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Name: Stone Bear Clan
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Patron Deity: Gorum
Motto: Be Legendary
Values: Strength, Bravery, Cunning
Favorite Drink: Anything with a kick
Website: http://stonebearclan.guildlaunch.com/
There is a great void in the landscape of the River Kingdoms that we wish to fill. The land of the free is being overrun by the Laws of military men and profiteers. It is time to take what is rightfully ours. We are beholden to none. We choose our own path. We are the Stone Bear Clan.
We are a barbarian themed Company of chaotic nature. Ruled by the strongest, our motives are ever changing. If you want to be part of a group where your actions really matter, we're what you've been looking for.
The Stone Bear Clan follows a Chief who is always the strongest among us. Any warrior of the Clan may challenge the Chief for leadership by Trial of Combat. The winner is the Chief from that point forward until they are defeated in a future Trial. (More in-depth details will be given at our site.)
Every warrior has a voice and they are expected to use it. Ignorance will not be tolerated. The ability to shape this land is ours, we must simply let the world know.
Great acts of bravery and magnificent deeds will be proclaimed and sung from every hill and mountain of the River Kingdoms and beyond. Seek out adventure and bring glory to your name!
Join us and create your own Legend!
There has been public discussion on the fact that there seems to be a lack of Chaotic presence. I have taken up that challenge to form the Stone Bear Clan, a purely Chaotic Company with a barbarian theme to it. That does not mean you must have the Barbarian Role (Class) to join, only that you are prepared to embrace the violent, passionate, work hard, play hard lifestyle it entails.
We encourage any and all people of the Chaotic persuasion to join us. Neutrals will be tolerated. Lawful will not be accepted.
Initially formed from a family of Kellid folk fleeing Nemuria, the SBC has come to enjoy the freedoms of the River Kingdoms. They now see that threatened by the hordes of pioneers entering the lands and forcing their petty laws down everyone's throats. They aren't about to become "slaves" to these false barons and will put down anyone who tries to tell them differently.
The SBC is seeking to establish a haven for free thinkers, free speakers and freedom fighters. That will be a separate post.

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I've added your Guild to the Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links list. If you have a brief description you'd like to appear there to let people know about your guild while they're browsing that list, just PM me or post a clear request here.
The Seventh Veil welcomes you to the community.

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The UnNamed Company, formed from Linnorm Raiders (Ulfen) and also dedicated to Gorum and other Chaotic Neutral Deities, welcome you!
In the Land Rush 2, we plan on vying for a top 30 spot, and our settlement will cater to specialized structures for those of Chaotic alignments, factions and classes.
PM me or any officer of UNC if you wish to discuss further.

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The UnNamed Company, formed from Linnorm Raiders (Ulfen) and also dedicated to Gorum and other Chaotic Neutral Deities, welcome you!
In the Land Rush 2, we plan on vying for a top 30 spot, and our settlement will cater to specialized structures for those of Chaotic alignments, factions and classes.
PM me or any officer of UNC if you wish to discuss further.
Appreciate the welcome! We are also going for a settlement, Prophecy, which has just been posted. However I can see some crossover that could result in a working relationship of a kind.
We'll see how the next few months play out.

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Very nice Ravenlute! This might be what I've been waiting for. I'm curious though, since barbarians and a chaotic neutral alignment signals aggression to me. Do you envision your clan picking fights, doing unprovoked raiding of outposts and such? I'm kind of hoping that the answer is "yes". :D
Just so that I'm not misunderstood, "one clan vs. the server" is not what I'm asking about, just want to make sure you are not going to play flower-picking pacifists.

