JBiggs78 |

Hi all... I'm a new subscriber, found the game in February and have played pretty much as much as possible since then. My question is this: Will there ever be any opportunities for newer subscribers to receive the previous promos besides scouring the secondary market?
I totally understand wanting to reward those that found the game early on and I think that respect could be maintained by allowing new subscribers to purchase those promos that were distributed free of charge to initial subscribers.
Thoughts? Can Mike and Vic come to the resuce by sending Poog my way?

JBiggs78 |

They are often sold on ebay, though the price is usually very high.
I've definitely seen those... and with my ongoing subscription, plus my commitment to another game, I simply can not justify paying 20-50 per card on my current gaming budget.
Luckily the game is immensely enjoyable without the promos, but I would just love to be able to have a system in place that could help out those of us that found this great, great game just a little too late. Unfortunately when I picked the game up, I did so from Barnes and Noble and with no prior knowledge of the promos. As soon as I found out about the system that was in place, I subscribed, but cest le vie.

Erixian |

Hawkmoon269 wrote:They are often sold on ebay, though the price is usually very high.I've definitely seen those... and with my ongoing subscription, plus my commitment to another game, I simply can not justify paying 20-50 per card on my current gaming budget.
Luckily the game is immensely enjoyable without the promos, but I would just love to be able to have a system in place that could help out those of us that found this great, great game just a little too late. Unfortunately when I picked the game up, I did so from Barnes and Noble and with no prior knowledge of the promos. As soon as I found out about the system that was in place, I subscribed, but cest le vie.
I was in the same boat, actually. I have a B&N card, so I was enjoying the discount, and then I started liking the game a lot and got on here to poke around and see how the community was, and now I am a sub. The program is really cool, and you get free cards that other players in your group might not have seen or have access to.
I have also seen the cards on eBay, and it is very hard to justify some of the costs. I look every week to see if I can find a Poog or a Sneeze for around 15, but I do not think that I will find what I am looking for on that front. Hehe. I would really like if they provided a system where subs could get previously released promos at a cost. If they were 5 bucks or so, I am sure that a lot of people would pick them up.

Erixian |

I haven't subbed because I like to buy the game from my FLGS and support them. So far I've been lucky and they always have a promo.
Yeah, my local store has not had the expansions, so I have not been able to get the Promos there. I also recently moved to where i am now, so I have yet to build a relationship with people at my local store, so I don't have that loyalty, yet. I will get there.

JBiggs78 |

I haven't subbed because I like to buy the game from my FLGS and support them. So far I've been lucky and they always have a promo.
I would be all over that if I could find a store locally that carried everything without having to travel for an hour or so. Frustrating being a gamer in a smallish city... Ugh.

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Don't have the reference, but I'm pretty sure that Vic has said numerous times that promo cards aren't normally going to be sold, re-released, or re-printed after the fact. They are nice, rare cards that make the game slightly more enjoyable, and they are a IMO a very good incentive to subscribe - you're guaranteed to get them. That's the deal, and it's been that way since the start of the product. It's clearly working for them, so I'm not sure what incentive they'd have to change it, barring solid proof that doing something different would be a better incentive...

JBiggs78 |

Don't have the reference, but I'm pretty sure that Vic has said numerous times that promo cards aren't normally going to be sold, re-released, or re-printed after the fact. They are nice, rare cards that make the game slightly more enjoyable, and they are a IMO a very good incentive to subscribe - you're guaranteed to get them. That's the deal, and it's been that way since the start of the product. It's clearly working for them, so I'm not sure what incentive they'd have to change it, barring solid proof that doing something different would be a better incentive...
I realize its not happening, basically just regretting not finding this game till February. Now just to hope that the organized play doesn't include a whole bunch of cool stuff that somehow I miss...

Erixian |

Well, its a really good set up to make sure people subscribe. I will fully give them that, and I have been very, very pleased with the product and Paizo's customer service, so even though I was late to the party I am still very happy.
I would agree completely, and I am gladly subbed, because I want them to keep producing great product like this. I am fine missing a few promos, but I think that the ones I will miss out on are some of the strongest ones out there. Hehe.

Orbis Orboros |

JBiggs78 wrote:Well, its a really good set up to make sure people subscribe. I will fully give them that, and I have been very, very pleased with the product and Paizo's customer service, so even though I was late to the party I am still very happy.I would agree completely, and I am gladly subbed, because I want them to keep producing great product like this. I am fine missing a few promos, but I think that the ones I will miss out on are some of the strongest ones out there. Hehe.
Poog is pretty hard to top, but Fire Sneeze is kind of lame except for the flexibility in providing others a fire trait, and Blessing of Zarongel is pretty situational.

