PFO Pub Crawl

Pathfinder Online

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

This was suggested in another thread and seemed like too much fun to pass up.

So let's gather information on the various fine drinking establishments people are planning to open and see if there can be some kind of in game 'pub crawl agreement'. Planned details for my place;

The Barge Inn
Tavern in a NPC patrolled road hex near heavily monster infested terrain. All the tables and chairs have been nailed back together half a dozen times, blood stains usually go uncleaned until dissolved away by spilled spirits, a jar behind the bar holds the 'lost tooth collection', and I'm told that trolls may be visiting on a semi-regular basis. However, the drinks are cold... or hot... or glowing... as appropriate, and visitors of all kinds are welcome. So long as they're paying.

Goblin Squad Member

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/signed.... /signed........../singed........./shlíhnefm......../hic!..... /shhklliinnhhhhhmffffff...... /thud. /Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

Goblin Squad Member

Zodd kicks Bluddwolf's unconscious body a few times.

"Wake up! The building is on fire!"

I will gladly participate in a Pub Crawl with you fine folks.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm totally down for that! TEO has a tavern so we welcome you in the spirit of drunken frivolity!

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Oooooh... pub crawl...

I'll drink to that!

Not planning to run a tavern (that's too much like work) but I'll happily be a frequent patron. Hmm... maybe there's a need for a tavern reviewer.

Goblin Squad Member

Deianira, I can see you being an excellent reviewer. Pubs, settlements, defences, patrol routes, them all!

Goblin Squad Member

Greeting good friends and trusted allies,

A Varisian woman bows before you dressed in colorful gypsy garb and carrying a well worn lute.

"A pub crawl sounds like a very interesting idea and of course good friend what it will need is some lively music and entertainment to keep one and all happy and well lubricated. I may be only a lowly bard but I would gleefully over my services for a small fee of course to be said entertainment."

Goblin Squad Member

Glad to get the creative juices flowing! It's a little early to start on locations since many don't know where they are going to be, but this event needs to happen.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll be there. Just give me a time. I will probably have a drink in hand in rl as well.

Goblin Squad Member

I love it when a plan comes together! Although on this pub crawl I specifically was hoping for some entertainment of the more brutal fashion and some friendly bets as well! But I'll still be there even if there isn't a brawl or fight to watch or participate in!

Goblin Squad Member

T7V Wexel Daventry wrote:
I love it when a plan comes together! Although on this pub crawl I specifically was hoping for some entertainment of the more brutal fashion and some friendly bets as well! But I'll still be there even if there isn't a brawl or fight to watch or participate in!

Oh there will be a brawl, just not everyone may know it until it happens. :p

Goblin Squad Member

My kind of party! Looking forward to it!

Goblin Squad Member

I'll supply the booze!

The profits are going to be *magnificent*!

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Ravenlute wrote:
It's a little early to start on locations since many don't know where they are going to be, but this event needs to happen.

The three settlements from the first land rush and/or six kickstarter taverns (one of which belongs to the same company as one of those settlements) might have some idea, but yeah it will be a while before we will be able to identify all the sites and try to put a route together. Just getting the ball rolling.

Goblin Squad Member

T7V Wexel Daventry wrote:
I love it when a plan comes together! Although on this pub crawl I specifically was hoping for some entertainment of the more brutal fashion and some friendly bets as well! But I'll still be there even if there isn't a brawl or fight to watch or participate in!

Hey, Wexel, Friday nights are good for me. I love the idea of doing an in-game Pub Crawl with friends while drinking and sharing laughs.

Goblin Squad Member

Count me in, a Pub Crawl is a great idea !

"I can drink 8 beers, bring me 8 beers!" - Groo

Goblin Squad Member

I am IN! Sounds like great fun!

Goblin Squad Member

I think it would be awesome if we could all engage each other in melee without reprisal as long as no weapons are equipped. A massive drunken bar brawl would be so much fun!

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

TEO ArchAnjel wrote:
I think it would be awesome if we could all engage each other in melee without reprisal as long as no weapons are equipped. A massive drunken bar brawl would be so much fun!

Yup, that's the point. Just fisticuffs.

Goblin Squad Member

What a coincidence, I just got back from pub crawling in Ireland. I'd be down for this too. :)

Deianira wrote:

Oooooh... pub crawl...

I'll drink to that!

Not planning to run a tavern (that's too much like work) but I'll happily be a frequent patron. Hmm... maybe there's a need for a tavern reviewer.

