And the Pathfinder Whipping Boy / Girl is ....

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Judging from the earlier APs, Valeros seems to suffer a lot.

Dark Archive

Couple of getting owned ones in bestiary openers for later ap's

Ezren gets turned into a woman on page 313 of the APG and he doesn't look all too pleased...

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Rakshaka wrote:
NO! The ** spoiler omitted ** has Meresiel tentacled up AGAIN on page 331 of RotR Anniversary edition.

Uh, I just checked my copy, and that’s Seoni that the

Vampire Decapus
has in its tentacled clutches.

Y’know, depending on what kind of chapbooks she reads in her down-time, I can just imagine her griping at the thing with each stab of her dagger:

SEONI: “If I wanted! To fight things! With tentacles! I’d go on capers! In an Acadamae uniform!”
MERISIEL: “You mean —?”

Dark Archive

In Mythical Monsters Revisited;

Lem is getting fed by a mamma griffon to her babies (p 16)
Alain is being called to dinner by a harpy (p 22)
Seoni is being turned to stone by a medusa and Ezren has already been turned to stone (p 40)

Other stuff is happening to folks, but doesn't really seem to fit 'bad stuff' (ooh, a Sphinx is making Lem do long division, woo).

Sadly, Classic Monsters and Classic Horrors don't really have much in the way of Iconic appearances at all...


+1 Alain (Dinner with Harpy MMR)

+1 Amiri (Speared in Dungeons of Golarion)
+1 Amiri (Possibly dead by Banshee in PF17)
+1 Amiri (Ass Handed to her in Shattered Star #2)

+1 Erzen (Man-Handled in PF12)
+1 Erzen (Petrified by Medusa MMR)
+1 Erzen (Charged by Thkot Tal in PF20)
+1 Erzen (Death by Emkrah PF21)
+1 Erzen (Dragonfly Abduction PF23)

+1 Kyra (Dance of Ruin PF24)

+1 Lem (Mouthless from Spellblight)
+1 Lem (Wrapped up in Chains in PF11)
+1 Lem (Abducted by Deurgar in Into the Darklands)
+1 Lem (Fed to baby griffons MMR)

+1 Lini (Droogami ripped apart by Dretch PF15)
+1 Lini (Dead or Unconscious in PF16)
+1 Lini (Monster grabbing Lini AND her Companion PF18)
+1 Lini (Animal Companion Beat up by Aboleth)

+1 Merseiel (Ultimate Magic Tentacles)
+1 Merseiel (Carrion Crown Slugspawn)
+1 Meresiel (Also getting Mereor Swarmed to the Face)
+1 Meresiel (Attacked by Coutal in PF12)
+1 Meresiel (Dance oF Ruin PF24)
+1 Merisiel (Grabbed by Vines GMG)

+1 Sajan (Grabbed by Tentacles GMG)

+1 Seelah (Grabbed by a Giant Reefclaw in PF9)
+1 Seelah (Knocked Prone by Doomsday Machine UE)

+1 Seoni (Petrified by Medusa MMR)
+1 Seoni (Grapped by Tentacles, RotRL Anniversary)

+1 Valeros (Mimic Slam Attack)
+1 Valeros (Grabbed by Black Magga in PF3)
+1 Valeros (Getting Grabbed by an Alu-Demon in PF5)
+1 Valeros (Meteor Swam to the Face in PF6)
+1 Valeros (Waiting Beast, PF20)
+1 Valeros (Death by Emkrah PF21)
+1 Valeros (Crushed by Red Dragon PF 23)
+1 Valeros (Fun Times with a Retriever PF24)
+1 Valeros (Dragon Attack GMG)

Score Card

  • Alain - 1
  • Amiri - 4
  • Balazaar - 1
  • Damiel - 3
  • Erzen - 6
  • Kyra - 5
  • Lem - 6
  • Lini - 7
  • Merseiel - 9
  • Sajan - 2
  • Seelah - 2
  • Seoni - 2
  • Valeros - 12

Alright! Alain, Seelah, and Seoni are ON THE BOARD!

