Help me battle my players, synthesist is out of control


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Eidolons are summoned creatures, they have their summoner's alignment. Protection from _____ would stop it from being able to attack with natural attacks (unless he has SR). The guy with the protection can't do anything offensive directly to the synthesist, but he can totally ignore the nat attack onslaught and go about his business.

That and any other spells that deal with outsiders (the synthesist gains that type) or dismissal type effects that target extraplanar creatures.

Rynjin wrote:
Though if you wanna pull something out of this in that vein, how does he have 4 Claw attacks if he only has two hands? Last I heard claws were not for feet, those were for talon attacks.

The claws evolution (quoted upthread) lets you have up to one pair of claws for the eidolon's legs.

Falcon Jab wrote:
Eidolons are summoned creatures, they have their summoner's alignment. Protection from _____ would stop it from being able to attack with natural attacks (unless he has SR). The guy with the protection can't do anything offensive directly to the synthesist, but he can totally ignore the nat attack onslaught and go about his business.
d20pfsrd wrote:
In addition, due to its tie to its summoner, an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures.

Titania, the Summer Queen wrote:
Titania, the Summer Queen wrote:
I will have to look it up. I read somewhere that if all you have is a secondary, then its treated as a primary. But it is possible I'm wrong on this.
Ok according to the bestiary, if you have a single attack its always a primary, if you have multiple types of secondary attacks but only attack with one then its treated as secondary. If you only one type of secondary attack but multiples of them, they are treated as primary.

You mean I could only take tentacle attacks and then proceed to do unspeakable things to my enemies?!


Or maybe the synthesist just looks like someone wearing a
Cthulhu Ski-mask.

Dark Archive

LOL I'm playing a summoner within the skulls and shackles AP. The eidolon looks a lot like Davy Jones!

This whole thread illustrates my belief that while there isn't really anything wrong with how the Summoner works, there's a whole lot wrong with how people think the summoner works...

Dark Archive

Doomed Hero wrote:
This whole thread illustrates my belief that while there isn't really anything wrong with how the Summoner works, there's a whole lot wrong with how people think the summoner works...

that is true, I have found I still make mistakes concerning it. Having to go and re-read over and over again the info.

Doomed Hero wrote:
This whole thread illustrates my belief that while there isn't really anything wrong with how the Summoner works, there's a whole lot wrong with how people think the summoner works...

The confusing nature of the class's rules are a valid complaint. The synth's rules are just more confusing.

The synth in question might be getting too many attacks and maybe or maybe not should be taking penalties to hit on some or none of those attacks, and we can't even agree due to rules writing issues. Instead of making people crawl through the natural attack routine and Multiattack rules or not, the synth rules should have clearly stated this.

I ran into a similar issue with a druid PC. I was stunned to find that I could get three attacks at 6th-level (would have been 4th if I hadn't taken an archetype) without needing to take Multiattack. (I was also stunned by how lame my Armor Class was, but that was clear, if sad.)

Multiattack deals with secondary attacks while Multiweapon Fighting deals with primary attacks . This synthesist only uses primary attacks.

chaoseffect wrote:
Multiweapon Fighting has nothing to do with Natural Attacks. It's used for manufactured weapons.

Core Rule Book page 182: “Attacks made with natural weapons , such as claws and bites , are melee attacks that can be made against any creature within your reach (usually 5 feet).”

Rynjin wrote:
And the general rule of "Eidolons get no Feats" does not override the specific rule of "Eidolons get Multiattack". This is just common sense, use your head. Why would it be printed that they get it if they don't actually get it?

I truly do not understand how you can read ‘the eidolon gets no feats’ to mean anything other than ‘the eidolon gets no feats’.

Maybe Multiattack is printed this way for summoners who are not synthesist archetypes.

Dark Archive

Mapleswitch wrote:

Multiattack deals with secondary attacks while Multiweapon Fighting deals with primary attacks . This synthesist only uses primary attacks.

chaoseffect wrote:
Multiweapon Fighting has nothing to do with Natural Attacks. It's used for manufactured weapons.

