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Speaking of Kineticist stuff Mark, I dunno if this has been asked before but does the Ability Focus feat apply to any of the kineticist's abilities?

Silver Crusade

Mark, why could a high strength character, 20+ strength not use a 2 handed weapon in on hand w/o any penalty. 2 handed weapons are just large versions of one handed weapons designed to inflict greater damage when they hit.

Rysky wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
It'd be a Christmas miracle!
Oddly, the answer is the reverse: probably not because of a holiday miracle (that being that we actually had significant snow stickage, rare for around here, so I'm unexpectedly the only Design Team member in the office today due to living nearby).
So all the power's in Mark's hands now...
I don't have the clearance to have all the power. Instead I have none of the power. It's gotta be one or the other.
Aww, so we're not gonna get a pile of Kineticist FAQs?

I would have liked these ask well ._.

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Mark Seifter wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
It'd be a Christmas miracle!
Oddly, the answer is the reverse: probably not because of a holiday miracle (that being that we actually had significant snow stickage, rare for around here, so I'm unexpectedly the only Design Team member in the office today due to living nearby).

You accidentally left off the "BWAH HA HA!"

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James Risner wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
FAQrrangement; now we can have PComp and CS FAQs even if they aren't literally #1 in clicks like before (thus using our usual algorithm for choosing FAQs instead of the much stricter one), as long as PFS has already done the legwork for their Campaign Clarification document. Woohoo!

A FAQrrangement is an arrangement, and a cool one.

What's a PComp, CS FAQ and how does that relate to Campaign Clarifications?

I thinking I hearing that any FAQ that already has an answer in a Campaign Clarification is possible to be fast tracked with sufficient clickies on a proper FAQ thread?

PComp is player companion and CS is campaign setting.

These books are notorious for NEVER getting any FAQ, because it take the PDT and the team for that line to meet up and talk it over.

The FAQrrangement is saying that if PFS goes and talks to the team for that line and gets their take on stuff, that they can hand over that info to the PDT and the PDT can sign off on it if they agree with the fix and make a FAQ, requiring very little work for the PDT, thus allowing these to bypass the queue.

Do you think we'll see any FAQs before next year? It's already been a long time without FAQs, the most recent being Oct 21st I believe.
Have FAQs dropped in priority? I feel they were already near the bottom, but you managed to get it in most weeks. But since like Pathcon, the flow seems to have steadily decreased. Any particular reason or has it really been just a string of bad luck?

Silver Crusade

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Starfinder has had an impact I would say.

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Looking at it from a logical stance putting effort into SF makes the most sense really. It could be a big income boost for Paizo.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

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Chess Pwn, I also think the number of "in desperate need of clarification" has reduced.

The only contested stuff now is like:

  • Spell Combat with Whirlwind
  • Overrun, Elephant Stomp, Charge Through - how they work together
  • Thunder and Fang for double Earthbreaker
  • Thrown Melee weapon benefit from bonuses to melee weapon effects?
  • Oracle Spirit Guide for Arcane Enlightenment - work or not?

At least that's the only things I remember people disagreeing in the last month.

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There is still the very longstanding "how do bardic masterpieces actually work" issue as well as what does Simulacrum actually do.

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And I am very interested in the Gauntlet FAQ which is supposed to address the 'secret Herolab FAQ.' I'd really like to know how they work before playing an Esoteric Magus.

Liberty's Edge

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James Risner wrote:
Thunder and Fang for double Earthbreaker

I thought that one was resolved by the CotCT hardcover.

That said, the one I'd most like to see is whether a two-handed weapon wielded in one hand (e.g. because it was crafted for a smaller creature or because of an ability like Jotungrip or Quarterstaff Master) qualifies as a one-handed weapon for feats and class abilities.

So sad, Mark didn't answer my question :'( Guess I will just have to ask again then.

Ofunu wrote:
Back to the Kineticist questions. If I have the Expanded Metakinesis, choosing the Disruptive Spell option, how would it interact with a Mobile Blast? How would a Mobile Blast interact with the Metakinesis Twice, for that matter?


I am having trouble finding your response to
this question regarding the range of the Oceans subdomain and its Surge ability. What is the range?


