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JollyRoger wrote:Alright, I want to help DQ out a little bit because I know this comment keeps coming around AND I really liked the Vagabond coat. The whole random effect is what is bothering people; however who says the effect has to be random to the GM? As long as the effect is random to the players that is all that matters. I think a prepared DM can deal with the "random" effect of this item. That being said, I would rather the description not give specifics for determining the randomness, let the GM do this so they have more control.
You make a good point, and I can see that working once. After a few uses though, I think the novelty would wear off. Also, some groups have a strict rule of rolling dice in the open. Not mine, fortunately.
That said, you have my full support in sticking-up for DQ. She's awesome and I genuinely hope she is in the top 32 next year.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Battleforge Gauntlets
I remember seeing this during voting and liked it well enough.
I think your item goes off the rails when you start introducing its interaction with the elements and loses me when it interacts with instant effects (also instant effect + standard action = ????)
I think settling on a nice 1d6 element damage rule would have suited the item better.
Your bane damage ability rocks!
Less is sometimes more, I think you overreached with the fiery burst etc weapon ability's and killed your chances.

Bardess Star Voter Season 7 |

Leaf of the Seasons
Aura strong transmutation; CL 14th
Slot neck; Price 35.280 gp; Weight–
These leaf–shaped brooches come in four types, dedicated to the deities of seasons. Each is beautifully forged in a different metal.
Once per day, on command, a rotating windstorm (see the control winds spell) rises for 1 minute in a 40–feet sphere around the wearer. The wearer can end the wind prematurely if she so desires. Beyond that, the wind carries seasonal storms, depending on the specific leaf worn:
Copper (spring): The wind carries a flurry of flower petals, dazzling and dazing with their scent all creatures that don’t make a For save.
Gold (summer): The wind carries heavy rain, reducing visibility to 1d10x5 feet and giving a –2 penalty on attacks to all creatures that don’t make a For save.
Bronze (autumn): Razor–sharp leaves dazzle creatures that don’t make a For save, and inflict them 1d4 points of slashing damage for every round they stay in the area of effect.
Silver (winter): A snow blizzard reduces visibility as per the rain, and causes 1d4 points of cold damage for every round in the area of effect to all creatures that don’t make a For save.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, control weather; Cost 17.640 gp
I already realized that I forgot to put in the save DC. Plus, there are some mistakes due to English not being my first language- "For" save for "Fort", and dots for commas in numbers.
Besides that, maybe it didn't make it because it's a bit too spell-in-a-can.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Baldric of Revealing Mists
I think your wording is mechanically unsound and that costs you.
revealing their location precisely = I think you mean pinpoint here, but stating it as precise one could think that this ability works as faerie fire, but that is actually your second power.
your second power is clear
Third power falls into the blind but not blind trap. I think the item really doesn't need it and detracts from it.

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Seventh Page Critiques:

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Band of the Undying Bond
I don't think this is overpowered, rather I think it is underpowered for the amount of GP I need to spend owning it.
Yeah, that is it, I am underwhelmed. You give me a spell in a can tied with something akin to a spectral hand for 32K and I am not impressed.
The item needs more mojo.
Personal opinion: I never like items with hyperlinking, I can see why you thought it might help, but yuck.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

I'm actually really proud of my item. It's useful, but I'm not so sure it's superstar. Also, a couple of people informed me that it was a mid level item when it should have been more of a low level item.
Spellsnaring Canvas
I am very proud that I, in one way or another pushed, this item into the Top 100.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Ok, I am game, what killed me:
Green Thumb
1( the name, I thought it was one of the gardening itess
2) Really don't get why allies would get a +5 climb bonus, well actualy, visually I do, but there is a huge gap between what it does for enemies and what it does for allies.3) re-usable consumable???
Eric, you are a monster building god, but this is a mess. You are missing here a very tight theme, your powers are not connected enough in my opinion and that killed you.

frank gori RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral |

Jacob W. Michaels RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor |

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

Nick Wasko RPG Superstar Season 9 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 |

