Swordfighter Tournament


Hey guys.
One of my players has a character that is one of the best swordfighters in the world. Due to some in character reasons, he will be putting that character away for a while.
I want to get ready for when that character comes back, though. The idea is that she is going back to her homeland to investigate some problems, but she will arrive at the same time a swordfighting tournament is going on.
What I need your help with is who is going to be in the tournament. I'm looking for swordfighting builds, around level 4~7. The player character is 9th level, but she is really supposed to be the best so I don't anyone at the same level as she is (except for the previous guy who was in this position - he's 11th level, but he's old and doesn't fight anymore).

Any help here, guys?

My suggestion is this. If its going to be a tournament you don't want an endless slog of "hit miss hit miss" with 10 different Sir Stabby McStabb-Stabbs.

Design different swordfighters (could be a few different classes) and have them all specialize in different styles that create a different combat and challenge for him. Maybe one is a spring attacker, one power attacks, one is very nimble and hard to hit etc.

MattR1986 wrote:

My suggestion is this. If its going to be a tournament you don't want an endless slog of "hit miss hit miss" with 10 different Sir Stabby McStabb-Stabbs.

Design different swordfighters (could be a few different classes) and have them all specialize in different styles that create a different combat and challenge for him. Maybe one is a spring attacker, one power attacks, one is very nimble and hard to hit etc.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. Asking for different ways to build a swordfighter.

I alluded to 3. I'm sure someone else can give you specific builds if that's what you're looking for. One way I can say to do this is center the builds around certain feat trees. Skim through the the higher level feats for ones that catch your eye as interesting or a challenge and work backward from there to accomplish the task i.e. Improved Two weapon fighting and then feats needed as prereqs and stuff that complements it.

Scarab Sages

A Swashbuckler from the playtest with an agile sword. A magus (kensai). A Two-handed weapon archetype fighter. A shield style ranger with shield master feat.

can I make a monk/rouge that fights dirty? he wields a katana.

wouldnt ninja/monk be better? actually wait can you do monk/ninja cuz of ki?

actually because of the level I'll remove the rouge levels and go primarily monk with a Nodachi.

quick question, does your player like to charge?

I dont think Ki should be an issue if he uses the sword to attack primarily, if it is I can roll him as a Marital Artist

Silver Crusade

here is my fighter/duelist free hand fighter 6duelist 2

human, 20pt buy
Dex: 18 (22) (+2 levels, +2 belt)
Int: 14
Wis: 12

1- weapon finesse, dodge, combat expertise
2- Improved Disarm
3- Agile maneuvers
4- weapon spec Rapier
5- Dodge
6- Mobility
7- Greater Disarm

its level 8, so could be used as a "final round" type.

+1 agile rapier
+1 Mith Chainmail
ring of prot +1
Belt of dex +2
TO hit- 17/12 damage 1d6+12
CMB to disarm- 20 (I think, may be more)

27, if using combat exp. 30

its a more defensive swordfighter :3

Challenge accepted.

Half-Elf Aldori swordlord fighter 7 / Maneuver Master monk 1

Ancestral Arms alt racail trait

STR 20
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 12

Sword Scion, Defender of the Society

1 Fighter EWP: Aldori sword, Power Attack, Dodge
2 Monk Improved Disarm, IUS, Stunning Fist
3 Fighter Crane Style, Equipment Trick (Heavy Blade Scabbard)
4 Fighter
5 Fighter Weapon Focus (Aldori sword), Weapon specialization (aldori sword)
6 Fighter
7 Fighter Crane Wing, Improved Initiative
8 Fighter

+1 Aldori sword (~2000)
+1 Agile Breastplate (~1000)

Equipment trick (Heavy Blade Scabbard) will let him take the sword of his enemy after a succesful disarm attempt, winning the duel unless your player has a backup weapon. Funny little trick. His monk lvl allows you to skip on combat expertise.

