The Old Timer Community Thread

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I have already made arrangements and given the appropriate people written instructions for the disposition of property upon my passing. My gaming stuff is divided between 3 of my fellow player/GM's.

They were quite disturbed at first, but I explained that I was just trying to be proactive. At 65 there aren't a lot of mornings left.

Just my 2 cp.

I'll leave it to my son, he would appreciate it. My daughter can have some other stuff.

Scarab Sages

When I die, I'll leave my gaming stuff to whoever can break into my house and wipe my harddrive.

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Sissyl wrote:
If I were to die one day...

Evidently someone doesn't think anybody will be able to find their phylactery. :)

Jaelithe, you are thinking too small. Transcendence is where it's at. Or simple immortality. :-)

Dark Archive

I haven't made plans yet, but I would want my gaming stuff to go to my friends. Specific games going to each person - with the games I have re-written going to one specific friend who is also an armchair game designer.

The Exchange

Immortality is only attractive to those of us who aren't easily bored. ;) Veering away from matters of inheritance onto yet another Grampa-Simpson-style tangent...

Macona wrote:
...One day a really fat sixth-form student with a beard on his neck turned up and invited us to a roleplaying club...

Say, what exactly is up with the neck-beard thing? Why is it endemic to gamers and if one cultivates a beard (as I do), what is so darn hard about shaving those parts of it that wander off the face to southward?

Hey, remember back when gamers all wore goatees and no one else did?

Two members of our group do Viking re-enactment, braided beards and all.

Shadow Lodge

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Monsters that were scary in ealier editions....not so much in 3rd and later.

The Mummy was a very scary monster and tough for mid levels (9+) because you needed magic weapons to damage it at all AND power magic weapons to really start doing some damage. +1 and +2 weapons only did half dmage, you needed +3 or better to do full damage.

I'm talking about just the standard mummy for 1st and 2nd editions.

Now it has a DR 5/- and its a CR 5 monster.

Oh well, progress I guess.

Scarab Sages

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Lincoln Hills wrote:

Macona wrote:
...One day a really fat sixth-form student with a beard on his neck turned up and invited us to a roleplaying club...
Say, what exactly is up with the neck-beard thing? Why is it endemic to gamers and if one cultivates a beard (as I do), what is so darn hard about shaving those parts of it that wander off the face to southward?

From 1d4chan:

"A more plausible theory claims that neckbeards are in fact a form of tears. Those with neckbeards grow them because no one will ever love them and thus, there is no longer a desire to groom due to the acceptance of their inherent repulsiveness."

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I started playing with the Red Box in the 80's

I was visiting a friend in Wollongong (an industrial city south of Sydney) and 14 hours drive from my home on the far North Coast of New South Wales.

I was talking about Lord of the Rings and my friends mum said I would probably like the game he plays as it has elves and dwarves and wizards - so I played the choose your own adventure part in the players book and my friend DMed the adventure in the DMs book. I still hate Bargle to this day

I was hooked... When I got home it was all I could talk about. I made my mum buy it for me on her next trip to Sydney she got me the Red and Blue Box plus Horror on the Hill.

My problem was the nearest city was 3 hours away and Sydney was 12 hours away - to get any books I had to wait for family holidays.

Then in the days before the internet I found the Military Simulations catalog, ask any old school Australian role player from the country, Mil Sims was a wish book and lifeline.

I bought MERP, Rolemaster, Robotech, GURPS and Shadowrun from that catalog.

I have been Playing for about 30 years now not much chance of that stopping.

Jacob Saltband wrote:

Monsters that were scary in ealier editions....not so much in 3rd and later.

The Mummy was a very scary monster and tough for mid levels (9+) because you needed magic weapons to damage it at all AND power magic weapons to really start doing some damage. +1 and +2 weapons only did half dmage, you needed +3 or better to do full damage.

I'm talking about just the standard mummy for 1st and 2nd editions.

Now it has a DR 5/- and its a CR 5 monster.

Oh well, progress I guess.

On a somewhat similar note, demiliches. Really tough in 1e (see ToH). It's tough even if you know all its weaknesses, and extraordinarily hard if you don't.

Very tough, even for their CR (29) in 3.0. All the more impressive because most CR 25+ monsters in 3.0 were over-CR'd.
Still very powerful in its 3.5 conversion, even for a CR 29 monster.

But for something so iconic as a deadly foe in D&D, its pathfinder version is...extremely underwhelming.

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Sandbox games are tricky... When I GMed I used a combination of a calendar flow chart and locations.

The calendar had events and I had what would happen if the characters didn't act on the event flow charted out so I could insert them as follow on events.

For example

March the 1st
Event 1 Baron Von Badass dispatches a coded message to Earl D'Evilguy telling him it's time to assassinate King Goodking.

Event 2 BB realises there was a spy amongst his servants and dispatches his thugs to kill the dude.

Event 3 PC's see a "mugging"

If they intervene they arive too late to save the guy as he has had acid poured down his throat and his jaw smashed with a mace. But he does have a copy of the coded message. They also have BVB on their tails.

