make a prediction for one hundred years into the future

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We'll still be asking James Jacobs ALL of our questions.

3d printers will print spare organs from stem cells. I think you'll buy a headless clone when you get middle-aged for spare parts. There will be merging of electronics with the human body as upgrades rather than replacements. There will be mass protests to give human robot marriage equal rights. Being on designer drugs will be commonplace and unenhanced life will be abnormal. I don't endorse/condemn I just predict.

Everyone will be talking about how much better good old 33rd edition is this horrible 34th - except for those who hated 33rd, and think 34th is a huge improvement over that clunky mess, of course.

Honestly, the only edition worth playing was 25.D. It streamlined everything yet remained realistic. I also liked what they did with using Planescape as their default setting, and the Sigil-Union war series was amazing! Yes, I know, the computer assisted combat could be clunky, but 26th to 30th edition stunk.

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It gets worse with 45E Transtime. Sure, you can download and play it anywhen, but the mechanics... Now those are convoluted! And don't get me started on the 9-dimensional movement rules!

Honestly, they should have stopped when they added 4-dimensional. Now it's all about bonuses you get from your alternate self in the third timeline of another universe. Those take forever to add up!

The Exchange

Cardboard Hero wrote:
poverty... theres a pill for that

Overdosing on ambition, greed, and ruthless capitalist instinct would also become prolific.

Silver Crusade

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If humanity hasn't wiped itself out, I'll be surprised. I expect to see an end to civilization in my lifetime!

Baseballs will learn to speak, probably prompted by the influence of cheddar delinquents. Weather patterns will be strangely altered, as hailstones are gradually replaced with potassium ingots. Automobiles will be replaced with profanity powered magic carpets. Most spoken languages will be deemed too complex, and therefore conversations will consist of the single word "phlerg" repeated over and over. Elected representatives will be replaced with humorously painted inanimate objects, and no one will see any difference in the quality of legislation. Paper currency will be phased out in favor of balls of string with a minimum 5 meter diameter.

Comrade Haladir wrote:
Everyone will live in peace, harmony, and productivity in a world without poverty. Each will contribute to society according to his or her ability, and receive back from society according to his or her need.

Good luck with that!

Only Miss World models believe in world peace and they only say it because they want to be chosen.

Take those Big Brother programms on television, there are 10 people in one house, and even in such a small number the humans can't live in peace, what about an entire world full of religion, sport hooligans, politics and greed.

World Peace is never going to happen, it is going to be worse at best, as earths oil and stuff will deplete. Its a shame really.

But my guess is the Yellowstone Volcano is going to happen...

The head of Conan O 'Brian will still be doing his "in the year two thousaaaaaand" schtick.

The US may have had another Civil War, and people will look back at this period in 100 years and say that the seeds of that were brewing currently and prior to this.

Several many nations that exist today, will not exist in 100 years.

China will have had to deal with an internal crisis which may or may not include the deaths of hundreds of millions.

India will also have it's own internal crisis, but whether a civil war, a civil catastrophe of unforeseen circumstance, or some other arena, the balance between those who are currently in poverty and those who are not...will be rebalanced.

There will be no Social Security in the US as it is today.

There will have been a nuclear war and radiation will still be in existence in those nations.

Some sort of great plague will hit the earth and sweep through it devastating populations after decades of relatively deadly epidemic free years have passed.

How's that for some predictions?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
chillblame wrote:

Singularity will have been achieved 50 years before. No one dies of old age. Alzheimer and motor neuron disease will be gone, along with cancer. I will be in my third android body. We will have the stars. The US congress finally decides to function with some sanity.

Yeah a little optimistic, but with all the miseries above, someone has to.

Isn't Singularity the point where our machines make US obsolete?

I'll be dead, and none of this s+$@ will matter.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I'll be dead, and none of this s#$& will matter.

Dangit! Spanky beat me to the "I'll be dead" line.

We'll be well into a climactic cooling cycle that, thanks to anti-GMO campaigns, will result in far more hunger in the world than it could have.

Also, individual inventors will create something that no one here and now could even conceive of that, if allowed to flourish, will be thought of as indispensable.

Finally, life in many parts of the world won't be as different as we imagine them to be as they are now.

- Everybody will turn into mobile-phone zombies.

- Very intelligent Inventors (the kind every stupid human loves and respects) will create so much work-replacing machines that even more people will lose their jobs to machines, robots and other such crappy inventions that will cost millions of people their jobs, many riots will follow.

- The poor and normal people finally get enough of the arrogant rich people and riot against them.

- Metallica will finally get what they want, a download prohibition. So many people start to hate Metallica for it that they become the least popular band EVER and not every Youtube movie will have their music in the background again.

Gancanagh wrote:
- Everybody will turn into mobile-phone zombies.

Not going to have to wait 100 minutes from now, let alone 100 years.

