Daelen |

By 10th level you have everything you need from a Dawnflower Dervish Bard, and the Battle Dance works pretty well with Smite Evil on board as well. Something interesting to consider is a Paladin 5(Holy Gun possibly)/Mysterious Stranger 5/Dawnflower Dervish Bard 10 (not necessarily in that order. Gives you a good ranged option and a good melee option, and you can do some fun dual-wielding combos

Vaellen |

I played a Dawnflower Dervish Bard X/Paladin 2. The cha to saves meant I almost never failed and the Smite Evil came in handy against the BBEG. It was actually a great Gish character. I could tank with Mirror Image and Displacement, do ok damage, act as the party face, and still have lots of spells for buffing and support.

Dragonchess Player |

It can be pretty good. You could even go paladin 8/bard 4/mystic theurge 8 to get 4th-level spells in both and still end up with +15 BAB at 20th level (no worse than a straight bard at that point, but better during earlier levels). Paladins have some really nice 3rd- and 4th- level spells (deadly juggernaut, greater magic weapon, fire of vengeance, resounding blow), even before considering Unsanctioned Knowledge; and pearls of power are a relatively inexpensive way to gain more castings per day by the time you can use them.

The Crusader |

A two-level dip into bard can give your paladin a lot of skill points, and access to versatile performance, which lets you use Charisma for some variable skills. There are some pretty good level 1 Bard spells that have only vocal components - Timely Inspiration, Solid Note, and Feather Fall, for example - so that you can still use them while in heavy armor.

AndIMustMask |

an azata-blooded (+dex/cha) aasimar paladin (oath of vengeance) 4 / bard (dawnflower dervish) 16 using the racial FCB could hit that +4 bonus (+8 with DD archetype's battle dance) in inspire courage at 16th level (as compared to maxing at the +3)
FCB progression would be:
*effective bard level for inspire courage w/ FCB assuming pal 4 / bard 16*
-/-/-/-/1.5(+1) | 3/4.5/6(+2)/7.5/9 | 10.5/12(+3)/13.5/15/16* | 17*(+4)
* - add FCB to inspire courage until 10th-level bard (14th level), then the other 6 points (3 effective levels) into another performances or HP/skills if you want
possible build might be:
bard (DD) 1 / paladin (vengeance) 4 / bard +15
str 16 , dex 32 (7pt +2r), con 24 (5pt), int 16 , wis 14 (-2pt), cha 28 (10pt +2r)
dex/dex/dex/dex/dex (level), +6 dex/con/int/wis/cha (belt/headband), +4 dex/con/cha (book/wish)
-armor master
-optimistic gambler
1 - weapon finesse, dervish dance*
3 - power attack
5 - lingering performance
7 - arcane strike
9 - greater mercy*
11 - extra LoH*
13 - extra LoH*
15 - extra LoH*
17 - extra LoH*
19 - ultimate mercy*
* - mostly filler; replace with lunge, the step up (and strike) line, discordant voice, etc. if you want.
+5 courageous holy keen falchion
+5 mithral full plate or o-yoroi (counts as medium, so bard ACP immunity still applies)
headband - +6 int/wis/cha headband
head - tri-faced helm
eyes - lenses of detection
neck - +5 amulet of natural armor
shoulders - lesser cloak of displacement
chest - bane baldric
body - resplendent robe of the thespian
belt - +6 dex/con belt
wrists - bracers of the avenging knight, bracers of the merciful knight (up to you)
hands - glove of storing
ring1 - +5 ring of protection
ring2 - ring of freedom of movement or ring of evasion (shrug)
boots - boots of striding/springing, winged boots (both are fine)
-white opalescent pyramid ioun stone (scimitar) (slotted in wayfinder, grants weapon focus (scimitar))
-various other ioun stones (seriously they are so useful)
you could easily remove int or wis from the headband to save cash.
a tentative attack from the above might be:
+41/+36/+31/+26 (+16 bab +11 dex +5 enhancement +10 dance/courageous +2 baldric +1 stone -4 PA)
-all of which can be activated on the first round with a move and swift action. with smite it jumps to +46/+41/+36/+31.
damage might be:
~47.5 (1d6 (~3.5) base + 11 dex +5 enhancement +10 dance/courageous +4 arcane strike (16CL) +8 PA +2d6 (~7) baldric +2d6 (~7) holy)
-with a 15-20 crit range
-smite bumps that by another +13 (cha+paladin level, bypassing DR, doubled against evil outsiders)