Surge (Su): As a standard action, you can cause a mighty wave to appear that pushes or pulls a single creature. Make a combat maneuver check against the target, using your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier as your CMB. If successful, you may pull or push the creature as if using the bull rush or drag combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Faelyn wrote:
Hey Mark, I am curious about certain spells or abilities that add to a character's damage rolls and how they might affect Kinetic Healer. We know that Elemental Overflow adds to Kinetic Healer, but what about Inspire Courage, Good Hope, etc.? I know most of those specifically call out Weapon damage rolls, so I believe they do not affect Kinetic Healer, but I could be wrong. Also, are you aware of anything other than EO and Kineticist Diadem that might increase the amount healed by KH?

OK whew, finally got a breather again from Starfinder. Starfinder is a big big project and there's always another component that needs my attention (at least usually, I'm about to get another big chunk at 2 though so I have 15 minutes).

I'd agree that it wouldn't apply things that added to weapon damage rolls in general, so like EO, diadem, +Con are the main ways to up it.

Thanks for getting back to, Mark! Much appreciated!

James Risner wrote:

Chess Pwn, I also think the number of "in desperate need of clarification" has reduced.

The only contested stuff now is like:

  • Spell Combat with Whirlwind
  • Overrun, Elephant Stomp, Charge Through - how they work together
  • Thunder and Fang for double Earthbreaker
  • Thrown Melee weapon benefit from bonuses to melee weapon effects?
  • Oracle Spirit Guide for Arcane Enlightenment - work or not?

At least that's the only things I remember people disagreeing in the last month.

And the Monk's US and when it gets to count as a natural weapon and that it's not primary or secondary


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TrinitysEnd wrote:

Sorry Chris! I'll just repeat the question I had asked that got deleted due to the other half of the post.

Do you read any webcomics? If so, which ones?

I do! I read Order of the Stick when it updates (I tend to have it open on my browser and check for the sporadic updates), and I picked up Erfworld from when it was on that site.


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Vrischika111 wrote:

I asked the question in a new thread in rules forum, but then I thought I might try my luck here:

asking the God of kineticist (not my words, even if I agree ;op )

** spoiler omitted **

I get the 1st part however Ravingdork raised an interesting question in another thread :
1/ what does nearby mean ?
can it be the unattended potion from the other side of the room ?
can it be the table (using Telekinetic Haul) from the opposite side of the guy hiding behind desk (thus negating cover)

2/ my main question is : Why ever use the 2nd option ?
e.g. let's talk Lvl 7 and above (before , having the need of special material is not quite often encountered)
my blast deals 4D6+4+Con (+overflow)

what's the purpose of using the 2nd option, to throw a cold iron sword towards...

1) This comes up a lot, mainly because telekinesis is hella complicated. I'll try to be consistent with my previous answers, but I can't remember where they all are: I'd say however you define nearby, the trajectory for the attack starts from your square, so assume it floats up to towards your hand and then flings, so it won't negate cover.

2) The second option was added at the behest of some savvy playtesters who found those low level corner cases with special materials or other items that have a particular effect that they would prefer to the telekinetic blast. It is purely to cover those corner cases and is not supposed to be the option you want to use except in those situations.


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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Mark, what do you use to fuel your design engine?

I generally try to fuel my design engine with enthusiasm. It's a limited resource, so some days that works better than others. If it doesn't, I can always use anxiety as a back-up fuel because it's a renewable resource.


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Lemartes wrote:

Mark I think it was you that had a hand in the Manasaputras? If so what do you think about a playable pc race based on Manasaputras that would be similar to say an Aasimar?

I don't think that a plain Aasimar does them justice even though they are good aligned outsiders perhaps a specific bloodline of them maybe. However, I feel that they should be a completely new race. I suppose a Samsaran sorta fits the bill but more as something that might become a Manasaputra than something that is part Manasaputra.

It would be awesome if they were an addition to an upcoming bestiary. ;)

In the meantime how would you build one?

My first attempt is: Enlightened Vessel

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Manasaputras are wise and move with sublime efficiency but their flesh is partially insubstantial. They gain +2 Wisdom and +2 dexterity, but suffer -2 constitution.

