Star Wars Rebels


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Dark Archive

Two characters in the series

The 'Jedi' Kanan

The astromech droid Chopper


Interesting... this is the first I've heard of this.

Mal can use the Force? (Sorry, Freehold, couldn't help myself)

No worries, I own all of star wars legacy, this is cade skywalker to me.

At the risk of showing how little I actually know about the Expanded Star Wars stuff (though I am a fan of the franchise), I don't actually know who Cade. I do think this is an excellent first direction for Disney to explore with the Star Wars material, though.

Bring back the frontier, the rustic, and the rebels, I say!

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Cade is Luke's grandson.

I assumed as much. :)

Awesome! Thanks for the links!

And Eben, meet Cade, descendent of Luke (and Mara), abandoned my his mother, orphaned, failed Padawan, drug addict (to ignore the pleas of his ancestors), professional pirate and bounty hunter, and all-around hero!

Minor as they are, they're still significant:
... no really, he turns it all around and becomes a hero in the end and becomes semi-awesome.

(A little bit Gary-Stu-ish, from what I've seen, but a well-made character nonetheless.)

Click the link (and the spoiler tag) for spoilers.

Not Gary stu in the slightest, it would be if he dropped his habit and saved the universe in a single story Arc...

Freehold DM wrote:
Not Gary stu in the slightest, it would be if he dropped his habit and saved the universe in a single story Arc...

I didn't mean that as an insult - I meant it as "the impression I get from reading the articles and taking the whole thing together" and/or "my quip-sum of the whole". And it wasn't a strong one, which is why I noted,

me! wrote:
a well-made character nonetheless

... which was my (obviously failed) attempt to note that I actually like him, and to avoid letting the initial impression generate a negative opinion thereof.

Sorry that wasn't clear.

Regardless, it doesn't taint either those stories or Era to me - I'm running my Star Wars d20 games in that era, in fact.

My players stay OUT:
Heh, my players still have no idea why they're set up when they came to help prove the 'Vong innocent. It could be the 'Vong, it could be the Ithorians that the 'Vong were ostensibly there to assist, it could be some strange and unknown third party, but about the only thing they know is that they've got an extremely eccentric (and villainous?) patron who's given them a hide-out, one very dead mentor (at least they think she's dead, though they don't want to believe it) and the 'Vong are currently chasing them for a) murdering a 'Vong by vaporizing its head and b) finding the 'Vongs' "side project" which seems to involve a lot of Ithorians with holes in the head where brains should be...)




Did I mention my evil laugh?:
Did I mention that particular game takes place in a section of the Hapes cluster - a remote system, in fact - where there are no readily-accessed Hyperspace lanes, and one of my players is deeply in debt to a powerful Hutt crimelord who runs one of the few non-Ithorian-dominated cities on their planet... and one of only two that space-faring ships actually land in? Oh, and that their patron (a Sullustan) had a jerk (a Twi'lek guy that one of 'em had run into in the past) hired to protect them... who showed up at exceedingly suspicious timing with really powerful weaponry claiming to have been hired by they (now <seemingly> deceased) mentor? Or that the laser blast that vaporized the 'Vongs head came from within the 'Vong compound... in a world of pacifist Ithorians and religious (non-electro-tech-using) 'Vongs? Hee-hee-hee-hee...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Sorry, Luke's great-grandson.

Close enough for me!

I'm hopeful about this being pretty good; it's got a lot of the same people from Clone Wars doing it. On that- I really hope we get some sort of "missing episodes" DVD or download for the last Clone Wars episodes. If Clone Wars is considered canon in terms of the overall Star Wars story (and it is), there are way too many people left alive at the end of season five to wonder about.

Such as..:
Ventress, Maul, Mother Talsin, Cade Bane, Ahsoka, to name a few. I mean, Darth Maul, getting force-lightninged by Sidious with him saying "I'm not going to kill you, I have plans for you..".. and then nothing leads me to believe there's some unanswered and unfinished stuff to tell

What makes this interesting is that some of it might carry over to the 'Rebels'.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Rakshaka wrote:

I'm hopeful about this being pretty good; it's got a lot of the same people from Clone Wars doing it. On that- I really hope we get some sort of "missing episodes" DVD or download for the last Clone Wars episodes. If Clone Wars is considered canon in terms of the overall Star Wars story (and it is), there are way too many people left alive at the end of season five to wonder about. ** spoiler omitted **

What makes this interesting is that some of it might carry over to the 'Rebels'.