Other than that, when fighting defensively and full attack you have:

AC: 20+1+2+2+1=26 AC with no penalty on attack rolls, 30 AC against one attack with crane wing

Good enough damage thanks to power attack, as well as attack bonuses and CMB

Another one, this time a dirtier fighter utilizing trip and dirty trick:

Human Lore Warden fighter 6 / Gendarme Order of the Seal Cavalier 1 / Maneuver Master monk 1

STR 20
DEX 12
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 12

Bred for War, Defender of the Society

1 Fighter Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Falchion/Nodachi), Combat Reflexes
2 Monk Improved Dirty Trick
3 Fighter Combat Expertise (bonus feat), Furious Focus, Toughness
4 Cavalier Power Attack (cav. bonus feat)
5 Fighter Improved Initiative
6 Fighter Weapon Specialization (Falchion/Nodachi)
7 Monk Improved Trip, Greater Trip
8 Fighter Greater Dirty Trick

You left your horse at home, it does not affect the build. Usually blinding them is the best thing you can do. You can also substitute and attack for trip, and then hit them again when they get tripped. the cavalier dip gives heavy armor back, power attack as a bonus feat and a free trip attempt when you strike the target of your challenge.

This is all looking pretty cool, guys. Any ideas for builds below level 8?

Silver Crusade

what level? I can work with some stuff, but I need a levels :3

Also, look into the rules for performance combat. Could be useful.

Heinrich Von Riechland
versatile human figther 5
Third son of a minor noble. Grey haie even if he is only in his erly 20ies. His eyes are sad but he looks determined.
Str 18
dex 13
con 16
int 8
wis 12
Cha 10
AC 23 (touch 12)
Broard sword (MW) +12, 1t8+7
full plate(MW)
Large shield(MW)
CMB:+9(12 with sword) CMD:21

Scarab Sages

Here's a level 7 Big Nasty Feller I slapped together. He'd definitely be a higher tier opponent in this tournament.

I chose to use Dogslicers for this build simply because I like the image of these nasty, crude-looking cleavers being used in a duel of blades. When you describe this character, I'd go for "big brute" all the way: Heavy breathing, bloodstained armor, massive "come get some" tusked grin. He wants a fight. He lives to fight.

If you want to modify this build a bit, you can have him switch out his dogslicers for a nice big Greatsword. Take away the Two-Weapon Fighting feat; grab Power Attack. You end up with two attacks of 4d6+16 if he's raging and sneak attacking and with 2 more attack bonus as well. Assuming all attacks hit, that's 8d6+32 versus his current setup, 9d6+30.

* * * * *

Borris the Bloody, Half-Orc Fighter (Viking) 4, Rogue (Thug) 3

STR – 20 (24 when raging)
DEX – 14
CON – 14 (18 when raging)
INT – 7
WIS – 10
CHA – 11
BAB 6/1
Saves (before items): Fort 7 (9 when raging), Ref 6, Will 2.
Traits: Bully (+1 to Intimidate), Axe to Grind (+1 damage in single combat, basically)
Feats by Level
Fig. 1 – Skill Focus: Intimidate, Weapon Focus: Dogslicer.
Fig. 2 – Dazzling Display.
Fig. 3 – Two-Weapon Fighting.
Fig. 4 – Weapon Specialization: Dogslicer.
Fig 4, Rog. 1 – Intimidating Prowess.
Fig. 4, Rog. 2 – …
Fig 4, Rog. 3 – Shatter Defenses.

Racial Special Abilities: Intimidating (+2 Intimidate), Orc Ferocity (Fight on for one more round after reaching negative HP), Darkvision 60, Weapon Familiarity.

Fighter/Viking Special Abilities: Fearsome (Intimidate as a move action), Shield Defense (not important), Berserker (Rage as a Barbarian 3 levels lower than the character has Fighter levels).

Rogue/Thug Special Abilities: Sneak Attack +3d6, Frightening (Shaken condition caused by intimidate duration increased by one round; if the target is shaken for 4 or more rounds, the thug can make them frightened for 1 round instead), Evasion, Rogue Talent: Befuddling Strike (enemies wounded by the thug’s sneak attacks will have a -2 penalty to hit the thug), Brutal Beating (the thug can trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to give the enemy the sickened condition for ½ his rogue level).

Equipment: Two magical Dogslicers and a suit of medium armor (Chainmail?). Anything else is optional.

Attacks without Rage (with non-magical Dogslicers):
Attack – Dogslicer +12 (1d6+7)
Full Attack: Dogslicer +10 (1d6+7) x2, Dogslicer +5 (1d6+7)
When Raging, Fighting 1-on-1:
Attack – Dogslicer +14 (1d6+10)
Full Attack: Dogslicer +12 (1d6+10) x2, Dogslicer +7 (1d6+10)

Favored Class: Fighter. HP each level.

Skills: Only Intimidate is important. It gets maxed each level. 7 ranks + 2 from Intimidating +3 from Skill Focus +1 from a trait is a total of +13 to Intimidate. However, Intimidating Prowess adds Borris’ Strength score to his Intimidate. This nets him another +7 when raging, which gives him a total of +20 Intimidate.

