There's one particular item I've seen well a dozen times, and I've voted for it each time. If it's top 32, I better get a christmas card next year. :-)
Man ive been voting all day and I have gotten no * Voter 2014 next to my name. :(
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If this item also functioned as a wand of shocking grasp, then the Penguin would be all over it.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
SCSi wrote: Some of these items are missing:
Aura Strong WTF
With the farce, um.... Force.
Nobody noticed, nobody noticed....
Move along now...
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
SCSi wrote: Man ive been voting all day and I have gotten no * Voter 2014 next to my name. :( I believe they only appear on the main account name, and not aliases. I am assuming thats an alias of course :)
Tokoz wrote: While it is a fantasy world, I think some people would benefit from knowing how large some rare rocks are in the real world...
Just saying...
They're minerals, Marie!
Anthony Adam wrote: SCSi wrote: Man ive been voting all day and I have gotten no * Voter 2014 next to my name. :( I believe they only appear on the main account name, and not aliases. I am assuming thats an alias of course :) Nope, thats my main account name.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Now you're a Star Voter. :)
Tokoz wrote: Used to manage a Radio Shack.
I found the Army a lot less stressful.
I notice that the encounter chance of irate customers goes down significantly when armed.
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Anthony Adam wrote: SCSi wrote: Man ive been voting all day and I have gotten no * Voter 2014 next to my name. :( I believe they only appear on the main account name, and not aliases. I am assuming thats an alias of course :) I finally get to use the rank I put into Knowledge (Messageboards)!
Blue names are main accounts, red names are aliases, and green names are PFS characters.
Rysky wrote: I notice that the encounter chance of irate customers goes down significantly when armed. That, and to be honest, drill sergeants couldn't do anything to stress me.
Rysky wrote: Tokoz wrote: Used to manage a Radio Shack.
I found the Army a lot less stressful. I notice that the encounter chance of irate customers goes down significantly when armed. Not really saying how I know this (Im a pharmacist, I have drugs and cash, one stop shop for gun-in-the-face-gimme-everything), but I will attest that statement isn't true. Now if I was wielding a baseball bat of common courtesy +1 things might be different.
SCSi wrote: Rysky wrote: Tokoz wrote: Used to manage a Radio Shack.
I found the Army a lot less stressful. I notice that the encounter chance of irate customers goes down significantly when armed. Not really saying how I know this (Im a pharmacist, I have drugs and cash, one stop shop for gun-in-the-face-gimme-everything), but I will attest that statement isn't true. Now if I was wielding a baseball bat of common courtesy +1 things might be different. Yes there's actually been studies that show people tend to be more compliant when melee "items" are brandished rather than firearms *shrugs*
I skipped from 1st edition to Pathfinder, so excuse me if I'm ignorant, but is there somewhere in a game in between those two where what would become channeling in Pathfinder gained a die every third level?
There might be an item (or might not be) that would make a lot more sense if you gained a die every three levels.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
WHY arn't you people entertaining me, I had to go play candy crush between voting, I was looking forward to two weeks of no candycrush, Damn you!
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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I can't believe it's taken me until today to think of a formatting/word count error I made which may have DQd my item. How depressing. Any Marathoners out there willing to let me know via PM if they've seen it?
In regards to retail and customers, I find that customers are wonderful compared to utterly clueless upper management. Especially those who send messages like "I hope everyone has a joyous [redacted] with their families." when they damn well should know that they've already required us to spend [redacted] in the store, not with our family. [/rant]
Sure thing, Reckless, send me a PM.
Hello, boring item. I see you survived the cull. Chances are you won't get a single vote from me, unless you happen to be paired with one other item, assuming it survived the cull as well. That's your one chance.
Reckless wrote: In regards to retail and customers, I find that customers are wonderful compared to utterly clueless upper management. Especially those who send messages like "I hope everyone has a joyous [redacted] with their families." when they damn well should know that they've already required us to spend [redacted] in the store, not with our family. [/rant] And there Reckless, is the difference between the Army and retail.
In the Army, you find people above you that don't care about you at all, but those people are generally viewed by their peers as very bad at their job.
Rysky wrote:
Yes there's actually been studies that show people tend to be more compliant when melee "items" are brandished rather than firearms *shrugs*
The study must of been done with skeletons. Wonder how well a sword would work since most of my patients are zombies.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
"No saving throw to resist" is usually a deal-breaker for me (from a DM standpoint). Am I being too harsh?
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Found my item post cull, and wow hat typo stand out!
SCSi wrote: "No saving throw to resist" is usually a deal-breaker for me (from a DM standpoint). Am I being too harsh? Not necessarily. "No Save" items are extremely susceptible--more so than most items--to being game-breaking. Any status effect that doesn't depend on a save is especially worrisome, as is forced movement.
That said, some effects/items can play well without offering a save--these are rare indeed, and often (from what I have seen/experienced) are rather limited in scope/power.
Treyson wrote: SCSi wrote: "No saving throw to resist" is usually a deal-breaker for me (from a DM standpoint). Am I being too harsh? Not necessarily. "No Save" items are extremely susceptible--more so than most items--to being game-breaking. Any status effect that doesn't depend on a save is especially worrisome, as is forced movement.
