Wrath of the Righteous statblocks document

Wrath of the Righteous

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
I can tell you what I wanted to create/change to improve the module: ...

That... sounds much better, both challenge-wise and thematically. As is, parts of the City of Locusts don't feel very mythic. These replacements feel much more cinematic.

Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
Unfortunately right now I'm very busy so it's hard for me to get some time to work on the document.

No worries! As far as I can see, this is all pro bono charity work on your part. So take your time!

I think I'm going to pause the campaign, and have them play something else for a while. Then, after you've come up with some ingenious ways to make this last leg of the campaign something other than a cakewalk, I'll shamelessly steal your updates and finish things off in style.

Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
BTW, thanks for the details of the Baphomet fight. It seems it was interesting and fun.

It was, largely thanks to these updates!

(Three further tactical comments about the Baphomet fight that may be of interest.

First, the creatures Baphomet can summon ended up playing a surprisingly small role in the fight. The ranger was able to kill two(!) of the three Balors with a single ranged full attack, the sorcerer cast Maze on the third, and the party was able to largely ignore everything else he summoned.

Second, if the party has someone able to cast Freedom (as most parties will), Baphomet's ability to use mythic power to cast quickened Maze spells ends up not being that effective. After trying Baphomet's Maze once, I quickly had to revert to quickened Greater Dispel Magics as the most tactically effective thing he could do with his swift action.

Third, the Demonic Aura was nasty, but not as much of an obstacle as I'd thought. In the first round the Paladin took 200hp off of it (and dropped to 20hp), but immediately got Healed by the Trumpet Archon the party had summoned. The sorcerer depleted the rest of the Demonic Aura with a quickened massive magic missile, but had plenty of hp left, and got Healed by the Archon the next round.)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

I am going to start running WotR soon, and am planning on running it as non-Mythic. I have run a simulation party through the first five books, improving the monsters myself (rarely turning non-mythic things to mythic) and still found that a non-mythic party could waltz through fairly easily. Even my own improved Baphomet (not Scorpion's) got trashed by non-mythic Paladin Full-Round smite attack.

I'd like to use Scorpion's statblocks, but having gone through them in a cursory fashion, I don't know if they'll be overkill for a non-mythic party. Scorpion as done a great job using Mythic for the monsters!

@Scorpion/Porridge/Magnuskn: You've got experienced players, is your impression that an experienced non-mythic party could handle Scorpion's rebuilds? Any particular ones they could handle or not handle?

@anyone else: If you're running a non-mythic (experienced players) party, are they steamrolling the AP as written? What adjustments would you recommend?


(I may start another thread for this so as not to detract from this discussion...)

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About the Baphomet fight:

- Gated demons: remember that, as called creatures, they can summon other demons (assuming they can get a round to summon help) and teleport. I know that balors are overrated at this level and die very fast, but they are fun when they explode!. Better to have twice as many :-)

- I tried not to make the Demonic Aura too overpowered, but in your case, it might work better if you double the number of hitpoints it has before deactivating (20 x demon lord's CR). It could let Deskari live for an additional round or two.


I did the new statblocks with a mythic party in mind, taking advantage of what the mythic rules have to offer. I would say it depends on how good your players are with the Pathfinder system. I have only tested Staunton and Soltengrebbe, and I can say that I wouldn't use them on a non-mythic party.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm beginning to think that the CR adjustment for being mythic isn't correct. It feels like to the PCs gaining a tier is very close to gaining a level but a mythic rank is the half CR that they adjust for.

I agree with him poobah. The mythic encounters can hit very hard and I wouldn't want to face very many of them being non mythic. I have dropped PCs in one round before pretty regularly in big fights without using all these mods.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
grandpoobah wrote:
I have run a simulation party through the first five books, improving the monsters myself (rarely turning non-mythic things to mythic) and still found that a non-mythic party could waltz through fairly easily.

That's interesting. I'd been thinking "I wonder whether this AP would play about right with a non-mythic party...", but it sounds from your experiences that it'd still be too easy.

grandpoobah wrote:

I'd like to use Scorpion's statblocks, but having gone through them in a cursory fashion, I don't know if they'll be overkill for a non-mythic party. Scorpion as done a great job using Mythic for the monsters!

