So...what did you make your Ifrit?

Pathfinder Society


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well given the lackluster responses to my thread, I am curious what, if you did have it did you use your boon for? That is what did you build and how you like it?

Scarab Sages 3/5

Brother Justice:
Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)1/ Paladin (Sacred Servant) 2

I will be taking 3 levels of Fighter (Weapon Master) next then back to Paladin.

The two other people playing ifrits in our group:

Brother Vengence = Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)1/ Paladin (Divine Hunter) 2. Vengeance will be taking 3 levels of Fighter (Weapon Master) next then back to Gunslinger.

Brother Wrath = Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)1/ Paladin (Divine Hunter) 2. Wrath will be taking 3 levels of Fighter (Weapon Master) next then switch to Sorcerer.

So far we have been having lots of fun with the builds. Little feat starved at low levels, but have proven very versatile.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Fighter (two-weapon fighter) 7 / Rogue (poisoner) 3

With fighting fans.

Lantern Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, South Dakota—Rapid City

Bard, although I'm going the Arcane Healer route... just wish Arcane Healer stacked with Songhealer. Currently playing him as a paramour of sorts, who worked at a temple but was removed from clerical duty for 'ruining; some of the nuns. An aficionado of life, learning, and love, he joined the Society to explore and find a more practical use for his abilities.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

I'm waiting for ACG to come out to make an ifrit swashbuckler. Just because.

5/5 5/55/55/5

A kitsune :)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Efreeti bloodline Sorcerer and Oracle of Flame.

Brothers who are seeking power to rival their ancestors.

4/5 5/5

If I had an ifrit boon, I'd make an inquisitor of Brigh.


I havent made mine quite yet but I'm leanig towards making a divine hunter archer paladin. I'm going to wait til Blood of the Elements to come out before I nail anything down though.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Efreeti bloodline Sorcerer and Oracle of Flame.

Brothers who are seeking power to rival their ancestors.

Sounds somewhat familiar.

I've got an Oracle (although I stuck with the Life variety), and my wife has a Sorcerer. They're both GM credit babies (using up the credits we earned at the con where we picked up the boons), so they started off at 3rd level. We're currently running them through "Destiny of the Sands".

Grand Lodge 4/5

John Francis wrote:
I've got an Oracle (although I stuck with the Life variety), and my wife has a Sorcerer. They're both GM credit babies (using up the credits we earned at the con where we picked up the boons), so they started off at 3rd level. We're currently running them through "Destiny of the Sands".

I rocked the sorcerer through Murder's Mark as a cleric since that was what the party needed, then rebuilt him. Haven't had a chance to do much with him since. Built the oracle up with GM credit a bit before throwing him into City of Strangers. He's been quite fun.

Liberty's Edge

I REALLY want these boons. Gaddamnit pazio. Just make the uncommon races the boons and leave the featured ones as limited to Gamemasters. Thus giving more incentive to buy paizo products.

Pretty much the system would work like this: One star grants you one race of your choice. Two stars grants you a randomly chosen race. Three grants you another race of your choice. This goes on untill five stars. Thats when you get every race.

4/5 *

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I made a ninja with the firesight feat and smoke bombs, but she's just sitting on GM credit right now and I haven't had a chance to actually play her

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I made it a boon I'm willing to trade away.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Realizing I had no arcane casters, did an elemental fire sorcerer. Was a 3rd level GM credit baby until last night where I ran him for the first time. Need to work on better spell selection. Maybe retrain some feats. Fun character, but didn't work as well as I envisioned.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Rakim, of House Darshud

He's amazing to play. Roleplaying a magically bound sycophant who has to constantly take orders (not all orders being wise) has been great fun.

Grand Lodge

I wanted to make something that people wouldn't normally associate with an Ifrit, so I made a bloodrager from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. He will be going straight into dragon disciple at 6.

Dark Archive 4/5

Ifrit Monk with 5 wisdom is what I am making


I made him sit in a corner until June.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Paladin(Oath of Vengeance) 4/ Gunslinger(Mysterious Stranger) 5


First i had in mind either a wishcrafter sorcerer with elemental fire bloodline or a ninja focussing on shuriken and smokebombs.
Then i heard of Blood of the Elements and decided to wait untill then.

Anyway, might be a rules question, but it might also be a table variation thing. I lately read somewhere about smoke only giving concealment 20%, what would make it impossible to go through with that smokebombs ninja build, melee or ranged. Any comments on that?

Edit: nevermind the question, just looked it up and saw it´s treated like the fog cloud spell, thus giving 50% concealment and allowing sneak attacks.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

I made a fire elemental sorcerer, with the build that specializes my burning hands at lvl 1.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

I'm going with a swashbuckler. I haven't had a chance to play him yet, just assigned 2 scenarios of GM credit to him. I'm definitely looking forward to the +11 initiative at level 1, though. I wonder if I should take Reactionary to make it +13? Eh, it's probably not worth giving up Indomitable Faith or Dangerously Curious.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 Venture-Captain, Alabama—Birmingham

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He's still cooking (haha fire guy? Get it? Never mind) but he will be a blackened life oracle with low wis, no selective channel, a healthy addiction to intimidate, and as many command spells as possible. He has impulse control issues and is a Megalomaniac.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

Mike Seales wrote:
He's still cooking (haha fire guy? Get it? Never mind) but he will be a blackened life oracle with low wis, no selective channel, a healthy addiction to intimidate, and as many command spells as possible. He has impulse control issues and is a Megalomaniac.

