An interesting Impossible Sorcerer


One of the guys in the game group I'm in is working on a Sorcerer with the Impossible Bloodline.
The game will take place at least a good bit in Magnimar, so marrying into the Ardoc family is a strong possibility for him, which makes our bounty hunter company a bit more prestigious as time goes on.
He's basically going to build clockworks and eventually probably a cannon golem or something similar. The GM has no problem with that as the game will certainly take us upwards to level 20 most likely. Now, he broached the subject with us about taking some other interesting feats, specifically the Eldritch Heritage line twice over: some for Arcane Bloodline, some for Serpentine Bloodline. His idea is that for Arcane he'll get a bonded warhammer (goes with the magical smithy sorcerer he's working on) and with the Serpentine Bloodline he'll get a viper familiar which he'll turn into a clockwork familiar with the Improved Familiar feat.
I'm wondering if A: this is legal. B: is it possible? and C: what are the effects of a guy having both a bonded weapon AND a familiar? I never do arcane style spellcasters so I don't really know worth a damn, and I was just wowed at this idea. He's making an insane crafter type, who might take the leadership feat as well.
He's human, will take that focused study alternate racial trait for the skill focus at 1st and 8th level, and from there 1-2 feats in Eldritch heritage for Arcane and 2 feats in Eldritch heritage for Serpentine. The bloodline bonus feats will be crafting oriented mostly, leaving some leftover feats for other stuff. How does this look to everyone? Kosher or what?
I mean, with the right spell list, a good amount of cash, and a portal to the plane of earth, he can build a friggin army for us. Which is awesome.

I'm wondering if A: this is legal. B: is it possible? and C: what are the effects of a guy having both a bonded weapon AND a familiar?

It's unclear. The serpentine bloodline doesn't strictly give you the "arcane bond" class feature, so it really depends on the GM's ruling as to whether it's the same class feature (and thus you can't have both) or a different feature altogether. Personally, for the number of feats he's sinking into this, I'd allow it.

Beyond that I'm uncertain of why a Sorcerer would want a bonded item in the first place. All it really does is let you cast one spontaneous spell once per day, but as a Sorcerer you can already do that as much as you like so there's really no upside but bonded items have a heavy downside.

It isn't, because neither the Serpentine bloodline nor its Envenomed Wildblooded variant grant a viper familiar.

As for the warhammer, sure, bonded objects are less useful for their spontaneous slot in the hands of a sorcerer, but a slot that can be used for any spell is still pretty useful. Plus, a bonded object can be made magical without having the associated crafting feat, which Dasrak failed to remember.

Serpentfriend (Ex): At 3rd level, you can use speak with animals at will with reptilian animals (including various forms of dinosaurs, lizards, and other cold-blooded creatures), and you gain a viper familiar using your sorcerer level –2 as your effective wizard level.

Sovereign Court

Only issue I can see is that the Eldritch Heritage feat does not have the rider that you can select it multiple times, so he can have either Arcane or Serpentine, but not both. Unless the DM allows it that is.

I dont think it is legal to have both a familiar and a bounded object if one is gained from a ability that have the wording " This ability does not allow you to have both a familiar and a bonded item"
Also picking the Eldrich heritage feat more than once will need GM approval.
Getting improved familiar on a class feature that limit the familiar to a vip'er familiar would in my game limit the improved familiar to the fiendish viper IF. But other GMs May be more forgiving.
Several of the things in your friends built need him to speak with theGM about it. I dont think it will be overpowered but it is not really allowed by the rules.

Ahh, ok then. I never realized Eldritch Heritage was a once only type of deal. Good to know actually.
So, he can't go both Bonded Item and Familiar, then he should probably choose familiar. He still wants the warhammer, so he'll probably just go for the Adopted by Dwarves racial trait.

Shadow Lodge

Major_Blackhart wrote:
He still wants the warhammer, so he'll probably just go for the Adopted by Dwarves racial trait.

Which doesn't get him what he wants, since racial traits are not race traits.

He can still carry and use a hammer for crafting. Not being proficient just means massive penalties to hit, which I certainly hope the sorceror isn't planning on running into melee combat. Note: the warhammer doesn't get any minuses to hit when its a coupe de grace situation.

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