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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
Yeah... I get the feeling they're using the term wrong.

Tell that to mewtwo.

The game lists it as telekinesis and psychokinesis, and that is one of the most commonly seen psychic forms of attack in media + when it shows up in the anime it takes the form of telekinesis.... No I think they're using it right. But this is derailing.

Two weapon fighting titan mauler barbarian duel wielding great swords, to one dimensional or frighteningly awesome?

DM Mathpro wrote:
Two weapon fighting titan mauler barbarian duel wielding great swords, to one dimensional or frighteningly awesome?

I mean, that's pretty awesome but multiclass into a titan fighter, helps with decreasing penalties and gives you easier access to the feats since you get so many anyway.

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The Green Tea Gamer wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:

Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.

Thanks. :-D

Double or nothing, Mark. I could use a signed copy of Unchained, too. I'll even raise the stakes. 48 hours. Sound good? Do not respond in 48 hours if you want to give me two signed copies of books you've worked on.

*Gets Excited*

If he actually does send you signed books, I am going to be so mad I didn't try that first.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Deadbeat Doom wrote:
The Green Tea Gamer wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:

Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.

Thanks. :-D

Double or nothing, Mark. I could use a signed copy of Unchained, too. I'll even raise the stakes. 48 hours. Sound good? Do not respond in 48 hours if you want to give me two signed copies of books you've worked on.

*Gets Excited*

If he actually does send you signed books, I am going to be so mad I didn't try that first.

And I am gonna leave such a good review on every website I can find if that happens.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What happens with a clone spell if the subject dies after its completion?


School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 8
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (laboratory supplies worth 1,000 gp), F (special laboratory equipment costing 500 gp)
Range 0 ft.
Effect one clone
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell makes an inert duplicate of a creature. If the original individual has been slain, its soul immediately transfers to the clone, creating a replacement (provided that the soul is free and willing to return). The original's physical remains, should they still exist, become inert and cannot thereafter be restored to life. If the original creature has reached the end of its natural life span (that is, it has died of natural causes), any cloning attempt fails.

To create the duplicate, you must have a piece of flesh (not hair, nails, scales, or the like) with a volume of at least 1 cubic inch that was taken from the original creature's living body. The piece of flesh need not be fresh, but it must be kept from rotting. Once the spell is cast, the duplicate must be grown in a laboratory for 2d4 months.

When the clone is completed, the original's soul enters it immediately, if that creature is already dead. The clone is physically identical to the original and possesses the same personality and memories as the original. In other respects, treat the clone as if it were the original character raised from the dead, including its gaining of two permanent negative levels, just as if it had been hit by an energy-draining creature. If the subject is 1st level, it takes 2 points of Constitution drain instead (if this would reduce its Con to 0 or less, it can't be cloned). If the original creature gained permanent negative levels since the flesh sample was taken, the clone gains these negative levels as well.

The spell duplicates only the original's body and mind, not its equipment. A duplicate can be grown while the original still lives, or when the original soul is unavailable, but the resulting body is merely a soulless bit of inert flesh which rots if not preserved.

It is clear what happens if the subject is dead when the spell is cast. But I see nothing to indicate anything special happens if the subject dies after the clone's completion. A lot of people seem to think if you die and you have a preserved completed clone, you go to your cloned body. Is that how the spell is supposed to work? Or do you just end up with an inert soulless body with no purpose? (As it seems to be written) Not trying to come off confrontational, that's just how it seems to be written to me, I would be happy if it worked the way people think it does.

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How does raise dead work on a second level character? Raise dead leaves a character with 2 permanent negative levels. Two negative levels immediately kills a 2nd level character. There is a provision that gives a first level character con drain instead, saving the 1st level character from immediately re dying.

This provision was from before pathfinder when raise dead caused the recipient to lose an actual level. Under that circumstance a second level character would not be killed. When raise dead was updated to pathfinder, the penalty went from losing a level to two permanent negative levels. The provision allowing a level 1 character to return at the cost of con drain was not changed to reflect the fact that the spell no longer worked on 2nd level characters.