Tactics summary: Borris opens fights by raging and then using Intimidate to try and give his opponent the Shaken condition, preferably for multiple rounds. If he fails the first round, he will try to use his Move Action in subsequent rounds until he actually succeeds in intimidating his opponent.

Once Borris’ opponent is shaken, preferably for multiple rounds, he goes in for the kill. With Shatter Defenses, his opponent is considered flat-footed to him, not only reducing his opponent’s AC but also making him able to be sneak attacked. Borris can now deal 3d6+10 damage with each of his three attacks in the round.

Any time Borris hits his opponent, his opponent gets a -2 penalty to attacking him. He can also impart on him the Sickened condition if he successfully deals Sneak Attack damage. These penalties add up. Essentially, Borris is here to give our hero a brutal 1-on-1 beatdown.

I’ll work on a defensive Halfling build next. It won’t be nearly as brutal.

Aldori Swordlord(Probably Str based but given higher starting levels dex based could work)

Dervish Dancing Arcane Duelist Bard

Black Blade Kensai Magus

Trip Focused Spear fighting Lorewarden Fighter(unless you truly mean swords only in which case give him a sword even though it's less thematic for me)

Toss in a Dirty Fighter feat using Fighter

A Invulnerable Rager is always good.

Maybe an Inquisitor or Cleric of Gorum for good measure?

Scarab Sages

And here's the halfling I told you about. This build wouldn't be as viable outside of single combat, but it works well in this realm of expertise. She should make a good match for any small or medium sized opponent in single combat.

While Tari was designed as a level 7 character here, she could be lowered to level 6 and equipped with a weapon other than a scimitar for a similar, but lesser effect. Weapon Finesse coupled with an agile +1 short sword, for example, would work perfectly and save Tari a feat. She could spend her second level feat on Combat Expertise and her fourth level feat on Improved Trip, enabling her to use very similar tactics to those described in this post while reducing her BAB (and, subsequently, her number of attacks) by 1. (This would also cause her to lose 1 dodge AC and 1 bonus to disarm CMB / CMD.)

If you wanted, the player you're making these challenges for could have the possibility to find out about Tari before he fights her, and thus prepare accordingly. It should be known to a martial expert such as the PC that a small creature like this halfling can't trip a large-sized opponent, for instance. Sneaking in a potion of enlarge person would seriously hamper her ability to fight him, though her high AC would still be a problem he'd have to overcome.

If you wanted to min-max her further than I have, you can reduce her CHA and give her a few extra points in strength. Like Borris, she was built with a 20 point buy. Take that as you will.

* * * * *

Tari Lightfoot, Halfling Fighter (Free Hand Fighter) 6, Monk (Flowing Monk) 1

STR – 10
DEX – 18
CON – 14
INT – 13
WIS – 10
CHA – 12
BAB 6/1
Saves (before items): Fort 8, Ref 7, Will 3.
Traits: Vigilant Battler (+1 Sense Motive, counts as +2 to counter a feint), Suspicious (+1 Sense Motive)

For this build to be optimal, Tari needs 3 ranks or more in Acrobatics. This gives her a +1 dodge bonus when fighting defensively or taking the total defense action.

Feats by level:
Fig. 1 – Weapon Finesse, Agile Maneuvers.
Fig. 2 – Dervish Dance.
Fig 3 – Cautious Fighter.
Fig. 4 – Combat Expertise.
Fig 4. Monk 1 – Improved Unarmed Strike, Dodge, Crane Style.
Fig. 5 Monk 1 – …
Fig. 6, Monk 1 – Improved Trip, Greater Trip.

Racial Special Abilities: Small (+1 AC and Attack is most important here), 20 speed, Fearless (+2 saves vs. Fear), Adaptable Luck (can add a +2 luck bonus to most rolls, including attack rolls, three times per day), Sure-Footed (+2 Acrobatics and Climb), Weapon Familiarity, Keen Senses (+2 Perception).

Fighter / Free Hand Fighter Special Abilities: Deceptive Strike (+2 CMB / CMD on disarm checks and bluff checks made to create a diversion or hide), Elusive (+2 dodge AC in light or no armor), Singleton (+1 attack and damage when fighting with a weapon in one hand and the other hand free).

