Keepers of the Circle * New 5 / 9 / 2014 *

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

I've read pretty much all of Diana Wynne Jones' books. She writes in a variety of styles from the "young adult" Chrestomanci series to the more sophisticated fantasy novels like the Dalemark series. Personally I'm a fan of both :)

Goblin Squad Member

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Rufus UK wrote:
I've read pretty much all of Diana Wynne Jones' books. She writes in a variety of styles from the "young adult" Chrestomanci series to the more sophisticated fantasy novels like the Dalemark series. Personally I'm a fan of both :)

Sounds like I need to track this author down.

Goblin Squad Member

Yes you do! Love all her work. I haven't gotten to her Dalemark series yet, but I started with her Chrestomanci Series and went to all her standalone and the Dark Lord of Derkholm books.

Goblin Squad Member

I have a feeling Keeprs Pass might occupy a lot of everyone's spare time for a bit in the near future but I will certainly try and track her down. I do not recall seeing her on the shelves in the normal bookshops here in Australia but maybe I just overlooked her.

Goblin Squad Member

In case it helps, here's her page at Amazon Australia. Looks as if the Australian options are all electronic.

If ordering from the US is feasible, here's her author page, with paper editions as well.

Goblin Squad Member

We are currently having a discussion about the illumination for the KotC charter: Charter Illumination.

I didn't get what this meant at first, I was like "Charter Illumination? I guess bright enough so you can read it?" But this is really about the artwork that will go with the charter, so if you'd like to see what kind of art will be on display with the KotC Charter and/or offer suggestions feel free to stop by.

Goblin Squad Member

The Charter Illumination is more for fun and the fact I promised to do a physical scroll of the Charter way back (I think during the kickstarter). So now that it's done, I am carrying out my promise :).

Goblin Squad Member

The illumination is one of the things for those of us looking to push the RP aspects of KotC, to make it a "real" thing more integrated into Golarion. For me it's sort of like the conversations we've had on how the various Rings might tie into different Virtues (and those might tie all the way back to Thassilonian runes prior to their corruption).

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Cougar's work!

Goblin Squad Member

KotC - Erian El'ranelen wrote:

The illumination is one of the things for those of us looking to push the RP aspects of KotC, to make it a "real" thing more integrated into Golarion. For me it's sort of like the conversations we've had on how the various Rings might tie into different Virtues (and those might tie all the way back to Thassilonian runes prior to their corruption).

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Cougar's work!

Our very own Leabhar Cheanannais .

Twill be wondrous and glorious to behold, I be sure.

Goblin Squad Member

We currently have 2 Emerald Spire games running on Roll20, I'm pretty sure there are opens spots for both games.

Goblin Squad Member

Timing is an issue from Australia but will check the forums to see if I can make one.

Goblin Squad Member

I haven't forgotten the charter illumination. One fun aspect of moving is playing hide and seek with various items. One being my art paper....

Goblin Squad Member

ooh real paper not an ipad ...

Goblin Squad Member

Keepers of the Circle are looking for new recruits - wizards, fighters rogues, clerics and crafters are all needed.

Come to Keepers Pass a Mountain location eventually to be strategically in the centre of the fully expanded map and join Keepers of the Circle :D

Note: Any members not already in Alpha log in to the forums to get an Alpha invite before Alpha 8 starts.

Goblin Squad Member

The Alpha map has extended to Keeper's Pass!

The unrivaled ingeniousness of our engineers has allowed us to have unique floating crafting stations as well as a strategically buried Auction House! There is no way any bandit will be able to rob your wares now when you shop with us. The only kink we still need to work out is how to access this underground facility ourselves, but I am sure we will be able to solve that in no time.

If you wish to see this marvel of engineering yourself now is the time! No doubt Mike & the crew will soon find a way to bring our buildings back to level ground so soon our glorious floating sawmills and smelters will be nothing more than a wonderful memory.

Goblin Squad Member

Fruben wrote: to access this underground facility ourselves...

Hire some friends from Forgeholm!

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah, I visited last weekend. Should have taken pictures to show Marge and the kids what they missed when they didn't go on the walkaround with me. :-)

Goblin Squad Member

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Howdy folks. Just wanted to thank Nihimon, Decius, Banesma, Sspitfire, Locas Took, Ahnold and Danielle for running with our party from KOTC in killing off some mobs. We all took down the hex from 100% to 63.3% in about 2 hours (total of 13 people with some coming and going).