RAW raise dead can successfully bring back a level 1 PC but not a level 2 PC. Can you officially state how that situation should be handled? I think we can all agree that you should be able to raise a second level character but it would be nice to have an official clarification on what the penalty is. I.E. 2 con drain, or 1 permanent negative level and 1 con drain, or 1 permanent negative level and 2 con drain.

From a DM standpoint, I have my players work backwards with negative levels one at a time, and have typically done one negative level (effectively level 1) and 2 Con drain.

As for the clone spell... Read the second sentence in the spell description. It's actually spelled out fairly clearly to avoid misunderstandings/"cheating".

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I'm tempted to go triple or nothing with 72 hours, but I don't want to get greedy. Just my luck and he'd catch wind of this by my quintouple or nothing bet and hit me at a minute to the timeslot.

No, I know when to walk away from the casino.

I'm ready to cash my chips, sir.

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You have to frame it in the form of a rules question, if you want an answer.

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captain yesterday wrote:
You have to frame it in the form of a rules question, if you want an answer.

Incorrect good sir. This is the ask *all* questions thread, not the ask *rules* questions thread. There's an entire sub-forum devoted to that.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, but has he answered any non-rule related questions?

If he has I missed it. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:

Yeah, but has he answered any non-rule related questions?

If he has I missed it. :-)


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We scared him away back on page 70. Quick, everyone go back and delete that page of posts. Maybe he'll come back!

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captain yesterday wrote:

Yeah, but has he answered any non-rule related questions?

If he has I missed it. :-)

Of course! He answers non-rules questions all the time. It's just, most of the questions answered are rules based.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear Mark,

When you take a five foot step after a full round action, what's your favorite season?

And if your concentration is broken while casting a spell, do you play Fallout, if so, which is your favorite to play.


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Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
The tech team still couldn't fix the FAQ Queue, so Robot Chris, in her capacity as Community Glitter-Robot, scraped every FAQ thread up to a certain point by hand and built an Excel file that acts, essentially, as a snapshot of what the FAQ Queue looked like at the time she built it.

Someone needs to give Chris a cake because damn, that's a lotta work.

So he trawls every thread by hand and tallies them?

She, even.

But basically, yes, to my understanding, but she at least does have access to the set of threads with FAQ clicks (it's what the broken FAQ queue became) that has a bunch of those closed triangles like when you hide one of the subforums, preventing you from doing any kind of search, so she at least doesn't have to look through every post on every thread. When she did this, I told everyone in the FAQ Queue thread to go offer up an apology in the Apologize to Chris Lambertz for all your misdeeds here thread as an offering. If you guys want to send her a cake, I'm sure that would be much better. Being a Community Manager means that most of what she has to deal with are people who are upset with some aspect of the community, and I feel like the ones who usually get desserts sent to us are us in the PDT.

[guilt trip]it would be a shame if she did all of that work and then nothing came of it.[/guilt trip]

So any chance of a FAQ update today?

Better question!

How do we go about getting the Roobit a cake?

Great question! We've gotten desserts a few times, and the way it goes is basically fans order them to be delivered to the office, listing who they want to receive them. Not sure what kind she likes, but it would be suspicious to ask. I'm sure she'd appreciate any cake!


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Luthorne wrote:
Given last week's FAQ, do you think the Arcane Trickster's tricky spell ability should be revised, or do you think it's just primarily to be able to attempt to use a spell while silenced? I'll admit, I thought it was tricky since it wasn't spotted, but I suppose it could be tricky because it gets around such problems...

It lets you cast in silence, when restrained, when paralyzed (assuming eschewing) and all sorts of other fun times. But another cool part is if you start casting a tricky spell near the vault, the guards in the next room aren't going to hear you incanting in a clear voice.