Monk / Flowing Monk Special Abilities: Flurry of Blows (not using), 1d4 Unarmed Strike Damage, Redirection (trip or redirect enemies as an immediate action when they attack Tari and she threatens them; get a +2 bonus to the trip/redirect attempt and Sicken them for one round (DC 10). Tari gains an additional +2 bonus if the enemy is charging or using power attack).

Equipment: The best scimitar and chain shirt available (plus the lightest possible clothes), with an emphasis on the scimitar first. If possible, a +1 or +2 Scimitar with an elemental damage enchantment would be good. Avoid anything that may weigh her down into carrying a Medium Load or more, as that lowers her AC and also makes Singleton stop working. Getting anything with +DEX will be useful for Tari, as will any object that gives her extra AC. She may need a +Strength item to help her carry items. If she has any extra weight capacity after equipping herself, Tari may consider equipping herself with a backup, non-magical scimitar (masterwork quality?). From this point onward, I will be assuming Tari is equipped with a non-magical, mundane scimitar and similar chain shirt.

I’ll be listing the AC for this character (unlike with Borris) because the numbers are pretty important to observe for this build.

AC: 22 (10 base + 4 armor + 1 size + 4 DEX + 3 dodge)
Flat: 18
Touch: 18
AC when Fighting Defensively: 28
Defensive Flat: 24
Defensive Touch: 24

Attacks when not Fighting Defensively:
Attack – Scimitar +12 (1d4+5)
Full Attack – Scimitar +12 (1d4+5), Scimitar +7 (1d4+5)
When Fighting Defensively:
Attack – Scimitar +10 (1d4+5)
Full Attack – Scimitar +10 (1d4+5), Scimitar +5 (1d4+5).

CMB: 9 (4 DEX + 6 BAB -1 Size)
Trip CMB: 13 (4+6-1, +4 from feats). Also, add an additional +2 if using the Redirection special ability to trip Tari’s opponent as an immediate action.
CMD: 22 (10 + 0 STR + 4 DEX + 6 BAB -1 Size +3 Dodge)
CMD when Fighting Defensive: 28

Favored Class: Fighter. HP each level.

Skills: As mentioned before, Tari will need 3 or more ranks in Acrobatics. Maxing it is a priority. With her 13 intelligence, she can pick 2 more skills to max; Perception and Sense Motive are probably best.

Tactics Summary: First, the feats selected will need to be given a bit of explanation. Cautious Fighter provides +2 Dodge AC when fighting defensively or using the Total Defense action. Crane Style gives another +1 Dodge AC for the same actions and also reduces the attack penalty for Fighting Defensively by 2 points, making it only a -2 penalty to attack. Finally, three ranks in Acrobatics earns Tari another point of Dodge AC when fighting defensively. The result is a +6 bonus to AC and -2 penalty to attack when fighting defensively. That’s not shabby.

Tari does not do much damage, but she gets a free trip attempt once per round when her opponent attacks her (you only get one Immediate Action per round) at a total bonus of +15. If she tries to trip her opponent on her own turn, she “only” has a +13 bonus. Again, this is without any magical equipment. Also, every time Tari trips an opponent, she gets an attack of opportunity against them due to the Greater Trip feat. It’s also worth mentioning that being knocked prone gives you a -4 penalty to AC against melee attacks, not to mention a -4 penalty to making your own melee attacks if you attempt to fight from the ground.

Knowing this, Tari’s tactics should be pretty straightforward: She always fights defensively to maximize her AC and rushes on into the fray. In the first round, she’ll probably just attack our hero with a defensive stance. When he attacks her, she’ll attempt to trip him with a +15 CMB, then spend her attack of opportunity to attack him. Since she doesn’t have Combat Reflexes at this level, she can’t spend her Attack of Opportunity when he’s standing up.

It should be pretty easy to see what happens here: Tari will use her immediate action each round to trip if she can. If she has to, she’ll spend one of her attacks in the round to trip instead (probably the first). Tari will whittle away at her opponent’s health with her scimitar all the while.

Don't forget that Tari has adaptable luck! She only has three uses a day, but a +2 bonus on an attack, crit confirmation, or a trip attempt can make all the difference needed to win a fight. If she declares she's using adaptable luck before she attacks, she gets a +2 bonus; if she declares it after the fact, she gets a +1 bonus. It's still very nice.

One last note: Tari can't attempt to knock the player prone as he's standing up from a prone position with an attack of opportunity. According to the FAQ, the attack of opportunity would be resolved before he stood up. Similarly, when she makes an attack of opportunity against him with Greater Trip, it's resolved while he's still standing. The process goes something like this:


#1 Your CMB roll exceeds the CMD of the target.