Type: Manasaputras are outsiders with the native subtype.

Size: Manasaputras are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Base Speed: Manasaputras have a base speed of 30 feet.

Languages: Manasaputras begin play speaking Common and Celestial. Manasaputras with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Draconic, Samsaran, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Sylvan. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defense Racial Traits

Flesh of Cosmic Fire: Manasaputras have fire resistance 5 and a 15% chance to ignore a critical hit or precision damage attack this does not stack with any other similar ability to ignore critical or precision damage.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Skilled: Manasaputra have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.

Magical Racial Traits

Spell-Like Ability (Sp): Manasaputras can use Analyze Aura once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the Manasaputra's class level).

Senses Racial Traits

Darkvision: Manasaputra have...

I helped out and did a development pass on them, though Erik is the best manasaputra guy at the office. I would say that based on the manasaputra lore, samsarans are the best fit for "touched by the manasaputra" or "on the path to manasaputra" and "mommy/daddy was a manasaputra" doesn't really fit them as an outsider type. That said, I'd say the mechanics seem roughly on par with other aasimar.


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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Mark, the slow and steady dwarf racial trait says that their speed is never modified by armor and encumbrance. So they still suffer the max Dex bonus and ACP since those are not considered speed if the dwarf is affected by armor and/or encumbrance?

I can't believe I have been playing for so long and never thought of that before...

Yes, those aren't speed. Egads, Dex dwarves in full plate would be weird otherwise (not to mention ignoring ACP would mean you effectively gain all proficiencies for free).


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dynilath wrote:


Daze(mass) is 8th level bonus spell for tranquility psychic.
But it is a 3-level spell for psychic.

Ethereal Jaunt is 6-level psychic spell and is also 14th level bonus spell for Dream and Self-perfection.

Are they designed to be like that?

Being 1 level higher is indeed a tad odd. I know when we checked that we got a spot errata out for overwhelming presence being too low somewhere, but not sure about those. Logan might know but I'm guessing that's long enough ago that he wouldn't remember.


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Hayato Ken wrote:

Is there any opinion on sylph aerokineticists and air affinity?

I mean, it´s a little sad sylphs make such bad kineticists with their -2 CON. Perhaps air affinity could work for them like for sorcerers?

This has been asked a few times; those affinities don't work for the geniekin races as written, and to be honest I don't recommend house-ruling them in because the amount they would add is too expansive of an increase compared to the other classes where it might help you with a domain power. That said, I agree with Isabelle's post below yours, and having something else cool for the geniekin (and fetchlings for void, etc) has been something I've wanted to do since day 1.


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Forrestfire wrote:

I've got a bit of an odd question that came up in my group. At the time, we ruled it conservatively, but after doing some digging, I'm honestly wondering how it's meant to work.

If I use Empower (or Maximize) Spell on a spell that has a source of dice-based bonus damage (in particular for this case, sneak attack), do those additional dice get affected too?

I found this post that seems to imply that the bonus dice would, but it' from 2010 and I wasn't sure if it still held.

The FAQ on Empower Spell says that the feat works on numerical bonuses, but the state of bonuses like sneak attack's damage boost feels vague.

So, I guess my question is: is there a ruling (or rule somewhere that I missed) you know of for how bonus dice work with Empower and Maximize spell? If not, what are your thoughts on this?

I'd say that it probably wouldn't be maximized since it's additional bonus damage on your damage roll that comes from the source of sneak attack, rather than being the spell's variable numeric effect, but I can see the other side as well.


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Hayato Ken wrote:

I have a question about automatic bonus progression, not sure if that was adressed before or somewhere else, didn´t find something.

I´m currently running Hells Rebells with this on a 15 PB, but with a rather large party of, where most times one or two players are missing.
Now a character died due to a spell crit on level 3.

** spoiler omitted **

The player wants an unchained summoner now, which is the third person with a pet (cavalier with a big cat and a spiritualist). Besides having many pets now (which i might add as PC´s into the APL depending on how the next combats run then), there was the question wether the automatic bonus progression boni work only on the character itself or on the pets as well, or if they have to decide where to apply the bonus.

Thanks for consideration.

