Generic Villain |
It's hilarious how people can heatedly argue about something as pointless as rinsing the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.
I love it.
Do you mean this thread, or in real life?
Because let me tell you, when I come home and find Dick has "done the dishes," it always means just throwing them in the dishwasher and hoping for the best. I then get to go back and hand-wash everything, before once again running them through.
And that, friends, is a huge waste of water. And I feel genuinely guilty about it.
However, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder - and not the cute, fun, "OMG guys I'm like so totally OCD" variety - with a focus on dirt/grime/etc. I'd chew my own kneecaps off before using silverware caked with... leavings.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Now this California is the place where everybody lives in a desert sorta but they all have pools in the back yard, right?OK. This is a HUGE bone of irritation for me, since I live in drought-stricken California.
Everyone says, "Rinsing is a waste of water."
That's SOUTHERN California. As far as us northerners are concerned, that's a different COUNTRY, much less a different state. We keep trying to secede, but they outnumber us by a few million...
EDIT: And those in central valley and the "true" north would love to kick out the Bay Area as well, so we really should be 3 states...
EDIT 2: Aaaaaand... cue a YellowDingo petition...

MagusJanus |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:NobodysHome wrote:Now this California is the place where everybody lives in a desert sorta but they all have pools in the back yard, right?OK. This is a HUGE bone of irritation for me, since I live in drought-stricken California.
Everyone says, "Rinsing is a waste of water."
That's SOUTHERN California. As far as us northerners are concerned, that's a different COUNTRY, much less a different state. We keep trying to secede, but they outnumber us by a few million...
EDIT: And those in central valley and the "true" north would love to kick out the Bay Area as well, so we really should be 3 states...
EDIT 2: Aaaaaand... cue a YellowDingo petition...
I'd even sign that one.

Drock11 |
and that if he were to do this, he may as well just go whole-hog and hand-clean them.
I hate thinking this, but when I got to this part I admit he might logically have a point.
That might be more of an indication of the general crapiness of dishwashers than his being right about not wanting to rinse them.

Generic Villain |
I hate thinking this, but when I got to this part I admit he might logically have a point.That might be more of an indication of the general crapiness of dishwashers than his being right about not wanting to rinse them.
Logically, he does indeed have a point. But here's the thing. I'm going to avoid getting too personal here, but let's just say that the odds of Dick hand-washing dishes is about the same as me convincing someone on a messageboard to change a deeply held personal belief by repeatedly calling them a Nazi.
I don't mind doing the dishes; I just ask that, when they go in the sink, first rinse them off so I don't have to later soak them/use Ajax. But Dick is a Nazi, and the Third Reich can't be bothered with rinsing.
(That... might have been too personal)

Generic Villain |
If by "rinse" you mean "run water over it to get off most of the gunk," then I rinse.
If by "rinse" you mean "scrub it with a scouring pad and soap," that's the dishwasher's job, not mine.
Yeah, I guess I should have elaborated. I mean the first one. Get the bulk off myself, leave the reminder for the dishwasher.

Cintra Bristol |

Yes, I rinse the dishes first. Which I firmly believe is both:
* Absolutely necessary, and
* A complete waste of time.
Which is why I completely ignore the dishwasher and just hand-wash everything. Seriously. I have a dishwasher and it probably hasn't been turned on in 12 years.
EDIT: It somehow disturbs me that, in the time it took me to post this, it ended up appearing after a discussion of toilet paper. Adding the words "the dishes" above to clarify... :)

Chief Cook and Bottlewasher |

Even more important, do you thread toilet paper so that it pulls forward from the top, like a civilized person does, or so you have to pull it forward from underneath, like a scurvy villain?
If you have a toddler, then paper that pulls from the top can very quickly become unrolled paper in a pile on the floor. I prefer it on the roll.

Ambrosia Slaad |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Even more important, do you thread toilet paper so that it pulls forward from the top, like a civilized person does, or so you have to pull it forward from underneath, like a scurvy villain?
Toilet... paper? The truly civilized use prestidigitation. :)
If you have a toddler, then paper that pulls from the top can very quickly become unrolled paper in a pile on the floor. I prefer it on the roll.
If your toddler is the four-legged meowing kind, it doesn't matter which way you thread the roll... still ends up in a pile on the floor. At least the human toddler will grow out of it in a few years; feline toddlers never seem to.

RainyDayNinja RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |

Kirth Gersen wrote:Even more important, do you thread toilet paper so that it pulls forward from the top, like a civilized person does, or so you have to pull it forward from underneath, like a scurvy villain?Toilet... paper? The truly civilized use prestidigitation. :)
Don't you need to see it to target it?

Sissyl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Don't you need to see it to target it?Kirth Gersen wrote:Even more important, do you thread toilet paper so that it pulls forward from the top, like a civilized person does, or so you have to pull it forward from underneath, like a scurvy villain?Toilet... paper? The truly civilized use prestidigitation. :)

Pillbug Toenibbler |

RainyDayNinja wrote:Clairvoyance.Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Don't you need to see it to target it?Kirth Gersen wrote:Even more important, do you thread toilet paper so that it pulls forward from the top, like a civilized person does, or so you have to pull it forward from underneath, like a scurvy villain?Toilet... paper? The truly civilized use prestidigitation. :)
Another advantage of weirwood greensight. Mmmm, Nutella, now with 20% more Jojenpaste... omnomnomnom.

Change |

Limeylongears wrote:I am the dishwasher.
Yes, I do.
Let me tell you, they don't go in easily and for some reason don't come out any cleaner, no matter how much detergent I swallow. What am I doing wrong, Paizo?
Maybe I shouldn't have gotten to the settings...

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I always rinse my dishes immediately after using them, even (especially!) if they're not going directly into the dishwasher. I refuse to scrub them before putting them in the dishwasher, though. If I have to scrub, then I may as well just use some soap and be done with it. That's the dishwasher's job. 8^)

Chris Lambertz Digital Products Assistant |

I usually soak pots/pans with a few inches of soapy water before loading, but otherwise we're a rinse and load as you go house. Dishes never stack up in the robot house. Rinsing is necessity because foodstuffs get caught in the drain towards the back of our dishwasher. It's a super bummer to start unloading a load of dishes with dried on flakes of dishes past when you expected them to be clean.

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My philosophy has been to have exactly one of each dish I need, so I simply don't have enough dishes to pile up. If I want to use something, I have to clean it instead of just grabbing a new one.
Strangely, my fiancee does not appreciate this logic.
This is my MO (for the most part - if i'm off for a few days this policy is put on hold as does the single dish washing).
In the Auxmaulous household I wash the dishes... and then strangely enough my finacee washes them again.
It could be that I'm just doing it all wrong.

NobodysHome |

This thread makes me think of that dead babysitter movie, where they blast away with a gun and say, "The dishes are DONE, dude!"
Morbid side story on that: My best friend and I tried to watch that movie in a theater when I was trying to cheer him up (manic-depressive in a major down cycle). We walked out on it. That cheered him immensely.
A week later he committed suicide. (1991, so not a particularly painful area for me any more; just 'something that happened that shaped my life'.)So I'll always have a fundamental, deep-seated loathing for that movie. Go figure.

NobodysHome |

Well, I'm sorry people feel bad about saying such things.
As I said, it was over 20 years ago. It's more entertaining that that movie was SOOOOO bad than anything else...
I personally find it utterly hilarious that I can hate a movie THAT much.
It was almost as bad as "The Gate".
Almost, but not quite...