Core Rule Book page 182: “Attacks made with natural weapons , such as claws and bites , are melee attacks that can be made against any creature within your reach (usually 5 feet).”

Rynjin wrote:
And the general rule of "Eidolons get no Feats" does not override the specific rule of "Eidolons get Multiattack". This is just common sense, use your head. Why would it be printed that they get it if they don't actually get it?

I truly do not understand how you can read ‘the eidolon gets no feats’ to mean anything other than ‘the eidolon gets no feats’.

Maybe Multiattack is printed this way for summoners who are not synthesist archetypes.

Multiweapon fighting deals with fighting with manufactured weapons in more than 2 hands. It has NOTHING to do with natural attacks.

I'm really not understanding how you keep mis-understanding this.

Natural attacks have their own specific set of rules and only ever interact with the iterative combat rules when you mix manufactured weapons (or unarmed strikes) into the mix.

Where does Multiweapon Fighting specify manufactured weapons?

Where are these special set of rules for natural attacks found?

Are you trying to say that there are no feats that govern natural weapon, primary attacks?

If I am wrong, please show me how I am wrong with specific quotes.

I very begrudgingly allowed someone to play a synthesist summoner in the game I'm currently running, but it took a lot of negotiating on her behalf.

First, she had to point out some often overlooked drawbacks, like that magic items worn normally do not grant their benefits in eidolon form, and that there is some awkwardness with healing. Plus her type becomes outsider, so she can't benefit from, say, enlarge person, and the whole thing is technically less effective than playing a vanilla summoner, who has all this and can still spend their turns casting.

After that opening volley, I slapped her with the restriction the class was clearly designed around: She doesn't get to just take whatever evolutions she feels like. We sat down and worked out the specific concept she was going for with her eidolon. She wanted it humanoid (basically going for the whole magically summoned armor angle), I said she had to take the weapon proficiency evolution to give it opposable thumbs before she could use her own innate ability to hold a weapon. No loading up on natural attacks or pounce, they aren't part of the core concept. Etc. etc. etc.

I also made sure she let me see a preview of what this would look like at several particular levels down the road before the campaign ever began.

It is not, at all, a balanced class out of the box, but can be brought in-line if you work at it.

Mapleswitch wrote:

Multiattack deals with secondary attacks while Multiweapon Fighting deals with primary attacks . This synthesist only uses primary attacks.

Multiweapon Fighting has ZERO to do with natural attacks, whether they be Primary, Secondary, or Blarplefisk.

Natural Attacks do not use the Two-Weapon Fighting rules. Period. You're barking up the wrong tree here.

Multiweapon Fighting is literally just Two-Weapon Fighting for dudes with more than two hands.

Look, it even says it in the Feat: "This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms."

A creature with Natural Attacks may take all of their Natural Attacks in a round. Refer yourself to any of the myriad bestiary creatures with multiple Natural Attacks that may take them all on a full attack, from a tiger (two claws and a bite) on up to a Dragon (bite, two claws, 2 wings, and a tail slap).

Natural Attacks, on the flipside, do not benefit from iteratives. That is the tradeoff. You are limited by number of attacks, not your BaB.

Hell, the example Format from the bestiary section on Natural Attacks proves this "Format: bite +5 (1d6+1), 2 claws +5 (1d4+2), 4 tentacles +0 (1d4+1);".

Notice the lack of an "or" anywhere in there.

Mapleswitch wrote:
I truly do not understand how you can read ‘the eidolon gets no feats’ to mean anything other than ‘the eidolon gets no feats’.

Because it's less of a Feat and more of a class feature for Eidolons, hence why it's listed under "Special" and in the table for "Special" abilities and not under the table for the Feats it naturally learns.

"The synthesist also gains access to the eidolon’s special abilities and the eidolon’s evolutions"

Mapleswitch wrote:
Where are these special set of rules for natural attacks found?


I'd pull the CRB page but my PDF is wonky and won't open.

Guys, speaking about the healing thing, he gets to transfer damage done to eidolon on 1on1 basis to the pc, so that silly thing about temp HP is useless.

