What do you do with Four Arms and a Tentacle?


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I'm playing an eleven alchemist and am leaning toward piling up the extra appendages, 2 x Vestigial Arm and a Tentacle. Seems like there are just lots of random things to do with extra hands. Obvious is just toting around a shield for extra AC.

Looking for idea, stories, tricks, or whatever for extra appendages.

If it matters I've got a Mind Chemist with the Trapfinder trait.

Extra hands are good for holding! and uhh... I guess drawing as a move to hold? You'd think they'd do more, but that's as much as I know they actually do. Not that holding is bad, its great for shields or being able to hold potions/ extracts/ elixirs to use with accelerated drinker or when you feel its appropriate. Depending on your GM they may be applicable for using your natural attacks gained through feral mutagen or lesser beast totem. Tbh, I think they're sort of gross, especially if your GM doesn't allow you to hide or reflavor them.

One thing that comes to mind is being able to grapple and still have two hands free to attack with weapons/natural attacks, hold and drink elixirs or even throw bombs.

Have to look up what the tentacle is capable of to have any ideas for that.


Tentacle (Ex)

Benefit: The alchemist gains a prehensile, arm-length tentacle on his body. The tentacle is fully under his control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing. The tentacle does not give the alchemist any extra attacks or actions per round, though he can use it to make a tentacle attack (1d4 damage for a Medium alchemist, 1d3 damage for a Small one) with the grab ability. The tentacle can manipulate or hold items as well as the alchemist’s original arms can (for example, allowing the alchemist to use one hand to wield a weapon, the tentacle to hold a potion, and the third hand to throw a bomb). Unlike an arm, the tentacle has no magic item slots.

Basically it's a slotless arm that grants a lethal unarmed attack and Grab(Ex) which allows grapple on a an attack without allowing am AoO.

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A successful anime?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How naughty is the tentacle?

Lemmy wrote:
A successful anime?

...I've seen enough anime to know where that's going...

Keeping it PG-13 and on-topic...

I definitely support the "Hold Items and Shields." If making attacks, encumberance, and ACP aren't an issue, you can use Tower Shields for Cover; using all those limbs, you can make yourself an almost invincible "cube," like the fighting tactics of Spartans. Problem is, you wouldn't have anything to attack with outside of maybe Unarmed Strike, or Natural Weapons.

You can, however, have one Tower Shield to provide Cover from oncoming missiles while having another lesser shield for AC, the other 3 hands/2 hands and tentacle usable for bombs/potions/what have you.

Lemmy wrote:
A successful anime?

Your going to need more than one for that. Also, bigger swords. And mechs. Chicks dig giant robots you know.

More seriously, I've been told unless you really want parasitic twin you want the tentacle more, and that neither are great.

Why does your character want to do this to themselves? If you think through their background, motivation, and personality you'll probably come up with plenty of ideas for how to use the extra appendages.

My MO is to sketch out a short background and have a general idea of personality and how I fit in to a party. Details flesh out as I go and one of the drivers is what the character can do that would be fun to play with.

In this case the high level is an alchemist from kyonin who spent years with the gnomes of Omesta before deciding to travel. In Absalom he fell in with some adventures headed toward Sothis and is know in the Half-Dead City. A mind chemist he fill the roll of trap breaker and lock pick as well as loremaster for certain knowledges. He neither a madbomber nor a hyde, but should be provide plenty value. For flavour the chemicals actual make a him a bearded elf--unless he remembers to shave. First couple magic items will be eyes of eagle and goggles of minute seeing, as he be swapping eye-ware in what feels like a fairly steampunky effect.

So after a couple sessions, I think extra arms fit pretty well, but I do need to make decent use of them.

I wonder if I'll have to pay for custom armor...

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Anyone you want.

2 hands for a weapon, one for a shield, one for drinking potions/using extracts/throwing bombs. Not sure where to fit the tentacle in though.

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Perform: juggle.

