FatePAC's page

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Will we be able to mix sets up when there are more than 1 set?

Indeed, with the promos being as expensive and inaccessible as it is, it is better to just forget about it or just use proxies.

I wish there is a way to justify using multiple daggers too but i have yet to find it.

I havn't gotten restoration yet but maybe some errata is indeed needed? Something that maintain its usefulness but is not as broken. How about everytime you use restoration you have to bury a card from your discard pile or hand.

Edit: dmg would negate the effect of the card

That is indeed weird.

Lets say my character met the enchanter but lost to it. How many instances in that encounter can I use the ring the protection?

Oh, but i do agree that she is not OP. Her advanced class ability is pretty much useless other than to extend her reveal ally power.

If i may also add my unhelpful suggestion. How about we go with

1) Before the encounter.
During this step, the card may be evaded if it does not have immunity. Do other before the encounter effects if there any. After that , if the encounter is evaded, skip to step 5.

2) Start of encounter.
Most current before the encounter effects will be moved here.

3) During the encounter.
Roll your checks and stuff.

4) End of encounter.
Most current after the encounter effects will be moved here.

5) After the encounter.
Any effects that involve the consequences of having evaded the encounter goes here.

So what you saying is all the cards with errata will get a replacement no matter how big or small or insignificant the errata is?

You shouldn't make her rely on her unarmed combat dice. Give her inflicts or holy lights or even a weapon when she levels up.

If valeros has to discard it after he recharges the card, does it mean Amiri can reveal it then bury it with her power then if a 1 is rolled she gets to discard it?

For curiosity sake, roughly how many cards is earmarked for errata updating up to adventure 4?

Strictly speaking in terms of raw attack, amiri is better but also more prone to over exerting herself and dying if she uses her power too much. OTOH, valeros recharges his weapon instead of discarding them. Given a good weapon, his recharge power is as good as amiri bury power. You seldom need more attack than 3d10+x on a normal monster anyway. Against the villain, everyone will be throwing blessings at you anyway.

Afaik, it is all the dice used to make the check.

Ouch. This is giving me a headache just reading about it. I think my group and i will just try to apply some simple and logical resolutions to settle the matter if we encounter them.

I think it might be better that when paizo writes the next round of powers and abilities , they think of PACG in terms of being a computer game where powers and abilities have a fixed timing that they can be used.

The rulebook may not be the best at clarity but it certainly isn't that difficult to understand if you really read through it instead of just flipping through. With a few practical plays and logic, the gameplay should become clear. There are some ambiguous things like the evade and encountering sequence but it shouldn't affect the game too much.

The promo distribution method is just about the only thing I hate about PACG. Shipping almost doubles the price of the game even with the subscribers discount. Buying from ebay is the same. The promo cost almost as much as the game it comes with.

They chose to screw over their overseas fans so as to sell more subscriptions.