The eidolon can be worn for over 24 hours, you just have to skip a night of rest, and it's done for feats and such.

As far as i see it, it's broken. Also, all of his nat. attacks are listed as primary.

He gets to enjoy his gear, it's written on the summuoer, he just can't use the armor thanks to a FAQ, but the belt still applies.

It's utterly broken, adn disrespectful for melee classes. He is as strong as them, harder than them, and much more versatile. Having a class the needs to banned means bad work by the devs, and having to blow my head up to make a single satisfying encounter seems really bad.

Also, asking the others to optimize is ridicoulous, everyone should play teh class he likes and be good. Not everybody has the time to look on manual after manual just to find the best "combo" tu build a powerful char.

Sorry, maybe i went in the wrong game, it just seems silly that chars can be strong as gods or weak like the most puny cobolds only because somebody had hours over hours to spend looking through the manuals.

Doomed Hero wrote:
This whole thread illustrates my belief that while there isn't really anything wrong with how the Summoner works, there's a whole lot wrong with how people think the summoner works...

I agree people are confused how summoners should work!

I think the synthesist summoner is broken if you follow all the rules and limitations correctly.

It is MORE broken if you do don't correctly follow all the rules (like let bonuses stack incorrectly).

Give an optimizer a shot to optimize a character, he will do it. Give an optimizer a shot to optimize a character and an eidolon together, he will do it twice. Let the optimizer stack physical stats of the optimized eidolon over the optimized stats of the original character and......well, the results should not be surprising.

Remember, the more the physical stats of the eidolon exceed the physical stats of the original character, the better!

I am only sad that the synthesist gets this powerful ability ONLY TWO LEVELS before the specialist wizard:
Maker’s Jump (Sp)
At 6th level, whenever the synthesist is fused with his eidolon, the synthesist can cast dimension door as a spell-like ability using his caster level. This ability only affects the fused synthesist and eidolon. The synthesist can use this ability once per day at 6th level, plus one additional time per day for every six levels beyond 6th.

tryhardGM wrote:

Sorry, maybe i went in the wrong game, it just seems silly that chars can be strong as gods or weak like the most puny cobolds only because somebody had hours over hours to spend looking through the manuals.

It seems odd to you that the person with more knowledge of the game can make a better character/be better at it than people with no knowledge of it?

Can I be the first to welcome you to gaming, since it seems like you're new to it? Of any kind. Video, tabletop, or otherwise.

tryhardGM wrote:
Guys, speaking about the healing thing, he gets to transfer damage done to eidolon on 1on1 basis to the pc, so that silly thing about temp HP is useless.

He can't give his real hit points to the eidolon until / unless the Eidolon would be dropped to zero (or less) hit points. So if he takes enough damage during a fight, he can sacrifice his real hit points to keep the Eidolon around and actually benefit from healing magic and channels. Outside of a fight the only way to heal the Eidolon is with rejuvenate spells.

I'd really like to see the sheet for both the summoner and his eidolon. I suspect it will be eye opening.

Curiously, why did the player stack constitution just to have it replaced with the eidolon's stat block? Little things like this are why I want to see it...

TarkXT wrote:
Dispel magic is never used enough.

^So much this.

About the eidolon's natural attacks:

All natural attacks are made using the eidolon’s full base attack bonus unless otherwise noted (such as in the case of secondary attacks).

This is more important than the feats, IMO.




Tail slap
Wing buffet

IMO, "gore" and rake are pure cheese and should be secondary, while pincers should be primary (they already overlap with claw/slam).

I don't think you should be able to have claws and bite as primary attacks simultaneously (there's quite a few creatures that do this already though). In fact, I don't think you should be able to have more than one category of primary and more than one category of secondary attacks. Although I doubt that happens in practice (Weapon Focus costing a feat each time).

Also I think the max # of attacks/max # of limbs rules need to be hit really hard with the nerf stick. As far as I can tell, I can make a quadruped and then keep buying "arms" and claws to get a large number of natural attacks... and pounce.

Do synths get their eidolon skills and any bought racial bonuses?