Looking forward to hosting another hunting party tomorrow starting at Keeper's Pass Vault!

Goblin Squad Member

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It was a lot of fun, and a good learning experience. I spend too much time soloing, and it's important to get that experience of playing with groups so I don't get bad habits too firmly ingrained :)

Goblinworks Executive Founder

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For loot estimates, I estimated 124 kills by my group up until everybody crashed, and 250 kills total for the raid until that point. I still can't get back in to compile my loot list...

Goblin Squad Member

Anyone interested in joining the Keepers of the Circle, please check out our Guildlaunch page.

I would also appreciate anyone joining the Keepers of the Circle in PFO to give me a PM so I can know who you are so I can accept your application. Thanks!

Goblin Squad Member

We have an easier to remember web address now:!

Goblin Squad Member

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Charter Illustration

The finished product - an illumination of the KOTC charter.

We are also busy crafting good things in game too, come visit us on our website and see what we are all about. We are always looking for new members!

Goblin Squad Member

Nicely done, WxCougar.

Goblin Squad Member

In preparation for the upcoming implementation of Pathfinder Deities into the game mechanics Keeper's Pass Ring of Light is offering a home to Divine Casters with an interest in enchanting as well as healers and those Battle Clerics of Sarenrae wishing to bring her righteous cleansing fire to Golarian.

Contact us at Keeper's Forums or in game.

Goblin Squad Member

Keeper's Pass are now close to having all our holdings in place and have welcomed several new recruits and a new company to the fold.

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Lifedragn wrote:


On a semi-related note we are recommending that any new players thinking of joining Keeper's Pass as a Cleric of Sarenrae (Scimitar) consider when training:

(1) Focusing on the Sun Domain (this is the Sarenrae Domain that best covers both combat and healing keywords).

(2) Training the following sword feats in preference to longsword ones which will be superseded for Sarenrae clerics once scimitar is implemented:

Dawnflower's Caress and Fire Whirl (Sarenrae Scimitar). These currently work OK on a Longsword.

Ward of Withdrawn Favor, Cleansing Cut, Slash of Sacred Speed, and Strike of Sacred Strength (one handed sword deities including Sarenrae)

Goblin Squad Member

What deities does KOTC plan on supporting once that feature goes live?

Goblin Squad Member

Definitely Sarenrae. She fits the KP idiom/ethos perfectly.

It is unclear how many deities in total we will be able to support while maintaining a strong crafting focus but LG Iomedae for Paladins and the CG Desna seem likely candidates.

Adding Pharisma or Gozreh to give us a TN option is possible but we have not seen a lot of interest among our divine casters in either of these.

Nothing definite has been decided.

The LG deity Erastil has also been discussed as he is a very common deity in the River Kingdoms and Longbow would be an interesting favored weapon for a cleric wanting some ranged ability but he is not in the game yet.

Goblin Squad Member

I for one plan to strongly pull for Torag, LG God of Dwarves and Crafting. We are a crafting settlement after all ;).

Edit: of course Torag isn't in 'yet'

Goblin Squad Member

Torag is a good option if we get them in game.

What would be needed is a "crowdforging" effort to encourage the devs to prioritize Torag. I am sure some of the dwarven focused settlements would get onside with that.

Goblin Squad Member

Any chance of a good bank Temple of Abadar?

Goblin Squad Member

I may be mistaken, but isn't Abadar Lawful Neutral?

Goblin Squad Member

Indeed. I thought KOTC was True Neutral, but I'm getting a feeling I'm mistaken and you're actually Neutral Good?

Goblin Squad Member

Keeper's Pass the Settlement and Keepers of the Circle are Neutral Good.

Goblin Squad Member

I blame Cheatle for my brain taking a vacation.

Sorry for the confusion, not sorry for all the free bumps!

Goblin Squad Member

It is Phaeros that is True Neutral.

On an alignment/cleric related note some -> basic new cleric guides <- have been created for initiate clerics in the Ring of Light at Keeper's Pass but most of the information is generic and will be of use to all new cleric players in general.

Goblin Squad Member

New Cleric guides have been updated and expanded.

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