Meredith Jones |

I have a player that has been bitten by a wererat.
The cure is a cure disease, or remove curse by a 12th level cleric.
According to the book it costs CL x spell level x 10 gp.
This is then 360 gp for a 12th level cleric casting remove curse.
That sounds too cheap. Any ideas to make it quite unattainable or harder and/or more expensive?

Claxon |

So I was reading through this and it just clicked, you want your player to fail and turn.
That is kind of a jerk thing. It's not supposed to be debilitatingly hard to cure youself. If it is, then it's really just a "gotcha". Because why bother having a cure if it's so difficult there is only a 1% chance of success.
The hardest part will be find a neutral/friendly 12th level cleric to cast Remvoe Disease or Heal (which are the two ways to remove it according to the Lycanthropy entry on the wererat's entry on the PRD) and within 3 days.

Meredith Jones |

So I was reading through this and it just clicked, you want your player to fail and turn.
That is kind of a jerk thing. It's not supposed to be debilitatingly hard to cure youself. If it is, then it's really just a "gotcha". Because why bother having a cure if it's so difficult there is only a 1% chance of success.
The hardest part will be find a neutral/friendly 12th level cleric to cast Remvoe Disease or Heal (which are the two ways to remove it according to the Lycanthropy entry on the wererat's entry on the PRD) and within 3 days.
Hell no!
I've discussed this with the player and purchased a 3PP called Bite Me! which has excellent rules for playing a lycanthrope.
If my player was too uncomfortable with it, I would've "found" a cure.
My point though is that 360 gp seems awfully cheap for a spell from a 12th level magic user considering that a +1 sword costs a lot more.

Meredith Jones |

Also there is the issue of getting the spell before changing for the first time.
That is only for cure disease, a remove curse will work after the 3 days, but only during the 3 nights of full moon per month.
I was just generally wondering about the cost of a 12th level magic user casting a 3rd level spell.

Claxon |

My point though is that 360 gp seems awfully cheap for a spell from a 12th level magic user considering that a +1 sword costs a lot more.
Consider that a +1 swords last (essentially) forever and enhances your characters ability, where as the spell is cast once and at best removes any current disease/curse you have. It does not prevent future disease or curses.
Also keep in my that it take the 12th level cleric 3 seconds to cast the spell. Assuming he's not adventuring (which would be the likely way to find him) it's probably not a big deal to him to do 3 seconds of work for 360 gold.

Gregory Connolly |

I usually think of the gold piece cost of high level spellcasting as the "don't bother me" fee. They only charge it to avoid having every commoner with a bad day running to them for magic solutions to their problems. It ensures that adventurers have to pay something for not having the capability in-party, while not making it unattainable if it really is the solution to the problem. I also will usually cast spells for the listed price to random NPCs I don't know if my caster PC is hanging around town, I do it for free for party member or known NPCs. The price list gives me an easy way to make NPCs either fork over some gold or give me more information so I do it for free for plot reasons.

Meredith Jones |

Meredith Jones wrote:My point though is that 360 gp seems awfully cheap for a spell from a 12th level magic user considering that a +1 sword costs a lot more.Consider that a +1 swords last (essentially) forever and enhances your characters ability, where as the spell is cast once and at best removes any current disease/curse you have. It does not prevent future disease or curses.
Also keep in my that it take the 12th level cleric 3 seconds to cast the spell. Assuming he's not adventuring (which would be the likely way to find him) it's probably not a big deal to him to do 3 seconds of work for 360 gold.
Yeah, point taken. That puts into better perspective for me.