ZanThrax wrote:
tryhardGM wrote:
Guys, speaking about the healing thing, he gets to transfer damage done to eidolon on 1on1 basis to the pc, so that silly thing about temp HP is useless.
He can't give his real hit points to the eidolon until / unless the Eidolon would be dropped to zero (or less) hit points. So if he takes enough damage during a fight, he can sacrifice his real hit points to keep the Eidolon around and actually benefit from healing magic and channels. Outside of a fight the only way to heal the Eidolon is with rejuvenate spells.

That's what he does, and in fact is like having a ton temporary HPs that can be healed separately and his own ton of HPs, that is why he has that high con score. He has high enough con and D8 for the HPs thast he is tougher than the tha cleric on his own.

We keep asking to see the character sheet and haven't seen it. Do you have it? Could you scan it and post it?

Kimera757 wrote:
We keep asking to see the character sheet and haven't seen it. Do you have it? Could you scan it and post it?

Don't have it right now, but i'm sure everything is all right. We forgot about the bull's sternght stacking with belts, but everything else is legit.

The rest of us aren't sure. There might be more honest errors. It's complicated. I don't know if any one of us could spot all the errors, but that's what crowd-sourcing is for.

Jake the Brawler wrote:
The rest of us aren't sure. There might be more honest errors. It's complicated. I don't know if any one of us could spot all the errors, but that's what crowd-sourcing is for.

As far as i remember eidolon evos are (he has 16 evo points thanks to improved evolution, i let him take that because it looked awkward that a synth couldn't take the only summoneresque good feat)

4 points for +4 strenght; 2 points for +2 dex; 2 for +4 nat armor; 1 for extra claws; 1 for improved claws (1d6); 2 for imm. fire; 3 for damage reduction; 1 for improved bite (1d8).

Stats go something like 26 str (16 base, 20 with free boost, 24 evos, 26 level and 30 with belt), dex 18 (12 base, 4 free, 2 evos) cos 12.

Eidolon HPs around 60

attack of +20 comes from +8BAB, 10 STR, 1 feat and 1 amulet. Heroism last almost 2 hours so it's usually up, bringing it to +22.

14 nat armor comes from base 2, 8 free, 4 evos. Stacks with barkskin.

Sorry, he dropped the improved damage evos for bite and claws last time i checked to take rend.

tryhardGM wrote:
As far as i remember eidolon evos are (he has 16 evo points thanks to improved evolution, i let him take that because it looked awkward that a synth couldn't take the only summoneresque good feat)

Are synths allowed to take that feat? If he's overpowered, you should rescind that house rule.

4 points for +4 strenght; 2 points for +2 dex; 2 for +4 nat armor; 1 for extra claws; 1 for improved claws (1d6); 2 for imm. fire; 3 for damage reduction; 1 for improved bite (1d8).

The eidolon naturally gets Strength/Dex boosts and then you can buy more for cheap. I'm seeing part of the problem here. Strength 26 at ~10th-level? A barbarian might get scores like that, why does a caster need physical stats like that?

Being able to five four or five natural attacks when a fighter will usually have three regular ones? Seeing a problem here.


Stats go something like 26 str (16 base, 20 with free boost, 24 evos, 26 level and 30 with belt), dex 18 (12 base, 4 free, 2 evos) cos 12.

Eidolon HPs around 60

attack of +20 comes from +8BAB, 10 STR, 1 feat and 1 amulet. Heroism last almost 2 hours so it's usually up, bringing it to +22.

14 nat armor comes from base 2, 8 free, 4 evos. Stacks with barkskin.

Also the (natural) armor is cheese for a synth. Normally a summoner has to pay for their own AC and pay evolution points for the eidolon's AC. A synth doubles up on this because the AC effectively protects them both. It's a less visible way to break the synth (compared to the standard more action-efficient summoner).

I put damage reduction in the same category. The only core class that normally gets that is the barbarian, and that's limited. (I'm not counting archetypes here.)

Absolutely nothing wrong with Synthesist. It's effective but far from over-powered.