#2 This means your Trip Attempt was successful.
#3 AoO triggered and made against the target.
#4 Target falls prone in his square.

So the attack of opportunity triggered by Greater Trip does not get a +4 bonus due to the opponent being prone.

Scarab Sages

EDIT: Also, I calculated damage incorrectly for Borris (the half-orc), though I can't go back and change that post. His off-hand weapons deal less damage than I listed due to being, you know, off-hand weapons. That's all the more reason to make him a Greatsword user if you want him to be REALLY scary.

* * * * *

One last idea before I head off to sleep: You could always have the PC fight two opponents for one of his battles. A pair of Fighter 3 / Rogue 1 characters with flanking-focused feats and such isn't a bad (if easy at the PC's level) encounter. Human Fighters, TWF, Sword-and-Board style combat with Improved Shield Bash would be a good start. High STR wearing heavy armor and carrying longswords and spiked light shields (or just normal light shields).

Stats for characters like these could be:

STR - 18
DEX - 13
CON - 16
INT - 10
WIS - 10
CHA - 8

Feats could be...

Fig. 1 - Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Shield Bash, Precise Strike (teamwork feat; provides +1d6 precision damage when flanking with an ally)
Fig. 2 - Weapon Focus: Longsword
Fig. 3 - Toughness
Fig 3, Rog. 1 - ...

When flanking they'll deal +2d6 precision damage per attack.

Herzog Von Hinterseer
Human Aristocrat 4

Str 14
dex 12
con 12
int 12
wis 10
cha 13
AC: 16
Ini +5
HP 24
rapier(MW) +7, 1d6+2
Chain shirt(MW)
A bloatet face shows that drinking hevely last nigth. He look a bit less confident here in the areana. Than he did at the presentation the other day.

Dervish Bard is hard to beat
Muse touched Aasimar

Str 7
Dex 22 +2lvls, +2 belt
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 20 +2 Headband

Favored Level Bard +1/2 to Battle dance inspire courage.

Start Dance as a Swift Action Dance is +10 att/dam
BAB +6 +10dance +1moral +6dex +1enhancement

+24/+18 1d6+18 15-20x2

1:Extra Performance
3:Master Performer
5:Flag Bearer
7:Grand Master Performer (This would have a retrain fee as you need to be 8th level to take it

If this is on NPC wealth you won't have a keen weapon and maybe not the headband of charisma. This is with no buffing either. THe bard could have cats grace, haste, mirror image, other sweet bard stuff

If you drop him down to level 5 he is still good

BAB +4 +6dance +1moral +1weapon +6dex

+18 1d6+13/14if weapon is magic and not just MW

Still can cats grace and mirror image and there is a second level spell that gives hast but its only to the bard and only while he is performing.

Scarab Sages

Ack. Something else I forgot to mention about Borris: The 8d6+32 damage a greatsword version of him would deal is without Power Attack. Factored in, Power Attack adds 6 damage and incurs 2 points of attack penalty, making a Borris with a mundane greatsword power attacking deal 8d6+38 damage a round, assuming both attacks hit, etc.

I have to say, though, that Aasimar Dervish setup looks scary-nasty-fun.

Might not be pure optimal, but I feel like you need a dynamic shield-basher type ala Russel Crowe in Gladiator using performance combat to get the crowd on their side.

Ranger 2, Fighter (Two Weapon Warrior) 5

Str 18
dex 14
con 14
int 10
wis 8
Cha 14

Max ranks in Perform(Act) and intimidate.

Ranger 1: Favored Enemy(Human), Weapon Focus (Gladius), Dazzling Display
Ranger 2: TWF
Fighter 1: Imp Shield Bash, Savage Display
Fighter 2: Power Attack
Fighter 3: Hero's Display, Defensive Flurry
Fighter 4: Weapon Spec (Gladius)
Fighter 5: Shield Slam, Twin Blades

Uses a breastplate, heavy steel shield and gladius.

If he charges, hits with both weapons, or successfully bull rushes with his shield slam he uses a swift action to either demoralize with Hero's Display or get +1d6 to damage for all attacks until the end of his next turn with savage display and a +6 perform check to influence the crowd.

