
Kristen Gipson's page

RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 330 posts (333 including aliases). 25 reviews. 3 lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters.


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Scarab Sages 5/5

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Drogon wrote:
Kristen Gipson wrote:
So the Leads and OPC felt that in order to make the Paizo ran cons run as smoothly as possible, that they needed to do away with the CORE only option. CORE is always an available option, players will just need to talk amongst themselves and pre muster.
I'm very interested in seeing how this works. Any chance tabs can be kept on how many CORE tables happen at GenCon? And any chance we can get a comparison of this year vs. last year?

I have just asked one of the leads, Bob Jonquet, if anybody knows the statistic from last year. So we can actually get an idea. Haven't heard anything back just yet. I'm working HQ again this year. So I'm sure it will be easy enough to keep tabs.

Scarab Sages 5/5

I can probably add a little insight as to why CORE was not offered separately at PaizoCon or GenCon this year.

There were multiple reasons as to why this option was done away with.

1.Newer players didn't know what the difference was, and showed up with a bloodrager. Sometimes it was caught before the table started and could move, but if the player moved the CORE table would sometimes fall apart. Sometimes they didn't know that it was the bloodrager until halfway through the scenario forcing the CORE players to classic campaign.
2. Sometimes when the players were trying to find players they forgot to mention it was for CORE then decided to switch characters after discovery this revelation.
3. What it boils down to is that CORE is always an option, whether it is actually listed separately or not.
4. The GenCon ticket booth did not know there were two options, so the players were not asked when they bought the tickets. So they got something random.

It was discussed pretty heavily at the Post-GenCon meeting. There it was unanimous from GMs, VOs, con leads, and Tonya that offering CORE separately was a mistake. It caused problems from start to finish. It made mustering problematic if players were not willing to be flexible. It caused problems for the GM and players if the table had to fold or switch campaign mid scenario. If GMs did not write CORE at the top of the sign in sheet it made it difficult for those reporting and fixing all the mistakes later on. All these problems were then brought to the Leads and OPC attention, making it much more difficult for the con the run smooth.

So the Leads and OPC felt that in order to make the Paizo ran cons run as smoothly as possible, that they needed to do away with the CORE only option. CORE is always an available option, players will just need to talk amongst themselves and pre muster.

Scarab Sages 5/5


Mammoth rider lists what animal companions or mounts it specifically works with. Unfortunately, giant frog is not one of them.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Tempest_Knight wrote:
Can you provide a link?

bottom bullet point

Scarab Sages 5/5

Silver Crusade: Venture Captain Brother Choden Li ( fame 69)

Scarab Sages 5/5

Bureau of Managing Expectations wrote:
I think there's another 5-star in your area. He's not a home-grown hero, though. (And may have retired from PFS) :)

He will only be there for another week and a half or so. Then Reno,NV will have the luxury of a 5 star.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Mattastrophic wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

There are currently two known and confirmed level 20 PFS characters. You could be the third!

There is another?


Chris Hays, VC West Central Illinois, has a level 20 life oracle

Scarab Sages 5/5

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You absolutely can use the bestiary as your source book of choice. You just won't have access to all of the alternate abilities, traits, etc.

You can also use any of the splat books that contain stat blocks.

Scarab Sages 5/5

I so happy for you Lucas. I can't think of anyone more deserving of the promotion.

Scarab Sages 5/5

You will be missed. Your predecessor will have huge shoes to fill. Thank you for all your time and effort that you have put in these past 4 years to make PFS what it is today.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Congratulations Carl! Welcome to the team. We are very happy for you to join the VO ranks and think you will be a great addition.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
I think I should have phrased my idea differently: Can GMs voluntarily share their additional resources with new players under a certain level (subject to GM discretion)?

Often times I have no idea what levels or builds that parties are going to have at the tables I run (i.e. Gencon), so how would I know what resources to bring to accommodate the players that do not have the resources?

I specifically print only the exact pages I need for my character from the PDFs and carry them with my character sheets. I have absolutely no intention on bringing 10ish hardback books and 50+ splat books to a convention to accommodate low level players who choose to play a character that don't have the resources for. I don't ever bring those for myself, why would I want to bring them for my players.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Where is the limit on the amount of resources that are "allowed"? 1, 5, 10 What if the person who was supposed to bring the resource forgot and the player doesn't have another character with them?

