I want something to do as a Cavalier


I want to play a Cavalier in an upcoming PFS event, he will likely be my PFS character for a long time. Issue is, I know I often get bored of just meleeing constantly. So I want to be able to do something else. I noticed the Tactician ability, which is cool, but I'm not sure what feat to take with it. Shield Wall is pretty good but it requires another player to use a shield. Precise Striking requires me to have DEX-13 which I'm not sure I want to have, but I might.

Mainly though, I'm looking for an option that isn't just doing damage. Cross classing is not out of the question, feats/abilities are a good route to go too. If possible I'd like to push the "leader" aspect of the cavalier, buff allies, etc.

Any ideas? (I don't need this to be optimized)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Have you considered the battle herald prestige class

Sovereign Court

Improved Trip, Improved Overrun, Improved Bull Rush....

Sovereign Court

Cavaliers can be good faces, particularly Cockatrice Cavaliers.

Although I suppose 'heel' would be a better way to put it.

Still, it's rather fun to do the (arrogant) talking for the party.

battle herald looks great, thanks for brining it up!

Bondoid wrote:

Have you considered the battle herald prestige class

Yeah, I read the OP and immediately thought of the BH. I second this!

Cavalier's suffer the same problem all martials do in the early levels in that they only have one, maybe two tricks, up their sleeve before 6th level.

Now the better question might be do you want to play the prototypical mounted character or do you want to play a huntmaster with an evil blinding bird?

Battle herald sounds pretty much perfect. There's also always the option of spending a trait to get UMD as a class skill, and then take skill focus in it. That'll take a while to get upt to speed though - you'll only be guaranteed to activate a wand in combat from about level 10.

I think the camelier both with the powers the tactican and the order brings to the table as well as the spitting of the animal is quite alot if options compared to many other martials.
I think a order of the dragon camelier with a Lance, combat reflexes and bodyguard is gonna be a great centerpice for most groups.

Silver Crusade

order of lion or shield. you get nice party buffs :3

Scarab Sages

Also, You really should play a Halfling or Gnome for a PFS Cavalier. Dungeon levels are really hard for mounts, being small gets around most of that. Order of the Paw is really nice too.

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