More importantly, Valeros has easily overtaken Kyra as Pathfinder's new Whipping Boy! But will he stay there? Keep it up!

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And Kyra has been overtaken by her own whipping girl ;)

Silver Crusade

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I can't really count Amiri being wounded on the cover of Dungeons of Golarion, because that's far more of a "Sinspawn done goofed" situation.

Seriously, pissing off the barbarian and turning your back to her? That's not going to end well for you, Splitjaw.

Dark Archive

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Undead Revisited, a plethora of Iconic beatdowns!

Sajan being de-ocularized by a Bodak (p 4)
Seltyiel swooning in the arms of his Devourer lover (p 10)
Seelah, disarmed and fallen, about to be discombobulated by a Graveknight (p 16)
Ezren being blasted to chunky kibble by a lich (p 22)
Imrijka getting a kiss with *way* too much tongue from a mohrg (p 28)
Damiel, dead and gone, only his shadow remains (p 46)
Alhazra being choked (or, more likely, level drained) by a specter (p 52)
Harsk being smacked about by a wight (who has just hit him hard enough to send him flying *and* sunder his axe) (p 58)

#26 p.50 Seoni Getting engulfed by a Fiendish Water Elemental
#27 p.3 Seoni Getting encased in an Isolation Sphere Trap (that's a Resilient Sphere with Summon Swarm summoned inside of it)
#29 p39 Lem getting devoured by Shadow Rat Swarm.
That's pretty much it for Council of Thieves. Not a lot of Iconic beatdown in this series...

Carrion Crown really should have some party-wipe artwork considering the number of PCs it claims. I expected to see a

spoiled painting:
painting of Sajan plugged full of Erinyes Arrows while his dead eyes regard Amiri as she falls off a 200 foot tall bridge, ejected by an Air Elemental that is shaking hands with a masked necromacer, handing him a scroll that says, 'Circle of Death, use when appropriate'.
As it is, Carrion Crown is surprisingly sparse on Iconic doom; in fact, nothing until the third module:

#45, p82 Lem getting grabbed through a window by zombies.
#45, p63 Seelah getting Zombie-mobbed.
#46 Wake of the Wathcer I mentioned already,

And that's it... Its like the felt bad for the iconics when they knew what AP they were about to go through.

I'll leave the rest for others to fill in.

Mikaze wrote:

I can't really count Amiri being wounded on the cover of Dungeons of Golarion, because that's far more of a "Sinspawn done goofed" situation.

Seriously, pissing off the barbarian and turning your back to her? That's not going to end well for you, Splitjaw.

I thought it was a Mohrg, with the tongue and all. Amiri does kind of look paralyzed, or at the least in pain. In fact, the expression its giving Ezren is almost like a "Look what I'm doing to your buddy, guess what's gonna happen to you" expression. Also, the chains and stuff in the background make me think of Gallowspire...

GMing Skulls and Shackles right now so let's see if I can list some from there, since I don't see any so far.

+1 Alain and Lem, Knocked unconscious by pirates, (PF 55)

Possible +1 Merisiel, implied to be eaten by a shark (she's falling off the boat as one leaps up, but someone DOES have a hold of her, so eh. PF 55)

+1 Seltyiel (I think that's his name anyway, the Magus.) Sword chopped in half/broken (PF 56)

+1 Valeros, has a caster send 16 ships in a bottle flying at his face with Telekinesis (PF 57)

+1 Valeros, grabbed by a giant octopus (PF 58)

+1 Seltyiel, half-covered by a rat swarm (PF 58)

+1 Lini, b+$#& slapped by a giant crocodile (PF 58)

Rakshaka wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

I can't really count Amiri being wounded on the cover of Dungeons of Golarion, because that's far more of a "Sinspawn done goofed" situation.

Seriously, pissing off the barbarian and turning your back to her? That's not going to end well for you, Splitjaw.

I thought it was a Mohrg, with the tongue and all.

Nah, Sinspawn have that same lolling tongue; what they have that morghs don't is the divided lower jaw thing. Also they're fleshier than morghs tend to be drawn.