Given eidolons already sort of had that whole "one of you gets the slot but not both" rule going on, it seems pretty appropriate to me to divvy up the bonuses between the eidolon and the summoner. That said, it really depends on how nice you want to be to pets; I've seen opinions ranging from pets breaking everything to pets being too weak and dying/not contributing, and the wonderful thing about Unchained houserule territory is you can tailor how you rule pets to suit your group's experience with them! (and you needn't pick the same option for eidolons as you do for animal companions if you don't want).


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KingOfAnything wrote:
Do "Change Shape" abilities given to familiars by class archetypes (Chosen One, Magical Child) emulate a specific spell? If not, what abilities from the chosen shape do they grant?

The trick here is that outsiders and the like don't have a polymorph spell. In these cases, since it's reverting to a form it once possessed, I'd be likely to grant it all its stuff from the old form's creature entry. Though that isn't typical for polymorph effects, it's less likely to be abusable than allowing such a thing for any other polymorph effect, since you previously had access to all those abilities before.

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Mark Seifter wrote:
The trick here is that outsiders and the like don't have a polymorph spell.

Is this by design, or by chance? Is there a specific design reason why polymorph spells for the remaining types (particularly aberrations and outsiders) don't exist yet? Or is it as simple as "we haven't gotten around to it yet"?


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Renkosuke wrote:

Hi Mark, I come bearing strange and (perhaps) unusual questions!

This comes from my attempt to build a YoYo mage from a Void Kineticist. You may already see where this is going.

Question 1: How many times in a single round/action can a character be affected by a spell-Wall? In general, I'm talking about things like Wall of Fire that deal damage to creatures that pass through it, although I'll be trying to apply this logic to the Kineticist Wall infusion as well. For example, let's say our friend David the Dwarf is presented with a wall of fire, which he decides to move through, taking the fire damage as normal. He then sees a host of, say, 500 goblins on the other side staring him down, and, realizing that he probably can't deal with them by himself, decides to run back through the wall on the same turn. Would he take the fire damage again?

Say that he's a little braver than (or perhaps just not as bright as) your average dwarf and decides to hold his ground instead, but then got bullrushed by one of the goblins who had readied an action for the moment he appeared, back through the wall. Would he take the fire damage from the forced movement through the wall? Would it make any difference if the action was not readied and he was simply bullrushed on the goblin's turn?

Question 2: The Pushing Infusion wild talent says that it cannot be used with any form infusion that would fail to create a clear direction to push in, like Mobile Blast or Wall. This makes sense. However, Pulling Infusion doesn't have that line, and also says that the blast always drags the foe closer to you. Is it appropriate to interpret this as you creating a gravity field such that whenever the blast deals damage to an opponent and succeeds in the CMB roll, it will pull that opponent closer to you regardless of where your position was when the ability was used? To be more specific, if you created a Gravity Mobile Blast, Gravity Wall, Gravity Singularity, etc. with the pulling infusion, would it always pull a creature...

Interesting premise. From the text, moving through the wall seems to cause the damage and thus should do so with several move-throughs, though in situations more extreme than even the one you present (like reverse gravity that doesn't reach the ceiling and a horizontal wall at the point where the reverse gravity effect stops), there probably should be some ruling to establish a fair number to use for "many" crossings. In your case, the crossings are more obviously atomic than in the one I proposed. The dwarf might be able to avoid crossing twice in your goblin example by pulling back while inside the wall, thus crossing it once. I figure pulling pulls you towards the blast's origin point (so singularity keeps pulling you back into the pain zone rather than towards the khao who created it), but if a GM ruled the other way (which isn't unreasonable with the "you" in there), I think the entire setup you have works (albeit you probably have one crossing per yo-yo, not two, since they get pulled out right when they take the wall damage). I would definitely allow pulling to get extra max distance on super-high CMB checks with more burn, even though it couldn't fit.


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Squiggit wrote:

It makes sense that adamantine isn't weak to itself, but on the same token it feels kind of weird that adamantine isn't any better at cutting adamantine than steel.

The mooncursed barbarian is a pretty cool archetype. Lots of fun stuff that can be done with it, but at the same time the animal choices aren' very well balanced. Do you have any ideas what someone could do to try to make the weaker options more appealing?