Also, some things bring entirely more complex aspects to the game. Someone decided they are want to try a summoner because they have heard how powerful they can become should be treated differently then someone who took a trait to get a class skill.

If the the "no resource rule" is shown some flexibility here, players will expect and complain that it is shown in other areas. (Example: it should be the GMs responsibility to provide beastiary for a character that summons.)

Scarab Sages 5/5

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Congrats Auke!!!

Scarab Sages 5/5

Congratulations you two! Can't think of two people who deserve it more.

Scarab Sages 5/5

As a player, I like this suggestion. This would give a player a chance to try different mechanics out to even see if they like their build before having to invest in a the books.

As a GM, I find this to be a problem. It has already been stated, it is not the GMs job to provide resources for players. Feats and traits are one thing. Those typically play a small role in how a build functions, but take a different class for instance. Time and time again, I have seen it that the player doesn't understand a class they are playing and I as a GM have to explain exactly how things function. This could drag a game to a halt if the GM and player are unfamiliar with a class and they player is just trying it out to even see if they are interested in playing it. This is even more drastic for a new GM.

Scarab Sages 5/5

The run closer to scenarios

Scarab Sages 5/5

I find a high initiative most useful for characters that buff and those that use sneak attack. I know some people think that its the bees knees to have double digit initiative modifiers. When the majority of the baddies in scenarios have less than a +5 modifier, it then becomes trying to act before other party members and not just the baddies.

Most of my characters have a +3-6 initiative modifier. I do have one that is +14, but that was unintentional when the character was built (dex based Ifrit Inquisitor).

Scarab Sages 5/5

personwholives wrote:
If I GM 5 games with a character (before playing said character at all), then decide to build something, can I assign a new faction card to said character and immediately check off all the boxes for GMing games, even though I didn't decide on a faction until after those games?
Guide to Organized Play pg 38 wrote:
youdo not need to build the character until you actually play it

So long as the character is only GM credit it shouldn't matter if you have five different ideas and what factions they were, it just matters what faction you are when you actually set down to play the character. Just make sure you have the proper card when you play.

personwholives wrote:
How do these cards interact with 1st level rebuilds? If I change factions as part of my rebuild, do I lose all credit on the existing card (i.e. if I had, say 1 GM box checked, and I switch factions, can I move that GM box to the new card)? What if I change back? (i.e. start as Dark archives, check one box (doesn't matter which). Decide I don't like that idea, switch to Grand Lodge. Decide to completely rebuild character, now it fits in dark archives again. New card, or use old card?)

That is actually a really good question. I'm inclined to say no, because of the "no retroactive credit" and the "if you switch to a different faction you lose all credit on the current card" rules. However, I really don't think it should be that way, at least not to GM credit.

Scarab Sages

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Personally, when I was told these were going to be created last Gencon I was so incredibly excited. I was told there they should be released sometime in oct/nov. So I patiently wanted. I checked the website around that time to see when the release date was, it was pushed backed to Jan. Since then the release date has been moved back to March and now May. That is 4 different releases. I am so incredibly disappointed by all of this. I understand that it is just face cards, but this has been the only new release I have been excited about in the 2014-2015 product line.

Scarab Sages 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have had a player take a talking, shrunken head from Skykeep, because he felt bad for it since it just looked at a wall all day. He then proceeded to go adventuring with it. When the character seekered out, it was passed on as an heirloom to his daughter (different # character). She now adventures with it.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Avatar-1 wrote:

Is it possible to tick off two boxes with one action?

For The Exchange, if you roll at least 100gp on a day job check, can you cross off both the 100gp box and the 50gp box?

I would say no, because each card says once per scenario. That is of course unless the goal says that it doesn't prevent you from checking another box (i.e. Grand Lodge adventuring in other nations goal)and neither of those goals allow that.

Scarab Sages 5/5

The Stolen Heir
the Horn of Aroden

Scarab Sages 5/5

With the interactives the only requirement you need is the table number. The year it debuted at Gencon it was only available in the convention circuit. Now it is available to the public and as long as you can get the four tables you are good

Scarab Sages 5/5

Congratulations Carl!