@Scorpion/Porridge/Magnuskn: You've got experienced players, is your impression that an experienced non-mythic party could handle Scorpion's rebuilds? Any particular ones they could handle or not handle?

Good question. I only started using Scorpion's stats in the Ivory Labyrinth, so I can only remark on those encounters. Were you thinking of following the suggestions given in the AP for running it with non-mythic characters? (E.g., fast XP track, big stat bonuses at the end of the first module?) That and a 25pt buy might put them roughly in line with my mythic party (you'd end up with better stats overall, and be 2-3 levels ahead, but lack the mythic abilities). That might make Scorpion's statblocks doable...

The two big differences I've noticed between mythic and non-mythic characters in combat are:

1. Mythic characters do a lot more damage. Mythic spells contribute to this, but I think Precision is the big culprit here. (High level characters go from being able to reliably hit with 1.5 power attacks/2 normal attacks per round, to being able to reliably hit with 4 power attacks.) But in the Ivory Labyrinth I've needed to double the hit points given in Scorpion's stats to deal with this, so I think the hps given in Scorpion's statblocks would probably work fine for a non-mythic party.

2. Encounters which involve crucial saves are a lot easier for mythic players. They get a number of ways to use mythic power to either add to or re-roll crucial saves. Non-mythic players won't have this. So you might want to remove (or reduce the DCs of) some of the nasty abilities Scorpion's added to some of the encounters. (In the Ivory Labyrinth, Odeenka's Petrifying Gaze in particular stands out to me---if a non-mythic party got a little unlucky with their saves here, I could easily see this turning into a TPK.)

In any case, there are a couple of non-mythic spells/abilities (Paladin's Sacrifice, Divine Interference) that have repeatedly saved my party, and that a non-mythic party could also make use of. So it's conceivable that, using the suggestions the AP recommends to boost non-mythic parties, and making a few adjustments to mitigate some of the save-or-die abilities, a smartly built non-mythic party could handle Scorpion's statblocks.

But this is largely speculation on my part... If you try it, I'd be curious to hear how it goes!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
- Gated demons: remember that, as called creatures, they can summon other demons (assuming they can get a round to summon help) and teleport. I know that balors are overrated at this level and die very fast, but they are fun when they explode!. Better to have twice as many :-)

Ah! Good point. I'd completely failed to notice that.

(The explosions are fun! In my case, the Mythic Saving Throws ability was (once again) a bit of a kill-joy here---since the balors aren't mythic, the PCs take no damage if they make the save, and (using Mythic Resolve) they all did...)

Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
- I tried not to make the Demonic Aura too overpowered, but in your case, it might work better if you double the number of hitpoints it has before deactivating (20 x demon lord's CR). It could let Deskari live for an additional round or two.

That's an interesting suggestion, and one I'll implement if the Deskari fight looks like it might be too easy.

Just to be clear, though, I didn't think the Baphomet fight was too easy! The party managed to get lucky, and ended up with the upper hand. But I think if we replayed it they would end up half-dead and having to flee more often than not.

I have updated the document with the Echo of Deskari, and Deskari himself. They share some traits and powers because one is basically the aspect/avatar of the other.

I think Deskari is tough enough now, but depending on your party it might be necessary to add extra mythic abilities like precision or critical master. After all, he is the "last boss".

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Abyssal Swarm + Demonic Aura + Rasping Armor = OMGWTFBBQ!

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

@sc8rpi8n - When you were putting in all the work to create your document, what kind of group(s) did you have in mind?

Did you design all of this with just the min/maxers in mind? How do you think a group of casuals will handle the stock stats?

Scarab Sages

Sc8rpi8n, I assume since you didn't give Deskari a poison it's the same as his poison in the book?

And they both are awesome.

Mogloth wrote:

@sc8rpi8n - When you were putting in all the work to create your document, what kind of group(s) did you have in mind?

Did you design all of this with just the min/maxers in mind? How do you think a group of casuals will handle the stock stats?

Basically only my group, you can find a description of the characters in one of my previous posts. My players aren't min-maxers, but build their characters intelligently and usually have interesting tactics.

My intention when creating this stats is to avoid my gaming group steamrolling all the encounters. IMHO the Paizo stats are not up to the challenge presented by a mythic game, so it's up to me to solve the problem.

