Neverthesame's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.



You aren't there to have fun.


I too have a similar build and was thinking of the route you are taking. However, I went with F2 and Witch. I am a self buffer, debuffer, and have been pretty happy so far. Yes others are able to be better, but using special abilities and utility abilities has made the character viable.

6-8 does seem to be the limiting area. I am waiting for 9 when I finally get to EK. If you want to get there faster and spend most of your time in the PRC Sorcerer is the way to go. I can second every suggestion above. The other issue with Paladin is that the Levels of EK won't stack for feats as they do for the basic fighter.

As of yet I have not seen an EK in play but I keep hearing about them on the boards..


I was stunned by being chastised for NOT having a CLW wand. Having players and GM's tell me I shouldn't expect someone to play a healer because I would be demanding and limiting that person's play. Or being in parties with Channelers all of whom are negative channerlers. Why is it any more unreasonable to want a healer than to want a Barbarian or Front Line Fighter or Arcane Caster in the party?