Thank you for dragging us into Golarion and helping make sure everything runs smoothly in Southern Illinois. We could not have done it without you.

Scarab Sages 5/5

evdjj3j wrote:
Please don't make the faction cards part of Core Campaign. Simplicity is the reason I'm so excited about the Core Campaign.

The faction cards are just something extra that each person can have their PC do if they want their character more involved with their faction. Since that is a the primary problem that people had when the faction missions were dissolved 1 1/2 years ago. With this in mind faction cards should be an option for CORE.

Scarab Sages 5/5

tuypo1 wrote:
i do wonder why they dont update the venture captain list on the pdf as soon as things change instead of waiting for the full update

Because that list is updated very frequently. It changes pretty close to a weekly basis.

Right now, IT has it setup tp automatically update the organizer page whenever the settings are changed when someone is promoted or resigns as an officer. The list in the back of the guide is something that would have to be updated manually and there are things of higher priority that Paizo makes sure gets done before that.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Stefan Hill wrote:
If I was writing a PFS adventure what resources would I be allowed to use. Obviously PFS adventures aren't born, they are written and written under some assumptions. Those assumptions would form our groups limits on developing our non-PFS games, again, because we like the idea of PF CORE.

The authors were able to use any resources available that were not 3rd party. It is my understanding that the authors were not supposed to use information from more than 5 different books. However, that might change, because as of recent (past 2-3 months) the new scenarios have an appendix in the back of the scenario with all of the stat blocks of creatures not printed in the scenario.

Of course the older scenarios, season 0 and 1, are almost all core only, cause the other books were not published yet.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Majuba wrote:

I agree with John F, this isn't going to be a problem (and I *hate* a lot of non-core spells).

Now which scenario has {redacted} in it?

I would like to say this isn't going to happen, but this hasn't been the first time I have seen something like this. Someone asked which scenarios had wizards with pit spells on the Pathfinder Society Facebook Page.

Scarab Sages 5/5

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Fomsie wrote:
Kristen Gipson wrote:
Gnasher wrote:
Result: Wizards are, once again, the undisputed God class that makes DMs from Gencon to PFS Core tables cry bitterly into their screens

Really? Those guys are volunteers and deserve to have some fun too you know. They put a lot of work in so you can have your munchkin character. Cut them a break and maybe play ball with them instead of acting like a jerk who just wants to exploit the game.

This is the kind of character a GM should have the right, no, duty, to bury in a hole behind the shed.

The OP is just a troll that hasn't GMd a single game of PFS. He doesn't care about the time and effort that GMs put into making any experience good, regardless as to whether it's at GenCon or not. All he cares about is "winning". So he can just have his fun and be proud trying to accumulate this list all by himself.
Whoa now. While I agree that the OP is most likely a troll, be careful about assuming how much GM experience has based on there number of PFS sessions. While this is a PFS forum, PFS is only a small portion of Pathfinder, and there are many players with vast amounts of experience as GMs without ever sitting down at a PFS table. Hopefully not your intent, but that "dismissive of anyone with less stars" mentality creeps up more often than it should and can really be a turn off to society play. Especially when it comes from a VO.

I was not being dismissive of his lack of stars. I sometimes forget that there is other roleplaying other than PFS. He very well could GM for a home group and just play PFS. I have known many people who do that. However, he is talking about making the GMs at GenCon cry over how his character breaks the scenario. That greatly offends me. I have however GMd at GenCon the past 2 years. GMs get the specials and new scenarios (the events that are always filled) the weekend before the event. Giving 4-5 days for them to prepare. That is a huge time crunch for anyone, not including jobs.

Roleplaying should be fun for everyone invovled, not revolved around whether the character is broken enough that it makes it unenjoyable for the person running the game.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Gnasher wrote:
Result: Wizards are, once again, the undisputed God class that makes DMs from Gencon to PFS Core tables cry bitterly into their screens

Really? Those guys are volunteers and deserve to have some fun too you know. They put a lot of work in so you can have your munchkin character. Cut them a break and maybe play ball with them instead of acting like a jerk who just wants to exploit the game.

This is the kind of character a GM should have the right, no, duty, to bury in a hole behind the shed.