I think the stock stats may be enough for casual players, although an adjustment might be necessary at the higher levels/tiers. Honestly it will depend on the player's skill with Pathfinder. It's hard to give a useful answer to that question. Each DM knows his group better than anyone, so he should be able to tell if they are prepared or not to handle some challenges.

Lochar wrote:

Sc8rpi8n, I assume since you didn't give Deskari a poison it's the same as his poison in the book?

And they both are awesome.

Deskari has his poison, you can find the description between infestation and rasping armor :-)

Scarab Sages

Lies.... *shifty eyes*


Are the Scions meant to replace the Advanced Half-Fiend Minotaurs or to supplement them as a advanced trooper leader type of monster?

Scarab Sages

In mine, I replaced the two that aren't at the gate guarding with the Scions, as the name of that room encounter is Scions.

Worked out well when the party was seeing minotaurs come in, then Bam! teleport and mythic vital strike.

B0sh1 wrote:
Are the Scions meant to replace the Advanced Half-Fiend Minotaurs or to supplement them as a advanced trooper leader type of monster?

In my game yes, I plan on replacing the half-fiend minotaurs with the scions. Since I'll have less encounters inside the Sanctum and the players will have

on their side, I needed tougher minotaurs. Also, it seemed a perfect opportunity to use their mythic version.

But of course you can use them as Lochar did, replacing some of the minotaurs as elite troops.

Mister sc8rpin_mjd, you have done a superb job.
I expecially appreciate your take on Baphomet, you his old, 3.5, breath weapon. Good job, sir.

Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:

Mister sc8rpin_mjd, you have done a superb job.

I expecially appreciate your take on Baphomet, you his old, 3.5, breath weapon. Good job, sir.

Thanks! I consider the breath weapon one of his defining traits (along with the magic glaive), so it's one of the first things that I thought would be cool to add when upgrading him.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I just started running WoTR and this has been amazingly helpful. Thank you for putting this together.

Zelmisdria the succubus and her green dragon have been added to the document. I think the best way to use them is during the siege at the start of City of Locusts, just after the PCs deal with the nalfeshnees. That gives them enough space to maneuver.

I also detail some mythic abilities that you can give to mythic dragons.

WarDriveWorley wrote:
I just started running WoTR and this has been amazingly helpful. Thank you for putting this together.

Thanks! I look forward to hear about your experiences with the statblocks.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I used improved Staunton and Kiranda yesterday and it made for a good fight. The party survived mostly by getting really lucky on some critical rolls (especially with Kiranda). Stauntons AC didn't really hold up, but his damage surely did!

Due to a major error in remembering how the map was connected my players were able to drop him far easier than should have been able. Still, they felt pretty badass, but I do plan to have him return towards the end to hopefully give them the fight he should have been (along with some typically incongruous templates reasoned with "because demon lords".)

Well I'm happy to hear about your Staunton fight magnuskn :-)

Staunton is an interesting enemy: he should drop fast if the players focus fire on him, but at the same time he can drop a character every round (more or less).

It is my intention to include him again in City of Locusts as a powerful graveknight. Staunton deserves it :-)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, they managed to neutralize his attack power for two rounds, first by using Black Tentacles, then a Terrible Remorse, so that helped with him not killing everybody. But he really went down very fast, with just the Barbarian hitting him for over 100 points in one round.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:

Zelmisdria the succubus and her green dragon have been added to the document. I think the best way to use them is during the siege at the start of City of Locusts, just after the PCs deal with the nalfeshnees. That gives them enough space to maneuver.

I also detail some mythic abilities that you can give to mythic dragons.

I love the mythic dragon traits!

Since you have done so much work, wanna help in making some other extra/optional encounters? I've already in mind a few possible encounters to mess around with mythic pcs.

Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:
Since you have done so much work, wanna help in making some other extra/optional encounters? I've already in mind a few possible encounters to mess around with mythic pcs.

Well right now I don't have much free time to work on my gaming sessions, so I'm afraid I'll keep updating my document only. Sorry.

But if you have ideas to improve encounters in the AP or create new ones, by all means share them so we can benefit from them.