At least he's not a pyromaniac...

Dark Archive

I built a Barbarian who worships Szuriel, Horseman of War, and I absolutely love that bad boy. Really brings on the smashy-smashy with that Greataxe.


A friend of mine went Wishcrafter Sorcerer.


I made my best GM a little happy.:)

Dark Archive 3/5 **

Dawnflower Dervish Bard. Gave her a background as being of Vudrani Heritage; makes for some good role-play.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I have plans to make a pistol-wielding Buccaneer (the Bard archetype from Pirates of the Inner Sea). Will most likely be a GM credit baby due to being feat starved until 5th or 7th level.

1st - Gunsmithing
3rd - Exotic Wpn Proficiency (firearms)
5th - Amateur Gunslinger (for Quick Clear Deed)
7th - Rapid Reload (double barrel pistol)

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Nefreet wrote:

I have plans to make a pistol-wielding Buccaneer (the Bard archetype from Pirates of the Inner Sea). Will most likely be a GM credit baby due to being feat starved until 5th or 7th level.

1st - Gunsmithing
3rd - Exotic Wpn Proficiency (firearms)
5th - Amateur Gunslinger (for Quick Clear Deed)
7th - Rapid Reload (double barrel pistol)

Are you going to start as a Mysterious Stranger or stay a regular 'slinger? This is of great personal interest to me, come Con season.

Dark Archive 3/5 ***

Fighter (Unbreakable)/Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager).

Took the Fast Healing racial trait. Once encouraged the party's Sorcerer to roll a Flaming Sphere over him to kill the tiny white dragon in his square. Sorcerer rolls maximum damage. Fighter was on 1 hit point at the time. Walked away from it.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Muser wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

I have plans to make a pistol-wielding Buccaneer (the Bard archetype from Pirates of the Inner Sea). Will most likely be a GM credit baby due to being feat starved until 5th or 7th level.

1st - Gunsmithing
3rd - Exotic Wpn Proficiency (firearms)
5th - Amateur Gunslinger (for Quick Clear Deed)
7th - Rapid Reload (double barrel pistol)

Are you going to start as a Mysterious Stranger or stay a regular 'slinger? This is of great personal interest to me, come Con season.

100% Bard. Hence the need for the feats I listed.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Cleric of Sarenrae and maybe an Oracle of fire/Sorceror Not sure on the second one yet.


I gave it away to a friend so he could make his smoke bomb ninja. :)

My gunslinger was abandoned as a baby as an orphan, two elven parents looking for someone that ages roughly the same as them adopted her. She was raised in the way of the gun by her father who lived in the Mana Wastes. Her mother was portective and never let her leave the house, but then told her she was an elf blessed by seranae(Hence the red hair, The power to control fire and speak ignan) When she could finally leave she took her dads musket and joined the pathfinders.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Ember is a 7 level dervish dance inquisitor of Sarenrae.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Still sitting unused. My current plan is Fighter(Unbreakable)/Golden Leagionare. Modeling him slightly after Boxer from Animal Farm. His motto: "Major Maldris is always right."

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Inquisitor (Immolator) of Angradd wielding a Great Axe with the War Domain.

3/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

My girlfriend and I are going to try out an Ifrit/Undine gunslinger duo on Friday. Should be interesting...

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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Nefreet wrote:
Muser wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

I have plans to make a pistol-wielding Buccaneer (the Bard archetype from Pirates of the Inner Sea). Will most likely be a GM credit baby due to being feat starved until 5th or 7th level.

1st - Gunsmithing
3rd - Exotic Wpn Proficiency (firearms)
5th - Amateur Gunslinger (for Quick Clear Deed)
7th - Rapid Reload (double barrel pistol)

Are you going to start as a Mysterious Stranger or stay a regular 'slinger? This is of great personal interest to me, come Con season.
100% Bard. Hence the need for the feats I listed.

Since you're waiting till level 7 anyway, you can always just use a couple of pepperboxes and not take Rapid Reload—saving yourself a feat.

That's what my gunslinger ifrit does. The revolver type weapons are also thematically cooler than a double-barreled pistol, imo.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Walter Sheppard wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
Muser wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

I have plans to make a pistol-wielding Buccaneer (the Bard archetype from Pirates of the Inner Sea). Will most likely be a GM credit baby due to being feat starved until 5th or 7th level.

1st - Gunsmithing
3rd - Exotic Wpn Proficiency (firearms)
5th - Amateur Gunslinger (for Quick Clear Deed)
7th - Rapid Reload (double barrel pistol)

Are you going to start as a Mysterious Stranger or stay a regular 'slinger? This is of great personal interest to me, come Con season.
100% Bard. Hence the need for the feats I listed.

Since you're waiting till level 7 anyway, you can always just use a couple of pepperboxes and not take Rapid Reload—saving yourself a feat.

That's what my gunslinger ifrit does. The revolver type weapons are also thematically cooler than a double-barreled pistol, imo.

I have always wondered how an Ifrit Gunslinger manages to avoid setting off his gunpowder every time he touches it.

My Gunslinger Wears heavy leather gloves.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

My gunslinger isn't on fire all the time or lights things ablaze with a touch—he just has pointy ears, red hair, and brass skin. Like a red elf.


Red Elf is hungry.
Red Elf is about to die.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Red Elf needs food badly!

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