Dark Archive

Rakshaka wrote:

Carrion Crown really should have some party-wipe artwork considering the number of PCs it claims. I expected to see a ** spoiler omitted ** As it is, Carrion Crown is surprisingly sparse on Iconic doom; in fact, nothing until the third module:

#45, p82 Lem getting grabbed through a window by zombies.
#45, p63 Seelah getting Zombie-mobbed.
#46 Wake of the Wathcer I mentioned already,

And that's it... Its like the felt bad for the iconics when they knew what AP they were about to go through.

I'll leave the rest for others to fill in.

How about the picture where Lini is about to be jumped by her own animal companion? (Same one as Lem being grabbed by the zombies if I'm not mistaken.)

Dark Archive

Dungeon Denizens Revisited (p 46) has Sajan at the mercy of some Ropers who seem to have watched too much Urotsukidoji...

MMCJawa wrote:
Lini definitely had one of the most brutal experiences in Demons revisited.

I agree with what you're saying, but I think the most brutal piece of artwork in that book is for the Shadow Demon chapter, as it involves Lirianne blowing Seelah's brains out.

Also worth noting (this may have been mentioned, though I didn't see it) was Seoni on the cover of Hangman's Noose - clearly possessed and happily ready to hang herself as Valeros watches helplessly, trying to get her attention... and the eponymous Hangman sneaks up behind him with a noose in-hand...


– Knocked unconscious by pirates, (PF55)

– being choked (or, more likely, level drained) by a specter (UR p 52)

– dead and gone, only his shadow remains (UR p 46)

– blasted to chunky kibble by a lich (UR p 22)

– being smacked about by a wight (who has just hit him hard enough to send him flying *and* sunder his axe) (UR p 58)

– getting a kiss with *way* too much tongue from a mohrg (UR p 28)

– devoured by Shadow Rat Swarm (PF29)
– getting grabbed through a window by zombies (PF45)
– Knocked unconscious by pirates, (PF 55)

– b&~~# slapped by a giant crocodile (PF 58)

– possessed by shadow demon and forced to blow out Seelah's brains (DR)

– de-ocularized by a Bodak (UR p 4)
– at the mercy of ropers (DDR)

– disarmed and fallen, about to be discombobulated by a Graveknight (UR p 16)
– Zombie-mobbed (PF45)
– brains blown out by Lirianne (DR).

– swooning in the arms of his Devourer lover (UR p 10)
– sword chopped in half/broken (PF 56)
– half-covered by a rat swarm (PF 58)

– engulfed by a Fiendish Water Elemental (PF26)
– encased in an Isolation Sphere Trap (PF27)
– possessed and happily hanging to death (Hangman's Noose)

– swooning in the arms of his Devourer lover (UR p 10)
– sword chopped in half/broken (PF 56)
– half-covered by a rat swarm (PF 58)

– has a caster send 16 ships in a bottle flying at his face with Telekinesis (PF 57)
– grabbed by a giant octopus (PF 58)

Score Card

  • Alain - 2
  • Alhazra - 1
  • Amiri - 4
  • Balazaar - 1
  • Damiel - 4
  • Erzen - 7
  • Harsk - 1
  • Imrikja - 1
  • Kyra - 5
  • Lem - 9
  • Lini - 8
  • Lirianne - 1
  • Merseiel - 9
  • Sajan - 5
  • Seelah - 5
  • Seltyiel - 3
  • Seoni - 5
  • Valeros - 14

    Alright! Alhazra, Harsk, Imrikja, Lirianne, and Seltyiel are officially on the board! That means the only iconic unaccounted for is the Iconic Witch, unless we're counting Alternate Classes (which we could), in which case neither the Iconic Witch nor the Iconic Samurai are on the board at all. However, it doesn't look like anyone's looked at Jade Regent yet. However, it seems unlikely that 14 horrible things happen to any of those two in six volumes. :-)

    In other news, I didn't count the Skull and Shackles art where where Merisel is almost falling into the shark's maw. She's not really in danger; she's clearly being saved.

  • Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

    Anyone mention Freiya getting tackled through the window by a werewolf on Blood of the Moon?

    Dark Archive

    Another for Alain in Mystery Monsters Revisited p 16, where he's not only disarmed and being constricted, but looks like he's being squeezed hard enough to have the blood squished out of him...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Aleron wrote:
    Anyone mention Freiya getting tackled through the window by a werewolf on Blood of the Moon?

    That is kinda of hard to count as she is smiling when it happened.

    Though for Freiya page 40 she is getting hit by the Nabasu's death stealing gaze.

    For the Iconic 14 Champions of Purity. Getting stuck with a bunch of crying Goblin children. Probablt the worst fate any of the iconics have ever suffered.

    Dark Archive

    Lini being grabbed and dragged towards the wolf in sheeps clothing in misifit monsters redeemed.

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    You know, it occurs to me, this is only half of the story. Sure, we know that in 14 instances, Valeros is having something bad happen to him. But, is he truly the whipping boy? Or is it just that he's pictured more often, so he has a larger numerator?

    So, yeah, I think the real work is to take a look at all artwork involving the iconics, and then compare that to the number of instances that said iconic is getting screwed over to find out which one is the Once and Future Whipping Boy/Girl.


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Misroi wrote:

    You know, it occurs to me, this is only half of the story. Sure, we know that in 14 instances, Valeros is having something bad happen to him. But, is he truly the whipping boy? Or is it just that he's pictured more often, so he has a larger numerator?

    So, yeah, I think the real work is to take a look at all artwork involving the iconics, and then compare that to the number of instances that said iconic is getting screwed over to find out which one is the Once and Future Whipping Boy/Girl.

    Translation: I want to kill Alex Augunas so he never writes another Pact Magic book ever again. :-P

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Well, yeah, if you were doing it by yourself, it'd be incredibly daunting. Fortunately, you've already started the crowdsourcing!

    What the heck? Skipping Core? For shame:

    Page 6: Valeros bleeding to death.
    Page 84: Seelah gets eaten (by choice mind you)
    Page 88: Seoni gets smoked by earth elemental
    Page 181: Valeros and Seoni take attacks of opportunity moving around an Ogre.
    Page 190: More Valeros bleeding to death.
    Page 200: Someones tossing Lem!
    Page 222: Hound drags away Valeros
    Page 372: Implies Amiri is about to have her armor removed by the Bebilith.
    Page 385: Seltyiel gets screwed out of being an iconic for 3 more years (/drumroll)
    Page 418: Harsk falls into flaming pit, Seelah gets axe to head, Valeros miraculously survives!

    Liberty's Edge

    Starfinder Superscriber

    Dunno if this was covered yet....

    Valeros takes some serious monster acid to the face on p. 32 of Dragon's Demand.

    (On p. 20, Lem looks kind of frightened and has his leg grabbed by a bull-headed beast, but it's not clear yet that he's actually being a whipping boy; he may be about to stab the thing. Valeros p.32 in contrast is suffering whiplash and has dropped his sword.)

    Liberty's Edge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Starfinder Superscriber

    Oh, and perhaps the most horrifying and humiliating defeat of an iconic ever: Amiri has her soul crushed by bureaucracy on p. 80 of Ultimate Campaign.


    — Squeezed to Death (MMR)

    — She's a can and a bebilith is the can opener. (CRB)

    — Nabasu Death-Stealing Gaze (Demons Revisited??)

    — Falls into a flaming pit. (CRB)

    — Getting thrown like a rag doll. (CRB)

    — Eaten by a Wolf-In-Sheep's-Clothing (MMR)

    — Slammed by an Earth Elemental (CRB)

    — Bleeding to Death (CRB)
    — Dragged away by hounds (CRB)

    Score Card

    • Alain - 3
    • Alhazra - 1
    • Amiri - 5
    • Balazaar - 1
    • Damiel - 4
    • Erzen - 7
    • Freiya - 1
    • Harsk - 2
    • Imrikja - 1
    • Kyra - 5
    • Lem - 10
    • Lini - 9
    • Lirianne - 1
    • Merseiel - 9
    • Sajan - 5
    • Seelah - 5
    • Seltyiel - 3
    • Seoni - 6
    • Valeros - 16

    So far I "think" Hamyto and Reiko are the only two iconics to have avoided the board thus far, but it doesn't look like anyone's glanced through Jade Regent yet. Valeros is still king.