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For some reason I'm getting a mental image of this character shaking his fist in the general direction of a university and saying something like, "The fools! They dare call me mad? Those so-called scientists who are but insects compared to my towering intellect. Well I'll show them. I'll show them all! BWAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"

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I disapprove of these options because there isn't a second tentacle option. I like my symmetry

Its questions like this that make me never desire to play an alchemist, or even have one in the group. The discoveries like parasitic twin, tentacle, etc are just too disturbing to me - and I can never see them being role played correctly. If you can imagine how a village's populace reacts to something mundane like a goblin horde coming into the town, imagine how they'd react to this freak?

And don't get me started on Tumor Familiar...

I was original against the Alchemist. But we wanted to experiment with some of some the less traditional classes. And really read the pathfinder fiction that featured alchemists I got a much better feel for how the fit and function.

This character uses these discoveries extensively, but I too am easily squicked.
So, I made him Egyptian mummifier hemed. He has bandage wraps all over his body that animate and make these discoveries. A scorpion familiar that unravels itself from him, an extra arm that is an animate bandage on his person. Fun with flavor text.
Later he'll have wings made of six bandages on either side. They will carry him like Doc Oc when not used to fly.

I'll tell you what you can do with those four arms and a single tentacle.....

You could give amazing hugs!

You could confound a person that wishes to use one pair of shackles on you.

Um... hold (and maybe use, not sure) potions and extracts for when you wish to down them instead of having to try in dig into a bag for them?

Shake 4 humanoids and one octopus's / elder god's, hands / tentacles?

Hold each corner of a small to medium sized square tapestry / table cloth?.... or net?

Write and copy a complete analysis on how having multiple limbs is amazing?

Flip 4 coins at one time, confusing Tommy Lee Jones, causing him to fall to his doom as a man dressed in a bat costume with nipples watches on?

High five your entire party after you slaughter your enemies?

Clap twice as much at the same time?

((Sorry for all the joke answers.. only one of those is even close to useful and it's probably already been mentioned...))

Good luck!

I think a better question would be: What do you do with SIX arms and a Tentacle? (Kasatha already get 4 arms)

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Lurk underwater at a Japanese beach.


Operate an entire theatre troupe's worth of ventriloquist dummies at once?

Are you allowed to wear extra rings if you have extra hands? I can't remember.

Actually, somebody on these boards once suggested a pretty solid Alchemist strategy that this would go well with. Alchemists get to throw all sorts of bombs, they get poison use/immunity, and they have a mutagen that can up their Strength. How do all three of these class abilities work together? You throw a poison cloud bomb and then grapple enemies inside of them, forcing them to suffer the poison that you are immune to! Extra arms would allow you to maintain the grapple and still attack him with weapons, while the tentacle's Grab would be useful for initiating a grapple.

The Exchange

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Max out skill ranks in Profession: Massage therapist?

Become an Adult Entertainer

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Become an Adult Entertainer

I think that got covered with 'successful anime'.

anime /= pr0n (although there are times when the two merge)

True (major otaku myself)... But now we're really straying off topic, lol.

Back on topic!: It'll let you carry various things. Take it all as a dip, put the rest into some martial class, and you've got a nice golf bag without needing the darn bag! Bludgeon/Slash/Pierce, one weapon each, with one free hand and your tentacle for extracts and bombs.

Artemis Moonstar wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
Become an Adult Entertainer
I think that got covered with 'successful anime'.

Oh cmon, you don't have to be an adult entertainer in an anime.

That said... Why not both? All while being an expert massage therapist.

Also, you can play a Nintendo 3DS game that requires you to use the sylus, d-pad, and AB buttons all at once! Thought you might want extra eyes to see the other screen...

MrSin wrote:
Artemis Moonstar wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
Become an Adult Entertainer
I think that got covered with 'successful anime'.

Oh cmon, you don't have to be an adult entertainer in an anime.

That said... Why not both? All while being an expert massage therapist.

Also, you can play a Nintendo 3DS game that requires you to use the sylus, d-pad, and AB buttons all at once! Thought you might want extra eyes to see the other screen...

Tiefling's got you covered on that brah.