In this case touch attacks can be awesome, the touch AC is for garbage. Go for sonic or force damage, no immunity to those bad boys. You also have some nice anti-Eidolon spells that strip evolution points. You also have the basics like Dispel Magic or Banishment.

The eidolon is an outsider and has an alignment, Circle of Protection from Appropriate helps there. Bane Outsider weapons of the appropriate type amp the damage level.

Size large can be nice, but isn't always helpful depending on the terrain they're fighting in.

You also have complete control of battle circumstances. Does the synthesist always have his eidolon on? That would be odd and there could be some strong roleplaying negatives to that. If not, ambushes can do some serious damage before any buffing can occur.

Does the group have a reputation? Reputations are awesome. The group can be treated like the heroes that they are. And their enemies know exactly what they're in for during a fight, and can be prepared for it.

Hmmmm, my regular summoner actually seems way better than this synthesist at level 11.

I get dumb spells like magic jar and Charging pouncing full attacks. It seems great that I can break action economy

Craig Bonham 141 wrote:

Absolutely nothing wrong with Synthesist. It's effective but far from over-powered.

In this case touch attacks can be awesome, the touch AC is for garbage. Go for sonic or force damage, no immunity to those bad boys. You also have some nice anti-Eidolon spells that strip evolution points. You also have the basics like Dispel Magic or Banishment.

The eidolon is an outsider and has an alignment, Circle of Protection from Appropriate helps there. Bane Outsider weapons of the appropriate type amp the damage level.

Size large can be nice, but isn't always helpful depending on the terrain they're fighting in.

You also have complete control of battle circumstances. Does the synthesist always have his eidolon on? That would be odd and there could be some strong roleplaying negatives to that. If not, ambushes can do some serious damage before any buffing can occur.

Does the group have a reputation? Reputations are awesome. The group can be treated like the heroes that they are. And their enemies know exactly what they're in for during a fight, and can be prepared for it.

Sure i can start dropping on him giants wielding outsider bane weapons, backed up by a caster or two using banishment, devolution and something else. in an ambush.

But that would be, as people said, creating encounters just for him. To target his weakness (many of them can be covered with evo surge, and he is not even large sized all stats i posted are for medium size) and i don't like a game that forces me to do something like this.

@Kimera the feat "improved evolution" says you must have the eidolon class feature, he gets fused eidolon and for me it's the same thing, an eidolon is an eidolon and a summoner is a summone, archetype is not a different class.

I have a suggestion. There is a downside to natural attacks as opposed to weapon attack mainly DR. Other melee charters can just pick up a silver or cold iron or magic weapon however the summoner has only natural attacks. Frankly I don't see how this has not come up yet monsters with DR magic are very common.

Natural Attacks can still overcome DR with the appropriate enhancement from an Amulet of Mighty Fists... just a bit more expensive than an equivalent single weapon. I don't recall the TC mentioning how high his player's enhancement is, but it's possible that it's high enough to make DR a non-issue, especially since Synthesists don't need a lot of gear besides that.

The OP said he only had a +1 amulet of mighty fists.

fictionfan wrote:
I have a suggestion. There is a downside to natural attacks as opposed to weapon attack mainly DR. Other melee charters can just pick up a silver or cold iron or magic weapon however the summoner has only natural attacks. Frankly I don't see how this has not come up yet monsters with DR magic are very common.

power attack 3 lets him do high damage with +19 on almost all attacks thanks to heroism. If he is hasted is all hell breaks loose. If he uses (and almost never does) evo surge greater to grow large damage becomes abnormal.

Damage gets to +17 just for power attack, when large sized he is something like +21 throw in rend and it's even worse. By now he should have had an amulet +2, but he has a lot less wealth than a level 10 character gets.

Give him his full WBL and only DR 15 monster can really hold up to him.

Anything he can't really damage he can always tank, use -3 to hit get +3 AC, good luck hitting.

Only spells and touch attacks are of any use.

So what, throw a monster with 15 DR that the summoner can't beat and the fighter can and I bet the fighter will be out damaging the summoner. The fighter does have a +2 weapon at least right?

