You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and...

Pathfinder Society

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Liberty's Edge 2/5

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
The cleric looks over at your character sheet, winces, and hands you a 50gp platnium ring and says "till death do us part"

Your a life oracle and you look at the barbarian who plays tank...and he says, "Don't worry, I do not bother with AC because you will heal me and I have a lot of hit points. Could I get one of those platinum rings now please?"


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Zach Williams wrote:
Your a life oracle and you look at the barbarian who plays tank...and he says, "Don't worry, I do not bother with AC because you will heal me and I have a lot of hit points. Could I get one of those platinum rings now please?"

Ninja Kyras say... These wands of mirror image, they are truly a gift from the gods. May the gods be praised.

Ninja Kyras say... He who need not worry over armor upgrades is free in mind and body. May the gods be praised.

Ninja Kyras say... He who does not wear armor to battle but lacks wand, spell, or exceptional health will soon be praising the gods in person.

Ninja Kyras has journeyed with such a companion before. Ninja Kyras believes this person would be served well by much introspection and praise of the gods. Ninja Kyras's wand of healing grows dark and dim from MUCH use when this person is a companion.

Ninja Kyras... is sad. :(

Shadow Lodge 2/5

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A technical issue, but considering the title of this thread, when people talk about things that happen partway into the scenario, they're already in trouble for being at least over a Half-hour late.


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Jason Hanlon wrote:

You know you're in trouble when you sit down and ask if the party has a face. Everyone looks around and decides that your character, who is known for screwing up social encounters in hilarious ways, is now elected as team lead and party face.

"Do you really want OKAY THEN!" Clasps hands together eagerly.

** spoiler omitted **

I had this happen with my 5 CHA Dwarf.

He does have a +1 Diplomacy and Patient Optimist (because that matches his personality). Admittedly, I don't think the other players realized the error of this until they actually started listening to what he/I was saying. Then they stepped up, as their mediocre Diplomacy was far better suited to making friends (while my Dwarf's Diplomacy is geared more toward making amends).

Dark Archive

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You work hard to organize a session running 3 tables of the same scenerio with pretty much full tables. Get a message the day before that one of the GM's got the date wrong and wasn't going to make it. Frenzy until you find a new GM last minute. Walk into the comic shop feeling prepared because you settled the GM issue and their are half a dozen new people you weren't anticipating.

Shadow Lodge *

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Nekoshibou wrote:

You work hard to organize a session running 3 tables of the same scenerio with pretty much full tables. Get a message the day before that one of the GM's got the date wrong and wasn't going to make it. Frenzy until you find a new GM last minute. Walk into the comic shop feeling prepared because you settled the GM issue and their are half a dozen new people you weren't anticipating.

Kind of scary how we went from "we should schedule a backup GM just in case we have enough players for a 3rd table" to "guaranteed 3 tables of 7" in just 8 weeks.

Dark Archive

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Yeah, how did that happened? I walked in and you were Jim were standing off to the side looking a little scared. I was ready to yell at some people to get off my tables when Rob said "I think they're here for Pathfinder". It was amazing and wonderful and scary all at the same time.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Darrell Impey UK wrote:
But.. but.. my 5th level alchemist is already at +20. That's ridiculous.

You want me to agree that a +20 at 5th level is ridiculous?

Or you think a +7 at 2nd level is ridiculous?

He is a new player, his background in RPG, god help us, was in online games. Yeah. No background with any edition of D&D/AD&D/PF before joining, as part of a group, our PFS game day.

Indeed, we are porbably going ot have to seat the three of them down, next Sunday, before the game and discuss the Explore! Report! and especially Cooperate! part of the rules with them.

One of the reasons the <redacted> was so hard was that the Bard and the Rogue were both off in a different part of the main room, rather than joining in against the <redacted> in combat.


pH unbalanced wrote:
Kind of scary how we went from "we should schedule a backup GM just in case we have enough players for a 3rd table" to "guaranteed 3 tables of 7" in just 8 weeks.