Here's the item I submitted. This was my first year entering RPG Superstar. I'm happy to notice that it made the top 100. Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Mantle of Butterflies
Hey Haladir! I was reading your critique of my item and noticed that your item hasn't gotten much in the way of reviews, so I thought I'd return the favor since I really appreciate your feedback. I am a long time player but amateur writer (and even more amateur reviewer), so my advice may warrant a grain of salt, but I hope my opinion is useful in refining your work.
Looking at your item, I break it down based on my initial opinion, then how I see the item as a designer (game mechanics), an author (if I was using this item in a novel or a movie, how would I feel), a player (would I want to have this item), and a GM (would I want to use this item in my game). So, let's get started:
Initial Opinion: It's a cloak that summons a swarm of butterflies. I've always been a sucker for swarm effects (I think summon swarm is an underutilized low-level spell), but butterflies instead of more sinister insects makes me think of playing with children, not fighting monsters. I'm ambivalent, so let's break it down...
Designer: I agree with your self-critique that the swarm should remain stationary, or alternatively find a way for it to follow the user everywhere; the 60 ft. max move speed is a liability for anyone attempting to use the cloak to cover an escape. The sickening effect of distraction works well, but the concentration check seems skewed; I don't see a swarm of butterflies as equally distracting as casting defensively (i.e., modifying your casting on the fly to avoid being skewered). Perhaps a concentration DC closer to wind with hail & debris (10 + spell level) would make more sense. Dispersing the swarm with 40 hp of damage, on the other hand, seems underwhelming; by the time a PC could afford a 12,000 gp item, enemy casters should be able to nuke the swarm with a single fireball (since swarms take extra damage from AoE spells). I like that the wearer is immune to the distraction effects, which makes it more useful. The Fort save bonus seems a bit disjointed from the butterflies, and makes the item seem like a Swiss-Army-knife.
Author: In certain situations, like fighting a capricious fey or a CN follower of Desna, I could see this as a cinematically appropriate item, but the problem is I would really need to work hard to make the audience take that user seriously. More importantly, in a climactic fight between the steadfast heroes and the vile monsters, bursting into a swarm of butterflies seems laughable. I can tell by the mechanics that this item is not meant to be a joke, but the visual effect is just too juvenile.
Player: I see few problems with this item as player, especially if I was a fighter wading in against spellcasters. The issues here were already mentioned earlier (limited move speed limits covering escape, and my badass fighter would not be taken seriously). If found as treasure I would like this, but if I had 12,000 gp to spend, would I go for this? Probably not.
GM: Same critique as a Player.
Summary: I think your self-critique was right; this would be a very appropriate spell for a worshiper of Desna, but as a 12,000 gp item it doesn't quite fit. If you toned down the effects to fit low-level play I think it would work better (it's more cinematic than a cloak of resistance, you wouldn't need so many prerequisite spells, and low-level parties probably don't care so much about being taken seriously).
I hope that was helpful, and thanks again for critiquing my item (as well as so many others). I will try to share my opinion about other items as well, but I am studying for a huge exam so my available time is limited. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to seeing your work in 2015!

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Mantle of Butterflies
I think this was well done for a first attempt. Overall a fun item, not sure if I would ever want to use it on a character, unless I was playing a Bard.
There were a couple of things I did have a issue with. As you did, I think maybe the swarm should not have been mobile.
Average swarm 5 foot radius, and the butterfly swarm is a 20 foot radius. The 20 feet is right on par with obscuring mist, and comparing that to a actual swarm I think the Butterfly swarm is a bit stronger.
Last thing I would have changed is maybe make the HP to disperse it a bit smaller. That seems kinda high to me, but otherwise as I said a fun item.

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

Harbinger's Knock
Congrats! I see your item made it into the Top 100. I saw it several times and I think I voted for it most of them. I think it is a pretty creative idea.
First off I liked the name and the description, I could see this being used in an adventure. It is simple and clean in it its design. I like both its powers and they both fit the theme of the item well. I think it avoids the Swiss Army Knife trap, and it's not just a Spell in a Can.
I like the use of demoralize, but it might be a bit strong a bonus. I could see my adventuring party bring this along and hanging it on the door before going in after the BBEG.
I also like the compulsion to open of the door. I can see PC's using this to gain entrance to the thieves guild or the town garrison to free their "wrongfully" imprisoned companion. For this reason as the DM I think it needs some limits. It can only be used once on a door in 24 hours, but how many doors can be found in a big city. I would have liked to see an "only usable X times per day" in addition to the limit of once a day on any given door.
I didn't compile my own Top 32 list, but if I had this item would have been one I considered to be on it. Thanks for sharing it with us Antariuk, I am looking forward to seeing what you bring next year.