They're on Netflix as of 3/7/14. Trailer on USA Today has Qui-gon's force ghost talking with Yoda. 13 episodes. (Disney signed for exclusive first run status deals with Netflix)

Oh, and apaprently (most) of the EU now has movie cannon status.

What does EU stand for?

I liked the clones wars only because of characters that were in it that didn't exist in the movies. I don't have a lot of interest in this one and why get attached to characters you know will be dead by the time the empire is defeated.

I heard we will get director's cuts of episodes from the clone wars cartoon but it wasn't said what episodes.

Rakshaka wrote:

I'm hopeful about this being pretty good; it's got a lot of the same people from Clone Wars doing it. On that- I really hope we get some sort of "missing episodes" DVD or download for the last Clone Wars episodes. If Clone Wars is considered canon in terms of the overall Star Wars story (and it is), there are way too many people left alive at the end of season five to wonder about. ** spoiler omitted **

What makes this interesting is that some of it might carry over to the 'Rebels'.

The video games answer a few questions, as do some of the comics.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

EU = Expanded universe. How this statement works with a forthcoming episode 7 (For me, the Thrawn Trillogy are Episodes 7-9 anyway) is something that was't made clear.

Edit: I understand the love for the EU characers. I never worried about Kenobi or Anikin. Hondo, Ashoka, Rex... all the characters unique to the story interested me. (Though I enjoyed seeing Tarkin and his relationship to Anikin)

I was worried about Ashoka, she wasn't/isn't script protection like Anikin or Kenobi. I also like senator Chuchi and later Ventress when she became a bounty hunter. I had always wondered if Rex was ever going to be more, but the show didn't get to that point. I am fine with the way the series ended and the only real loose end for me was Dark Maul who should have never been brought back to begin with.

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I'd heard that the opposite was true, Matthew. That the EU was getting taken under a scalpel and by and large excised by the new Canon Team at Luca-Disney so as to pare it down and make it easier to follow.

So confusing! Which is true? What day is it? Whose chicken is this?

That's what I'd heard as well, though that was a few months back and was in an article discussing Episode 7. Not sure if anything's changed since then.

Gads, I hope those computer graphics were just the rough cuts.

I'm pretty sure they were rough cuts.

Saw similar things and heard similar complaints /concerns with green Lantern.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Ok here's the article I was reading link. Not as broad as I had first read it to be.

Dark Archive

New character

Ezra, the brash kid

The 'Spark' teaser

The 'Ignite' teaser

Also the iconic ship in the series will be called Ghost.

Dark Archive

And since we are discussing Star Wars ships there is this.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
And since we are discussing Star Wars ships there is this.

weeps with joy

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Hmm, the 'not a Jedi, Jedi' sounds interesting to me, since I tried palying a pacifist Jedi medic (Took pride in that I used my lightsaber exactly once in the short lived game).

Oooh, a new Starfighter game? could be fun, even if my reflexs suck.

Sigh... i used to love the X-Wing/Tie games so much.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Sigh... i used to love the X-Wing/Tie games so much.

My reflexes were bad enough that i'd take an A wing and use the missiles. When out of missiles, I'd shunt all weapon power to shields and ram the eyeballs and squints :-)

lol. Oh, the joys of careening off the eyeballs, that iconic CRUNCH sound as your screen goes all-a'spinnin', then stabilizing and slamming the thrusters to gain some distance so you could recharge your shields.

Yep, the A-Wing is probably my favorite as well.... though I LOVED using the Tie Interceptor in the Tie game. Always felt it was one big gamble to sit in that cockpit.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
And since we are discussing Star Wars ships there is this.

That's some pretty pink engines! Also, uhm, did they paint imperial symbols on the TIE wings? Were they afraid the TIE profile wasn't distinct enough? (it does sorta look like an x-wing when viewed from the side).

My guess is that those paints are custom... as part of that game's appeal is the ability to custom paint/rig your ship. :)

Eben TheQuiet wrote:

lol. Oh, the joys of careening off the eyeballs, that iconic CRUNCH sound as your screen goes all-a'spinnin', then stabilizing and slamming the thrusters to gain some distance so you could recharge your shields.

Yep, the A-Wing is probably my favorite as well.... though I LOVED using the Tie Interceptor in the Tie game. Always felt it was one big gamble to sit in that cockpit.