My party just started on Sword of Valor, and made it past Vilareth Ford (the two army encounters were over in seconds), but I had buffed up Exoris, not using your version (I'm saving their first mythic opposition for the chimera), but something based very much off that (and within the same CR range). He arrived with a horde of advanced dretches, who promptly (with Exorius' horde master ability helping massively) put the fear into the party and downed the wizard in one round. Some heavy smiting, spellcasting, and shooting from the machine-gun ranger and the fight was over, but my players are starting to grasp that the demons mean business. Or are mean business...
Long story short - even if you dont use the much-improved stat blocks, scavenge them for some really good ideas.

Hi everyone,

Carrock's new statblock is up. I have included a quick note about the ulkreths that will accompany him when fighting the PCs. CR 16 monsters are fodder at this level, but they match nicely with the theme of his army (wreckers) and get a nice boost out of Carrock's aura and the additional abilities I added along with the advanced template.

The basic idea is that Carrock is leading his own smaller army (composed primarily of plant monsters such as treants and some ulkreths provided by Aponavicius) against the citadel's walls and important buildings in Drezen.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

I've been managing to challenge my group, but the one guy is still getting a bit cocky, so this dot is a dot for future preparedness. I also want to see what you did with the Woundwyrm cause that is probably the next big fight coming up.

*edit* Huh I don't see anything for Scorizscar...I'm surprised.

I'm Sword of Valor it's noted Aponavicius has three pets she subjected to the Nyhandrian Elixir, but only the chimera survived. But since there's a dragon shortage at my gaming table, her pet red dragon will have survived as well, and thanks to those awesome mythic dragon stats, will be a fight to remember.

On a very odd side note: I put a short sidetrek in after Worldwound Incursion, where they had to kill a demon-infested dragon, since one of my players said he thought dragons were cool. Long story short, at my table of gaming veterans, none of the PCs had ever fought a dragon.

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Yeah, I don't have reworked stats for Scorizscar. I wanted to keep that enemy as non-mythic to see how well my players do against high-CR standard enemies. Also I have reworked all the other encounters, so I don't mind keeping the woundwyrm mostly as-is.

I say mostly because of course I plan on making some small changes to adapt the monster to my needs. Here you have my ideas in case you want to use them:

- Give the woundwyrm a damage adjustment for its natural attacks, as if it were a true dragon. That means bite and tail both get a +15 damage modifier.

- Get rid of the Snatch feat. Give it the grab universal monster ability when it hits with a claw, bite, or tail attack. Add the tenacious grapple ability (the monster doesn't get the grappled condition while grappling) to its SQ, and constrict (2d6+15) to its special attacks.

- Change the blindsight radius to 120 ft.

- Get rid of the Blind-Fight feat (it gives no benefit to the monster since it has blindsight), and give it the Multiattack feat. You can swap the Snatch feat for a different one. You can give it a save boost feat or maybe Ability Focus (breath weapon). Whatever you think will be more useful.

- If your players can reliably hit AC 30, the advanced template is very easy to implement and gives a nice boost to offense/defense.


Nice! Where are you planning on staging this new dragon encounter?

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

Perfect. Those are exactly what I was looking for. The blindsight was bugging me being so short range too honestly and was on my own list. Great suggestions!

The idea was to add it at the start of Demon's Heresy, so I could give it a decent CR (somewhere along 13-15), but leave strong hints that a dragon is indeed present in Drezen, to build up the tension. Also, Terendelev's scales bonded with the PCs, and slaying a dragon boosts these scales' powers, by absorbing the draconic energy (not unlike Skyrim I guess). The first dragon gave a +1 Resistance bonus to saving throws, to avoid the PCs being forced to wear Cloaks of Resistance, and give them some more interesting options. The second dragon will upgrade this bonus, and perhaps give some natural armor or deflection bonus to AC.

I think you need to do Arleesh as well. I also think you should consider throwing a lot more things like Mirror Dodge and/or rings of Evasion.

Consider one thought experiment. The second last encounter, Arleesh and friends vs 1 PC: Sorceror 20/Archmage 10.

Arleesh wins init, gates in Hekatonchieres and tries a quickened dominate person. Dominate Person gets laughed at.

