The book of 101 unpleasant spell combos

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

While magic is certainly quite powerful, there are a number of combinations that are... not to be recommended. This book catalogs these combos, which are not always deadly, but are always unpleasant. This book also catalogues "treatments" to overcome the effects of these combinations.

1) Spells: "Black tentacles"+ "grease" (several times); Treatment: liberal application of "modify memory" to all observers & participants (if still living).

2) Spells: "detonate" vs any enemy with spell resistance & energy resistance; Treatment: "Ressurection", "True ressurection", depending on the state of the ashes/goo left of the user; Preventative measure: "fox's cunning";

3) Blood Money+Simulacrum of a Djinni Price+Wish from Simulacrum for more Simulacrum+???=Profit!!!

Treatment: A smite to thy face from +20 magazine wielding GM...

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4) Create pit + vomit swarm

A very unpleasant place to be.

Treatment... Fire, and lots of it

Dark Archive

5) Invisibility and Summon Monster III (Lantern Archon).

Treatment, find the caster, quick.

Not really a combo but Dazing Ball Lightning or Dazing Wall of Fire.

Pray you have the relevant energy resistance or some nearby allies or you are basically dead.

I'm trying to stick to "weird" stuff, not just very powerful/possibly broken combos. This is stuff that must be unpleasant to the character, not the player/GM.

Reverse Gravity into a Prismatic Sphere. Nothing like plunging towards a multi coloured death rainbow.

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Grease (the ground under the target) + Irresistible Dance
Sleep + Undine's Curse
Aqueous Orb + Hideous Laughter
Create Pit + Mad Monkeys
Web + Spark

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Summon Froghemoth + Unnatural Lust

Vampiric Hunger + Lipstitch

Rain of Frogs + Blade Barrier

Eruptive Pustules + Skinsend

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Unnatural lust on A to B. ______Loathing on B to A.

Unadulterated Loathing from A to B ... and Reckless Infatuation from B to A. Loathing means penalties if A is close to B. Infatuation means penalties if B is too far away from A.

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Emmit Svenson wrote:

Rain of Frogs + Blade Barrier


Ad 2) After ressurection: Touch Injection + Detonate vs. same enemy with resistance. Treatment: Ressurection, again. Preemptive measure: Fox's Cunning + Owl's Wisdom, OR don't ressurect.

For the vanilla Wizard: Blood Money + Wish. Treatment: Raise dead, erase either spell from his spell book.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Emmit Svenson wrote:
Rain of Frogs + Blade Barrier

What's red and green and goes round and round and round?

Emmit Svenson wrote:

Rain of Frogs + Blade Barrier

If you allow 3.5 spells, Vortex of Teeth + Wall of Force works similarly. "The Blender", as it was known in my group, is pretty brutal.

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Disintegrate + Gust of Wind to scatter the dusty remains. Bonus points if used at sea or over a large body of water.

"Now can we please get back to saving the world?"

I always used to love Flesh to Stone plus Transmute Rock to Mud. Treatment: good luck with that. For added aggravation, follow with Transmute Mud to Rock and Disintegrate and Gust of Wind. At that point, True Resurrection/Miracle/Wish after withholding snacks to the offending caster is needed :)

Hold Person + Stinking Cloud + an industrial size can of Lysol.

Lathiira wrote:
I always used to love Flesh to Stone plus Transmute Rock to Mud. Treatment: good luck with that. For added aggravation, follow with Transmute Mud to Rock and Disintegrate and Gust of Wind. At that point, True Resurrection/Miracle/Wish after withholding snacks to the offending caster is needed :)

I preferred Flesh to Stone + Stone Shape + Stone to Flesh.

Greater Invisibility + Mad Monkeys

Black tentacles and stinking cloud

Reduce Person and Wind Wall? You're smaller now... blow away!

Mark Hoover wrote:
Reduce Person and Wind Wall? You're smaller now... blow away!

Great example of just not thinking. Works even better with mythic reduce person (which makes you TINY)

Fly and treasure stitching. 10' by 10' is a lot of space, you can fit a lot of things into a tapestry if you think about it. A lot of bombs, for instance. Fly overhead, order the spell to end, drop the whole collection of bombs down in two turns.

Prestidigation (to turn their armor pink) + chill metal. Makes them utterly miserable. Treatment: Do something to recover the lost dignity. Like kill the caster slowly.

Libertad wrote:

Disintegrate + Gust of Wind to scatter the dusty remains. Bonus points if used at sea or over a large body of water.

"Now can we please get back to saving the world?"

Love this strip! For those poor, deprived souls who have yet to be introduced to true gaming comic strip mastery, I give you OOTS!

Lamontius wrote:

Create Pit + Mad Monkeys

Plus a sanity check afterwards.

Silver Crusade

Fabius Maximus wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

Create Pit + Mad Monkeys
Plus a sanity check afterwards.

Create Pit + Mad Monkeys - Create Pit.

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