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

mamaursula wrote:this is RPGSS, you need to punch us in the face and make us pay attention to your item.I love this quote! I think it's a great way to to describe what to aim for in Superstar!
I think a designer really needs to Ro Sham Bo us if they want to make it to the Top 32! :P

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |

Eighth Page Critiques:

Aaron Miller 335 Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

First let me thank everyone who critiques my item. So originally this s was Pantaloons of Panache but we couldn't use panache mechanics so I changed it to grit. The first description was only 12 words long and I changed it at the last minute fearing it was too boring, I hope the poorly written description didn't hurt me too much.
Pantaloons of Grit
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot belt; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
These brightly colored leg wear can be found in may different styles including breeches, leggings, hosen, kilt, chausses, and pantaloons being the most popular style worn by dashing and daring adventures. Whatever the style they come in bold bright clashing colors that will get you noticed in courts, cave, or battle field.
When the wearer of Pantaloons of Grit would regain a grit point she may as a free action activate them instead of regaining the grit point. The wearer is now considered to have at least 1 grit point required by some deeds to stay in effect (i.e. gunslinger initiative) even if her grit is 0. Pantaloons of Grit stay active until removed or the wearer gains her daily grit points.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, heroism; Cost 4,000 gp

Garrick Williams RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Cyrad |

Thanks for critiquing Fleshless Shroud, Feros.
I've been going all over the place with my critiques. I'm mainly looking for ones I saw in the voting and wanted to say something about.
Liked: Great flavor. Rather useful. Very cool and mechanically solid.
Disliked: Gross-out factor. Personal taste isn't the only issue with icky items. When voters look at your item, they're thinking about whether their characters would ever use the item. Consider the skinsend spell -- very flavorful, useful, and intriguing spell, but only a masochist would ever want to use it, even without the risk of losing their skin permanently. Even the creepy alchemist with a parasitic twin and a tumour familiar would think twice about cutting someone's face off and putting it on his own.
What I would do different: Personally, I would have made the face turn into a wooden or silk mask and lower the disguise bonus. A player could have a lot of fun collecting transformative masks.
Overall: Very solid item overall, but I agree that the gross-out factor likely hurt your voter appeal.
Disliked: I voted against this item for many reasons.
1) Way too wordy and a slogfest to read. I think the item needs better language to captivate the reader. Use more active voice.
2) I'm not a fan of "I steal your attack and throw it back at you" items. Such effects are very powerful and usually require little investment to use, which is why spell turning is a high level spell and Crane Riposte got errata'd to oblivion. This also forced you to make the item ridiculous in price and yet I still think it's overpowered.
3) This item is a borderline SAK. It does way too much.
4) Clunky mechanics. Why 10/day uses when most PCs won't face 10 elemental attacks per day? Why does the item use Charisma? What vulnerability would be associated with acid, sonic, or force attacks?
5) I'm pretty sure you typo'd there or something. The item says the attack effect DC is spell level + Charisma modifier when it probably should be 10 + spell level + Charisma modifier.
What I would do different: I would personally rewrite the text, have it work once per day, detail the energy types it can react to, detail what vulnerabilities each one grants, and reduce the number of powers to one or two, probably the absorption and a 10-foot nova. This would make the cape an appealing item for martials wading into battle while taking an onslaught of spells. However, giving a wizard the ability to snipe people with their own spells from relative safety is not superstar to me.
Overall: I was not a fan of this item. It looks like a first draft. However, it could be really fun with a few tweaks. "Turning items" became a common trope in this year's voting, but you had one of the better ones out there simply because the others completely negated the assailant's attack.