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I don't even know how it would be possible to be a pacifist in an open world PvP game like PFO. That would get really boring in no time.
The SBC is all about fighting the expansion of other groups encroaching on the freedom of the River Kingdoms. We will most certainly be an aggressive Company. While we may do a little of the banditry that the UNC is promoting so heavily, I envision that we will not be so focused and will also take to patrolling the lands and hunting down pioneers in our "territory", raiding POI's and perhaps even spearheading assaults against settlements.
We are a barbarian themed Company, and battle is life to us. Even those who take on other roles such as a shaman (Cleric) will need to have a willingness to fight.
Our motives are not for money and it's not to just kill. It's to claim, hold and protect the land from others who we deem threaten our way of life. We will not be shackled by fear of an overwatching tyrant as in Numeria.
That said, a lot of our actions on the day to day will be decided by our Chief. That's the exciting part. Any of our members may rise and hold that title through Trial by Combat. If you disagree with the way the SBC is being lead you have the chance to take control and make it your own.
That's the PvP side of things. Our motto is Be Legendary and that is in all our actions. We will also strive to take on the PvE challenges of the land in bold and brash fashion, giving way to stories that will be talked about for a long time.

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Appreciate the welcome! We are also going for a settlement, Prophecy, which has just been posted. However I can see some crossover that could result in a working relationship of a kind.
We'll see how the next few months play out.
Recently the UNC has adopted a policy of free association or ad hoc raiding parties. Through recent and on going experience, I have seen the merits of supporting the raider ( pirate or bandit) life style over actual concerning ourselves with just the company tag.
"Let no Bandit, Raid Alone" reflects this policy. If the basic party size remains at 6, the way this would work is that the UNC will allow anyone in fill in the vacant slots in our raid group(s) or we would provide members to fill in someone else's raid group.
This has led to the unusual circumstances of a raiding party attacking X company settlement on Monday, and then having several X company members joining in on a raid against Y settlement on Thursday.
There are no hard feelings about what happened yesterday, the only thought is, who are "We" going to raid today and what do we need for that raid to be successful?

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Ravenlute wrote:I don't even know how it would be possible to be a pacifist in an open world PvP game like PFO.Ask Hobs about that. He's regaled us with quite a few tales of pacifism in UO.
I have full intentions of playing a pacifist, LG Monk. I'm hoping that the feats and skills if the Flowing Monk, unarmed and non lethal combat are fully realized in the game.
Pacifism does not mean you do not defend yourself or the "weak", it means (to me) you do not initiate violence. I would like to take this further by using evasive moves and fears that direct force from the attacker back at him. This way, I would not actually be causing harm, but instead redirecting it. But, in the event that an attacker needs to be reduced to unconsciousness and bleeding, I would then heal that person and try to convince him that he is walking an unfortunate path.

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Ravenlute wrote:Appreciate the welcome! We are also going for a settlement, Prophecy, which has just been posted. However I can see some crossover that could result in a working relationship of a kind.
We'll see how the next few months play out.
Recently the UNC has adopted a policy of free association or ad hoc raiding parties. Through recent and on going experience, I have seen the merits of supporting the raider ( pirate or bandit) life style over actual concerning ourselves with just the company tag.
"Let no Bandit, Raid Alone" reflects this policy. If the basic party size remains at 6, the way this would work is that the UNC will allow anyone in fill in the vacant slots in our raid group(s) or we would provide members to fill in someone else's raid group.
This has led to the unusual circumstances of a raiding party attacking X company settlement on Monday, and then having several X company members joining in on a raid against Y settlement on Thursday.
There are no hard feelings about what happened yesterday, the only thought is, who are "We" going to raid today and what do we need for that raid to be successful?
I've lead Mercenary groups in the past and I know how wonderfully it works out if all groups involved are willing to shrug it off and do as you mentioned.
I see a high possibility of SBC and UNC raiding together at various points. Our willingness to do so may also depend on who is Chief at the time. It may end up we find ourselves competing to raid the same target. XD

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Pax Shane Gifford wrote:Ravenlute wrote:I don't even know how it would be possible to be a pacifist in an open world PvP game like PFO.Ask Hobs about that. He's regaled us with quite a few tales of pacifism in UO.I have full intentions of playing a pacifist, LG Monk. I'm hoping that the feats and skills if the Flowing Monk, unarmed and non lethal combat are fully realized in the game.
Pacifism does not mean you do not defend yourself or the "weak", it means (to me) you do not initiate violence. I would like to take this further by using evasive moves and fears that direct force from the attacker back at him. This way, I would not actually be causing harm, but instead redirecting it. But, in the event that an attacker needs to be reduced to unconsciousness and bleeding, I would then heal that person and try to convince him that he is walking an unfortunate path.
I like where you're going with this and it could be an enjoyable, if challenging, way of playing.