Specifically: Tiger just gives you everything you want in a melee build and Wolf is fairly serviceable if you're interested in trip (or just want to run as fast as possible), but Bear is literally just a worse Tiger and Boar just doesn't really offer much of anything unless you really need a 'weird' natural attack. Otherwise it's a slightly more damaging Wolf that loses trip and +10 speed, which sounds okay until you remember how great Tiger is at damage.

Shark and Crocodile meanwhile both feel really punishing if you can't leverage their swim speed (shark turns into a crappier wolf and croc ends up kind of sort of as a weaker tiger with half the speed). You can argue that's kind of okay, because swim speeds are a big part of what they offer, but I feel like aquatics are rare enough in a typical campaign that it's too punitive.

Second, how does Mooncursed interact with animals that have multiple subspecies in Pathfinder? Do you pick at the start of the campaign? Do you have to pick the most generic one (i.e. 'animal, common' version)? If not, can you pick every time you shift?
If no to the second one, given that the FAQ indicates that the original creature's size isn't important can you pick a larger version of the creature even if an appropriately sized one exists (i.e. can a level 6 mooncursed turn into a medium polar bear or does it have to be a black bear? Can a level 12 mooncursed turn into a large black bear instead of a grizzly? etc)?

This.. generally doesn't matter at all, but Crocodile gets slightly more appealing if you can pick Deinosuchus from level 1 and...

I am just generally overall annoyed by the fact that tigers >> bears in every aspect of the game (from animal companions, to wild shapes, to mooncursed), and I think it would take a more fundamental recalibrations of bearings on those two animals to fix it in a way that would seem completely satisfying rather than "oddly my bear guy has this ability no bears actually have". That said, I'm with you.

I agree that the shark hybrid still has legs and uses her normal speed.

I'd say you turn into an appropriately-sized version of the base creature from the bestiary, rather than a variant, but I'd say if someone wanted to thematically be a polar bear or something else that wouldn't have a mechanical effect, I'd be fine with it.


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wingermage wrote:

Hi mark

If there is a pc observing a shadow creature in normal light(giving shadow creature concealment),could the shadow creature uses Stealth skill directly?

Since it's blending into the shadows, I would tend to allow it.


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Gisher wrote:


Does the Archmage Seance Boon apply to Telekinetic Projectile? The spell lacks the Target descriptor but the description mentions a target multiple times.

PRD wrote:
Seance Boon: Your damaging spells deal an additional 2 points of damage of the same type that they would normally deal to each target.
PRD wrote:

Telekinetic Projectile

School evocation; Level occultist 0, psychic 0, spiritualist 0

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Duration instantaneous

Saving Throw no; Spell Resistance no

You fling an object weighing up to 5 pounds at the target. You must succeed at a ranged attack (not a ranged touch attack) to hit your target; if you hit, you deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage to both the target and the object. The type of object thrown doesn't change the damage type or any other properties of the attack, even if you throw a weapon or magic item in this way.

I'd definitely allow it.


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Lou Diamond wrote:

Mark what would you think of a metamagic feat that would allow the caster to reshape the magic effect on the fly for instance a Fireball would become a Ray or a lightning bolt become a 30 blast.

What do you think about a metamagic feat that would allow an arcanist to empower his elemental attacks same for Maximizing the effect.

For the first one, words of power is pretty good at doing that, so the caster might consider taking that feat that lets you dabble in wordcasting.

For the second, it would seem that Empower Spell and Maximize Spell would cover it.


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wingermage wrote:


An Eidolon summoned using the spell Summon Eidolon with Augment Summons feat could get +4 Str and +4 Con (for duration of spell)?

It seems that way to me, and it also can't get through protection from evil either at that point if I'm reading all the complex interactions right. I'm not an expert in part because our group banned summon eidolon almost immediately on release (I was playing a summoner in Linda's Council of Thieves game (playtest and then final), and we all agreed that having a way to summon my eidolon back on the same day it dies would be too much).


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FiddlersGreen wrote:

Hi Mark, I saw your name on the list of Familiar Folio authors, so I thought I'd run this question by you.