Sorceror is next init. Casts Augmented Mythic Metor Swarm, with Channel Power and a Metamagic Rod of Consecrate Spell. Drops all the meteors on Arleesh...
SR doesn't apply (Channel Power).
Fire Resistance/Immunity doesn't apply (Augmented Mythic Meteor Swarm)

Impact Damage : 8d10 = 80 (consecrate) dmg (bludgeoning) * 1.5 (Channel Power) = 120 + 4 fort saves vs Knockdown,
Fire Trail Damage: 16d10 =160 (consecrate) dmg (fire) *1.5 (Channel Power) = 240 no save
Explosion Damage: 4* 10d10 = 400 (consecrate) dmg (fire) *1.5 (Channel Power) = 600 + 4 reflex saves for 1/2. Assume all saves made = 300

Total Damage (with all saves made) = 660

Arleesh dies (at -109 hp). 1 Spell. Everything else in the encounter (gimcrack, 4 advanced Vrolikais, the Hekatontarchies, Khoramzzadeh Reborn), all die as well from the blast damage, unless they make rather improbable saves... and them Kho's death throes clean the floor...).

Your revised Kho has at least a chance to live through this, if he makes at least 2 of 4 saves at DC of 21 + Caster stat (assuming no other feats, etc...) He has a Ref +26, but well, I think you can expect at least a +15 from that caster stat...

And Chuckles the sorceror still has a quickened spell and maybe a magic item use left, in this round....

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When I get to Areelu, I will probably give her some additional abilities (such as the one I commented before regarding her hexes), including something to protect her against spells, maybe to even reflect them back at the caster. That said, the "core" of her statblock will remain the same. Again, be sure to rebuild her memorized spells, available hexes and tactics to create the challenge you need for your group.

Also consider altering the minions she has as written. She has the Craft Construct feat, so put a specific Devastator that can protect her and enhance her spells. The corruption aura will bolster the vrolikais, making them more useful.

The players will appear in a specific spot on the floor, so think about how you want to position the monsters. Add interesting and powerful environmental effects to Threshold that hinder PCs and help the demonic defenders.

Of course this doesn't give the monsters more hit points, if you need them consider applying Porridge's houserule (double hit points for the important monsters). Maybe I'll need to use it too, who knows?.

Anyway, It will probably take me nearly a year to reach this battle so I'll worry when I get there. In the meantime, I will update the document with the changes I deem necessary for my group.

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Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
When I get to Areelu, I will probably give her some additional abilities ....

I would suggest the dreadful Nathyrian crystal golem that was foreshadowed in book 3. I've asked to James Jacobs about it and he said that 1) Xanthir had not enough time to start it's construction 2) it would be "worst than anyone can image" ...

However, for me the entire point of the encounter it's to show off how powerful Areelu is. She just resuccected the other big bad in an undead state and, on her first round, she summons a CR 24 abominations. I would, instead of giving more monsters to protect her, give her more lifes!

She already have that dagger that gives here a free life. So, what about she's linked to the insects swarms that fills the root of The fortress which absorbs 3/4 the damage for her at any times? It would be like a permanent shield other effects (decectable throught detect magic) that cannot be dispelled and has not max HP (for each damage, 1 bug dies ... and there are millions down there). Clever pcs my notice this and attack those swarms. Burn a large section of those things damage the shield and negate this defence for 1d4+1 rounds.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

As a few notes, my PCs just ran up against Jerribeth and she destroyed them. I added some expanded spell casting like you had. The biggest change I made was to have her rod grow with her and for her to wield it two handed; yielded a damage bonus of 3d6 + 32 per attack. That scared my PCs.
I also noted that she can use her shape change as an immediate action. Which means that she could make herself nearly immune to any full attack from melee types as she can shrink from huge to medium in response to an attack.

Seannoss wrote:

As a few notes, my PCs just ran up against Jerribeth and she destroyed them. I added some expanded spell casting like you had. The biggest change I made was to have her rod grow with her and for her to wield it two handed; yielded a damage bonus of 3d6 + 32 per attack. That scared my PCs.

I also noted that she can use her shape change as an immediate action. Which means that she could make herself nearly immune to any full attack from melee types as she can shrink from huge to medium in response to an attack.

Thanks for sharing Seannos!

When I reworked Jerribeth, I didn't keep the rod as I think it works against the best tactic for a glabrezu: full attacking with its 5 natural weapons. If you include a manufactured weapon, all the others turn to secondary attacks and the damage drops considerably.