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Going back to UO, I played a pacifist healer who would heal anyone in need, even murderers. If I came across PvP, I would wait to resurrect the dead with the condition that the resurrected players would go on their way without attacking eachother again. It gained me a LOT of friends so I was able to adventure unmolested about 99% of the time.

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Going back to UO, I played a pacifist healer who would heal anyone in need, even murderers. If I came across PvP, I would wait to resurrect the dead with the condition that the resurrected players would go on their way without attacking eachother again. It gained me a LOT of friends so I was able to adventure unmolested about 99% of the time.
This is exactly what I intend to do, and what I predict will be the server reaction to my character. He will heal anyone, regardless of who they are, based solely on their need in that moment.

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One thought for you: if the leader of the SBC is run by the person to beat the reigning leader, what happens if an outsider joins the clan, beats the leader, and then demands that the clan fight on behalf of another organization?
I think a barbarian themed group is awesome, I just want you to be aware of a possible weakness.

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One thought for you: if the leader of the SBC is run by the person to beat the reigning leader, what happens if an outsider joins the clan, beats the leader, and then demands that the clan fight on behalf of another organization?
I think a barbarian themed group is awesome, I just want you to be aware of a possible weakness.
That sounds almost "Conan the Barbarian-esque".

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Yeah, I've thought about it and it's certainly a possibility.
First, they would have to be accepted into the clan to have a shot at taking leadership as you mentioned. Then they would have to defeat the current Chief, who got into that position by being the best. After that they have proven their worth and if that means that we are sent to fight a war besides paladins and monks, so be it. That doesn't mean we will suddenly shed our ways and become lawful and that 'outsider' Chief may be ousted at any time. The roleplaying aspects of it are intriguing and I look forward to seeing what happens.
The idea is to have fun, be the rambunctious glory seeking barbarians that would be a joy to play and be remembered as.
Out of game there are conditions and contingencies if things go sideways. We won't abide having a complete asshat or griefer in the Clan, let alone as a Chief. Despite the Chaotic nature of the Company, it's not a free-for-all for players to come in and destroy our community and if we feel that events are heading in that direction we will shun that person, remove them from the Company and another will step in to take their place.
So, in the end, I don't think it is a weakness. I think it's a great roleplaying opportunity and something unique to our Company.

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Alexander_Damocles wrote:That sounds almost "Conan the Barbarian-esque".One thought for you: if the leader of the SBC is run by the person to beat the reigning leader, what happens if an outsider joins the clan, beats the leader, and then demands that the clan fight on behalf of another organization?
I think a barbarian themed group is awesome, I just want you to be aware of a possible weakness.
Couldn't agree more! XD

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That doesn't mean we will suddenly shed our ways and become lawful and that 'outsider' Chief may be ousted at any time. The roleplaying aspects of it are intriguing and I look forward to seeing what happens.
Nice concept.
Depending on how the Company management tools in the game work, you may need to set it up so that a 'neutral party' is the one who really has access to make changes and the current Chief goes through them. That way you can maintain the Company structure / traditions while still giving the Chief the ability to change anything else.