That said, some effects/items can play well without offering a save--these are rare indeed, and often (from what I have seen/experienced) are rather limited in scope/power. Charm Monster (with no save) seems a bit broken.
The best uses of a "no save" ability are in fact "X" save (partial). You save to avoid the worst effects, but even on a successful save you suffer some kind of effect.
Suffocation is a great example. It's a "Fort save or die" spell, but even someone who succeeds is staggered for 1 round. I absolutely love partial abilities; at the very least, they give you something.
Okay, new item. And may I say...yuck. (The item itself is pretty clever, but only an adventurer would carry that thing around.)
Rysky wrote:
Yes there's actually been studies that show people tend to be more compliant when melee "items" are brandished rather than firearms *shrugs* People aren't really "Thinking" at that point, they're just doing, and we've been dealing with melee weapons (natural and manufactured) long enough for the reaction to them to get into the genetics. Firearms, not so much.
Treyson wrote: The best uses of a "no save" ability are in fact "X" save (partial). You save to avoid the worst effects, but even on a successful save you suffer some kind of effect.
Suffocation is a great example. It's a "Fort save or die" spell, but even someone who succeeds is staggered for 1 round. I absolutely love partial abilities; at the very least, they give you something.
Im going to have to carefully re-read the item when it comes back up, but the initial reading was per the spell with no save. Something that the players could really exploit without breaking the book out to reread the description every time it came into play.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
People aren't really "Thinking" at that point, they're just doing, and we've been dealing with melee weapons (natural and manufactured) long enough for the reaction to them to get into the genetics. Firearms, not so much.
I would have to agree. Wonder if there is a study of bludgeoning vs slashing damage.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Isn't it amazing how our minds want to see patterns in pairings?
Reckless wrote: Isn't it amazing how our minds want to see patterns in pairings? Yes, although I'm also amazed at how often there really is a pattern.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jet pack item. Check.
Also: two alliterative turtle items!
Eric Morton wrote: Jet pack item. Check.
Also: two alliterative turtle items!
I havent gotten to Jetpack yet. Im still trudging through all the blingified grills and [OBJECT] of spell storing.
Unfortunately, I suspect that the 1.8-million-gp item may have been culled, so I may never get to see it in all its overpriced glory.
Eric Morton wrote: Unfortunately, I suspect that the 1.8-million-gp item may have been culled, so I may never get to see it in all its overpriced glory. Holy cow! 1.8m gp? I really wanted to see that item too.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Finally saw my item post-cull! Blood pressure officially lowered.
I see some items that are rather interesting, but don't really seem to be meant for PCs, if only due to the fact that they potentially could adversely affect other members of a party. When they are paired against something that might be lacking a little flavor, but aren't quite so detrimental, I tend to err more on the side of the more useful item.
2 good shadow items going head to head
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GM_Solspiral wrote: Aaron Miller 335 wrote: Amy Gillespie wrote:
I love retail.
</sarcasm> Retail is great, except for the customers! Still beats a callcenter cubicle hell Amen.
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Ouch. If there's three meanings for a word that can be spelled three ways AND you wish to make a pun using two of those words pulling off a commonly used phrase. . .
It's best to know what word the original phrase used AND what word refers to your item. That way you don't use the word that applies to neither in your item name.
Eric Morton wrote: Unfortunately, I suspect that the 1.8-million-gp item may have been culled, so I may never get to see it in all its overpriced glory. I feel your pain. Rainbow poo never crossed my path pre-cull and I fear it's gone forever now...
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I got marathon voter and I've seen my wife's item twice, my son's item once and mine once.
I haven't been changed into a cow, but can I go home now?
I also saw the 1.8 million gp item and the rainbow poo more than three times each.
Sean McGowan wrote: Eric Morton wrote: Unfortunately, I suspect that the 1.8-million-gp item may have been culled, so I may never get to see it in all its overpriced glory. I feel your pain. Rainbow poo never crossed my path pre-cull and I fear it's gone forever now... Don't lose hope.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Miller 335 wrote: Sean McGowan wrote: Eric Morton wrote: Unfortunately, I suspect that the 1.8-million-gp item may have been culled, so I may never get to see it in all its overpriced glory. I feel your pain. Rainbow poo never crossed my path pre-cull and I fear it's gone forever now... Don't lose hope. Aint this the truth, I've seen several items post cull that I was sure would have been cut.
Sean McGowan wrote: Eric Morton wrote: Unfortunately, I suspect that the 1.8-million-gp item may have been culled, so I may never get to see it in all its overpriced glory. I feel your pain. Rainbow poo never crossed my path pre-cull and I fear it's gone forever now... Never saw 1.8 million
I do know that rainbow poo has survived the cull
To kill time between counts I went back and searched last years posts, I was looking for the first reference to the "CULL" for RPGSuperstar. I believed it had been my post "mine" but Anthony Adam had beaten me by 12 hours with this. All ways the bridesmaid.