Erixian |

Erixian wrote:Poog is pretty hard to top, but Fire Sneeze is kind of lame except for the flexibility in providing others a fire trait, and Blessing of Zarongel is pretty situational.JBiggs78 wrote:Well, its a really good set up to make sure people subscribe. I will fully give them that, and I have been very, very pleased with the product and Paizo's customer service, so even though I was late to the party I am still very happy.I would agree completely, and I am gladly subbed, because I want them to keep producing great product like this. I am fine missing a few promos, but I think that the ones I will miss out on are some of the strongest ones out there. Hehe.
Exactly, Poog is ridiculously good. He offers unparalleled flexibility. Fire Sneeze is a little less flexible, but is still pretty solid and offers the fire trait, which helps out in A4 more than anywhere else, so far. Also, Blessing of Zarogngel is interesting to me. I think that it is very situational, but I think that it is a great blessing for Lini, especially if you have Fire Sneeze... I wonder if it would be any good if you had 5 of them. The recharge is rather useless without more than one in the box...

Hawkmoon269 |

I like Fire Sneeze if you have lots of other characters using weapons. In a 6 character group where I am Ezren, there is also Harks, Valeros, Merisiel, Lem, and Lini. I treat Fire Sneeze like a support spell for Ezren and as a backup if all my attack spells aren't in my hand, I have Fire Sneeze to fall back on. Or if I have I have to use Ezren's weapon for combat and have Fire Sneeze in hand. And of course playing it and potentially drawing another spell is nice too.
Horsechopper looks like it could be nice if you have a character you have avoided/can't give Weapon proficiency too.
I think the promos are in a "sweet spot". Not the best card, but not the worst card either, though much closer to the "better" end. And they are unique enough too. If they were the best card, people that didn't have them would be angry. And if they were the worst card people that did have them would be angry. As it is, if you don't have them you really want them, but you also don't feel like the game can't be played without them.
It will be interesting to see what the Goblin Plate does once it is finally released, since I don't think that was previewed anywhere. I wonder if it will have a penalty for proficiency like the Horsechopper.
It would have been interesting if there was a goblin spell that had a power that required you to bury it to activate and had the text of "If you have the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card." And then offered you to select any skill to attempt a 10 check to recharge the card instead of burying it. Since the non-spell casters can all take spell feats, that would have been a hot commodity.
Maybe I'll make a community use spell like that. I've been wanting to make a spell with the liquid trait for Drunken Master Sajan as well.

Orbis Orboros |

Orbis Orboros wrote:Exactly, Poog is ridiculously good. He offers unparalleled flexibility. Fire Sneeze is a little less flexible, but is still pretty solid and offers the fire trait, which helps out in A4 more than anywhere else, so far. Also, Blessing of Zarogngel is interesting to me. I think that it is very situational, but I think that it is a great blessing for Lini, especially if you have Fire Sneeze... I wonder if it would be any good if you had 5 of them. The recharge is rather useless without more than one in the box...Erixian wrote:Poog is pretty hard to top, but Fire Sneeze is kind of lame except for the flexibility in providing others a fire trait, and Blessing of Zarongel is pretty situational.JBiggs78 wrote:Well, its a really good set up to make sure people subscribe. I will fully give them that, and I have been very, very pleased with the product and Paizo's customer service, so even though I was late to the party I am still very happy.I would agree completely, and I am gladly subbed, because I want them to keep producing great product like this. I am fine missing a few promos, but I think that the ones I will miss out on are some of the strongest ones out there. Hehe.
I have two (the one promo I allowed myself to included two of) and it's never come up. And I find it useless for Lini, checks to acquire animals always include Survival which is the best stat on the numerically strongest character...

Hawkmoon269 |

Orbis Orboros wrote:Exactly, Poog is ridiculously good. He offers unparalleled flexibility. Fire Sneeze is a little less flexible, but is still pretty solid and offers the fire trait, which helps out in A4 more than anywhere else, so far. Also, Blessing of Zarogngel is interesting to me. I think that it is very situational, but I think that it is a great blessing for Lini, especially if you have Fire Sneeze... I wonder if it would be any good if you had 5 of them. The recharge is rather useless without more than one in the box...Erixian wrote:Poog is pretty hard to top, but Fire Sneeze is kind of lame except for the flexibility in providing others a fire trait, and Blessing of Zarongel is pretty situational.JBiggs78 wrote:Well, its a really good set up to make sure people subscribe. I will fully give them that, and I have been very, very pleased with the product and Paizo's customer service, so even though I was late to the party I am still very happy.I would agree completely, and I am gladly subbed, because I want them to keep producing great product like this. I am fine missing a few promos, but I think that the ones I will miss out on are some of the strongest ones out there. Hehe.
How often does the recharge due to matching actually come up for you guys? It is nice when it does and all, but I don't have a plan to bank on it. I'd say it doesn't even happen every game for me.
Blessing of Zarongel is also nice for Sajan if he adds the Fire trait to his attack. Then its like another Blessing of Erastil.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Don't have the reference, but I'm pretty sure that Vic has said numerous times that promo cards aren't normally going to be sold, re-released, or re-printed after the fact. They are nice, rare cards that make the game slightly more enjoyable, and they are a IMO a very good incentive to subscribe - you're guaranteed to get them. That's the deal, and it's been that way since the start of the product. It's clearly working for them, so I'm not sure what incentive they'd have to change it, barring solid proof that doing something different would be a better incentive...
Well, we don't plan on reprinting them, but we will likely have some of the original printing of some of the promos left at the end of the year. (More than that I cannot say just now!)