As for the change shape, you can indeed cancel a full-attack by shrinking out of reach, but as it is an immediate action, you can only do that once per round, and it consumes your next turn's swift action, wich means you cannot change back until your next turn is over (the swift/immediate action is regained at the end of each of your turns). Also, Jerribeth loses her reach, natural weapons, and her physical ability scores take a hit (see the polymorph subschool in the magic section in the CRB for a detailed explanation). Depending on the situation it can be useful but not game breaking. I never tought about this tactic, so thanks for mentioning it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Seannoss wrote:

As a few notes, my PCs just ran up against Jerribeth and she destroyed them. I added some expanded spell casting like you had. The biggest change I made was to have her rod grow with her and for her to wield it two handed; yielded a damage bonus of 3d6 + 32 per attack. That scared my PCs.

I also noted that she can use her shape change as an immediate action. Which means that she could make herself nearly immune to any full attack from melee types as she can shrink from huge to medium in response to an attack.

Sooo, TPK? Or did they flee? Did she? Details, man, details. :D

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I advanced her one HD to give her multi attack and figured that the massive damage the rod did (and the increased poison DC after many hits) was a viable alternative. What does dual initiative do to immediate/swift actions?

@Magnus: My PCs first surprised me by taking her up on the offer, or a truce at least. They didn't accept a wish but with her advise and some bluffing they made it to Xanthir's room with very little prep time for him. They sealed off that room with a wall of stone, I decided that cut off sound too do all the other demons couldn't join in, in that small room.

After a long fight they beat him and I after a few rounds she teleported in to basically thank them and tell them to leave. The paladin advanced on her, missed and she did about 95% of his hp in one round. They decided to leave via word of recall, misjudged the people they could take and left Arushelae behind.

They had to rest and came up with a plan. She used greater scry (with all the blood the paladin left behind) to know when and where they would be. The remaining human forces were there to meet them, mostly nuisances that were taken care of by aoe spells but it used resources and the party split up a little (my Pcs don't use the best tactics)

She was waiting in a nearby room, surprised a lone fighter and took him out easily and unnoticed thanks to obscuring mist. She teleported, damaged and stunned the paladin, leaving only two PCs for my group. they grabbed the paladin and fled, leaving the fighter behind.

The fighter is the one that dislikes the redeemed succubus and doesn't trust her, I put them in cells next to each other. In a good and surprising RP moment I had her pray and ask him to trust her. He accepted and I had Desna/her free him from the cell. I figured that she would sacrifice herself to die a good soul. He surprised me by finding a way to free her from the cell.

They had suffered enough, and his character emotionally grew so I didn't have Jerribeth paying attention to this. She was gone by the time they returned.

Whew... but I get to use her again if I wish.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That sounds pretty damn epic, if I may say so myself. I figure with my group a few heads may have exploded if things were to go that dire, but maybe that would just be what they need. ^^ Well, we'll see what I can do with Scorpions statblocks. :D

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

They put me in a quandary as I usually find it bad for the story to kill PCs, although there are many ways around that in Pathfinder. It also helps that the AP has a good story. I don't really like the mythic rules but the plot keeps me going forward.

And thanks. I like his stat blocks too; they help set the extreme for my party and then I trim back certain parts.

Hmm, the document seems to be showing up blank at the moment. Not sure what's wrong.

EDIT: Nevermind - apparently my computer logged me out of drive when I wasn't looking.

Nothing to see here!

Scarab Sages

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Scorpion, I have an enemy for your doc, if you'd like. If Staunton managed to rise as a Gravelord, at least.

Staunton Vhane:
XP 819,200

Male undead antipaladin of Deskari 17/champion 7 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player Guide 118,Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures20)
No Alignment Medium undead (augmented dwarf)
Init+18(M); Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +20
Auras cowardice (10 ft.), despair (10 ft.) vengence (10 ft), sin (10 ft), depravity (10 ft), sacrilegious (30 ft.)