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |

Feros: I get where you are coming from here. I enjoy items like this (that make a neat twist on fundemental rules) but my (extremely limited) experience with this in the Blazing 9s is that not many people understand some of the intricacies of the rules except the "rules lawyers". I made a practice item that put a twist on the Withdraw Action. I thought it was neat, simple and fun, and eliminated some risks when withdrawing from enemies with reach. (with a drawback I thought would be fun) I realized most people didn't even understand the fundamental part of the rule I was trying to twist, and therefore misunderstood my item. (good thing it was practice... not that my actual item fared much better)
Anyways, the quick lesson I learned was as fun and clever as these kinds of twists are (imo) its too easy to lose voters to misunderstanding.
Yeah, I ran into that trouble this year as well. I talked about concealment in my item, and people got confused as to why you would want to target a spot you could see. Invisibility confers magical total concealment in the game when they have pinpointed. My item would reveal an invisible foe if you pointed to the right spot (indicated by arrows or noises coming from there, etc.) By assuming that everyone understood that all types of concealment included invisibility on beings in the zone, I probably lost some voters who couldn't understand the value of the second function.

Ben Iglauer RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 , Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8 aka moon glum |
Protean Horn
Aura strong transmutation; CL 16th
Slot none; Price 70,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This spiral horn of swirling, motley colors writhes in your grasp. Sounding the instrument normally results only in a cacophonous ululation, however, twice per day, you may blow the horn after speaking its command word to derange reality. This surrounds you with a 20' radius region of chaotic warp that acts as the spell solid fog except that it does not provide concealment or block line of sight, and it is not dispersed by winds of any strength. The region is immobile. In addition, you gain a disharmonic vibration that grants you the benefits of the spells freedom of movement and entropic shield. The disharmonic vibration persists outside of the region of warp. Both the warped region and the disharmonic vibration last 10 minutes.
If you speak the command word and sound the horn while you are within a chaotic warp created by the horn, it has a different effect. You may choose one other creature or object that is within the warped region to be subject to the spell polymorph any object (save DC 22). However, the additional disharmonic vibrations imparted to you affect you with a warpwave, as described in the Bestiary 2 entry for proteans. You can resist the warpwave’s effects with a DC 22 Fortitude save.
Protean horns can only be created with the help of a protean. Typically they are created by a spell caster with a voidworm familiar, but sometimes proteans are called via planar summons or similar magic to assist in such a task.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, entropic shield, freedom of movement, polymorph any object, requires the assistance of a protean who must be present throughout the creation process; Cost 35,000 gp

quibblemuch Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8 |

Archimedean Lever
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 4,500 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
The archimedean lever appears to be a simple 3 inch by 1 inch pine lath, 10 feet long and tapering to a wedge at both ends. When deployed with any mundane fulcrum it triples the user’s lift capacity (see Pathfinder Core Rulebook, page 169) for objects that can be pried up. Additionally, a character using an archimedean lever to force open a portcullis or door doubles her Strength bonus for the Strength check to break or lift the obstacle (see Pathfinder Core Rulebook, pg. 413). This item does not affect the character’s actual Strength in any way, nor can it be used as a weapon (to perform a trip maneuver, for example).
When combined with an immovable rod as the fulcrum (see Pathfinder Core Rulebook, page 484), the archimedean lever reveals a greater power. The wielder’s lift capacity for objects that can be pried up becomes 8,000 pounds, and she reduces the DC of any Strength check made using the lever by 30, to a minimum of 0.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, ant haul, creator must have 5 ranks in the Knowledge (engineering) skill; Cost 2,250 gp

Christopher Dudley RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 7 |

Aberrant Eye:
A rather expensive item that can render a target insane. I guess my problems with this item are twofold: first the description is clear but doesn’t grab me and second the effect is not as good as something of that cost should be.
I toyed with the idea of making it 3 times per day, but I felt that having no-save against wisdom damage made it too powerful to go 3/day. And I kept it with no save against the wisdom damage because a) I hate save-negates items that end up being a waste of a turn much of the time, and b) I also hate items and spells that require multiple saves.
Thanks for the comments!