The Heralds might have some use for that. ;P

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
The Heralds might have some use for that. ;P

Hey now! This isn't intended to be useful. You're supposed to get drunk, do embarassing things that people will snicker about for years, and fall over.

If you happen to write a drunken review in the process I suppose that's alright.

So, Jontron's in the clear.

Goblin Squad Member

CBDunkerson wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
The Heralds might have some use for that. ;P

Hey now! This isn't intended to be useful. You're supposed to get drunk, do embarassing things that people will snicker about for years, and fall over.

If you happen to write a drunken review in the process I suppose that's alright.

I am really good at falling over drunk.

We should have a falling over contest during the pub crawl.

Whoever falls over the best gets a free Zodd crafted weapon of their choice.

Now that I'm getting into EE, I'm totally doing this.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome. I was beginning to think you were just talk. I look forward to ambushing you.

I look forward to you trying, little mustachioed rapscallion.

Goblin Squad Member

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
So, Jontron's in the clear.

Oh Cleaver, you clever!

Sounds good, looking forward to sharing wine with everyone.

Palm wine of course!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The five stare restraint.

A small wooden box perched on a wharf like it was sent into a corner for a time out, sitting at a wrong angle in Bristle Harbour, like it stayed where it was kicked. The door is smaller than standard, looked like it was buttered buried and beaten, is held still by the middle of three hinges. Inside looks like the walls are all original and overbuilt with layers of stolen lumber timber framed and nailed and stuck together with decades of grime. A hole in the mismatched floor vomits up the tips of tall waves like a low budget krill and sea lice infested ol heller.

A hand holds a terrible looking rotting wooden spoon still just long enough for the tip of a wave to take an oily bilgey swipe at it, the tooth deprived muttering hole just opposite the shoulder from the spoon bracing hand growls "close enough for horse plops and blast pirates..." And trades the spoon out for a earthenwear mug. Not earthenware like a cone four ceramic but earthenware as in it looks like it was just dug up In port perils city midden, and is still wearing the earth.

A slate depicts some coins on one side of a scale and a mug in suds on the other. A half hobbit half hobgoblin bathed in his own cold sweat is bracing his dry heave quivering torso to the back of it. The only noise is the waves lifting the floor up as they are not actually nails down, just pinched under the walls, well that noise and the constricted and exhausted heaves of reverse peristalsis of the HobGHobbit, bits of yellow bile-filth dripping of his wet hair into the cutlery drawer the muttering dish pig has put away in the "done" pile.

There is a profound sense of wrongness as the proprietor courteously bows and guides you to one of the three tables, the fancy one with intact chairs, and a fresh Doiley under the unlit candle in the middle of it. He pushes the metal cage along its rail to make room for you and unfortunately the city health inspector's red badge finally drops from his charred and broken corpse and lands still in most of a hand on the Doiley, only to quickly be snatched away and shoved back through the bars of the cage, with a complaint that even in death he was spoiling business hereabouts...

The menu is limited to hard liquor from the still in the corner, and sickly fat pallid leeches that inject before they Injest, regurgitating the drugged brine in a recycled pickle barrel the leeches are languishing in.

Miss Embulies Tea Room

Having inherited the property from her eccentric uncle Wilderforge Kruplgi, she was determined to reform the long established parking lot for unconscious drunks, and make it into a proper and upstanding business.

She failed at keeping the family fortune growing with her three issue newspaper made entirely of manners and advice columns, so she is determined that this horrid seaport is crying out for clean premises, child friendly portions and delightful and cultured conversations under a fantastic giant parasol decorated with children's books.

There are story readings in the book nook, Thursday cross stitch and crumpets, and of course Frendal crewel work classes available in mid morning. Children in knee high trousers and frilly dresses are feeding wooden painted imperial cookies to their dolls and cuddle bears, and munching on the fluffiest biscuits anywhere outside the Capitol.

Miss Embulies retires to her distant cottage to pre read children's books to ensure they do not contain any inappropriate subject matter, and that is when her kindly niece miss Wanda steps in to run the evening of cultural betterment for Nannies. In the evenings Nannies get an acquittal and can return without their young charges, for nanny's night out. Healthy young men make their money dancing in fun costumes which fall off as the night wears on. Moulting monkey bird Miltros is a favourite when he douse his act which not only displays the exciting beauty of dance but also features juggling and performing prestidigitation with his prop banana. The cordials flow freely as the nannies have their night on the town, Sunday, because they get off Monday.

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