Scarab Sages

Avoid lots of move actions putting away equipment? I mean, draw a wand, draw a staff, a potion, draw a shield, etc.

Basically, you don't have to put anything away until after the combat is over.

I can relate to this question, since my half-orc barbarian was inflicted with a second set of arms by my GM. What we've ended up with is definitely home-brew, but you could run some of it by your GM.
* I get a +2 (Assist Other) on climb, grapple, swim, and some acrobatics when I use all four arms.
* I took the Multiweapon Fighting feat, so I now get one attack with each hand.
* I sometimes use a ranseur with two hands and scimitars with the others, that way I have both a reach attack and a close-in attack

Dark Archive

I'm currently running a Hungerseed Tiefling...1 fighter/6 alchemist

4 arms, 2 wings, a maw, prehensile tail...

The mini came out looking quite cool.

Shield, Armor of the Pit and 2 handed weapons makes a serious low / mid level powerhouse.

Took the grenadier path and I add a few alchemical damage pluses as needed. The alchemical items actually deepen the character which I think would be quite boring without it. Essentially a Hyde build that is always a Hyde.

It's been quite fun.

You can use a Tower Shield for cover, use a Large Shield for AC, use a reach weapon two handed and also threaten adjacent with the tentacle. I would advise against this unless you are actually proficient with the Tower Shield though.

It was already suggested we keep this PG-13. I mean, sure, I saw the thread and thought "Well that's a rather personal question." But ... anyway.

Aside from suggestions already made, I believe some Pistolero might be a fun addition. Because what's scarier than some mutated freak with four arms and a tentacle? That same thing, but pointing four guns at you.

But for a Mindchemist ... yeah easier potion drinking with the Accelerated Drinker trait is a solid option. You could start a combat with up to 5 buff potions in hand(s) ready to chug as move actions.

Also, just want to point out to folks that you can preserve bilateral symmetry with a single tentacle, as long as it's on the mid-line. It doesn't have to be creepy. Sure it could be; for the super creepy factor you could make it an umbilical chord. But it can be something more "normal" like a prehensile tail. Or if you just want to go silly, make it a really long nose. Or a long chin that tapers into the tentacle, or possibly (my favorite) a long prehensile beard. I would just love to see people's reactions as my beard reaches into a pocket to fetch something.

TWF with crossbows while carrying two tower shields to give yourself cover from two directions. (The tentacle can reload a crossbow, which can be fired one handed. This also works with firearms if you can get your reload time to a free action)

If your GM is not a killjoy who accepts poorly conceived anti-martial FAQs you can also TWF with longspears while holding an everburning torch aloft with your tentacle.

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I suppose it could have been worse...

"What do you do with Four Arms and a Tentacle, a grease spell and the Rod of Lordly Might?"

Sorry... I couldn't help myself.

Atarlost wrote:

TWF with crossbows while carrying two tower shields to give yourself cover from two directions. (The tentacle can reload a crossbow, which can be fired one handed. This also works with firearms if you can get your reload time to a free action)

My GM is willing to let my 4-armed character do 2 bow attacks in a round, but as an archer myself, I felt that was too much. Using a bow or crossbow (or pistol) requires more than just the arms to wield it, it requires your vision to sight on the target. Accurately sighting on more than one target, or just with 2 bows, should have a hefty penalty. I think crossbows and guns would be easier, but still not as easy as using 4 daggers on multiple opponents standing adjacent to you.

Even with guns you can't use the sights on more than one of them at a time. You could fire multiple handguns at the same target using natural pointing, but there should be a penalty for not aiming (which can be overcome with a high enough level of gun-fu, of course).

Liberty's Edge

Light crossbows are specifically listed as a light weapon when wielding one in each hand. With two hands per crossbow, you would only have the two weapon fighting penalty of -2 after taking the feat.