AC 37, touch 15, flat-footed 36 (+14 armor, +8 Natural Armor, +1 Dodge, +4 Deflection)
hp 393 (17d10+290)
Fort +32, Ref +18, Will +24; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities hard to kill, mythic saves, force of will, channel resistance +4; Immune disease, undead immunitites, cold, electricity, acid; SR 34

Speed50 ft.
Melee Soulshear +32/+32/+27/+22 (1d10+21+4d6 acid/19-20 ×3) or spiked armor +31/+31/+26/+21 (1d6+14+4d6 acid/×3)

Reach: 10' with spiked armor, 15' with Soulshear

Special Attacks champion’s strike, channel negative energy (DC 35,9d6), clean blade, dwarven hatred, mythic power (17/day, 1d10), smite good 6/day (+11 attack and +7 AC[4 already from ring], +17 damage), sudden attack, fleet Warrior, precision, Beyond Morality, Extra Mythic path(legendary Weapon), critical master x2

Spell-Like Abilities(CL 17th; concentration +28)
At will—detect good

Spells Prepared(CL 14th; concentration +25)
4th-Greater Invisibility, Dispel Law, Litany of Vengence
3rd-Burst of Speed, Magic Circle Against Good, Magic Circle against Law, Nondetection
2nd—bull’s strength, hold person(DC 14), Invisibility, Litany of Defense
1st—command(DC 13), protection from good

Before Combat Staunton casts Magic circle against Good, Magic Circle against Law, and Invisibility on his mount. He casts Greater Invisibility on himself.

During Combat Having fought the PCs before and with access to intel against them, Staunton makes good use of his knowledge of the PCs. He spends a Mythic Power to start combat at Initiative 38 and another on Power Attack to negate it's penalties. He tends to fight defensively (-4 to Attack rolls, +3 AC. Add Cha bonus to AC as dodge bonus against one opponent, usually enemies that can't be smited) and Smites enemies he knows can be smitten. By this point, Staunton knows if a PC is a Worldwound Walker, Beyond Morality, or otherwise isn't good when they should be. Staunton tends to spend his mythic power into Amazing Initiative prior to his full attacks to use Touch of Corruption, adding stunned or paralyzed to his attacks. Alternately, he may use curse. Staunton automatically confirms all criticals against his targets. A critical blow with Mythic Power Attack from Soulshear deals 3d10+241 damage plus 4d6 acid before Smiting damage.

Soulshear summons a Vrolikai on the first turn of combat.

Due to his own Beyond Morality, Staunton cannot be the target of Smite Evil. He always chooses the alignment that causes him the least damage when the target of spells that are alignment dependent.

Morale Staunton fights to the death.

Str28, Dex16, Con -, Int16, Wis16, Cha 32
Base Atk+17; CMB+13; CMD23 (27 vs. bull rush and trip)
Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Power Attack(M 2h: -5/+20, 1h: -5/+15), Toughness(B, M), Improved Initiative(B, M), Mounted Combat(B), Ride-By Attack(B), Weapon Focus (Glaive), Dodge, Osyluth Guile, Mobility, Lunge, Monkey Lunge, Combat Expertise (-5/+5 dodge AC)

Skills Acrobatics +20, Bluff +28, Intimidate +7, Linguistics +1, Perception +20 (+22 to notice unusual stonework), Ride +15, Sense Motive +7
Languages Abyssal, Common, Dwarven

SQ amazing initiative, cruelties (diseased, fatigued, cursed, stun, paralyzed) DC 29 Fort, fiendish boon (mount, greater apocalypse locust [See Page 9, City of Locusts]), impossible speed, touch of corruption (8d6, 19/day)

Combat Gear -; Other Gear +5 spiked full plate, Soulshear, Headband of Alluring Charisma +6, Belt of Physical Might +6 (Str, Dex), Vest of Vast Intelligence +2 (Acrobatics), Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Ring of Protection +4


CR Calculation: Antipaladin 17 (CR 16), Mythic Tier 7 (CR +3), Graveknight (CR+2), Exception Stats (CR+2)

Exceptional Stats (Ex) Staunton is exceptional, and his ability scores were generated using 25 points rather than the standard 15-point buy used to create most NPCs. In addition, he has the full support of the Worldwound behind him, and
thus has gear equal to that of a PC rather than an NPC. These modifications increase his total CR by +2.

Sacrilegious Aura (Su)

A graveknight constantly exudes an aura of intense evil and negative energy in a 30-foot radius. This aura functions as the spell desecrate and uses the graveknight's armor as an altar of sorts to double the effects granted. The graveknight constantly gains the benefits of this effect (including the bonus hit points, as this aura is part of the graveknight's creation). In addition, this miasma of fell energies hinders the channeling of positive energy. Any creature that attempts to summon positive energy in this area—such as through a cleric's channel energy ability, a paladin's lay on hands, or any spell with the healing subtype—must make a concentration check DC 29. If the character fails, the effect is expended but does not function.