Organizing is funny that way. You will struggle to get people coming for a time, either barely treading water or making small gains, then you'll grow by two tables in a couple weeks. Seems like I'm constantly trying to train up GMs or invite known good GMs, only to either have other GMs split off to run/join other games or suddenly grow a table and still end up needing more.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
The cleric looks over at your character sheet, winces, and hands you a 50gp platnium ring and says "till death do us part"

Mine says "'Til Death or a Standard Action Do Us Part."

5/5 5/55/55/5

The Morphling wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
The cleric looks over at your character sheet, winces, and hands you a 50gp platnium ring and says "till death do us part"
Mine says "'Til Death or a Standard Action Do Us Part."

Move action: take off the ring :)

Scarab Sages 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
The Morphling wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
The cleric looks over at your character sheet, winces, and hands you a 50gp platnium ring and says "till death do us part"
Mine says "'Til Death or a Standard Action Do Us Part."
Move action: take off the ring :)

ah... that doesn't end the spell though.

Shield Other spell:

School abjuration; Level cleric 2, paladin 2

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S, F (a pair of platinum rings worth 50 gp worn by both you and the target)

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target one creature

Duration 1 hour/level (D)

Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

This spell wards the subject and creates a mystic connection between you and the subject so that some of its wounds are transferred to you. The subject gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC and a +1 resistance bonus on saves. Additionally, the subject takes only half damage from all wounds and attacks (including those dealt by special abilities) that deal hit point damage. The amount of damage not taken by the warded creature is taken by you. Forms of harm that do not involve hit points, such as charm effects, temporary ability damage, level draining, and death effects, are not affected. If the subject suffers a reduction of hit points from a lowered Constitution score, the reduction is not split with you because it is not hit point damage. When the spell ends, subsequent damage is no longer divided between the subject and you, but damage already split is not reassigned to the subject.

If you and the subject of the spell move out of range of each other, the spell ends.

I've even played for one judge who stated that both the rings had to be in with the spell caster with the spell was thrown (the target creature just had to have at one time worn one of the rings). Common practice thou is for the caster and target both to have one of the rings on when the spell is cast... not worn for the duration of the spell. ("Duration 1 hour/level (D)").

Grand Lodge 1/5

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Move Action, just get out of range.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Giamo Casanunda wrote:
I've even played for one judge who stated that both the rings had to be in with the spell caster with the spell was thrown (the target creature just had to have at one time worn one of the rings). Common practice thou is for the caster and target both to have one of the rings on when the spell is cast... not...

That is absurd and intentionally obtuse misreading of the excruciatingly clear meaning of the rings.

The Exchange 5/5

The Morphling wrote:
Giamo Casanunda wrote:
I've even played for one judge who stated that both the rings had to be in with the spell caster with the spell was thrown (the target creature just had to have at one time worn one of the rings). Common practice thou is for the caster and target both to have one of the rings on when the spell is cast... not...
That is absurd and intentionally obtuse misreading of the excruciatingly clear meaning of the rings.

(shrugs) it was ok with me, as he told me that as I was passing the rings out to each of the players. It just ment that I got the rings right back... PC puts ring on, and takes it off.

It did mean that I had bought 5 extra sets of rings... as one ring could have been passed from PC to PC...

that's an easier YMMV than some "Gotcha" moments...


Very true. It's always nice when one of those debated points falls on the side of being for the players rather than being against them.


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You know you're in trouble when you get to the (convention) table that has had an unchanged list of attendees on Warhorn (including the GM) for three+ weeks, and the GM runs it cold with no prep whatsoever.

The Exchange 1/5

pH unbalanced wrote:
Nekoshibou wrote:

You work hard to organize a session running 3 tables of the same scenerio with pretty much full tables. Get a message the day before that one of the GM's got the date wrong and wasn't going to make it. Frenzy until you find a new GM last minute. Walk into the comic shop feeling prepared because you settled the GM issue and their are half a dozen new people you weren't anticipating.