The OP is just a troll that hasn't GMd a single game of PFS. He doesn't care about the time and effort that GMs put into making any experience good, regardless as to whether it's at GenCon or not. All he cares about is "winning". So he can just have his fun and be proud trying to accumulate this list all by himself.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Qstor wrote:
For a charity auction I liked what he did at Winter War let players play a scenario that's been retired. I'm not sure if the players got credit or not.

We did receive chronicles. They were updated to PF rules and exclusive boons added.

Scarab Sages 5/5

A couple of weeks ago on a Know Direction podcast, John Compton, was a guest. He stated that it is possible that aasimar and tiefling boons make an appearance at Gencon

Scarab Sages 5/5


Michael Brock, Global Organized Play Coordinator wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
If the chronicle sheet on a Season 0 scenario offers items that don't exist anymore, cross it out. If it offers an item that's changed, replace it with the new item. Otherwise, you don't need to make any changes at all. Unless Mike, as campaign coordinator, wishes to handle this differently and puts a clarifying rule in the FAQ, then the quoted statement from Josh remains valid.
It remains as it has been (see quote above).

Scarab Sages 5/5

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Muser wrote:
One special also features mythic rules, but is only used by enemies.

Actually, there are multiple scenarios where enemies use mythic rules.

Scarab Sages 5/5

We have yet to have a table go off that is Core. People do seem interested in Southern Illinois. We already had the February schedule on Warhorn when the Core announcement came live. Some of our players have no interest in Core, so we intend to offer Core and Normal both at our game days.

Scarab Sages 5/5

GM Lamplighter wrote:
The older multi-table specials often only need 3 tables to run... a lot of areas can do that with planning.

Year of the Shadow lodge-3 tables

Blood under Absalom-4 tables
Race for the Runecarved key-4 table
Siege of diamond city-5 tables
Legacy of the stone lords-5 tables

Scarab Sages 5/5

This is the evidence pertaining to Paths We Choose

Mike Brock wrote:

John Francis wrote:

I don't believe that it counts as a special for any purposes.
It was originally intended to be that way, but after some further consideration campaign management felt that it was too important a scenario to make it hard for anybody to get a chance to play it as early in season 6 as possible. As a result it was opened up so that anyone could run it (even a no-star GM at a single-table game day)


Scarab Sages 5/5

Favorite: Traitor's Lodge, Storming the Diamond Gate, Rebel's Ransom

Least: Halls of Dwarven Lore, Goblinblood Dead, Sanos Abduction

Scarab Sages 5/5

Yes, It was very fun. Haven't GMd it since.

Scarab Sages 5/5

That and the paladin couldn't smite it either, lol!

Scarab Sages 5/5

Sammy T wrote:
Saturday Morning: PFS 6-11 The Slave Master's Mirror (play)

Yay! Glad to have you at one of my tables again, but no Bruno this time.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Mike Bohlmann wrote:

Sunday morning: Seagang Expedition player

Yay Mike! We are playing our level 4 ratfolk rogue and magus.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Friday afternoon: Slave Masters Mirror- GM
Friday evening: *redacted*

Saturday morning: Slave Masters mirror-GM
Saturday afternoon: Open
Saturday evening-Rebels Ransom- GM

Sunday morning: The Seagang Expedition- Player
Sunday afternoon: The Slave Master's Mirror- Player

Scarab Sages

I have been waiting for the return of Pasha since the easter egg in

Storming the Diamond Gate.
I am looking forward to running this a few times at a February con.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Mystic Lemur wrote:
And those aren't the same thing because...?

When people say dedicated charger they typically refer to a spirited charger with a lance. Beast Totem barbarian could 3 base attacks, 1 attack with haste, and any natural attacks (bite). So you are looking a 4+ attacks. So that's a bunch of extra dmg for 11,665gp.

Scarab Sages 5/5

A dedicated charger is not the problem. Pouncers are the problem.

Scarab Sages 5/5

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I ran We Be Golbins, Too! and it was a blast.

Scarab Sages 5/5

technic siege, blakros matrimony, day of the demon, beacon below, cultist's kiss,port godless, dots-part 2, the sealed gate

Scarab Sages 5/5

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It's not so much that the factions retired, but more that they evolved.

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