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SquirrelyOgre wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Seannoss wrote:

I was thinking about giving my player's druid an armor bonus when they use wildshape, something smaller like +1 per 4 druid levels or around there. I really don't like how the only way a druid can get an armor bonus as via an expensive item that brings them from zero armor to all.

Do you think an idea like that could work or better achieved through other means? I was thinking about feats but druids already have at least one automatic feat with natural spell.

Right now, the main options are buying a bunch of different bardings for every form you choose or wild. Mage armor also works as a cheap solution for +4 and seems to be a favorite that I've seen for druids with weird and non-barding friendly wild shape choices (like elementals).
I'm unclear on this, myself. Does the recent FAQ mean that a druid in medium or heavy wild armor cannot fly in that armor?

Only if it's acting as a mount as well (the only rule restricting to light armor/load is for flying mounts).


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Silver Surfer wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

No offense taken, especially since I wasn't even at the company when the archetype was written. However, as a general fan of the more "cloistered" side of clerics myself as well, I (and many others), think the archetype is pretty cool. Its existence won't stop me from working on other similar options in the future, of course.

Fair enough.... good to hear the possibility of future "clothy clerics"!

Is there a chance of Paizo ever doing a version of the 3.5 Archivist? An INT based divine caster would be great!

Also has the door closed on any future ACG errata? During play testing it was a shame there was no thread geared towards feedback on archetypes. Without wanting to step on toes, I had some ideas for tweaking the Ecclesitheurge?

An Int-based divine caster could be fun. We won't be making non-open 3.5 classes. I recommend that you use your ideas for tweaking the ecclesitheurge in your games; don't wait for the ACG to change. You know your own games better than anyone else does, and they are games where clerics are a weak class. This is not true in most other people's games, but I've followed your posts on the forum, and it is clearly true in yours. That means you're always going to need to do a little bit of tinkering to modify cleric content to fit your games, and I'm totally in favor of every group doing stuff like that. Go for it!


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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Mark, how exactly would a witch use water lung to sleep? She can't use cackle to extend it to keep water lung going until she falls asleep. Although I like the imagery of that. Does it just turn on automatically? Or does she begin sleeping when she drops unconscious from drowning and it activates auto-magically?

Since the ability says she can maintain it while she sleeps, it just works. If you mean "what about in between the last activation and the moment she falls asleep," as a guy who takes a while to fall asleep while Linda can often fall asleep instantly, I see what you're saying, but presumably the game assumes most witches are more like Linda*.

*Note: Not to be taken out of context.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Mark is back! Wooh! Good luck going through the pages.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Xethik wrote:

Mark, you worked on the Unchained Rogue talents, yes? Do you feel that making the Eldritch Raider Minor and Major Eldritch Magic talents scale the same way as the Unchained Major Magic would be fair? They scale 1-to-1 in uses to Chained Major Magic but obviously getting uses equal to half your Rogue level scales differently between first and third level spells.

Obviously this would be a house game so whatever works, works. But I'm curious to hear your opinion on it and if you feel it would overshadow non-Eldritch Raiders heavily.

It's a bit potent, especially for 3rd level spells. Perhaps Give 1/3 level uses for 2nd level spells and 1/4 level uses for 3rd. That still always comes out at or above the original even at 10th level, but is more likely to be in line with the effects of 2nd and 3rd level spells. If it still winds up looking like a bit much, adjust to 1/4 level and 1/5 level, which I'm pretty confident should be OK. Another thing you could potentially do if you're worried is open them up to all rogues, thus alleviating the potential divide between eldritch raider and non, but they seem to be one of the big draws of the archetype, and it does lose skill points, so that would probably hurt the eldritch raider too much, if that's a concern.


Shadow_Charlatan wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Right now, they don't have elementals, so I would say avoid that wild talent for a chao or a phyto, or, for extra cool points, make up your own elemental and use that!


Haldelar Baxter wrote:

How does the burn system from kineticists work in regards to simulacrums ?