The point is to give the characters a chance to shine. (expect the monk don't know what you can do for him)

If the monster can't hit the summoner then it will just ignore it.

fictionfan wrote:

So what throw a monster with 15 DR that the summoner can't beat and the fighter can and I bet the fighter will be out damaging the summoner. The fighter does have a +2 weapon at least right?

The point is to give the characters a chance to shine. (expect the monk don't know what you can do for him)

Most DR 15 monsters have near impossible wepon requisites such as good and cold iron, good and silver, adamantine.

At this level you need at least a +3 weapon (+1 and +2 for holy) made of cold iron or silver. Maybe you have the cold iron or the silver one, probably not and sure not both of them. Or you have the adamantine.

Right now, my war has 2 +2 swords.

Some what different than "kill the summoner and/or his pet":

Design fights where the summoner is tied up in a brawl ,leaving the rest of the party to deal with another challenge. If the hero has an huge amount of attacks, send in the grunts. Send in something with 20/not-the-summoner, either to act as a speed bump for the summoner, or for the rest of the party to kill.

Another idea is to ask your players for ideas on how they're characters can shine. Take those ideas, put them in a blender, add in a dash (or more) of wicked GM, and use those ideas to power your encounters.

Dark Archive

Mapleswitch wrote:
If I am wrong, please show me how I am wrong with specific quotes.

Okay, let's simply look at the feat itself

multiweapon fighting wrote:

Multiweapon Fighting (Combat)

This multi-armed creature is skilled at making attacks with multiple weapons.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, three or more hands.

Benefit: Penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced by –2 with the primary hand and by –6 with off hands.

Normal: A creature without this feat takes a –6 penalty on attacks made with its primary hand and a –10 penalty on attacks made with all of its off hands. (It has one primary hand, and all the others are off hands.) See Two-Weapon Fighting.

Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.

I bolded the important parts.

Multiweapon fighting only minimizes the penalties for off-hand and primary hand weapons. Natural attacks do not have a handedness nor do they have off-hand penalties. They only have primary (full bab no penalties) and secondary attack (-5 hit half strength to damage) status.
None of those are defined in multiweapon fighting so that feat does nothing for them or to them, it's irrelevant.

Natural attacks have the following rules:

Natural Attacks wrote:

Most creatures possess one or more natural attacks (attacks made without a weapon). These attacks fall into one of two categories, primary and secondary attacks. Primary attacks are made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and add the creature’s full Strength bonus on damage rolls. Secondary attacks are made using the creature’s base attack bonus –5 and add only 1/2 the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls. If a creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and adds 1-1/2 times the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls. This increase does not apply if the creature has multiple attacks but only takes one. If a creature has only one type of attack, but has multiple attacks per round, that attack is treated as a primary attack, regardless of its type.

There is no off-hand defined under natural attacks. If a creature has 15 claw attacks a round all of them are primary and all of them are full bab no penalty. Multi-weapon is ONLY for non-natural attack types of which there are only 2, manufactured and unarmed.

tryhardGM wrote:

Sure i can start dropping on him giants wielding outsider bane weapons, backed up by a caster or two using banishment, devolution and something else. in an ambush.

But that would be, as people said, creating encounters just for him. To target his weakness (many of them can be covered with evo surge, and he is not even large sized all stats i posted are for medium size) and i don't like a game that forces me to do something like this.

But the game is about the characters, why shouldn't the encounters be? And they don't have to ALL be. Just once in awhile to make the others not feel outclased, to make him feel pressed, basically help him justify his decision. And a spellcaster with the spells I mentioned will also have other spells. So it doesn't have to be all about the synthesist.

I agree with you on the Summoner=Summoner by the way. I'd run it the same way as well.

Craig Bonham 141 wrote:
tryhardGM wrote:

Sure i can start dropping on him giants wielding outsider bane weapons, backed up by a caster or two using banishment, devolution and something else. in an ambush.

But that would be, as people said, creating encounters just for him. To target his weakness (many of them can be covered with evo surge, and he is not even large sized all stats i posted are for medium size) and i don't like a game that forces me to do something like this.

