Obtaining sneak attack on a Living grimoire


So this is just a theory craft for now, but our group has decided that living grimoire can still treat the holy book as an improvised weapon (despite the faq)

The cathc off guard feat allows sneak attack when the for is unarmed. So if we go for a disarm build, we may be able to sneak attack with a book! xD

So my question, is there any good way to get sneak attack on the living grimoire? There are no compatible archetypes, and the variant multiclassn into rogue is...meh
And I would like to avoid multiclassing in general

Are there any items? Feats? Abilities?

So far I have sense vitals spell, which could be grabbed with mystic past life on a samsaran, but that's it

No there isn't.

Accomplished Sneak Attacker is the only feat, and it requires you to already have the class ability.

Why do you want it?

Well, there might be. If your GM allows the animal/terrain domains to be taken by inquisitors the crocodile domain has a little sneak attack attached. Accomplished sneak attacker could increase that by a d6. Otherwise you're looking at various kinds of multiclassing.

Also the precise strike teamwork feat is like sneak attack.

Huh....TIL the osiron god Sobek, god of crocodiles doesn't offer the crocodile domain.

If you're open to 3rd party material, the Fencing sphere in Spheres of Might can give you the equivalent of sneak attack if you invest some feats in it.

Ryan Freire wrote:
Huh....TIL the osiron god Sobek, god of crocodiles doesn't offer the crocodile domain.

It is a druid domain. I don't think any gods offer any animal domains.

Although, I think any nature good can offer one of the druid domains. Is that right?

If so, Sobek cleric with both Saurion and Crocodile domains! A familiar and a animal companion.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Sneak Attack is the single most overrated class feature in all of Pathfinder. Investing large recources into optaining a bit of highly conditional bonus damage is about the best way to ensure your character sucks.

In this case, this goes double, because it's a "win more": It mainly helps in fights in which you don't have any problems anyway. Against enemies that wield a weapon that you can successfully disarm, such a build is already strong. You don't need help dominating those enemies. What you need is help against are enemies you can't disarm, e.g. because they're using natural weapons, Improved Unarmed Strike, or a Locked Gauntelt.

If you want to deal more damage with the book, may I suggest the Shikigami Style/Mimicry/Manipulation feat chain?

Yeah, sneak attack isn't the most optimal thing, I just think the imagery of hitting someone's vitals with a book is hilarious, but seeing as there isn't any real way besides multiclassing, or if the gm would allow a druid domain ;D

I will very likely go with shikigami style, and vital strike ;D

Thanks everyone :)

There are some options I know of. It depends on how many dice you want and how quickly you want to gain sneak attack.

Fiendish Obedience+Damned Soldier+Nocticula+Accomplished Sneak Attacker will let you take the 2nd sentinel boon at level 16, which gives +3d6/+3d10 sneak attack. Taking the sentinel prestige class drops this down to level 13.

Fiendish Obedience+Shax+Accomplished Sneak Attacker will let you take the 3rd exalted boon at level 20, and get +6d6 sneak attack. Taking the exalted prestige class drops this down to level 16. If you can grab the feat Weapon Versatility(to make the book do slashing damage) then this chain also gives you +2 dmg per sneak attack die.

Demonic Obedience+Shax+Accomplished Sneak Attacker will let you take the 3rd Demonic boon at level 20, and get +4d6 sneak attack. Taking the Demoniac prestige class drops this down to level 16. If you can grab the feat Weapon Versatility(to make the book do slashing damage) then this chain also gives you +2 dmg per sneak attack die.

Fiendish Obedience+Damned Disciple+Andirifkhu+Accomplished Sneak Attacker will let you take the 2nd evangelist boon at level 16, and get +3d6 sneak attack. Taking the evangelist prestige class drops this down to level 13.

Unfortunately, there is a trade off. The last option will disrupt your progression the least since evangelist lets you continue to advance in your original class after level 1. But this option gives you the least amount of sneak attack dice. The 2nd option gives the most but is also the most delayed with even the accelerated option coming online at 16th level. It's also worth noting that the 2nd option I listed only gives +5d6 if you don't already have sneak attack from another source meaning that while it gives a lot it's not compatible with any other method of gaining sneak attack dice. The accomplished sneak attacker feat only works because it's not considered its own source of sneak attack, but instead augments your current sneak attack.

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