    I've never seen the picture of Hamayto with the goblin children, but that's certainly not danger. Not counting it.

    Seelah getting eaten in the CRB doesn't count because she's jumping into the worm's maw as part of a moment of badassery.

    Valeros and Seoni getting hit in the Combat Rules section doesn't count. I wouldn't call that artwork.

    Seelah blocking a trap's axe with her shield is not "bad stuff."

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Of the 'original 12,' Harsk and Seltyiel seem to be doing a fine job of avoiding 'bad stuff.'

    Valeros, who often seems to be hanging out with the lovely Kyra, I sometimes think is falling down so that he can have Kyra run up and put her hot little hands all over his body. "Ow, ow! I need healing again!"


    Set wrote:

    Of the 'original 12,' Harsk and Seltyiel seem to be doing a fine job of avoiding 'bad stuff.'

    Valeros, who often seems to be hanging out with the lovely Kyra, I sometimes think is falling down so that he can have Kyra run up and put her hot little hands all over his body. "Ow, ow! I need healing again!"

    He must have been disappointed in the comics to learn she was homosexual, then.

    "Valeros and Seoni getting hit in the Combat Rules section doesn't count. I wouldn't call that artwork."

    What is it then? I'm sure the artist wouldn't enjoy that definition :D


    Glutton wrote:

    "Valeros and Seoni getting hit in the Combat Rules section doesn't count. I wouldn't call that artwork."

    What is it then? I'm sure the artist wouldn't enjoy that definition :D

    Its a Figure. Like, "Refer to Figure 1-1."

    I don't think I've seen these reported yet (from the Core Rulebook):

    Valeros, Harsk, and Seelah falling or being hit by traps (p.418)
    Valeros? crawling desesperately for water in desert (p.445)

    Amiri being covered with tiny crawling spiders (don't remember where I saw it)

    Amiri looking disgusted while discarding from a pile of papers/scrolls that look like bills or payroll sheets... Bureaucracy has to be the worst torture for a barbarian (from Ultimate Campaign, p 80)

    Is there anywhere online where I can find these pics? They seem highly amusing.

    Tengu Verymuch wrote:
    Amiri being covered with tiny crawling spiders (don't remember where I saw it)

    The APG, around the "S" section of spells, I'd guess - I think it was the Spider Swarm or Summon Swarm, or Vomit Spider or something that it was supposed to be indicating. I do know the picture you're talking about.

    The last one, I thought, was already mentioned, but from when it was used elsewhere.

    Nice references, though! Great page numbers! :)

    I think this one got missed from the GMG
    page 251, Kyra os suffering from Insanity.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Tengu Verymuch wrote:
    Amiri being covered with tiny crawling spiders (don't remember where I saw it)

    The APG, around the "S" section of spells, I'd guess - I think it was the Spider Swarm or Summon Swarm, or Vomit Spider or something that it was supposed to be indicating. I do know the picture you're talking about.

    The last one, I thought, was already mentioned, but from when it was used elsewhere.

    Nice references, though! Great page numbers! :)

    APG, page 235, apparently illustrating the spell phantasmal web.

    Liberty's Edge

    Here are the ones I can help with:

    The CRB, APG, and Dragon's Demand have already been mentioned so I didn't bother to look through them. However, Mythic Adventures and Feast of Ravenmoor are free from iconics getting bested.

    Wrath of the Righteous
    The Worldwound Incursion
    - Cover/page 3 has Seelah, Seoni, Alain, and Merisel falling into a crevice.
    Sword of Valor
    - None
    The Demon's Heresy
    - On page 70 Lem is getting blasted by a worm that walks.
    - Page 82 has my girl Amiri getting mind controlled by a shachath demon.
    The Midnight Isles
    - None
    Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth
    - On page 70 Valeros is clutching a wound on his side, presumably inflicted by the cultists of Baphomet that are closing in on him.
    - Page 82 has Sajan getting his head torn open by a vilsteth demon.

