Currently a level 5 musket master, where do i go from there


Dark Archive


My musket master has reached level 5, and I currently am stomped about how to develop the character further.

Does any one have suggestions?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Yeah, Gunslingers don't get much interesting stuff after level 5. I'd either go into Fighter (so you can get Weapon Training, and qualify for Weapon Specialization), or the Shieldmarshal prestige class. Although it would help if you give us some more details about your build.

Dark Archive

Sure RainyDayNinja,

My musket master is level 5

Her stats are

Str 7
Dex 20
Con 12
Int 16
Wis 12
Cha 7

Race - Human


Precise Shot
Point Blank
Rapid Reload
Deadly Aim

Currently she is a total distance character.

Does this help?

Silver Crusade

On my musket master I took 6 levels of it, then went into inquisitor. It seems like a common build, and I've enjoyed it thus far.

Silver Crusade

I would start taking weapon master fighter or ranger, depending on your tastes. Paladin would have been awesome if your cha didn't blow. Urban barbarian might also be an option, though most of the rage powers would be a waste for you.

As a side point, RAPID SHOT!!! You took dodge instead, and that confuses me. Taking your next level as fighter just to get that feat would be worth it. Start working on combat reflexes, snap shot, and improved snap shot after that.

I would try to stick to a full BAB class to get your iterative attacks faster, since they will almost always hit and are therefore a big damage boost. The only exception I'd make is for inquisitor, because it's that good.

Grand Lodge

Xzaral wrote:
On my musket master I took 6 levels of it, then went into inquisitor. It seems like a common build, and I've enjoyed it thus far.

I did the same after fifth level. Lawman of Abadar worked really well. Using your spells to buff (such as See Invisible or extending range) or to heal. Krune didn't like a destruction judgement human bane vital strike readied shot... Really did not like it!

So many skills you get, and so many abilities. Gun-quisitor rocks!!

What about a wizard? I haven't seen that build, but you have a high int and a familiar works awesome with gunslingers. Cast abundant ammunition into your familiar before combat and then have your familiar touch your ammunition pouch during the first round of combat.

Grand Lodge

I went half and half with Grenadier and Gunslinger. right now 5/5 and doing some nasty things with Alchemical weapons and having TWO sources of Dex bonuses (Enhancement AND Alchemical, courtesy of Mutagen) makes for a nice play in the 'pinch hit' fights.

Add in conductive musket and explosive missile (for my pepperbox pistole) and I get to add my bombs into the pinch shots both close up and far away.

There are a lot of options available. I think I've seen most of the big ones.. Inquistor, Fighter and such already here.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the ideas guys. I appreciate that help. I have a lot to think about.

Although Kyrie, I thought Pepperbox guns weren't allowed in PFS?

Silver Crusade

go to level 6?

When my pistolero hit 5, I felt that I ought to pick up some other abilities to round out the character. A fifth-level pistolero is freaking ridiculous damage-wise, but not that good at anything else. So I took the next two levels in rogue to get the Trap Spotter talent. We find ourselves skulking through kobold caverns quite often, and the talent has already proven useful--as have the evasion and zillion skill points.

I'll probably switch back to pistolero at this point so that I can get Signature Deed (Up Close and Deadly) before I start hurting too badly for damage. If I get bored, maybe I'll pick up a level of cleric, druid, or inquisitor for those "nice to have" 0th and 1st level spells, but it's hard to justify in-game so it probably won't happen--most Wisdom-based casters just have too much RP baggage.

If my character was a musket master, I'd probably have done the same thing, except instead of switching back to musket master eventually I'd stick with fighter or ranger.

Musket Master 5 / Weapon Master Fighter 4 / Trophy Hunter Ranger 2 / Sniper Rogue 1

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Uh say what?

I would consider:
Manyshot (with a misfire only if *all* your attack rolls misfire)
Ranged disarm(no save, no CMD check)
Knock prone
Negating a winged flyer's flight.

To be a pretty handy toolkit to wait 2 more levels for.

And if you wait until 11th, then you can pick up Signature Deed so a special move costs ZERO grit.

I'd stick with gunslinger at least until 7th. Actually I would not dip into another class at all, but that's just me. YMMV but every gunslinger I know who dipped...regretted it. No matter how good it looked on paper, they missed not having the mid-upper tier class abilities.