Are simulacrums still allowed to use summoning abilities (including summon monster spells, spark of life ) ?

Simulacrum needs its own whole blog (I've written a rough draft, but it's long enough that getting it out, via all members of the PDT reading, commenting, discussing, editing, and reiterating until it's perfect, while keeping to our schedule will be tricky at best). In terms of burn, I believe nothing is stopping one from taking nonlethal damage.


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Shadow_Charlatan wrote:

When we get the simulacrum blog, could we get one for Animate Object too, possibly to help with use with Aether Puppet ?

Also, when using the spell Animate Objects, can that object be created with more Construction points than the base amount you get from it's size ? The information under the creature listing says that having more CP would raise CR but not whether the spell is capable of doing it.

No reason to wait for an enormous blog on this one like simulacrum. It seems simpler and possible to FAQ with a shorter FAQ, so feel free to make a thread. IMO, the spell wouldn't be capable of making an abnormal creation with extra CR, but they might show up from other weird occurrences, like a haunting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Shadow_Charlatan wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
Right now, they don't have elementals, so I would say avoid that wild talent for a chao or a phyto, or, for extra cool points, make up your own elemental and use that!

[shameless plug]

The Aethera Campaign Setting Preview Guide includes part of the wood elemental entry from our upcoming product. Written by Todd Stewart, even!



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MichaelCullen wrote:

I clearly failed my perception check. I looked and searched like 4 times. Man that's bad.

With the understanding that imbue with spell ability and spellcasting contract(lesser) would not work with spontaneous casters because they require spells prepared.

Could a spontaneous caster get around that requirement with wish, limited wish or miracle. Relying on the clause in those spells allowing them to, "Produce any other effect whose power level is in line with the above effects". Effectively swapping spell prepared for spell known and spell per day available?

I am looking for ways for spontaneous casters to grant spells per day and limited wish, wish and miracle may be my best bet.

Andreww's feat will work, and depending on the GM's interpretation, it certainly doesn't seem an unreasonable use of powerful magics.


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wingermage wrote:


does the eidolon gain the benefit and weaknesses of it's Alignment subtype? such as chaotic, evil, lawful,and good subtype.

The eidolon doesn't automatically gain all the stuff listed under the "family" subtypes like (angel) or (agathion), but I believe it does gain the fact that its natural weapons are evil from the (evil) subtype.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Shadow_Charlatan wrote:
If you could cast the Create Demiplane spell, what kind of demiplane would you build ?

I would create a bountiful idyllic demiplane with temperature control, where I could store all my stuff and with really good surfaces to play RPGs.


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Haldelar Baxter wrote:
Do you think there will ever be a mythic ability/feat to progress elemental overflow further ?

It seems that mythic content is pretty light right now, so I wouldn't count on it. Mythic kineticist content (and occult content in general as Rynjin alludes) would be cool, but I'd hope it was focused on doing mythic sorts of things that you couldn't before, rather than numbers boosts. So like a mythic overflow that turned you into an elemental would be cooler to me than one that gave you higher size bonuses and bonuses on attack rolls and damage rolls. I think if we had stuck that way more in Mythic Adventures, it would have wound up having balance issues in fewer groups.


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Spermy The Cat wrote:
Mark, could you settle a dispute between me and a friend? Does Rapid Shot and Haste stack? Can I get two extra shots in during a full round attack?

They are different abilities that each alter how many attacks you get. They no more wouldn't stack than haste and Two-Weapon Fighting.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Xethik wrote:
Mark is back! Wooh! Good luck going through the pages.

I'll start by just doing p70 for now!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mark Seifter wrote:
Xethik wrote:

Mark, you worked on the Unchained Rogue talents, yes? Do you feel that making the Eldritch Raider Minor and Major Eldritch Magic talents scale the same way as the Unchained Major Magic would be fair? They scale 1-to-1 in uses to Chained Major Magic but obviously getting uses equal to half your Rogue level scales differently between first and third level spells.