    Serpent's Skull
    Souls for Smuggler's Shiv
    - Page 30 has Kyra, bound and being tossed into a pot of boiling water by cannibals.
    Racing to Ruin
    - Ezren is being unhorsed by a rearing ankheg on page 6.
    - Page 57 has Valeros on the ropes, being driven by a group of charau-ka into a pit with a tentacle monster, that already has a grip on him.
    - This probably doesn't count but page 53 shows Lem losing his flute to a monkey in a fez. That's just humiliating. As if being a bard wasn't bad enough...
    City of Seven Spears
    - On page 45 Merisel is about to be devoured by a froghemoth.
    - Harsk is falling into a pit of snakes on page 73. Seoni is grabbing for him but when was the last time you felt confident in the strength of the sorcerer?
    Vaults of Madness
    - None
    The Thousand Fangs Below
    - None
    Sanctum of the Serpent God
    - None

    Trace Coburn wrote:
    APG, page 235, apparently illustrating the spell phantasmal web.

    Ahah! Thanks! I didn't have my books available at the time. :)

    "How many nerds does it take to properly reference a picture...?"

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Alexander Augunas wrote:
    Set wrote:

    Of the 'original 12,' Harsk and Seltyiel seem to be doing a fine job of avoiding 'bad stuff.'

    Valeros, who often seems to be hanging out with the lovely Kyra, I sometimes think is falling down so that he can have Kyra run up and put her hot little hands all over his body. "Ow, ow! I need healing again!"

    He must have been disappointed in the comics to learn she was homosexual, then.

    We've only seen her with Merisiel. Doesn't exclude the possibility of bisexuality. :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The Ruby Phoenix Tournament module page 2 seems to show Hamyto getting beat.

    Also...are there any pictures of the iconics actualy getting whipped?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    That'll have to wait for Churches of Golarion: Temples of Chaos where we'll get details of a Calistrian temple.

    (Cause the kind of whipping going on in a Zon-Kuthon temple would be one step too far.)

    Alexander Augunas wrote:
    So I was gifted Kobolds of Golarion for Christmas this year

    Same here! Kobolds are clearly employed by Santa.

    RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

    Just skimmed through all of Reign of Winter. For the most part the iconics are equally matched with their opponents, only being overpowered a handful of times throughout the AP.

    Reign of Winter:

    The Shackled Hut
    P70 - Harsk, dead: being chewed on by adorable little Winter Wolf pups.
    p82 - Merisiel, in trouble: on her knees in the snow with Mirror Men closing in.

    The Witch Queen's Revenge
    p70 - Merisel, hurt: unarmed, clutching her arm, ice shards falling around her.
    p70 - Seelah, hurt: knocked back through the air by Baba Yaga's hut.
    p70 - Seoni, hurt: being choked by Baba Yaga.
    p82 - Ezren, hurt: being attacked with lightning by a Storm Hag.

    Scarab Sages

    7 people marked this as a favorite.
    Lilith wrote:
    We've only seen her with Merisiel. Doesn't exclude the possibility of bisexuality. :)

    I felt a disturbance in the Force, as if a thousand hormonal male fans lost their minds at the possibilities inherent in that sentence.

    False hope; the best kind of hope.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Dang it, be quiet, or else we'll summon Oraude!

    Snorter wrote:
    Lilith wrote:
    We've only seen her with Merisiel. Doesn't exclude the possibility of bisexuality. :)

    I felt a disturbance in the Force, as if a thousand hormonal male fans lost their minds at the possibilities inherent in that sentence.


    I almost spit out my tea when I read that!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I don't know if this has been mentioned, but the Demons Revisited section entry for the Shadow Demon has the Iconic Paladin having been possessed by a shadow demon and/or having been shot in the head by the Iconic Gunslinger, who in turn looks like she's either been possessed by a shadow demon or is about to be pounced on from behind by one.

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