JBiggs78 |

Calthaer wrote:Don't have the reference, but I'm pretty sure that Vic has said numerous times that promo cards aren't normally going to be sold, re-released, or re-printed after the fact. They are nice, rare cards that make the game slightly more enjoyable, and they are a IMO a very good incentive to subscribe - you're guaranteed to get them. That's the deal, and it's been that way since the start of the product. It's clearly working for them, so I'm not sure what incentive they'd have to change it, barring solid proof that doing something different would be a better incentive...Well, we don't plan on reprinting them, but we will likely have some of the original printing of some of the promos left at the end of the year. (More than that I cannot say just now!)
Now that feels like such a tease...

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Well, we don't plan on reprinting them, but we will likely have some of the original printing of some of the promos left at the end of the year. (More than that I cannot say just now!)
Well now...that IS a change in tactics. I believe I can safely say that you've have perhaps made Hawkmoon's day, right there, Vic...
I'm all set with my promos, but this is potentially very exciting news for super-fans who may have come a bit late to the party.

Erixian |

Now I wait patiently for someone to freak out at the end of 2014 with a post saying "I can't find the post, but Vic promised we could buy every promo by the end of the year!!"
Let me bookmark this post so that I can come back to it, because Vic is totally telling us that we will be getting promos. Hehe...

Rubius |

Yeah, it's weird but I kinda feel like I'm missing pieces of the game without the promos. What I think I will do is use some basic card back and print a cut out in high quality color of the promo I'm missing and use it with a sleeve. Wont be as nice, but it's the cheapest way to do things I think. Because 40$ for a Fire Sneeze? Man.
I really hope I can buy the 4-5 promos I'm missing.

Erixian |

Perhaps what Vic means is Paizo will do something like Steve Jackson Games does with there Munchkin promo cards. Typically at the start of the new calendar year they offer the years promo Munchkin packs until stock runs out.
So maybe at years end we'll see the 2014 PACG Promo Pack?
If so, I would have to get one. I don't know what they might do, but I am excited, nevertheless.

Greyhawke115 |

Well, we don't plan on reprinting them, but we will likely have some of the original printing of some of the promos left at the end of the year. (More than that I cannot say just now!)
I hope this (whatever it is) is easily accessible and announced soon. Not sure if "end of the year" meant end of the season, or end of 2014.

Erixian |

Vic Wertz wrote:I hope this (whatever it is) is easily accessible and announced soon. Not sure if "end of the year" meant end of the season, or end of 2014.
Well, we don't plan on reprinting them, but we will likely have some of the original printing of some of the promos left at the end of the year. (More than that I cannot say just now!)
I was wondering about the timing of this as well. I don't know if they mean around Christmas, or very soon, since S&S is coming out.

Hawkmoon269 |

Well, even if you didn't want them to sell them, there are lots of other things they could do with them:
1. Insert them into random PACG subscriptions.
2. Give out at conventions.
3. Give them to Organized Play venture officers to give out at stores.
4. Have some kind of contest with them as the reward.
5. Put them up for auction in charity events to raise money for some good charities.
I'd personally be fine with them selling them, or giving them to BoardGameGeek to sell in their store. I've got the full set of RotR promos, but I'd like to maybe go for a set of 5 Blessing of Zarongels.
And I doubt there would be a mass cancellation. They could price them high (maybe at $10/card?), which would mean getting them via subscription is still totally worth it. And plus, there are no guarantees with how much extra stock they will have at the year's end or that you would be able to buy them before they sell out.
But regardless, there are lots of options that don't devalue the subscription.

Myfly |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I ordered the adventure pack connected with the blessing of zarongel 5 times, just to have that promo blessing 5 times.
If now this promo blessing would be easy accessible, i would immediately cancel 4 subscrpition. There is no point to the sibscription, when you later throw out the promos for nothing or even giving this out as a gift.
You should have got 5 pacg subscriptions of RotR to get this blessing!
If there is a way around that it would drive me angry.
... And if I come up with we are playing with up to 5 promos, eg this blessing. Everybody here in the forum said that there is officially a limit to 1 of each. So actually there is no point for you to get 5 blessings of zarongel... ;-)