Nullmancer |

School transmutation; Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S, M/DF (a bit of gauze and a wisp of smoke)
Range touch
Target willing corporeal creature touched
Duration 2 min./level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance noThe subject and all its gear become insubstantial, misty, and translucent. Its material armor (including natural armor) becomes worthless, though its size, Dexterity, deflection bonuses, and armor bonuses from force effects still apply. The subject gains DR 10/magic and becomes immune to poison, sneak attacks, and critical hits. It can't attack or cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components while in gaseous form. This does not rule out the use of certain spells that the subject may have prepared using the feats Silent Spell, Still Spell, and Eschew Materials. The subject also loses supernatural abilities while in gaseous form. If it has a touch spell ready to use, that spell is discharged harmlessly when the gaseous form spell takes effect.
A gaseous creature can't run, but it can fly at a speed of 10 feet and automatically succeeds on all Fly skill checks. It can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, with all it was wearing or holding in its hands, as long as the spell persists. The creature is subject to the effects of wind, and it can't enter water or other liquid. It also can't manipulate objects or activate items, even those carried along with its gaseous form. Continuously active items remain active, though in some cases their effects may be moot.
Magic weaponry of any kind, of +1 or greater, can bypass the DR. Spells also work wonders. If you've got a room without holes and the only means of the vampire's escape is through the doorway you're standing in, I'd have people throw explosives, use fireballs, and generally take out it with AoE spells and such.

DrDeth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Umm, OP are you talking about forced or voluntary mist?
"Additional damage dealt to a vampire forced into gaseous form has no effect."..
You'd need a death effect that kills undead. Or sunlight:
"Exposing any vampire to direct sunlight staggers it on the first round of exposure and destroys it utterly on the second consecutive round of exposure if it does not escape. "

Fergie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So if it becomes mist and I use a +3 flail on it does it die if I do enough damage to have it die?
As DrDeth said, if the vampire went into gaseous form due to being reduced to 0 hp, then the additional damage has no effect. If the vampire went gaseous by choice (and has a positive hp total), then you can knock it down to 0 hp, whereupon it is forced into gaseous form.
In the campaign I was GM'ing, the players forced the vampire into gaseous form, then hit it with a dome shaped wall of ice. They then stone-shaped the floor under the sphere, and pushed the whole thing into the flowing water below. It was a daring plan, but the players just barely pulled it off.

Fergie |

You need to follow the mist back to its coffin. Bring a wooden stake.
That is the best way, but holding the vampire under flowing water, or exposing it to direct natural sunlight might also kill it. There might even be some higher level divine stuff like disruption or druids sun spells.
There are also similar creatures that might require other special techniques to kill permanently.
Remember to play your character based on his knowledge religion skill, no metagaming now! If your party doesn't know this stuff, you should go back to town and talk to the clerics or paladins for advice on undead.

DrDeth |

So even casting firball on a negative HP mist form vampire? Or channeling from a cleric/paladin kill a negative mist vampire with channeling against undead?
Nope. Only sunlight* (trap it then expose to sunlight in the morning)or a death effect spell that works vs Undead will work (undead to Death, for example).
Yeah, following it back can be problematic as I see too many DM's have the vampire having a tiny tunnel to get to it's coffin, so the PC's can't follow.
* running water is a maybe.