Obviously this would be a house game so whatever works, works. But I'm curious to hear your opinion on it and if you feel it would overshadow non-Eldritch Raiders heavily.

It's a bit potent, especially for 3rd level spells. Perhaps Give 1/3 level uses for 2nd level spells and 1/4 level uses for 3rd. That still always comes out at or above the original even at 10th level, but is more likely to be in line with the effects of 2nd and 3rd level spells. If it still winds up looking like a bit much, adjust to 1/4 level and 1/5 level, which I'm pretty confident should be OK. Another thing you could potentially do if you're worried is open them up to all rogues, thus alleviating the potential divide between eldritch raider and non, but they seem to be one of the big draws of the archetype, and it does lose skill points, so that would probably hurt the eldritch raider too much, if that's a concern.

Seems like a good compromise to me. Thanks for your thoughts.

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Just don't skip any relevant posts about, oh, certain if-then scenarios...

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I was hoping you might discuss a topic that has floated around RPGs since early on: concepts of fairness. I am currently playing a PFS game where a person has a Dragoon Fighter 1 and Summoner 3. That person has the Undersized Mount feat, which lets him ride his Eidolon. So throughout the course of this adventure, this character has a made the Shield and Sword Fighter and Swashbuckler look superfluous. The combination of mounted combat with the numerous attacks of the eidolon far out-shadow the damage output of the other two combined.

Now let me say that this doesn't really bother me on any personal level. I am playing a support character, so I'm actually glad to have that kind of striking ability up front. But from a game playability perspective, I find it a concern. This does not seem fair to the other frontline players. But that's just a reaction I have while playing the game.

I'm sure many will point that the balance of power shifts. Builds that are effective early, may not be effective late. Circumstances/context also play a part in perceived efficacy. But I think that these things happen in PFS games lends credence to some empirical truth, as PFS is not as subject to random/arbitrary house rules which skew outcomes.

Now that your mindset is that of a developer, do you still perceive situations in which one build or class tends to marginalize others? Or, has your positioned changed the lens through which you view this stuff? I guess I'm really curious how a staffer processes these occurrences?

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Why would someone take Undersized Mount, and then waste it by not riding a pony or possibly a goat or large pig.

So much wasted potential.

Silver Crusade

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
The tech team still couldn't fix the FAQ Queue, so Robot Chris, in her capacity as Community Glitter-Robot, scraped every FAQ thread up to a certain point by hand and built an Excel file that acts, essentially, as a snapshot of what the FAQ Queue looked like at the time she built it.

Someone needs to give Chris a cake because damn, that's a lotta work.

So he trawls every thread by hand and tallies them?

She, even.

But basically, yes, to my understanding, but she at least does have access to the set of threads with FAQ clicks (it's what the broken FAQ queue became) that has a bunch of those closed triangles like when you hide one of the subforums, preventing you from doing any kind of search, so she at least doesn't have to look through every post on every thread. When she did this, I told everyone in the FAQ Queue thread to go offer up an apology in the Apologize to Chris Lambertz for all your misdeeds here thread as an offering. If you guys want to send her a cake, I'm sure that would be much better. Being a Community Manager means that most of what she has to deal with are people who are upset with some aspect of the community, and I feel like the ones who usually get desserts sent to us are us in the PDT.

[guilt trip]it would be a shame if she did all of that work and then nothing came of it.[/guilt trip]

So any chance of a FAQ update today?

Better question!

How do we go about getting the Roobit a cake?

Great question! We've gotten desserts a few times, and the way it goes is basically fans order them to be delivered to the office, listing who they want to receive them. Not sure what kind she likes, but it would be suspicious to ask. I'm sure she'd appreciate any cake!

So just look up bakeries near Paizo and see if they'd deliver?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
The tech team still couldn't fix the FAQ Queue, so Robot Chris, in her capacity as Community Glitter-Robot, scraped every FAQ thread up to a certain point by hand and built an Excel file that acts, essentially, as a snapshot of what the FAQ Queue looked like at the time she built it.

