
Adventure deck 3

Is there something wrong with my payment? I would like to not have to wait that long if it is possible to get some of them now.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this:)

Check this post out for an explanation. September subs are hopefully starting to authorize today.

I just got my notification. Everything looks good now.
Also, thanks for the info, Hawk.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

Looks like we included the link for this thread in our 2015 GenCon subscription mailing instead of the correct, 2015 thread which can be found here: We apologize for the confusion.

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