If they don't intervene a few days later I insert the death of the King and the ascension of EDE to the throne and the beginnings of tyrannical rule.

So March the 6th could be...

"You talk with the Beige Ratter an independent non guild aligned thief about the coded message he turns grey as he deciphers the code... Ye gods man it's a coded message from BVB to EDE telling him to kill the king. We are all dead men if he catches us.


Sad news reaches you that King Goodking "accidentally" brutally cut his own head off while shaving and his cousin now sits on the throne. In other news King D'Evilguy says non humans are responsible for all of the kingdoms problems and are being relocated to reeducation camps.

What's up guys run out of things to say ?
How's your new game going marc sort out the problems with the mega-dungeon ?

Shadow Lodge

What tony gent said.

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tony gent wrote:

What's up guys run out of things to say ?


I ran out of things to say at 17,

Been mostly just repeating myself ever since, which explains why it is so important for me to keep meeting new people.

Well im starting a campaign soon going to use the old known world of basic D&D to start then very quickly dump them into the hollow world settling
And as only one player in group (my brother ) has ever played in hollow world before it will all be new to them
I've told them it will be an adventure in even sense of the word

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Regarding settings I probably have a sense of nostalgia for Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms there's so much for (and so many experiences like the Baldur's Gate games), Golarion is okay but I've not played it enough to really notice anything unique - yet.

Prefer the settings for my own games which has developed over 30 odd years.

Terquem wrote:
tony gent wrote:

What's up guys run out of things to say ?


I ran out of things to say at 17,

Been mostly just repeating myself ever since, which explains why it is so important for me to keep meeting new people.

God bless you. Most people just keep repeating the same shi+ to the people they've known forever.

Come on guys would like a little feed back on my idea what are your thoughts

I've never played The Hollow World setting and know virtually nothing about it. Otherwise I'd have something to offer ya!

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The only thing I know about Hollow World, is that some players really loved it and some really hated it. Didn't seem to be any middle ground.

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T-gent; I commented on your other thread so I won't repeat myself here (since no one in this thread is a fan of repetition). I have been suffering some writer's block of late but I hope I'm on the mend.

As for just being an old timer in general, here's a senior gamer's moment for ya'. I bought some stuff from Frog God Games; among these was Rappan Athuk. While the old-skooler GM in me reveled over the diabolically evil dungeon y'know what part of the book I read religiously? The tribute.

In this section Bill Webb, the author of the work and one of the most prominent Frogs pays homage to Dave Arneson, Bob Bledsaw, Professor M.A.R. Barker, and of course, Gary Gygax. The tribute even reveals Bill's first run in with Gygax and it was eerily similar to my own.

Bill had a smoke with a guy outside a gen-con and chatted him up for 15 minutes. It turned out to be Gary. I attended the 2000 gen-con and just as they unveiled 3e (which at the time I was staunchly opposed to) I got up and left the auditorium. I somehow missed Mr Gygax coming out on stage.

So as the ruckus inside reaches a fever pitch me and a bunch of con-goers are venting on the grass behind the exit door. Out comes this guy in a white pony tail, presumably from the stage so we chatted with him about the new edition. In effect his response was to just keep playing, and play what we love. It doesn't matter what VERSION of the game it is. The whole point is to make it your own anyway, so go and MAKE IT YOUR OWN GAME and keep playing until its not fun anymore. As the sage man ambled off a friend comes SPRINTING up to me and goes "Did you get his autograph? That was GARY GYGAX!"

So I read the RA tribute. Twice. I wonder if anyone else has had that mysterious experience meeting Mr Gygax? I'm really sad he's not with us anymore and wish I'd not been such a stupid kid back then. What Bill says in the tribute rings with me too: these guys are legends, myths. I wish I could hang out with them, buy them a beer and really get to know them.

But there's one at least one guy on these boards who has walked and lived among these giants, worked with them going all the way back. Dr Deth, I'm looking in your direction.

Specifically to Dr Deth - thank you for the Thief. Also thank you for being an agent of living legend. If you are ever in MN or I happen to luckily bump into you at a con I'd love to sit down with you and buy you a meal, a coffee/beer/water and just listen to your stories. Because you were there, RIGHT THERE when things like 1e hit. You participated in that amazing explosion that is the hobby I've loved for over 30 years.

Thank you.

Sadly grew up in the UK so conventions were not really part of the furniture for a while and never got the chance to meet Gary Gygax and co.

I got to meet Gary once at a gencon in Manchester in the UK by total chance he was staying in the same hotel as me
I can down one morning to see him sitting in the lobby drinking and reading a paper so i went over just to say thanks for all the fun times i had had playing D&D i didn't want to disturb him to much but he invited me to sit and we chatted for about 20 minutes or so tell his car arrived yo take him to the con it was a great experience from a true gentleman
I will always remember his last words as he got up "play the game how you want and have fun if it stops being fun then stop playing"
Well 34 years and counting and im still having fun
Here's to you Gary god bless you

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