Interest Check - Making it in the Big City


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So I've been scouring these here boards over the past few years, hopping from game to game in search of adventure and intrigue. And while I do enjoy a good backstory, I find that the mechanics of the game tend to be more muse more than anything else. With this in mind, someone brought up a game not so long ago where they were planning on using not only the Hero Point system, but the Reputation and Fame system as well.

Needless to say, I became rather intrigued with the mechanics of these systems and started working on a character. Unfortunately, I dropped out of the game since it was to be based around using a virtual tabletop program and held as a Monday night game that didn't quite mesh with my schedule. None the less, the concept of using these mechanics together have haunted me.

So with that said, I was wondering if anyone had any interest in running/playing in such a game? I know my character concept and I think that such systems could thrive in a game based around trying to make it in a big city, like Absalom. Perhaps were a group of close friends pooling our money to try and set up a shop or tavern. Or maybe we're a troupe of performers hoping to make our way into the spotlight of the greatest city in Golarion.

Hmm. Could be interesting. Gives a reason for a diverse group of characters to be working together. Could even give a reason for good and evil characters to be in the same party without the evil characters constantly stabbing the good ones in the back (even evil people have people they care about), though that would depend on what happens.

The concept does lend itself to a diverse crowd and some intriguing avenues to persue. I honestly have been wanting to make a rather luck based character so starting up a Gambling Hall could be fun as well.

Liberty's Edge

It does seem that some rule systems go a bit unused at times; would be interesting and educational to see some of them brought out and dusted off, so to speak. I think I'll at least lurk for now and see how this goes.

It does seem like there is at least a little bit of interest in seeing some of the systems used, but unfortunately its not caught the interest of too many yet to give us a good snowball effect.

I am highly interested. I truly enjoy playing Rogues and their myriad of archetypes. That class fits well into such inner-city intrigue. Unfortunately, I need to brush up on the optional Reputation and Fame rules. However, that has not dulled my interest level. In fact, I would like to see this start at mid-levels.

Dark Archive

Travelling performers sounds fun, I ran a game like that years ago (it wasn't actually intended, a couple of players decided to take performance and the idea spiralled to the rest of the group).

Gambling Hall would be interesting, Rogues/Bards fit in perfectly, but Mages/Clerics can be good for anti-cheating measures, while good muscle is always needed.
It's also skirting the edge of the organised crime monopoly to give plenty of plot hooks.


I remember seeing a game come up on the boards that consisted of a group of performers, that was some time back though.

A gambling hall could be a lot of fun too. My character concept is a Halfling Archaeologist that truly shows just how blessed one can be when it comes to such a mysterious force.

I'm also glad to see this thread getting a bit more interest.

Unfortunately, I'm not very comfortable running such a game so I was definitely looking for DM interest as well.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

I'd be down to play-- I built a carnivalist rogue that I think would be a lot of fun in a game like this (a fortune-teller with her pet goat) for another game, but I don't feel like the other game was the game for her, whereas this would sort of mesh perfectly.

However, I definitely can't take on more GMing at the moment, heh, so I'd have to be down as a player.

Oh my, oh my. Perhaps I could have the chance to dust off my old Geb necromancer or possibly the ambitious Hellknight armigier I was working on last month. After all, you could always use some free labour (if not a little rotting) or some VERY lawful muscles.

Seems we're finding a good amount of interest in playing. Now if we could find someone willing to run such a game. I'm definitely enjoying the concept of a Gambling Den/Tavern. I could see a lot of the characters fitting in very well there.

The Fortune-Teller out in the side alley reading people's fortunes and letting them know how today is their lucky day.

The Hellknight standing guard to secure the grounds.

An Alchemist at the bar mixing drinks with some special effects perhaps?

Some bards up on stage providing entertainment for the crowd.

Some rogues at the tables running the games.

And an unusually lucky Halfling running about the place showing everyone just how "easy" it is to turn your luck around.

Hmh, I do have this alchemist I have been looking to use for some RP. It is easy to blank people when they are under the effect of a will weakening drug or experiencing the full effect of illusionary mixtures.

Or even better! A conjurer of cheap tricks (wizard) that makes the den just a tad more fantastic. Want a cold drink? Ray of Frost. People are breaking chairs and tables? A Make Whole will fix that issue at once.

Those are some nifty and rather handy ideas. So not only could it be a gambling hall, but it could be a drug den as a well...

There are a lot of cool concepts to be had here.

A really good guild house in the Petal District of Absalom would handle both of these methods of underground earning while catering to a higher class of clientele. The Silken Court, as described in the Absalom Campaign Guide, is a location that could be modified for such desires.It already possesses the drugs and high-end prostitution. Or, we could develop something original.

I would be interested in playing. Maybe try the investigator..."Evil Eye Private Eye" lol

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I'd love to try this as well. A campaign not about big adventures, but just about a bunch of people trying to make it big.

I love it.

That's a fun twist: You all meet in a tavern. Except this time, the tavern is yours.

I have neither the know-how or the time to DM this, though.

Are we talking Red Dragon Inn for adventurers and the common people type tavern or The Sleeping Fish Inn only-go-there-if-well-armed-or-connected style tavern? I am interested as a player or, if there is no GM coming forth, a GM/PC.

Hey Daynen and Cydrius! ;)

While I have not played Red Dragon Inn unfortunately, as it does look rather fun, I would like to think of it being more along those lines. I would like to think we keep a nice front up to keep any possible less than legal operations underwraps.

Scarab Sages

This looks interesting. I don't know enough about the Golarion setting to GM, but I would very happily be a player or an assistant GM for running NPC's.

Man, if we can only get someone to step up and GM, we would be set.

Yeah, we've shown that there is a good amount of interest for such a concept. The tricky part is finding a DM that enjoys the concept and is willing to step up to the plate.

Scarab Sages

If people are willing to drop the Golarion setting and help me build up a new one from scratch, I can GM. It won't be as filled out as Golarion, but we can fill it up as we go. Thoughts on this?

I would be willing, but that seems like such an unnecessary undertaking when Absalom, or other major cities in the setting are so ideally developed. Perhaps someone has the Absalom Player's Guide in pdf that they could send you for review? Even if we use the Golarion Setting we would still need alot of creative development for what we are discussing here.

Scarab Sages

That would work. I can also read through all of the pathfinder wiki (did some of that already, actually). I still won't know even close to everything--There will be holes in my timeline and NPC relations (what I'd probably do there is just recreate all of the current NPC's, and only leave the ones that are already gone). But if people are okay with that... I think I can manage this.

I only know tidbits about Golarion myself. We could always start out with the basics and bare minimum in terms of big name NPCs for a big city like Golarion and bring them in as you feel necessary. would only need a few big names, and the rest would be an independent development. Even if I cannot get you a pdf of the whole thing, I can certainly get you descriptive blurbs on the Silken Court and the Petal District, as well as the underground organizations in Absalom. It is not a great deal of material to digetst, and it is really open-ended for further development. I do think it sets up an excellent framework.

Scarab Sages

Alright, everyone who is still interested can post here and we'll continue figuring this out. I'll admit that I'm kind of excited to run such a game as this.

Filios, any information you can get me would be helpful. :)

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