Rejuvenation (Su)

One day after a graveknight is destroyed, its armor begins to rebuild the undead horror's body. This process takes 1d10 days—if the body is destroyed before that time passes, the armor merely starts the process anew. After this time has elapsed, the graveknight wakens fully healed.

Channel Destruction (Su)

Any weapon a graveknight wields seethes with energy, and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 4 Hit Dice the graveknight has. This additional damage is of the energy type determined by the ruinous revivification special quality. Staunton deals an extra 4d6 acid damage.

Devastating Blast (Su)

Three times per day, the graveknight may unleash a 30-foot cone of energy as a standard action. This blast deals 10d6 points of acid damage (Reflex DC 29).

Legendary Weapon (Mythic)
Soulshear has become Staunton's legendary weapon. The three abilites it has have modified it thusly.
Upgradable - Staunton has spent the requisite money to upgrade Soulshear to a +5 keen transformative glaive.
Adroit- As a swift action, Staunton may spend one legendary surge power to gain a +20 insight bonus to his next attack with Soulshear.
Demon Within - The demon imbued in Soulsheer has feasted on the deaths of so many others now, that the babau has transformed first into a Vrock and then into a Vrolikai. Once per day Soulsheer may summon a portion of it's consciousness out of the glaive, acting as a CL 17 Summon Monster IX spell to summon a Vrolikai.

Encounter: Staunton arrives with the Greater Apocalypse Locusts in the basement of Drezen. One of the Locusts is his new mount.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just had an odd thought. Has the irony occurred to you that with these beefed up encounters that the PCs will probably have an extra level or two of xp? Thereby making these upgrades even more necessary.

He doesn't use xp so that's a moot point.

Lochar wrote:

Scorpion, I have an enemy for your doc, if you'd like. If Staunton managed to rise as a Gravelord, at least.

** spoiler omitted **...

I think the Adroit ability can only apply to skill checks, not attack rolls, but otherwise this looks rather terrifying!

PRD wrote:
Adroit: Choose a single skill that can be augmented by the item's legendary surge. As a swift action, the item's bonded creature can expend one use of legendary power to gain a +20 insight bonus on the next check she attempts with that skill before the end of her turn. The item must have a legendary surge that augments skill checks to have this ability.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Caius wrote:
He doesn't use xp so that's a moot point.

And the same here. XP are an outdated concept, IMO, which has as many negative as positive sides. I'd rather see Paizo use simple advice at which points to level characters (and so get around the "we can only do AP's from levels X to Y, because XP limits our encounter design!" dilemma).


Dual initiative basically allows you to recover the swift/immediate action faster since you have two turns each round. Other than this, it does nothing.

Very cool story, BTW. Jerribeth has the potential to be a very annoying enemy :-)

About the XP: as I said in my first post, I don't use it anymore. It just gets in the way of me creating the encounters I need, and also Paizo makes easy to not use it by following the APs suggestions on the levels players should have when reaching a certain point in an adventure.


Very nice stats! Since my schedule is free again, I will resume the document updates. When I get to Staunton, I'll take a look at what you have done.

Of course I'll give him additional abilities beyon what a standard graveknight gets (as I did with Kestoglyr).

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Seannoss wrote:

I found the same thing with the party I'm running. Even without your additions but with help from the NPCs Vahne was a very mobile combatant that could hit very hard and often. My PCs were very scared of him.

Edit: and thanks for your stat blocks. In general they are too powerful for my PCs but they have given me ideas that I can work from.

PCs lost the Vhane fight, with two players down and the others fled (though one fleeing player grabbed a down comrade).

They got caught in the Jhorun + babu fight and with the addition of Staunton and his minotaurs, with the duelist succubus materializing behind them from ethereal. I forgot about Nurah...

So now the one PC is captured. Interestingly he is the paladin with Radiance and the nice armor they just found. I'm thinking they will try to corrupt him, but give the other PCs with mythic Irabeth a chance to mount a rescue. Does that make sense?

Generally PCs in a similar situation would just kill the enemy. NPCs?

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