Kind of scary how we went from "we should schedule a backup GM just in case we have enough players for a 3rd table" to "guaranteed 3 tables of 7" in just 8 weeks.

This is why I love online scheduling tools for pre-mustering, such as Warhorn. Keeps things know...because its ORGANIZED PLAY...

The Exchange 1/5

kinevon wrote:
Darrell Impey UK wrote:
But.. but.. my 5th level alchemist is already at +20. That's ridiculous.

You want me to agree that a +20 at 5th level is ridiculous?

Or you think a +7 at 2nd level is ridiculous?

He is a new player, his background in RPG, god help us, was in online games. Yeah. No background with any edition of D&D/AD&D/PF before joining, as part of a group, our PFS game day.

Indeed, we are porbably going ot have to seat the three of them down, next Sunday, before the game and discuss the Explore! Report! and especially Cooperate! part of the rules with them.

One of the reasons the <redacted> was so hard was that the Bard and the Rogue were both off in a different part of the main room, rather than joining in against the <redacted> in combat.

High skills are easy to get if you build for it. I have a 4th level PFS character with a +21 Intimidate.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Chernobyl wrote:
kinevon wrote:
Darrell Impey UK wrote:
But.. but.. my 5th level alchemist is already at +20. That's ridiculous.

You want me to agree that a +20 at 5th level is ridiculous?

Or you think a +7 at 2nd level is ridiculous?

He is a new player, his background in RPG, god help us, was in online games. Yeah. No background with any edition of D&D/AD&D/PF before joining, as part of a group, our PFS game day.

Indeed, we are porbably going ot have to seat the three of them down, next Sunday, before the game and discuss the Explore! Report! and especially Cooperate! part of the rules with them.

One of the reasons the <redacted> was so hard was that the Bard and the Rogue were both off in a different part of the main room, rather than joining in against the <redacted> in combat.

High skills are easy to get if you build for it. I have a 4th level PFS character with a +21 Intimidate.

I know. My comment on whether it was the +20 or the +7 as being ridiculous was a joke, son. ;)

But, as I mentioned, the three of them are new players, and they have one PC, now high 2nd or just barely 3rd level, as of last Sunday.

The Exchange 3/5

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...When the fourth player is 30 minutes late and immediately sits down and takes a phone call and is on it for another 30 minutes.

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...when you arrive at the table and one player is lecturing another on how his character can wear six weapons on weapon cords on each arm, and insisting this means he can draw any one of them at any time as a swift action.

...when it turns out that's what he's doing.

The Exchange 5/5

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:

...when you arrive at the table and one player is lecturing another on how his character can wear six weapons on weapon cords on each arm, and insisting this means he can draw any one of them at any time as a swift action.

...when it turns out that's what he's doing.

...and he's trying to demonstrate in real life at the table (let's hope he's using plastic weapons!).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

...when you arrive at the table and one player is lecturing another on how his character can wear six weapons on weapon cords on each arm, and insisting this means he can draw any one of them at any time as a swift action.

...when it turns out that's what he's doing.

At least they errata'd weapon cords to take up a move action now.



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...sit down with someone you've never played with before at a 7-11 and they're talking about how awesome their barbarian is. Then as the module progresses, they keep telling stories about having a super support character in their group, and you realize that the awesome person who isn't you isn't sitting at your table.'re the last person to sit down at the table and find out when the first combat starts that everyone else is playing the same type of character as you.'re too high to play the 1-5 module where torch shows back up.


Vrog Skyreaver wrote:'re too high to play the 1-5 module where torch shows back up.

Yeah, this one was a bummer. I had to have my character say that he knew Torch from all the stories he was told by "his good friend Korr" (my ex-Shadow Lodge character).

Scarab Sages 5/5

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Jason Hanlon wrote:
Vrog Skyreaver wrote:'re too high to play the 1-5 module where torch shows back up.
Yeah, this one was a bummer. I had to have my character say that he knew Torch from all the stories he was told by "his good friend Korr" (my ex-Shadow Lodge character).

And I so wanted to see my Torchie again to welcome him back properly!