Y-Wings FOR LIFE!!!!

They should have had an ai handle the ion cannons for you!!! They made the ship weaker than it was supposed to be!!

Matthew Morris wrote:
Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Sigh... i used to love the X-Wing/Tie games so much.
My reflexes were bad enough that i'd take an A wing and use the missiles. When out of missiles, I'd shunt all weapon power to shields and ram the eyeballs and squints :-)


Freehold DM wrote:

Y-Wings FOR LIFE!!!!

They should have had an ai handle the ion cannons for you!!! They made the ship weaker than it was supposed to be!!

Ha. They're all yours... like flying a space junker.

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Y-Wings FOR LIFE!!!!

They should have had an ai handle the ion cannons for you!!! They made the ship weaker than it was supposed to be!!

Ha. They're all yours... like flying a space junker.

That's the problem! They were supposed to have considerable strengths to make up for their sloth, including awesome armor, an increased heavy warhead magazine, a tailgunner to hold off rival craft and a better targeting computer than the x wing. It's stated in every official and unofficial reference that these are the strengths of the ship, but they never made it into the video games. Which is strange because they made it into the RPG AND miniature games.

Yep to all of that. But in-game... space junker. :D

Hopefully it'll get better representation in the new game, though. You hate for any of the iconic ships not to be able to perform its intended role admirably.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Tie Defender for life.

Sovereign Court

Jedi starfighter for life.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

in JTL anakin's fighter was pretty boss, if you had max tier systems.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I like the look of the jedi fighters from Revenge. Now if only they had shields and a hyperdrive...

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Also the iconic ship in the series will be called Ghost.

Whaaaat? That breaks the "Hero Ships are Birds" pattern! I'm gonna... I'm gonna flip to the Dark Side!


Okay, not really. Still, interesting choice of name for a vessel, and totally not one I'd ever imagine might be doing clandestine things if I was an Imperial authority. Nope. ;)

Matthew Morris wrote:
I like the look of the jedi fighters from Revenge. Now if only they had shields and a hyperdrive...

For a while, I thought the ROTS Jedi fighters might be a technical predecessor to the TIE, given their cockpit shapes and distinctive S-Foil configuration, but I later realized it's the V-Wing that gets that honor (the engines sound the same, and Wookiepedia now bears me out). The V-Wing has hyperdrive, and the Jedi interceptors (the Eta-2's) are roughly the same size... so I'm not sure why the "sacrifice" was necessary. Except that someone said it must be so, maybe.

I still maintain that if you slow down the Millenium Falcon Escapes The Death Star scene from A New Hope, you can watch the Falcon's blasters impacting on the shields of an incoming TIE just before overpowering them and taking them down (and the TIE going up in flinders). There's a TIE that comes roughly down the middle of the screen, and the Falcon's blasters "walk" up the screen toward it, several shots missing, two shots "impacting" in empty space between the wings, and the third passing right through to blow the fighter up. Maybe it's just me reading too much in to 1970's era SFX (especially with the WW2 AK-AK style bombardments the lasers in the film were supposed to be mimicking), but seems to me it's a good case for TIE's having shields. Small ones. Itty bitty.

Sovereign Court

I hope there will be cooperative missions where fighters get to disable capital ships. Now that would be fun.

Hama wrote:

I hope there will be cooperative missions where fighters get to disable capital ships. Now that would be fun.

Cover me, I'm gonna get someone to blow out the engines on my A-Wing and spiral to my death against the CIC of that Star Destroyer...

Sovereign Court

Strategy would play a pivotal part of those missions. I also always dreamed of a coop experience where several people operate a larger starship. Now that would be fun

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jemstone wrote:
Whaaaat? That breaks the "Hero Ships are Birds" pattern!

Executor. Avenger. Devastator. None of these are birds. I don't know what you're on about!


TIE Defender. The only ship more powerful than a star destroyer, and it's not even a capital ship.

Dark Archive

Matthew Morris wrote:
When out of missiles, I'd shunt all weapon power to shields and ram the eyeballs and squints :-)

OMG I did that!

Dark Archive

Freehold DM wrote:
Y-Wings FOR LIFE!!!!

Executor Class FOR LIFE!

Dark Archive

New character, "Zeb', the muscle

Fun fact, Zeb's race was one of Ralph McQuarrie's early concept art for Chewbacca in 1976.

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