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ninth Page Critiques:

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Eric Hindley wrote:Ok, I am game, what killed me:
Green Thumb
1( the name, I thought it was one of the gardening itess
2) Really don't get why allies would get a +5 climb bonus, well actualy, visually I do, but there is a huge gap between what it does for enemies and what it does for allies.
3) re-usable consumable???Eric, you are a monster building god, but this is a mess. You are missing here a very tight theme, your powers are not connected enough in my opinion and that killed you.
Thanks for the kind words Maurice, though I suspect I still have a few things to learn before I'll take the monster building god title (I'm no Daigle). Thanks for the feedback, and thanks to Feros and everyone else who has taken the time to review my item.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ninth Page Critiques:
Myriad Scabbard
Thanks for the critique. Thats kinda the thought I had in making it, something that would be useful. But you are right, I am getting a lot of the same, it just had no WOW factor. I took the "what would be really useful" approach, as opposed to the "What is the most ridiculous thing I can think of" approach.

Garrick Williams RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Cyrad |

Liked: Hey, it's the grit pants! I like the benefit and works well when the gunslinger has full grit. I do want to see more items appealing to gunslingers.
Disliked: This takes up the belt slot -- no gunslinger would ever wear this over a Dexterity belt (also raises the question: if your pants take up your belt slot then what's holding up your grit pants?). The first two sentences seem really unnecessary and fail to captivate my attention. You have format errors, too. Your item should be lowercase in the text. Gunslinger's initiative should not be italicized.
What I would do different: I would give the pants an ability that does something other than cheat grit economy. I've seen many items try to manipulate a class resource and none of them faired well. I would eliminate or rewrite the flavor text as well. Why aren't the grit pants gritty?
Overall: There's just simply not enough in this item. The bland flavor text did not help either.
Liked: It looks like you did some research. I commend you for trying to make an item involving rules often overlooked. The mechanics look fairly solid and the template use looks flawless except you should be consistent whether "page" is abbreviated.
Disliked: I cannot see any PC carrying a 10 foot stick around that costs 4.5k, especially one that they cannot wield as a weapon for some inexplicable reason. It deals with rather boring rules and fails to make them exciting. Even if PCs have this thing to help them adventure, they still have the problem of carrying the heavy stuff. The best use I can think of is using the lever to knock over someone's wagon or house.
What I would do different: I would have given the lever other uses than lifting stuff. Maybe it can fling a PC or an enemy up into the air.
Overall: The item shows Superstar attention to detail, but the concept just doesn't excite. This seems better off as a background item, a magical item that NPCs use that doesn't really need a stat block.

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |

Tenth Page Critiques:

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

Thanks to Garrett for rescuing this for me. This was my item.
Aberrant Eye
I saw this a few times during the vote, and I will be honest and say that I don't recall ever voting for it. The reason: it was full of description but not full on details. I liked the description in the first paragraph, but I feel it is better for a story than a magic item description.
I think your second paragraph could have been clearer, and that would have helped in understanding the way the item works. I do like that you took a chance on using the alternate insanity rules...a DM can choose to use this item or not if it fits their game style. That said it was probably to niche for most of the voters since Superstar Items need to be accessible to all game tables, or be really WOW.
Ultimately I don't think this one fits the WOW factor. As a player I don't desire to use it and as a DM I could possibly use it as a hook with a villain, but it doesn't fit my play style. It doesn't make me want to learn and use the optional rules. I know that others will disagree so I am not saying that this is wrong, just why I didn't care for it. I hope this helps.
Thanks for sharing the item with us, Christopher.

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |

Eleventh Page Critiques:
And I'm caught up! :D

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

Corsair’s Coir
I saw this item several times during the vote and it often got my vote. I liked it, but I like most thing with a swashbuckling flair. It is a simple easy to use item. I liked the idea behind it and the way it could be used in play. I could see many characters that might use it, and I think the players in my game would like to find it in a treasure horde. It is pretty specific to a Skull and Shackles type game, so that may not have gone over with the majority of voters.
One nitpick I have is the 5 ranks of sailor or pirate profession in the crafting requirements. I don't think it does anything for the item except add flavor, which the item already has, and makes it inaccessible for many PC's to be able to craft it.
I think this has some mojo even if it only appeals to a small fan base. I hope this helps and that you will be entering again next year. Thanks for sharing your item with us BigNorseWolf

frank gori RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If you have an item listed before this point I've reviewed your item on my thread Here