Without any magical gear this is what he looks like:

AC 20 (21 during a full attack)

A full power attack after a savage display against a human without any crowd bonuses looks like this:

Gladius +11/6 1d6+13+1d6 19-20x2, Shield Bash 1d6+11+1d6 x2(shield slam)

This would make for a memorable fight (IMO) with the crowd possibly turning on your hero.

Master of Many Styles Monk 2/Free Hand Fighter 2,3,or 5


Viktor Von Richtenbach

A boasting noble, his power comes from defense and not offense, making him more of an annoyance than a true powerhouse

Human feat: Weapon Finesse
1st Monk: Improved Unarmed Strike, Crane Style, Stunning Fist
2nd Monk: Crane Wing, Evasion
3rd Fighter: Dervish Dance, Combat Expertise
4th Fighter: Deceptive Strike, Improved Disarm
5th Fighter: Elusive, Improved Feint
6th Fighter: Weapon Focus: Scimitar
7th Fighter: Singleton, Weapon Specialization: Scimitar

BAB: +6

Str: 8
Dex: 17
Con: 14
Int: 13
Wis: 16
Cha: 7

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Lots of good stuff, guys. Really liked Borris. Herzog looks like a good idea for the first match. Probably going to use Heinrich on the second fight, then add two fights with 7th/8th level characters and then for the final against a 9th level character (I'm considering using a dervish bard for this one).

true_shinken wrote:
Lots of good stuff, guys. Really liked Borris. Herzog looks like a good idea for the first match. Probably going to use Heinrich on the second fight, then add two fights with 7th/8th level characters and then for the final against a 9th level character (I'm considering using a dervish bard for this one).

Good choice. The dawnflower dervish bard should be the toughest encouter.

Btw, does a Dawnflower Darvish using a wand of flame blade get Dex to damage? It does it counts as a scimitar.

Scarab Sages

Just for future reference, how did you get the bard's performance to give +10 attack and damage? I looked up the archetype, and it apparently gives 2xInspire Courage, which (with the Aasimar favored class bonuses from level 1-9 bringing the character's "level" for using Inspire Courage to 13) is 6. Is it from the Master Performer / Grand Master Performer feats? (I can't find those on the PFSRD, and I don't know if they're in any of the books I have.)

I'd love to have some of my players that believe "bards suck" to fight a bard like this one day... paired with a really good spellcasting bard.

EDIT: And AGAIN I noticed a bad typo in Borris' text. He gets 2d6 sneak attack damage from his Rogue levels, not 3d6. The damage is calculated correctly in the 'tactics' section, sans for the part where I forgot off-hand weapons deal 0.5xSTR damage, not 1.0.

My sincerest apologies for the mistakes I made. Again, using a greatsword would be the more deadly option for Borris. 8d6+38 at a higher attack bonus vs. 9d6+26. I'd go with the 8d6+38.

Also, if you end up using Tari anywhere, note that the halfling's STR is only there for carry capacity. If she was wearing really light-weight equipment (mithril), she could use a lower strength score without penalty, which would allow you to spend her attribute points elsewhere to boost her combat capabilities. Bringing her to 6 STR, for instance, would allow the following stat setup to be possible:

DEX 20 (Level 4 point spent here)
CON 14
INT 13
WIS 10
CHA 13

Which would increase her ability to deal damage, use maneuvers, hit, and also increase her AC and allow her to wear studded leather armor instead of mithril. With a +2 DEX item, she'd be in leather armor. She'd still suffer from low damage, but the more DEX she has, the less carry capacity she actually needs.

Scarab Sages

Also, are you going to want any more ideas for opponents, or do you think you have enough material in this thread?

Amir Hiram wrote:
Also, are you going to want any more ideas for opponents, or do you think you have enough material in this thread?

I think I have enough, but I wouldn't mind more suggestions.

Scarab Sages

Alright. And you want the opponents to strictly be equipped with some type of sword, or no? If I think of something interesting, I'll post it.

Also, if it's a tournament you should probably have some rules for it. Like a guy comes out and (like medieval chivalrous combat) and gives the rules of what is honorable and allowed and what isn't. It makes sense to give flavor and lets the Player know if he's going to be getting magic-blasted then stabbed or if its all an up-front, strictly martial affair.

Not experienced enough to make an impressive build, but I do tend to find neat little details here and there. Anyway, here it is: The Seven Branched Sword

It is an exotic disarm weapon that can also make a trip attempt to make an opponent flat footed for the rest of the round. It is also a monk weapon, if you want to go with a flurry of blows route. So visually interesting, and could be used for some trick build.

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