Just to let him know that I missed him! He hasn't been around these parts in way to long (smoothing wrinkles from bodice and skirt).

yeah, Katisha has the "hots" for the Grandmaster


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Katisha wrote:
yeah, Katisha has the "hots" for the Grandmaster

Ya, I got the hots for him too. Wait, wanting to set him on fire counts as the "hots", right?

Scarab Sages 5/5

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Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
Katisha wrote:
yeah, Katisha has the "hots" for the Grandmaster
Ya, I got the hots for him too. Wait, wanting to set him on fire counts as the "hots", right?

you - you are a bad person! But Torchie is out to protect you from The Ten even if you don't know it...


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Oh you poor girl. That's what I used to think too...

Silver Crusade 1/5

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There are under 18s at the table, and your character swears like a sailor


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
There are under 18s at the table, and your character swears like a sailor

Just use other words to express swears. I like ricka-fracka and other loony toon replacements.

Silver Crusade 1/5

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When you've gone to the trouble to bake yummy treats for the group... and everyone turns out to be

on a diet
allergic to one ingredient of what you made
or just ate...

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

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The twelve year old girl asks whet does smug mean and the rest of the table disappears


Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

When you've gone to the trouble to bake yummy treats for the group... and everyone turns out to be

on a diet
allergic to one ingredient of what you made
or just ate...

This should be a on the great time thread. Because that means , me not being allergic gets more!


Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

When you've gone to the trouble to bake yummy treats for the group... and everyone turns out to be

on a diet
allergic to one ingredient of what you made
or just ate...

Yeah! I hate bringing a bunch of snacks and being the only person who eats them.


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bring combos. It's been my experience that a bag of them left on the table will disappear in about 5 minutes.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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...a player mentions feather fall, and the GM says "Oh! That reminds me! What's your caster level?"

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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...a player asks "How many rounds until I hit the ground" and the answer is sufficient to allow him to retrieve a scroll of fly and cast it before he hits.

...and your character is next in line for the "knock you off the cliff" trap.

Actually happened.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Patrick Harris @ MU wrote:
... the Monk dumped Wisdom.

(I have played with a monk that dumped Dexterity - and GM'ed another one - both were effective)


...the beef at the table is the animal companion but since it is a celestial companion none of the wands can seem to pierce its SR.


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...someone says "I'll be fine as long as they don't crit."

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Dhjika wrote:
Patrick Harris @ MU wrote:
... the Monk dumped Wisdom.

(I have played with a monk that dumped Dexterity - and GM'ed another one - both were effective)


...the beef at the table is the animal companion but since it is a celestial companion none of the wands can seem to pierce its SR.

My Warpriest dumped Wisdom.

He's a powerhouse. :3

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
...someone says "I'll be fine as long as they don't crit."

Been there... :-(

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
...someone says "I'll be fine as long as they don't crit."
Been there... :-(

Got the Honorific but the t shirt was still out of stock :-(

When your gunslinger partner decides to switch characters two minutes before the game starts leaving me as the sole gunslinger of our "duo" that he created.


You aren't there to have fun.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
Katisha wrote:
yeah, Katisha has the "hots" for the Grandmaster
Ya, I got the hots for him too. Wait, wanting to set him on fire counts as the "hots", right?

Nah.. my gunslinger is hoping that she gets to 'reunite' with her old boss before she hits 12th.

She's got this nice little adamantine bullet with his name in it (in every language she speaks) engraved in plantinum. Just. For. Him.

Silver Crusade 1/5

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...the VC from another town is here to judge his Fifth-Star-game. You already think you're in for a treat* when you overhear him apologizing repeatedly to another player because he already judged a game the day before and produced the first TPK ever in this city.

*It WAS a great deal of fun and not nearly as deadly as I anticipated.

Silver Crusade

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From the 3.5 Era.

... And the party wizard spends the entire session in a coma because he rolled a 1 on his HD and dumped CON.

Ahh, I remember rolling wizard hit points: "Pipe down, Merlin, or I'll trip you."

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