Papasteve08 Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Archimedean Lever
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 4,500 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
The archimedean lever appears to be a simple 3 inch by 1 inch pine lath, 10 feet long and tapering to a wedge at both ends. When deployed with any mundane fulcrum it triples the user’s lift capacity (see Pathfinder Core Rulebook, page 169) for objects that can be pried up. Additionally, a character using an archimedean lever to force open a portcullis or door doubles her Strength bonus for the Strength check to break or lift the obstacle (see Pathfinder Core Rulebook, pg. 413). This item does not affect the character’s actual Strength in any way, nor can it be used as a weapon (to perform a trip maneuver, for example).
When combined with an immovable rod as the fulcrum (see Pathfinder Core Rulebook, page 484), the archimedean lever reveals a greater power. The wielder’s lift capacity for objects that can be pried up becomes 8,000 pounds, and she reduces the DC of any Strength check made using the lever by 30, to a minimum of 0.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, ant haul, creator must have 5 ranks in the Knowledge (engineering) skill; Cost 2,250 gp
I am so pumped you posted this. This was hands down my favorite item (not counting mine and my buddies, because I am biased, and I admit it). I love the fact that you tied in the immovable rod, an item which I have always dismissed in games because I would rather spend my hard earned gold on something else.
I personally don't see the issue with a character carrying around a 10 foot pole, because most likely it is going to be a fighter/tankish type, who often can, and does carry weapons like longspears, halberds, or reach weapons. Carrying around a 10 foot pole is not uncommon in my opinion.
Anyways... I loved this item, and was dumfounded when I didn't see it even in the top 100. Not that my opinion means much. Hats off!

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

Linebreaker’s Sabatons
I saw your item several times and unless it was up against my favorites it did get my vote. Congrats on making it into the Top 100.
I liked the idea of it but I am not sure it was executed the best way. I am not a fan of it having charges, that adds work to the Player/DM to keep track. I'd rather it just increase the land speed of the wearer, and then so many times each day allow for the added benefit of the Awesome Blow. I also think that this some how be connected to the Charge rules since that is effectively what this item is.. a charge with a supper hit at the end. I can see many characters that would want it, and I think my PC's wouldn't mind finding them in a treasure horde.
Tightened up I think this makes a great item for "a book of magic items" but I think it's missing the WOW factor that makes me want to vote it into the top 32.
Thanks for sharing it with us David, I can't wait to see what you bring to us next year.

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Zi'on Darkbane wrote:Coil of Ionic InversionI'm jumping ahead on this one because I already critiqued it. Someone PMed me the whole text in their list of favorites, so you made that person's favorite list. I was not as big of a fan.
Nick, thanks for your honest review. It is very much appreciated...

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Helm of Brass
Welcome to the contest, entering is the first hurdle and I am glad you did. I saw your item a few times while voting and I did vote for it once or twice over less creative items.
I think your opening description is right on, it made me want to know exactly what this helm did. However I was not a big fan of the first power. It is essentially 2 Spells in a Can, although it was cool looking. Also I was unclear by what you meant by using the flame as a thrown weapon reduces the duration...by how much? There is something cool going on here, but I think you need to find a way to let the spells inspire the fire effect but work differently then the spells.
I also was not a fan of the the second power creating a Plane of Fire. I like some of the effects it offers and perhaps they could be worked into the fire power of the helm in the first paragraph, but you want to be careful of keeping tight to the theme and not being a Swiss Army Knife of effects.
If you haven't found them yet on the boards go look for the SKR auto reject advice threads. Also Clark Peterson and Neil Spicer have some awesome posts about Wondrous Item design in the past years archives.
Thanks for sharing your Items with us Zachary, I hope this helps and I hope you continue to enter...I think you have the creative spark that will reveal a Superstar kind of Item.