Jengada wrote:
Atarlost wrote:

TWF with crossbows while carrying two tower shields to give yourself cover from two directions. (The tentacle can reload a crossbow, which can be fired one handed. This also works with firearms if you can get your reload time to a free action)

My GM is willing to let my 4-armed character do 2 bow attacks in a round, but as an archer myself, I felt that was too much. Using a bow or crossbow (or pistol) requires more than just the arms to wield it, it requires your vision to sight on the target. Accurately sighting on more than one target, or just with 2 bows, should have a hefty penalty. I think crossbows and guns would be easier, but still not as easy as using 4 daggers on multiple opponents standing adjacent to you.

There is a penalty to two weapon fighting with ranged weapons. They're non-light weapons so they TWF at -4. And you're investing a boatload of feats.

Digital Products Assistant

Removed a post. This was a bit too graphic. If it's not advice, please refrain from posting it.

Gregory Connolly wrote:
You can use a Tower Shield for cover, use a Large Shield for AC, use a reach weapon two handed and also threaten adjacent with the tentacle. I would advise against this unless you are actually proficient with the Tower Shield though.

If you have proficiency with the Tower Shield already, is there any reason not to use a Tower Shield for cover and a Tower Shield for AC (or for double cover, if you ever need that)?

The answer to OP's question is clear, though.

A two level dip of Titan Mauler Barbarian. That's right, four lucerne hammers (and a tentacle).

(Don't actually do that - it's almost entirely pointless... although I guess it makes it hard for opponents to sunder/shatter/grease you out of a weapon... and you could have some reason to need cold iron/elysian bronze/silver/etc weapons which all had to have reach... or perhaps an Axiomatic, Anarchic, Holy, Unholy combination, for the really obsessed True Neutral...)

On a slightly (not really) more practical note, instead of four lucerne hammers, that dip could be used to have:
1 hand - Lucerne Hammer
1 hand - Whip
2 hands - Composite Longbow (probably Adaptive, due to being both a Barbarian and an Alchemist)

With the tentacle allowing you to threaten adjacent squares, you can hit just about everywhere (is there a way to make the whip threaten? Because then you have a massive fully threatened area at the cost of being only completely useless). To be fair, you could do that much easier with just the tentacle and a bow (although adding in the reach weapon allows you to hit anywhere without taking an attack of opportunity [although you can do that too with the right archery feats] ). To be even more fair, there's basically no reason to want to do that (there's a little bit of reason if you also count as threatening, but only a little)... unless perhaps you're also a Stalwart Defender?

...or maybe nets? Who else can throw and hold on to 4 nets at a time? Or three nets and a ranseur.

Nets are good...

Also, turtling up with 3 tower shields and Phalanx Soldier archetype lets you look like badass turtle. Less so if you're a ninja.

Artemis Moonstar wrote:

Nets are good...

Also, turtling up with 3 tower shields and Phalanx Soldier archetype lets you look like badass turtle. Less so if you're a ninja.

With a Kasatha, you could even have 4 tower shields (and the Tower Shield specialist archetype, since you have two hands left over for the spear and thus wouldn't need Phalanx Soldier - alternatively, be a Phalanx soldier and Two-Weapon-Fight with longspears while simultaneously having tower shield cover from 4 directions)

...actually, if you picked up the Wings discovery as well (or had Fly cast or so on, or had a phenomenal Swim score and were fighting underwater), you could hold a Tower Shield in every direction and still make attacks with the tentacle. The ultimate turtle.

It actually short of a shame that there isn't a matching Vestigial Leg discovery. I imagine a 3rd leg would add a bonus to things like CMD vs bull rush. And a 4th would help vs trip and with max load.

Carnox wrote:
It actually short of a shame that there isn't a matching Vestigial Leg discovery. I imagine a 3rd leg would add a bonus to things like CMD vs bull rush. And a 4th would help vs trip and with max load.

A third leg would lead to even more dirty jokes than the tentacle did. I suspect the developers wouldn't be able to keep straight faces if they ever tried to write such a discovery.

Dark Archive

I've seen enough hentai to know where this thread is headed...

And I approve!

That being said, the Vestigial discoveries are quite "meh". They should do more, but since they don't, I'd stay away. Obviously disregard if it's a character concept that needs it, but I'd find it a little underpowered TBH.

Dark Archive

Sell tickets to your day job roll.

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