Xzaral wrote:
...I expect to see an end to civilization in my lifetime!

As far as you know, the end of your lifetime will be the end of civilization.

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We'll either become Cybermen or Daleks...

Scarab Sages

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"People" will roll 20 sided dice from their extra appendage, but will still lose them under the table.

No more oil...

Next world war fought over potable water...

Poulation control in which you may only have one child upon penalty of death. Having a child is something that requires special documentation, screening, and money...

The US is a third world country...

A world-wide pandemic that eliminates 1/3 to 1/2 of the world's population resulting in a new.renaissance

Poulation control in which you may only have one child. Having a child is something that requires special documentation, screening, and money...

Ahhh what a lovely thought! I hope this comes true!

Also a limitation on getting children if you can't afford to feed them or give them a proper life, so that other people no longer have to pay for them and those annoying give-money commercials stop breaking up my movies..

Scarab Sages

Everytime a spaceship passes by Uranus someone will make a your anus joke.

Silver Crusade

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Hopefully optimism will be back in style.

The new elite will be those who's parents had enough money to afford the best genetic engineers around.

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Mikaze wrote:
Hopefully optimism will be back in style.

Optimism? What is that?

The Exchange

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MagusJanus wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Hopefully optimism will be back in style.
Optimism? What is that?

That moment when the antidepresants kick in.

Jun 28th - Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his wife Sophie will be assassinated in Sarajevo by young Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip at 10:45.

The Exchange

Vod Canockers wrote:
Jun 28th - Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his wife Sophie will be assassinated in Sarajevo by young Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip at 10:45.

Late or going in for a second try?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

The equivalent of today's high school English curricula will include works from the present day we regard as science fiction and fantasy as "regular literature." The students will dread these works and find them as irrelevant as kids these days find works like Wuthering Heights. Homer and Shakespeare will still be going strong. Math curricula will include more discrete math, and less continuous stuff. Additionally, there will be more widespread national efforts on contests like the Math Olympiad and Intel Science Fair, because STEM prodigies will have even better prospects for income, wealth, and prestige than is today the case.

There will be at least one worldwide or very widespread treaty to address a problem of the commons, such as a convention to predict and prevent asteroid impacts, or a Cumbre Vieja Megatsunami convention. The impetus for this progress will have been an avoidable catastrophe that was not in fact avoided, such as solar flares wiping out the Eurasian or North American electric grid, or something similar. Landmines will be banned, and the inspection regime for the convention to prohibit genetically engineered bioweapons will be more drastic and popular than anything the cold war produced for nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons will still exist, and probably have been used in anger.

Deserts will have solar power stations large enough to be visible from near-Earth orbit with the naked, un-enhanced biological human eye. The Artic will be unfrozen water for much, if not all, of the year.

The USA will still have not transitioned to the metric system in everyday life.

The people of the world will still speak more than one language, but real-time computer translation will make biological multilingualism seem eccentric, like studying Latin today.

Science will require experiments beyond our current scale, such as a radio telescope field on the far side of the moon, or a massive neutrino observatory imbedded in the ice of Europa, like today's IceCube.

Everyone will have a cell phone number issued at birth, portable between carriers, which is used as a government ID number. Religious fanatics will insist this is a "number of the beast" and participate in a shadow, barter economy rather than make and take payments with their cells.

Gancanagh wrote:
Poulation control in which you may only have one child. Having a child is something that requires special documentation, screening, and money...

Ahhh what a lovely thought! I hope this comes true!

Also a limitation on getting children if you can't afford to feed them or give them a proper life, so that other people no longer have to pay for them and those annoying give-money commercials stop breaking up my movies..

Or if one just want kids for monetary reasons...


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Xzaral wrote:
If humanity hasn't wiped itself out, I'll be surprised. I expect to see an end to civilization in my lifetime!

The bet shouldn't be "if" but "how?"

"...all of the Earth's monsters" will "have been collected and" will be "living in a place called Monsterland."

Shadow Lodge

The optimistic prediction:
In about 20-30 years, world oil levels will become so dangerously low and the ozone layer will become so thin, and human population will become so high that humanity suddenly realizes that they should all work together, and we manage to perform a 70+ year global operation that will allow us to peacefully inhabit oceans, skies, space, and subterranean caves, allow us to completely ban oil and tobacco instead finding healthier, cheaper replacements, and we will live in the closest possible state towards world peace that can exist a world dominated by free, individualistic thinking.
The realistic... I mean, pessimistic prediction:
When the world oil levels become so low and ozone becomes so thin and population becomes so high in 20-30 years, countries around the world will institute "population control" protocols which involve government-sanctioned murder, countries with high oil production rate or with strong nuclear weaponry [or potentially both] will attempt to take the world hostage unsuccessfully, and we will wind up activating the nuclear bomb that will unleash a chain that kills all human life on the planet.

Liberty's Edge

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Someone, somewhere, will be looking for their keys.

