help build yoda you will!!!


Ok so the plan is very veg at the moment... but I will be the gm so we can make it work if need be.

Right now I am thinking lvl 13-15 or so with atleast 2 lvls of spellblade magus for the lightsaber and a ring of telekinesis for alot of force powers.

Here is where you guys come in...

Any ideas are welcome

Sensai monk clearly!

I actually think this is one time when you should break out the psionic classes >.>

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
MagusJanus wrote:
I actually think this is one time when you should break out the psionic classes >.>

Or the actual D20 Star Wars rules... He's a 15th level Jedi Counselor/Jedi Master mix if I remember correctly.

As a playable character or for fun as a GM?

Halfling Psychic Warrior.

gnome magus with telekinesis ring? Defintiely focus on dex int and wis if you want the proper roleplay stats. Dervish dance is a must along with weapon finesse.

Goblin Sensei Monk / Pathfinder Chronicler

He didn't actually use the lightsaber that much, did he? Why not just use a brilliant energy weapon?

goblin kensai magus (perhaps?) with a +X keen ghost touch brilliant energy katana? temple sword? idk.

invest heavily in acrobatics and "force" spells if you can. grab arcana to shore up your attacks and defenses, and worry less about shocking grasp and more about true strike.

Yodas big thing is predicting the future and knowing what the hell is going on. He is clearly a venerable halfling lore oracle with lots of divination spells and the haunted curse for telekinesis. Thats why the ready brek jedi turn up at the end of Return.

Unfortunately for him his main opponent is a high level sorcerer with great bluff and disguise skills who can cast Mind Blank.

For Yoda I would definitely use Psionics Unleashed and make him a Psion focused on Clairsentience. I'd probably make his Race a Blue as well, because Psychic goblin sub-species seems appropriate.

I saw a great yoda in one adventure. He was a Bullywug Lich. Was awesome.

The Spell blade requierment is gonna wreck the concept IMOP. Is this Old yoda in his swamp, or middelaged yoda in the "films that should not be named"?
Is the magic important or can he be a melee dude, with jumping around speciality?
Any way i think a goblin kensai with pehaps a single monk dip is the way to go. If the ligth saber is important, you will need to beg the GM, for a house rule. If not just make sure that you sword is of the glowing variant.

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I can't believe anyone would say he's anything other than a goblin in pathfinder.

Scarab Sages

You could make an argument for Grippli or Kobold, but Goblin is the best fit.

Price 100 gp; Weight —
This hollow metal or wooden tube contains slow-burning powder. When you light the fuse (a move action), it creates a 3-foot-long, blazing fountain of red-hot fiery sparks. You wield this fountain of sparks as if it were a heavy mace. Attacks with the fountain are melee touch attacks. The fountain deals 1d8 points of fire damage (your Strength modifier does not apply to the damage).

The fountain sheds light as a torch and can ignite combustible materials such as parchment, straw, dry sticks, and cloth. Once ignited, it lasts for 1 minute. If extinguished before this time, the remaining duration is wasted. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check. .html

Worship Sarenre be a bard

(in gods and magic bards that worship sarenre get flame blade).

Use meta magic to boost it.

Good skills, Great knowledge checks, charismatic, can do melee, spells (expeditious retreat, gallant inspiration, suggestion, feather fall, cure light wounds, clairvoyance, detect thoughts, silent image, heroism, dance of 100 cuts, elocation, acute senses, glibness, haste, open/close, sonic thrust.

Bards work really well as jedi.

He is going to be the main plot point/ last boss. I have also thought of goblin with a home brew magic item that makes his spell blade a katana. I was thinking sorcerer for mind tricks and what not

Scarab Sages

Bards get glibness. That is THE Jedi Mind trick spell. The Spells and Battle Dance performances of the Dervish Dancer make a very convincing Jedi.

goblins are so meh who wants to actually play as one?

zauriel56 wrote:
I can't believe anyone would say he's anything other than a goblin in pathfinder.

His appearance is purely cosmetic. You can take any small race and reflavor it into a whatever-race-Yoda-is.

EsperMagic wrote:
goblins are so meh who wants to actually play as one?

You'd be surprised.

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