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Ravenlute wrote:That doesn't mean we will suddenly shed our ways and become lawful and that 'outsider' Chief may be ousted at any time. The roleplaying aspects of it are intriguing and I look forward to seeing what happens.Nice concept.
Depending on how the Company management tools in the game work, you may need to set it up so that a 'neutral party' is the one who really has access to make changes and the current Chief goes through them. That way you can maintain the Company structure / traditions while still giving the Chief the ability to change anything else.
As Herald I am responsible for maintaining the lore and integrity of the Clan. Mechanically, the Chief will not have the ability to disband the Company for example, that little red button will remain in my control. To allow this to function as intended I am relinquishing as much authority and power as possible to the Chief. The Chief will not have to seek my permission to do anything, they will have the run of the Clan and all will follow that leadership or challenge it through combat.
In essence, I am taking on the role of the neutral party you suggested. Wouldn't want to suddenly log in one day and see the Stone Bear Clan was dissolved by a spy working for some Lawful group, now would we?

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Yeah, I've thought about it and it's certainly a possibility.
First, they would have to be accepted into the clan to have a shot at taking leadership as you mentioned.
Maybe have a length of time before new members can challenge the chief. Or they have to prove themselves worthy by killing a number of the so called civilized invaders. Just so that they have been accepted by the SBC and will have a good grasp on how the company works before taking on the mantle of leadership.

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Ravenlute wrote:Maybe have a length of time before new members can challenge the chief. Or they have to prove themselves worthy by killing a number of the so called civilized invaders. Just so that they have been accepted by the SBC and will have a good grasp on how the company works before taking on the mantle of leadership.Yeah, I've thought about it and it's certainly a possibility.
First, they would have to be accepted into the clan to have a shot at taking leadership as you mentioned.
That's a solid idea and we will certainly have a vetting period for prospective members before they attain full membership and the right to Challenge the Chief.

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What is the SBC's view of magic? In the lore most barbarians fear and hate magic and thus do not like spellcasters. Will you allow spellcasters in SBC?
While the fear of magic is still strong in our culture the SBC welcomes Shamans (divine casters) and Witches (arcane casters) to join us and help us understand the ways of our enemies.
Conquering fear is an act of bravery and the SBC not only confronts such things head on but often seeks them out.

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Lord Zodd wrote:What is the SBC's view of magic? In the lore most barbarians fear and hate magic and thus do not like spellcasters. Will you allow spellcasters in SBC?While the fear of magic is still strong in our culture the SBC welcomes Shamans (divine casters) and Witches (arcane casters) to join us and help us understand the ways of our enemies.
Conquering fear is an act of bravery and the SBC not only confronts such things head on but often seeks them out.
Right on.
How does SBC feel about stealthy little backstabbers? Killing an opponent while they are unaware doesn't seem very honorable. Just curious if SBC cares about this sort of thing.
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At least once I've seen a reference to you as "Stoned Bear Clan", and I gotta tell you: that's a name that sticks in your brain. Good to have you here, and good luck in the Land Rush.
Yeah, that thought popped in my head right away when I came up with the name but I figured what the heck, if it helps people remember us then it's good either way!

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How does SBC feel about stealthy little backstabbers? Killing an opponent while they are unaware doesn't seem very honorable. Just curious if SBC cares about this sort of thing.
Honor? Who said anything about that? We seek glory! Honor is a tool used by those weaker than you to show pity on them. It is up to the individual to decide if they have a code of honor and what that entails. We find it unnecessary and usually a point of weakness.
We have three core values; Strength, Bravery and Cunning. Not only does it take a lot of guts to try to sneak up on someone without them knowing it, but it requires a good deal of Cunning. We welcome rogues and their ilk and place a high value on them. If you can sneak up and steal a barbarians ale out from under his nose and live to tell about it, that deserves high praise and a good laugh.
Our lore even speaks of rogues who have found the Rage. They are beings of nightmare, shadows who stalk their target and then vanish leaving only unrecognizable gore where a body once stood. But hey, that's only stories, right?