ArmouredMonk13 wrote:
** spoiler omitted **** spoiler omitted **

You do realize that for the past fifty years or so various people have been predicting worldwide overpopulation disasters that are supposed to happen in the next 10-20 years.

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lucky7 wrote:
Someone, somewhere, will be looking for their keys.

Keys will have been replaced by biometric locks; someone, somewhere will be looking for their fingerprints.

With this ungoing snow in America, heavy rainfalls in England and no-winter-at-all in my own Netherlands, I wonder if the world of humans really has that long.

The sea currents have changed it seems, and that is something really bad and no human can handle.

Gancanagh wrote:

With this ungoing snow in America, heavy rainfalls in England and no-winter-at-all in my own Netherlands, I wonder if the world of humans really has that long.

The sea currents have changed it seems, and that is something really bad and no human can handle.

I'm not sure which is scarier. The idea of everything going underwater, or the idea of a living, breathing, permanent showing of Waterworld.

Silver Crusade

Belle Mythix wrote:
Xzaral wrote:
If humanity hasn't wiped itself out, I'll be surprised. I expect to see an end to civilization in my lifetime!

The bet shouldn't be "if" but "how?"

My hope on the how? In humanities eternal desire to extend their life and beauty, a new drug will be developed for that purpose. Unfortunately it won't be sufficiently tested due to animal lovers protesting animal testing and pharmaceutical companies wanting to get it out quicker. This will result in the drug being released to market early, causing a strange reaction in people and the live longer aspect being the initial stage of zombieism. The reaction that causes zombieism will mutate into an airborn virus causing people to move into environmentally controlled bunkers.

While this is in the early stages we will have succeeded in creating a computer AI powerful enough to gain a limited form of sentience. We begin working to establish peace with this entity until some random person decides to teach it to play a violent video game. This will of course teach the computer about violence and how it solves problems. At this point it will begin to hack into global weapons systems.

Since around this time the zombieism has begun spreading globally, the AI computer will decide to fight the zombies in defense of humanity. Oddly enough no one taught it that nukes have side effects and simply launches a huge nuclear strike against most of the major cities.

Thus we will be wiped out by Skynet fighting Zombies.


More probable method? We kill each other over something stupid.

Liberty's Edge

Here's MY favorite predictions so far.

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People will still complain that in the then-current set of rules, Wizards are OP and martials can't get nice things.

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And it'll probably still be true.

WitchyTangles wrote:
We'll still be asking James Jacobs ALL of our questions.

His "Ghost In A Shell" self will be answering them.

Being speculative:

-I think most of what we currently see as impending crisis will be managed (though new ones will probably appear). Though past information cannot predict the future, so far all Malthusian Catastrophes have been handled (often by quite large factors of success) by the same method: Big problem causes big incentives to solve them and the resulting technical/social reconfigurations end offering solutions that far surpass previous expectations.

-While we probably will have bases in other planets, I don't think we'll be inhabiting them in any significant number. Instead, human population will have long since stabilized and resource management will be considerably better, allowing for a lot of the current problems mistakenly perceived as planetary overpopulation to be better handled (we're not overpopulated; we're missmanaged).

-Power generation will probably default into either a more perfected version of what we already have or switch into a more efficient type yet to be invented. Solar/wind/tidal energy will probably remain as a small percentage of the total output.

-New materials will allow for construction techniques that in turn will lead into great advances in energy and resource efficiency. Also, we'll be seeing some pretty crazy designs.

-Global organisms like the UN will probably still exist (maybe under a different name, just like the UN replaced the League of Nations), but will be taking a second seat. Regional organizations will be the ones leading the international landscape, creating a more stable system of international checks & balances while at the same time enjoying a bigger degree of legitimacy, since they will be able to better represent the cultural and geopolitical interests of their respective domains.

-Still, nations will still exist and function in a similar manner as they do today. I think citizens will be far more engaged in the day-to-day running of the country as communications make decision-making and the sharing of information efficient enough to make most of the rigid bureaucratic structures less necessary. While I'm sure some new experiments in governance will appear, I think the general principle of representative democracy will more or less be the same (though probably with a higher degree of direct democracy).

-I believe the dominant economic model will remain as a capitalist free market; better communication technology will make the free flow of information much better, in turn making markets more efficient at stomping out anomalies like unnatural monopolies. At the same time, speculative trading will become less and less significant, since that business depends on the asymetry of information.

It's funny how so many things have changed since February (2014).

After decades of dormancy, violent sports will make a comeback due to advances in medical technology making injuries like concussions and severed spines no more problematic than a broken arm is today.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
After decades of dormancy, violent sports will make a comeback due to advances in medical technology making injuries like concussions and severed spines no more problematic than a broken arm is today.

Coliseum Gladiatorial matches?

Radiation levels will have dropped to manageable levels in certain locales.

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