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Nickolas Floyd wrote:I'm jumping ahead on this one because I already critiqued it. Someone PMed me the whole text in their list of favorites, so you made that person's favorite list. I was not as big of a fan.I'm the person in question who put it on their keep list. I'll admit that it isn't the pinnacle of game design, but it has something going for it. A lot of people here would call it mojo, but I wouldn't necessarily peg it as that. I think what struck me about this item was a lesser version of what struck me about the sewing form of the steel seamstress and the phylactery of a thousand races: the designer on this item saw a vacant spot in the game and decided to fill it. Most items here did this. However, the designer on this item...I don't know, it's an intangible thing. I feel like the designer on this item looked at this vacancy and went, "I'm going to fill that" and then went and did it, instead of prancing about with what ifs and why don't I's. I felt like, when I read this item, that this designer was fearless and was willing to challenge the scope of what "is" and what "isn't" the game.
I guess what I'm saying is that the willingness to delve into what others might call "too steampunky" or "too sci-fi" says to me that this designer is perfectly willing to think outside of the box. That is a thing that shows promise; mechanical design can be taught, formatting and templating can be trained, but invention? That's something you either have or you don't.
James, thank you for the very kind words. I hope to hang on the the inventiveness factor while building up the mechanics and game play aspects of design.
Lots to learn yet...

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

Cloak of Inversion
Congrats on your item making it into the Top 100. I saw it several times and voted for it often. I liked the concept behind it and making it a cloak was the right way to go. (I don't think I would have liked it as much in a Orb.) That said I think it has some mechanical flaws that need to be addressed.
As you know it is a SIAC, it is also cheaper than a cloak of displacement and does more for the user. Using the prone condition and the concealment miss chance together is wonky, I understand that you are looking for a way to make the character a shadow, but this is where the mechanics really fall apart for me. Also its an illusionary effect, so I get confused do they switch places or look like they switch places. I think there is a really cool thing happening here, I just think it needs to be better executed.
Thanks for sharing your item with us isdestroyer, I hope this helps and that you will bring us something awesome next year.

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Archimedean Lever
What I thought was odd about this item was that it mimics and functions as a non-magical lever normally does.
A normal 10ft lever with say the fulcrum at 1 ft beyond the lift point increases the uplift force by multiplying the exerted force times the lever arm, in this case 9 ft. A 900 pound item could be lifted by applying a 100 pound force at the opposite end. Much larger loads can be lifted as you apply more force on the lever with the main limit being the breaking point of the lever itself.
I know this is a fantasy setting and items are not necessarily supposed to correlate to the physical world (my own item suffered because of this as well, but in the opposite manner), but the reality is that you don't really need a magic item to do what is being suggested.
If this item was only 18 inches long and it had some sort of planar anchor point so that it became a universal pry bar I could see this being really useful and truly wondrous since it couldn't possibly exist in the natural world.
I saw this on many personal favorite lists so it seems that many players would love to have this in their inventory, but I think it needs to leave the normal physical references behind so that it truly becomes an item that "wows."