Still good luck with whatever you decide. If you do dip and it works great, please post. I have a gunslinger(musket master) too :)

I support dipping out, especially in PFS. Other than the Signature deed and the capstone, there is little reason to continue with musket master. Signature deed requires that you are 11th lvl anyway, by this time your PFS carrer is almost over.

A little reasoning why I posted the above multicalss combination.

- By taking the 'Weapon Master' archetype you get Weapon Training at level 3 (+1 attack, +1 damage with chosen weapon), which stacks with gloves of dueling for a permanent +3/+3 at attack and damage bonus. Also, feats. You can certainly use more (rapid shot, improved precise shot, snap shot-improved snap shot-combat reflexes, deft shootist deed, ricochet deed).

- Trophy Hunter Archetype, at level 2 you get the Amateur Gunslinger feat (trade it in for the +2 Grit), and the use of any 1st level Gunslinger deed. Take the deed Gunslinger's Dodge.

- You do not really care about BAB as you hit touch AC. A situational 1d6 sneak attack at your attacks is not a bad deal as a result. You would rather take vanilla or Acrobat rogue though, as the Sniper does not give any interesting benefit as a lvl 1 dip.

This is why I believe the build below is pretty optimal.

Musket Master 5 / Weapon Master Fighter 4 / Trophy Hunter Ranger 2 / Acrobat Rogue 1

I'd go to 7, i've always liked the targeting deed. It does less damage since it's a full-round action but knocking someone prone at range with no save can be pretty nice

It could also be interesting to go on to 7 for the dead shot deed, if you think you have a chance of obtaining a double hackbut. It's not a terribly useful weapon in general, but if you have the time to set it up and use it with dead shot the damage is insane, especially considering how easy it is to score a critical with dead shot.

Otherwise, fighter and inquisitor are easy ways to gain some options while steadily progressing damage. Shieldmarshal is an interesting prestige class. But pretty much anything that gains some bab could be useful. Does your party have a bard? Bard would work pretty well...

At Level 13, misfires won't happen anymore. That is the minimum I aim for with my Musket Master.
Besides that, I like my new Snap Shot ability as well as the coolness which comes later with Improved Snap Shot and Combat Reflexes.

If you are interested in melee in the future, think about an agile weapon, with it you can use your dexterity for hitting and damage in melee.

And yeah, you'll need Rapid Shot!

Keep going musket Master. Get rapid shot ASAP. Continiue with mobility and deft shot when you can. I guess signature deed with bleeding wound May be cool as well.

Shadow Lodge

isnt trench fighter 3 the generic build for max damage?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Trench fire comes from a guns everywhere campaign. It is kind of cheating taking it in a normal campaign.

Shadow Lodge

XMorsX wrote:
Trench fire comes from a guns everywhere campaign. It is kind of cheating taking it in a normal campaign.

not really, unless you gm isnt ok with it personally, it is a legal choice, and no more broken then a few other option.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I see a lot of mentions in this thread of rapid shot and manyshot...umm, why? A Musket can only be reloaded as a move action at best, so of what benefit would those feats be? Am I missing something?

YogoZuno wrote:
I see a lot of mentions in this thread of rapid shot and manyshot...umm, why? A Musket can only be reloaded as a move action at best, so of what benefit would those feats be? Am I missing something?

You will not see a lot of suggestions with manyshot, as it does not work wih firearms.

Rapid reload + Fast Musket + Alchemical Ctriges drop the reload time to a free action. This way Rapid Shot becomes viable.

If you intend to take the 7th lvl of musket master you obtain Dead Shot though, which does not work with rapid shot. However, dipping out at 5th lvl is a pretty common tactic, so rapid shot has its merit.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ahh, my bad - I was forgetting Musket Master dropped the reload time by a step.

Urban barb? Stack on dem dex bonuses!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You've got a good Intelligence - Alchemist might be a good choice for a level dip. With touch attacks, you don't really need your BAB to be perfect, so you can handle a non-full BAB level dip or two. The Alchemist bombs might not be terribly useful to you, since you should already have AoE attacks available from scatter weapons, but being able to make Extracts and Mutagens might be to your benefit. Extracts would potentially give you some interesting options, such as Enlarge Person or True Strike.

3 lvls of Vivisectionist alchemist will give you access to the Vestigial arms and tentacle discovery - meaning that you will be able to TWF with two muskets without having reloading issues! Of course, you must bear with the idea of having 4 arms and a tentacle.

I could be something like:

Musket Master 5 / Vivisectionist Chirurgeon 3 / Weapon Master 4

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