Merge with familiar

Merge with familiar wrote:
While merged, your familiar can't be targeted or affected by any means (including ongoing effects).

What does it mean that the familiar cannot be "affected by any means (including ongoing effects)". How does that interact with the durations of ongoing effects?

For example:
Round 1: Familiar is hasted for 7 rounds and hit with an acid arrow that will burn for 3 more rounds.
Round 2 and round 3: Familiar's master merges the familiar with himself.
Round 4: Familiar separates from master.

When the familiar emerges in round 4, is he:
1. Still hasted for 7 rounds and due to take 3 rounds of acid arrow damage?
2. Hasted for 5 rounds and due to take 1 more round of acid arrow damage?
3. No more haste or acid damage at all?

I wrote the familiar archetypes and non-familiar archetypes, but I can take a stab at interpreting the spell: I agree with you that it's unclear but I guess it would work mostly like option 2 (except by my count, there's one fewer tick of each of them, depending on when you increment ticks in your game between beginning and end of turn). As usual, everything I say here is only my opinion and doubly so if it's a PComp or CS question.


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Renkosuke wrote:

Hi Mark!

I have another question that I've been wondering about for a while, but always forget to ask. It's a little more tame than my usual questions though :P

How exactly does the ongoing fire effect from Burning infusion work?
So the main points I'm wondering about are:

1) When do you take the first "tick" of damage? Is it when you first fail the save (ie: when the blast hits you), or is it the beginning/end of the turn after your first tick? If it's the latter, do you essentially get another save that next turn to remove the effect before you start taking ongoing fire damage?

2) What save DC do you use for the ongoing effect? Is it your substance infusion's save DC, or is it the standard DC15 to put out fire?

3) When does the target save for the effect? Is it on your turn or his own?

In regards to these, the only hints I could find are from the environmental hazard rules that imply you would take the damage when you first catch on fire, and then you could put it out on your own subsequent turns using the (usually lower) DC of 15. I see a lot of people play this very differently, so I was hoping to get some input on you for the original intent of the ability and/or how you would run it.

Thanks as always!

Ongoing effects aren't terribly clear in Pathfinder in general, but I'd say you would apply it like an ongoing effect, once per round, rather than every time on-hit. When that is really depends on when your group does ongoing effects. For instance, my group generally deals with them at start of turn, but Logan prefers to deal with them at end of turn so ongoing damage doesn't KO you right when you thought you would have a turn. As to the DC to put out the fire, I see the ambiguity on that one (it doesn't help that putting out fires is not always handled consistently; some cases you get a clearly free check each round and in others it seems you need to spend actions to get a chance to put out the fire); I'd tend to answer based on whichever way you apply the action economy: if it's a freebie, it might make sense to use the full DC whereas if it's costing them a turn, the low DC makes sense because losing a turn is already a powerful effect.


Lou Diamond wrote:
Mark, would you see anything wrong with a Mythic tier 1 power enduring Shield, it works exactly the same as enduring armor except it changes the armor bonus to a shield bonus? I made this for casters who wear armor.

It seems significantly more powerful, both since the base spell that gives an armor bonus lasts 60x as long as the base spell that gives a shield bonus and because a shield bonus saves even characters without ASF a hand, whereas an armor bonus doesn't help them. Assuming you find enduring armor to be a balanced mythic tier 1 power, I'd recommend reducing the bonus from the shield option or maybe making it an option that powers up a shield you hold (so you still have to use a shield).


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Lou Diamond wrote:

Mark I have a question on Magus spell combat interacting with Mythic Component Freedom [Somatic].

Spell Combat (Ex): At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.

Since Mythic Rule set where Component Freedom is was written after the APG would Component Freedom Supersede the bolded text on somatic components?

Component Freedom removes somatic components, which works just fine, but the magus restriction applies whether or not the spell has a somatic component, so it would still apply.


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captain yesterday wrote:
How many Woodchucks could you chuck, if you tried to chuck Woodchucks.

