AndIMustMask |

I've made a few builds here and there of stat-centric builds, but what's the SAD-est you can think of?
A couple of ideas:
inquisitor 2 / shaman (nature) 1 / monk zen archer (3+) or sensei (2+) / [whatever you want--i'd suggest zen archer, inquisitor, ranger]
WIS to: hit, init, will and reflex saves, AC (double dip), knowledge/intimidate/sense motive checks. you can add wis to another skill with the wisdom of the flesh trait. you can go for snake style with your great sense motive bonuses as well.
oracle (lore) 1 / paladin 2 / [whatever you want--bard, sorcerer, bloodrager, and (anti)paladin are all solid choices]
with noble scion (scion of war) and osyluth's guile, you've got cha to init, AC (double-dip), saves (double dip on reflex), and smite bonuses (+cha to attack, DR bypass, bonus damage). you can swap lore for nature to change the reflex bonus to CMD bonus instead. as a byproduct you're also amazing with face skills as well.
urban barbarian 1 / scarred witch doctor X
grab raging vitality, pump your con with controlled rage and cast away.
- - - - - - - - - -
anyone else got any similar builds or ways to make these scarier?

Bandw2 |
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Eldrich godling lvl 3
put everything into strength
divine trait: divine portfolio: nature: nature's whispers (strength for AC instead of dex)
minor acendency: talent for mysticism power of brawn: strength for all saves 3 dex or chr skills
you have AC, to-hit/dmg, all saves, and magic requirements tied to strength.

Renegadeshepherd |
In my opinion the best SAD idea is cleric of X (nevative channel)/ inquisitor 19.
With conversion inquisition, channel scourge feat, cunning initiative class feature, channel smite +guided hand feats, wisdom in the flesh trait, spell casting, and perhaps more. That equates to potentially having 1) social skills using wisdom, 2) initiative using dex and wisdom, 3) potential channel as if cleric, 4) attacks with favored weapon using wisdom, 5) a physical skill (stealth) using wisdom, 6) spells,7) and will saves in one build. As a bonus because of ur dip in cleric u get another domain.
I for one like Shelyn as a deity for this. Take Conversion inquisition so your a great mouth. Dump charisma since you don't need it. The glaive is great for attacks but make sure your dex is solid so u can attack at range. Guided hand is a matter of preference but with judgements and bane u can afford to have a meager 13 strength and still do plenty of damage.
Your role: just picture urself as a reach cleric with mouth and other rogue-ish skills. Some will call you the fifth man, I think your the guy that fills any whole in your party. If you don't have a trap finder get the trait and your features and feats will do the rest.
Final note: all I proposed is done with just two feats. Later on grab combat reflexes, power attack, then shift to ranged.

Bandw2 |

another build I've been working with
step 1:
get wisdom and strength/charisma/intelligence at least above 16, make sure wisdom is what you put everything into though
go monk(youxia) lvl 5, get AC from wisdom as a bonus, get 5 ranks in any 3 skills, level 2 get healing chi(lay on hands for ki points), level 4 get iron shirt(add 3+1/2 level to AC for a ki point, lasts 1 minute at that level)
3 ranks of godling, divine protfolio to get wisdom on AC instead of dex, to double stack wisdom for AC.
scion talent for force of X for what ever is 2nd highest stat you picked.
step 2:
buy a guided amulet of natural attacks(or what ever) (wisdom to attack and damage rolls)
step 3: run around naked
step 4: ???
step 5: profit

Blakmane |

another build I've been working with
step 1:
get wisdom and strength/charisma/intelligence at least above 16, make sure wisdom is what you put everything into though
go monk(youxia) lvl 5, get AC from wisdom as a bonus, get 5 ranks in any 3 skills, level 2 get healing chi(lay on hands for ki points), level 4 get iron shirt(add 3+1/2 level to AC for a ki point, lasts 1 minute at that level)
3 ranks of godling, divine protfolio to get wisdom on AC instead of dex, to double stack wisdom for AC.
scion talent for force of X for what ever is 2nd highest stat you picked.step 2:
buy a guided amulet of natural attacks(or what ever) (wisdom to attack and damage rolls)step 3: run around naked
step 4: ???
step 5: profit
Pretty sure a WIS/STR/CHA/INT all of at least 16 is pretty much the opposite of SAD... unless i've misunderstood you?

laarddrym |

Pretty sure a WIS/STR/CHA/INT all of at least 16 is pretty much the opposite of SAD... unless i've misunderstood you?
Seems like it. That eldritch godling class is also 3rd party, which many DMs won't allow because it isn't Paizo. After reading some of the class's abilities, I can see why. 3 level dip to have one ability score to duplicate every benefit of a single other ability score of your choice? That's better than the benefits of almost any given prestige class taken through to level 10.

Bandw2 |

Blakmane wrote:Pretty sure a WIS/STR/CHA/INT all of at least 16 is pretty much the opposite of SAD... unless i've misunderstood you?Seems like it. That eldritch godling class is also 3rd party, which many DMs won't allow because it isn't Paizo. After reading some of the class's abilities, I can see why. 3 level dip to have one ability score to duplicate every benefit of a single other ability score of your choice? That's better than the benefits of almost any given prestige class taken through to level 10.
while third party, we're talking the extreme's here anyway.
monk = wis mod -> ac bonus
lay on hands from youxia uses Ki for uses
shirt adds AC for Ki uses
amulet allows me to attack with wisdom
Divine portfolio replaces dex for wisdom for AC purposes.
force of X allows your 2nd ability mod(i didn't mean all of them, now that I know what you mean, it's your choice and the choice doesn't matter much other than what skills you want bonuses to) to replace all of your saves normal mod.
PS. divine portfolio just allows you to take an oracle mystery or what ever, and use any attribute you want in place of charisma, and there jsut so happens to be one where they replace dex with charisma for AC.