Nickolas Floyd RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid |

Nickolas Floyd wrote:
Band of the Undying BondI don't think this is overpowered, rather I think it is underpowered for the amount of GP I need to spend owning it.
Yeah, that is it, I am underwhelmed. You give me a spell in a can tied with something akin to a spectral hand for 32K and I am not impressed.
The item needs more mojo.
Personal opinion: I never like items with hyperlinking, I can see why you thought it might help, but yuck.
Under powered, huh. You are not the first reviewer to say this, but I felt I was playing with fire by using remote casting through a familiar. I've actually been sitting on this item for two years wondering if it was too powerful. Check out this thread and discussion I had with Neil Spicer during RPGSS 2012 on the subject of remote casting. I was working on this item at the time. Granted the item Neil was reviewing here was more broken than mine, but that is because I did my best to curb my item in when Neil said effects like this are broken or it would already be in the game. He pointed out the project image spell and that it is 7th level for a reason.
The Band of the Undying Bond has a great deal of versatility and strategic uses both in combat and outside of combat. In combat you can send your familiar out so that you have two vector options to line up a lightning bolt spell, or to cast a spell on the far side of that battlefield that you can't reach. It almost gives you a second spell caster in combat for one spell per day (though it takes some planning). You can cast a spell around corners and at things you can't see, but your familiar can. If your familiar has movement modes that you don't, or can move faster than you after fleeing enemies, you can target a spell where you would otherwise not be able to.
Outside of combat, other than the obvious spying it can do with sharing sight, it also allows you to detect magic, or detect thoughts, or see invisibility into areas you might not fit into or where a small animal may not be noticed or seem out of place. If you can retain line of effect within 170 feet, you can ambush enemies with a spell from your familiar without being seen yourself. There are many other applications that a creative player can utilize. Finally, I love things that interject familiars into the game, instead of being forgotten most of the time. "Wait, you have a familiar?" "Yeah, he's been here with me the whole time." I hate that.
Maybe Neil scared me into limiting it too much or over pricing it, but I basically shucked his advice to "not do it at all" and made and submitted the item anyway.
And why is hyperlinking "yuck?" Is convenience yucky? I love it in voting when an item is hyperlinked, especially when it references rules or spells that are outside the core book and I am unfamiliar with. I'll sometimes use the fact that I have to look up an obscure spell or rule as the deciding factor on which item I up vote. Hyperlinks would avoid this. I think people should take full advantage of the format they are submitting in. I've heard some say that they feel it is cheating, but how is it cheating when every submitter has the option to do use it? The judges in past seasons have said that it is mostly irrelevant to the contest, but one of the judges this year gave props to one of the top 32 for hyperlinking. So I say "do it." But I also marked the spells with the book they are found it as SKR suggested days before the submission deadline.
I do realize that my item was not superstar this year. I learn a lesson or two every year. This year, the first I learned was that it is best to not make a niche item that will only appeal to players of certain classes or certain types of characters. Universal items that any character can use will increase your chances of broad appeal. I knew this before hand, but took a risk. I won't risk it next year. The other is that it is best to go big on the visuals. New, well designed, and strategically interesting mechanics, though good, do not trump a spectacular effect or raw coolness of theme. My item this year definitely did not have this built in (though I think it has the potential to create a lot of memorable in game moments in the hands of a creative player).
Anyway, thanks for the critique and I will eventually get around to returning the favor on your Bloody Sheath of the Bravo.

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Stone of Elemental Blood
Congrats on your Item making it into the Top 100. I only saw your Item a few times while voting, but I did vote for it each time. It was one of the few Items dealing with blood that I liked. It is a very creative way to gain a little extra umph from slaying creatures with a subtype.
I think mechanically it works and and l like that an Alchemist can get a little bit more out of it. The only thing I can suggest is I be clearer on how often it can be used. It says once a day, and it says It takes an hour per pint. Then below it says a gargantuan/colossal creature gives enough for a full days use. I think what you mean is it can be used once a day up to 24 hrs, but once you treated a certain amount of pints than it shuts off. So if I do 4 pints it works 4 hours and then I am done for the day, but if I have 24 pints it runs all day and night. If this were simplified I think this would be an awesome item.
Thanks for sharing it with us, mad_mac_hl, I hope to see you in the Top 32 next year.

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

...it is best to go big on the visuals. New, well designed, and strategically interesting mechanics, though good, do not trump a spectacular effect or raw coolness of theme. My item this year definitely did not have this built in (though I think it has the potential to create a lot of memorable in game moments in the hands of a creative player).
I think the problem is hitting the best of both words here. You have to have an awesome visual that will appeal to the voters and look cool at the gaming table, but also have something more imaginative with the rules that the judges will like it over a flashy SIAC or SAK.

Daethor |

Band of the Undying Bond
Ok, so you reviewed my item and now I'm returning the favor as promised. Take my opinion for what it's worth. I'm new at this, so my opinion isn't based on lots of experience or anything :P
Honestly, I really like this item. A lot. But the thing is, it took a while to develop that like. It didn't immediately grab me, because as you say, it's a strategic item where the coolness it creates has to be inferred and imagined. It's not immediately apparent. Because of the way the mass voting is set up, this weakens your chances. Now, it may seem like this is unfair (and maybe it is), but you should really use it to your advantage. You can still make a tactical item, but maybe include examples and/or more sensory language. Tell people what it feels like when you possess the familiar or something like that.
Right now, it comes off as a bit dry (for lack of a better word) due to presentation, but I think the mojo is there. You just need to make sure people see it! Keep up the good work :)