I'll assume I'm answering the question around now-ish or when you asked it, so right before/during hibernation when woodchucks are at their maximum weight. In that case, it depends on whether there's a large amount of alfalfa in the local area, which could lead to woodchucks weighing almost three times as much as the more usual ~9 pounds right before hibernation. Since alfalfa is common in California, Idaho, and Montana, all relatively close to Washington, let's say there's plenty of alfalfa for the purpose of this question. In that case, it significantly reduces the number of woodchucks I could chuck, since my Strength is pretty low and a single 30 pound woodchuck with each hand with a really limp toss that barely made it very far would likely be my limit.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Or did he mean Woodchuck cider?


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Tacticslion wrote:
Chuck Norris?

Bruce Lee, Way of the Dragon.


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Alexander Augunas wrote:

I'm trying to decide if I want to tweak my PFS build slightly to recruit an improved familiar from a PFS game I ran (the type of familiar is in the spoilers section).

Generally speaking, what's your thoughts on improved familiars, particularly the one I noted below.

** spoiler omitted **

It's a cool character. Powerwise they have a good set of stuff taken by itself, but there are other improved familiars that sort of one-up what they have. They are a little smaller than usual for an Improved Familiar and also have the compression ability, which means they can fit into things with really small holes though.It's not really the fault of the critter in question, which is still a good deal for an Improved Familiar feat, but more so of the other options being too strong. I mean my bard's lyrakien familiar in Kingmaker was the kingdom's Grand Diplomat and a fair hand with a staff or a bow, in addition to a source of commune and always freedom of movement-ed.


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Darth Blaster wrote:

Hi Mark, I have a question about Barbarian's rage power unexpected strike.

Unexpected Strike (Ex): The barbarian can make an attack of opportunity against a foe that moves into any square threatened by the barbarian, regardless of whether or not that movement would normally provoke an attack of opportunity. This power can only be used once per rage. A barbarian must be at least 8th level before selecting this power.

If your enemy use 5 ft step to move into your threatened square,will this rage power grant you an AoO?

I would say it does, since it specifically gives you one regardless of whether or not it would normally provoke, but I can see the other side; it depends on which counts as being more specific here.


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Renkosuke wrote:

More questions! So many questions!! AGHHHHHH

*ahem* Excuse me.

Does the Elemental Ascetic's Flurry count as having the Flurry of Blows class feature for feats such as Pummeling Style/Jabbing Style?

Pedantically I could see how it may not count for prereqs due to having a different name, but when using it, it says you're making a flurry of blows, so in that case it would definitely count, if that makes sense? I would tend to allow it in both cases in a home game though anyway.


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johnlocke90 wrote:
How does an unchained monks Flurry of Blows work in Revised Action Economy?

Lots of possible ways. Consider working it like haste where it gives you an extra bonus attack, but in this case, you'd likely want to give the bonus attack last so you can make sure all the attacks were with flurry-legal weapons. This would make the monk particularly mobile, since the monk would be able to make just as many attacks as another character even while moving once per round.


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I do not know what it is. wrote:

Hello mark.

About bloodstained gloves.

How many race it could take effect at the same time?

I agree with Rysky, presumably soaking thoroughly in new blood would wash off the old blood.


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Luthorne wrote:

Here's an oddball question for you, raised via some discussion with some friends of mine (not something we've tried in a game or anything), and was curious how you'd rule it.

Essentially, I was reading through mirror image, and noticed the line:

Core Rulebook wrote:
An attacker must be able to see the figments to be fooled. If you are invisible or the attacker is blind, the spell has no effect (although the normal miss chances still apply).

And in the Universal Monster Rules for Gaze Attacks, it reads:

Bestiary wrote:
Wearing a Blindfold: The foe cannot see the creature at all (also possible to achieve by turning one's back on the creature or shutting one's eyes). The creature with the gaze attack gains total concealment against the opponent.

And in Combat section of the Core Rulebook, it says:

Core Rulebook wrote:
You can't attack an opponent that has total concealment, though you can attack into a square that you think he occupies. A successful attack into a square occupied by an enemy with total concealment has a 50% miss chance (instead of the normal 20% miss chance for an opponent with concealment).