Someone needs to give Chris a cake because damn, that's a lotta work.

So he trawls every thread by hand and tallies them?

She, even.

But basically, yes, to my understanding, but she at least does have access to the set of threads with FAQ clicks (it's what the broken FAQ queue became) that has a bunch of those closed triangles like when you hide one of the subforums, preventing you from doing any kind of search, so she at least doesn't have to look through every post on every thread. When she did this, I told everyone in the FAQ Queue thread to go offer up an apology in the Apologize to Chris Lambertz for all your misdeeds here thread as an offering. If you guys want to send her a cake, I'm sure that would be much better. Being a Community Manager means that most of what she has to deal with are people who are upset with some aspect of the community, and I feel like the ones who usually get desserts sent to us are us in the PDT.

[guilt trip]it would be a shame if she did all of that work and then nothing came of it.[/guilt trip]

So any chance of a FAQ update today?

Better question!

How do we go about getting the Roobit a cake?

Great question! We've gotten desserts a few times, and the way it goes is basically fans order them to be delivered to the office, listing who they want to receive them. Not sure what kind she likes, but it would be suspicious to ask. I'm sure she'd appreciate any cake!
So just look up bakeries near Paizo and see if they'd deliver?

To name drop the one I know from previous fan snacks, we've gotten some goodies from Laura's Gourmet Bakery in the past that were quite delicious.

Silver Crusade

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Hi Mark!

I'm tinkering with a possible Hunter build for a future character, and a couple questions came up:

1. I'm confused about the bite-claw-claw attack routine for the big cat animal companion, and how it works with the Multiattack animal companion ability (and here's the feat that the ability refers to. Because (A) the animal companion rules specify that "All animal attacks are made using the creature's full base attack bonus unless otherwise noted," but (B) that would seem to render the Multiattack null, since there's no penalty to be alleviated (as there would be with secondary natural attacks). What's going on here?

2. I just noticed that the expensive component for reincarnate is listed as a focus rather than a material component. Does that seem right to you? I'd always assumed the oils were a material component, in line with expensive components for other resurrection magic, and it does seem natural to imagine anointing a dead body with oils that are then consumed by the spell. But as-written, you can reuse the oils any number of times. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.



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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Mark, can you answer this question with one word?



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Calth wrote:
Before I make thread about it in the rules forums, figured I ask quickly here Mark. The Steelblood Bloodrager archetype's Armor Training says it stacks with fighter armor training, but it lacks the second paragraph with the two sentences about moving in armor. Considering that the first paragraph is a copy/paste of the fighter feature, and its supposed to stack with the fighter feature, is that omission intentional, or is it a copy-fitting error in the ACG?

It seems intentional. You stack the reductions to ACP and increases of Max Dex while still needing some fighter love to get the speed boost.


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Shadow_Charlatan wrote:
Can the kineticist talents in Occult Realms gained from Elemental Saturation be copied by Omnikinesis ?

Omnikinesis lets you ignore one type of prerequisite only, the element. You still need all the other prereqs. So if you meet the prereqs for it (including doing the things at the place), you should be able to take it with omnikinesis, but not otherwise. Note that Yoon has already done the saturation requirement for fire, so this would apply if you are for some reason playing level 20 Yoon.


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Ssyvan wrote:

Hey Mark,

I was wondering what your opinion is on this. Assume a character has the snapshot chain, paper cartridges, rapid reload, and a dragon pistol.

Assuming there are 3 characters in the dragon pistol's cone, do you attack all 3 on an AoO? Or only the person who provoked?

My thoughts are this:

You only make a single attack against the enemy that provoked.

Attack Of Opportunity wrote:
Making an Attack of Opportunity: An attack of opportunity is a single melee attack, and most characters can only make one per round

And this from Scatter weapons.

