Change Warpriest Fervor to Wisdom!

Class Discussion

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Everyone who agrees that the class is spread too thin on attributes (see monk, ninja etc for similar problems and reasons why they see little play) please post in this thread to let the devs know that we would prefer to see Fervor work off of Wisdom instead of Charisma. Since the Warpriet's prime casting stat is Wisdom there is no reason that this should be tied to Charisma. The parent classes do not reflect this, in fact, it seems to be a tie in from some sort of Paladin change, and this does not reflect the stated flavor of this class, nor does it make this class something people will want to play. THIS IS A STICKING POINT! CHANGE FERVOR TO WISDOM!!!!

I'd rather see the casting stat change to charisma, but thats my preference for charismatic characters. I agree with the principle that the class is overly mad, and that using mad as a means to balance a class is a poor idea.

Khazadune wrote:
The parent classes do not reflect this, in fact, it seems to be a tie in from some sort of Paladin change

The ability is probably based on the Cleric's channel energy, which derives both its DC and uses/day from Charisma. While changing it to make the class less MAD would certainly make it stronger, it is coming from somewhere.

Joyd, you are correct, my mistake... yeah it is derived from channel. Kolokotroni I agree, and would rather see the main casting stat change to work off Charisma and have channel, casting and fervor all based in that oft neglected stat, but either way as long as they change the abilities to map onto a single stat I would be happy.

Same here since it would be the second divine caster to use CHA as it casting stat.

I agree, oh yes indeed.

Yes Please.

Silver Crusade

I think this would be a good idea IF they lose something somewhere else to compensate. The class is powerful enough right now (or will be when it gets tweaked a little with additional feats, domains, etc)

Shadow Lodge

Yes for less MAD, but No for Cha Casting. It is neither a Paladin or Oracle, and shouldn't be. And honestly, I kind of want it to take a few steps away from the Paladin.

Also, it might be a better idea to set up something like 3 separate posts, and ask people to Favorite the one they like. It shows better the number of people, because you can only Favorite a post once, though you can favorite different ones as well. Example below. Please only pick one.

Shadow Lodge

13 people marked this as a favorite.

The Warpriest needs to be less MAD and Spellcasting/Fervor should be WIS based.

Shadow Lodge

The Warpriest needs to be less MAD and Spellcasting/Fervor should be CHA based.

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Warpriest is fine the way it is, splitting between Wis and Cha.

DM Beckett wrote:
The Warpriest needs to be less MAD and Spellcasting/Fervor should be WIS based.

Agreed. Although, I would be fine as long as any of this is focused around a single casting stat, whatever that be.

Shadow Lodge

The point was to Favorite, (that little "+" sign under reply) only one of the answers so that it gauges a bit more which one people favor. :)

So a 4th option.

The Warpriest needs to be less MAD and Spellcasting/Fervor should be only of either WIS or CHA based.

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

Thread closed. Please post your comments in the stickied thread for this class, otherwise we'll end up with a hundred parallel discussion threads. Thanks!

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