So, basically I suggested that a character could close their eyes (presumably as a free action), and attack the square a caster affected by mirror image, instead treating them as if they had total concealment for a 50% miss chance (possibly modified by Blind-Fight). Thematically, closing your eyes to not fall for the illusions of the caster. But some friends of mine disagree, some even going so far as to say that you're automatically unable to discern the difference regardless of being able to see them as long as you're aware that they exist.

I personally don't think it's a problem or even overpowered, since even if your eyes are closed, you still take a miss chance on par with displacement, a 3rd-level spell, and you can't help whittle...

This came up a few times in our games, so our group came together to make a fair and consistent ruling to apply universally, and here's what we came up with: Once per turn at the start of your turn as a free action, you can set the state of your eyes (between normal, averting gaze, and closing eyes). This applies throughout your turn and the next round until your next turn, when you can change it again.

(We chose start of turn instead of end of turn so you need to be taking the penalties for averting your gaze or closing your eyes, rather than attacking normally and then declaring averting your gaze.)

Bonus Question 3) Presumably you're safe if you can't see it.
Bonus Question 4) I'd imagine they are also invisible, but it isn't crystal clear.


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DrDeth wrote:

Mark, about Warpriest Sacred weapon damage.

But what is the purpose of this? I mean, I guess if you have a Warpriest wielding a kukri or a dagger it can help, but it confuses the heck out of the one guy I know who runs one.

How, exactly was this meant to work?

Not asking for a rules answer, just how did the designers/writers expect it to work?

I think the theory is that it doesn't make a warpriest of deities with a low-damage weapon automatically terrible. In practice, the issue is that it makes high-damage weapons pointless at high enough levels and instead makes warpriests of deities who don't have a weapon with a great crit profile or weird and powerful special effects automatically worse, all the while interacting poorly with any rules option intended to help compensate for the low damage on a low-damage weapon (since the other option is unlikely to say "except warpriests can't use this" so they then double dip, triple dip, or more compensatory abilities).


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MichaelCullen wrote:

This new spell from Inner Sea Temples seems to be missing something.

** spoiler omitted **

It lists under saving throw "will partial" but never says what that partial is.
That and 1d8 damage per two caster levels to one target seems really bad for a 6th level spell. Add to that that it can only be used on targets that are at least indifferent to you makes it terrible. It seems to me that there used to be some sort of debuff it gave that could be resisted with a will save. But for some reason that debuff did not make it into final printing.

I am curious what the spell was and what it is meant to be.

Luthorne is correct that it's not from one of my books. That said, it's pretty weird for its level.


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Limas Venomscale wrote:

How would you describe the Emptiness defence from the perspective of the kineticist when activated?

When accumulating burn what sort of visual affect would a void kineticist gain?

There's a few ways to depict it, but my sort of "go-to" intepretation is that your insides are being transformed into an empty void, so people hit you expecting a critical and find your flesh is a shell with nothing more than the uncaring emptiness of the void within, your emotions, your humanity, burned away. Your eyes might be the big thing that gives this away, if you do it that way.


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Kamiizumi Nobutsuna wrote:

Written before my question:

If any word that I used wrong or political correctness
please forgive,I am not good at English.

I have a question,hoping you could describe more clearly.

Vigilante Archetype:Warlock's Mystic Bolts
"Abilities that affect all weapon attacks the warlock makes, such as the arcane striker warlock talent, function with mystic bolts."

Does that means a feat "should" use on all type ,can also use on the Mystic Bolts?
If the answer is "Yes",such as "Rapid Shot" or "Deadly Aim" or "weapon Finesse" CAN'T use on mystic bolts? Because Rapid Shot and Deadly Aim
could just use on Ranged Weapons; weapon Finesse could just use on Melee Weapons.

While it was a bit more confusing in wording than your last question, I was able to work it out, no worries!

In this case, it's OK if the ability is only melee or ranged, as long as it would apply to everything. So Rapid Shot and Deadly Aim (when it's not touch AC) are fine, as is Weapon Finesse, assuming you use the bolts in the appropriate way (melee or ranged).

I just realized my answer is complicated, so if it doesn't make sense, ask me to clarify and I'll try my best. I can also try to answer in my (extremely poor) Japanese if your handle reflects your native language, but I highly suspect that would be more difficult than using English due to my general lack of proficiency.

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