Scatter wrote:
When a scatter weapon attacks all creatures within a cone, it makes a separate attack roll against each creature within the cone.
But it still seems strange.

It's weird and hard to adjudicate without GM discretion because normally you make an attack of opportunity against the one who triggered it only; there's just lots of weirdness in general involved with AoE weapons that are weapon attacks and things that assume one target per attack. It could be a bag of rats issue with fast enough reloads and typical number of AoOs from Combat Reflexes with a ranged character's Dex mod, so I certainly wouldn't allow it in a home game.


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thegreenteagamer wrote:

Okay...Let's try a different kind of question...

Morgan Freeman, Sean Connery, James Earl Jones, and Patrick Stewart are abducted from their homes by aliens and forced to participate in a four way gladatorial battle to the death, but the winner is guaranteed all narration jobs on earth until their death.

They start with no weapons whatsoever, but every five minutes a weapon is dropped fifteen feet from the participants, starting with a rock and growing more advanced if the fight manages to last longer.

Who wins? Who dies first, second, and third? Why?

Patrick Stewart and Morgan Freeman are younger, so that gives them an edge. Stewart trained as a boxer, Jones was an army lieutenant with ranger training, Connery was in the navy and a bodybuilder, and Freeman was in the airforce as a radar repairman. So both younger men have some kind of fight training, but maybe not as impressive as the older two, and anyway, that was a long time ago for all of them. So here's how it might go: Stewart's fight training was solely focused on boxing, so he has the early advantage before the weapons come in. Whoever can grab the weapon first has a big advantage, and that might even be Stewart if his boxing is giving him enough zone control, but probably between the three of them one of the others grabs the rock if it gets that far and goes after Stewart first. The trouble is that they're all old enough that they could potentially be incapacitated long before the five minute mark. I think it would come down to which of them has retained their physical shape the best, which I don't really know and can't easily determine by cursory research.


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Azten wrote:
Why do kineticists that start off with Water have to wait until level ten to breath underwater, when those that start of with Air can do it at level one?

It's all about what they're controlling; it's easier, given how their powers work, for a kineticist to bring along air for someone who needs air than to change someone to breathe water. It also gives the two of them different focuses in how they excel underwater, works more easily with aquatic creatures than having the prereqs in the other direction, and is a nice combo for water/air. That said, a solitaire water-breathing talent that didn't also cover water walking could certainly be lower level than the current one that gives both.


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HWalsh wrote:


There are a couple questions that have been awaiting replies, or FAQs, or what not that haven't been mentioned in an errata or anything for a while... Around 3-4 years... Are there any steps we, the community that have been asking, and asking, and asking, can do other than just wait?

This is regarding the funky thing with Paladin Oath Spells and the funky question regarding the Oracle Nature's Whisper mystery.

The FAQ Queue isn't done strictly by FAQ clicks, but it's definitely closer to that than it is to FIFO, so I would recommend seeing if more people are invested in the question; if you guys are more invested, that raises the priority.


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captain yesterday wrote:

I think you guys need to let Mark answer his own questions.

Literally anyone at any time can start their own >>Answer Ye These Riddles Three<< thread.

As far as I can tell, I was not actually asked to answer the paladin or nature question. For the record, I think it's pretty clear that nature is capped by Max Dex (with presence vs absence of a line that you would have applied to all of them if some of them didn't have it and some not, it's usually copyfitting that decided that).

Silver Crusade

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Mark, Pain is the only psychic discipline that uses both Charisma and Wisdom as secondary abilities (Charisma determines the number of points in the Phrenic Pool and the number of times one can use Painful Reminder; Wisdom determines the number of Phrenic points that can be regained through Power from Pain).

Was this intentional or a typo?

Well, that still leaves a Hydro waiting until 10th level to breath water. I wasn't talking about giving the ability to someone else, just letting Mr. Hydro do it.

Just seemed weird.

Did you have a good Thanksgiving?

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