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I don't imagine we'll be all about intrigue or the more intricate details of politics. It will boil down to, "this is our territory, if you don't have a good reason for being here you better get out." Not because the SBC hates everyone but we're about protecting what we have.
Small trade teams passing through or individuals might have more leeway than large groups due to threat level but who can really say what happens on any given day?
Actual alliances will be formed or dissolved based on the decisions of the Chief but I'll say that it's unlikely the SBC will buddy up with any Lawful group since they will have rules and regulations that we just won't care for. A good trade deal may be struck using intermediate trade companies though.
I want to make a clear point that we are chaotic in nature and many of us will likely play based on how we feel at the time. For example, if you see me and greet me there is a better chance we'll talk instead of fight, unless I don't like you for some reason or I've had a bad day or I found out a goblin just killed my best friend's dad's brother's dog. This roleplay will be encouraged. We want to actually be barbarians, not just say we are as we sit around a tiny table drinking tea.
A lot of this will really be up to each individual member to choose how they act with others. As the game progresses and we all get an idea of how things work we'll likely come up with some guidelines.

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I have now joined the clan. Chaotic groups are in serious minority amongst the organizations on these forums and so are barbarians and others outside of "civilization" (except for druids :D).
I don't think that this skewness is necessarily representative of the interests of the player base, so:
To those who seek to play any of the following: chaotic, barbarian, tribal, outcast or freedom loving characters (or simply don't like to bathe too often) - join up and let us be legendary together!

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The UNC had adopted the origin of the Linnorm Kingdoms several months ago. Being primarily Barbarian , seafaring, raiders I believe we shall have some common cultural features.
Bluddwolf for instance, will be Ulfen and most likely a Barbarian (depending on the feats / skills).
The UNC is dedicated to three Deities, we being polytheistic or pagans (in other's view). We worship, or acknowledge: Besmara, Gorum and Callistria. I put them in this order because our company motto is "For Coin, Blade and Pain of Blood", or "Greed,Combat and Vengeance" (Bandits, Raiders, Assassins).
Contrary to some popular beliefs, we are a chaotic neutral company. If we do participate in the land rush (which we plan to) and secure a top 30 , we would establish a CN settlement.

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Then this bodes well for the River Kingdoms, as we are sponsoring Prophecy, a CN settlement as well.
The differences that I see between our Companies is that the UNC is focused on the goal of making coin while the SBC is all about the glory of the fight and defending the land against the incursion of lawful slavemasters. Both groups are very combat oriented and it will exciting to see what happens with that.
As for the Settlements, Prophecy will not be run by barbarians, merely protected by them. It is a town of Freedom, a haven where those who are tired of the shackles of Law can live a free life.

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So now that the UNC has revealed its plans for the land rush, I extend an invitation and a hope to the Stone Bear Clan and your settlement Prophecy.
My hope is that both of our companies attract enough votes in LR2 that both our settlements secure a spot.
Not knowing how things will turn out, details will have to wait. But, in principle, our settlement will be open to SBC for chaotic training, should you need it.
We shall all be following how the LR progresses, and other cooperative decisions may be on the table.

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We do not recognize your laws as truth. So there are no laws that can be broken. :D
We don't follow your gods. We don't obey your laws. On our lands, those things mean nothing.
What you may call 'borders' mean nothing to me. Wherever I step, that is my land and there your rules don't apply
I know, I know....
"Locutus: Worf - Klingon species. A warrior race. You, too, will be assimilated.
Lieutenant Worf: The Klingon Empire will never yield!
Locutus: Why do you resist? We only wish to raise quality of life, for all species.
Lieutenant Worf: I like my species the way it is!"

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Ravenlute wrote:We do not recognize your laws as truth.Do you disbelieve the laws?
Roll a Will save to realize that they are illusions.
Luckily when raging, Barbs get a bonus to Will saves and it doesn't take much to make one angry.
I know, I know....
"Locutus: Worf - Klingon species. A warrior race. You, too, will be assimilated.
Lieutenant Worf: The Klingon Empire will never yield!
Locutus: Why do you resist? We only wish to raise quality of life, for all species.
Lieutenant Worf: I like my species the way it is!"
Priceless! And not too far off actually...