But the game is about the characters, why shouldn't the encounters be? And they don't have to ALL be. Just once in awhile to make the others not feel outclased, to make him feel pressed, basically help him justify his decision. And a spellcaster with the spells I mentioned will also have other spells. So it doesn't have to be all about the synthesist.

I agree with you on the Summoner=Summoner by the way. I'd run it the same way as well.

On a side note, teh group would make tons of cash from the bane weapons by selling them O.O

tryhardGM wrote:

On a side note, teh group would make tons of cash from the bane weapons by selling them O.O

So, don't do that one often. Also, they can have as much money as they can carry. Doesn't mean squiddly if there isn't what they want to buy available.

I had an adventure where the party found the museum of the dead god where he took all the art that had been made at his demand, by the greatest artisans over millenia. I told them flat out the pieces were worth hundreds of millions of gold, all told.

They didn't bother taking any of it. They were kind of awed by the work itself (I did myself proud detailing some of the pieces) and also realized no one could actually afford what the stuff was really worth. And even if they could get as much as they could, what would they DO with all that money? There are only so many slots you can have.

Mapleswitch wrote:
Where does Multiweapon Fighting specify manufactured weapons?

I guess you suddenly never read how natural attacks work.

Primary attacks are always at full BAB, but do not get iterative attacks unless it is the only single attack.

Secondary Attacks all get a -5 to attack unless the creature has the multi-attack feat, at which point it is -2 to attack.

If a character has more than 2 hands and is wielding more than 2 weapons then the character takes -6 to primary hand attacks and -10 to all off-hand attacks (any hand other than the primary hand is an off-hand.)
Multiweapon fighting is like two weapon fighting for creatures with more than 2 hands, so if the synthesist, at level 10 takes the Limbs (arms) evolution from Aspect then he qualifies for multiweapon fighting, and since mutliweapon fighting replaces the feat two-weapon fighting, the feat would become multiweapon fighting.

Now, two-weapon fighting and mutli-weapon fighting ALL refer to manufactured weapons, and natural attacks do not qualify as manufactured weapons. Therefore it doesn't matter if a character has mutliweapon fighting.

Otherwise every single monster that has multiple attacks would be sitting at a -11 for one of its attacks and -15 to others. If you can justify that through the bestiary then we will all listen to what you think about how these work.

I would sugget making the next loot drop a +3 weapon. You said they are under wealth per level and it would help balance the party. Maybe drop a monks belt as well.

tryhardGM wrote:
ZanThrax wrote:
tryhardGM wrote:
Guys, speaking about the healing thing, he gets to transfer damage done to eidolon on 1on1 basis to the pc, so that silly thing about temp HP is useless.
He can't give his real hit points to the eidolon until / unless the Eidolon would be dropped to zero (or less) hit points. So if he takes enough damage during a fight, he can sacrifice his real hit points to keep the Eidolon around and actually benefit from healing magic and channels. Outside of a fight the only way to heal the Eidolon is with rejuvenate spells.
That's what he does, and in fact is like having a ton temporary HPs that can be healed separately and his own ton of HPs, that is why he has that high con score. He has high enough con and D8 for the HPs thast he is tougher than the tha cleric on his own.

His Con score doesn't matter. When he's wearing the Eidolon, his bonus HP (and Fort save) are based on the Eidolon's Con as it replaces his own. And since you posted below that his Eidolon's Con is only 12, then he should have way less hit points than what he thinks he does. Oh, and by "healed separately" you mean that the Synthesist can use up his limited spell slots casting rejuvinate eidolon, right? Because that's the only way to heal the Eidolon - once he runs out of spells, he's hooped.

tryhardGM wrote:
Stats go something like 26 str (16 base, 20 with free boost, 24 evos, 26 level and 30 with belt), dex 18 (12 base, 4 free, 2 evos) cos 12.

Am I reading the Strength breakdown right? You let him apply his 4th and 8th level stat bonuses to his Eidolon? Because he can't do that.

And you shouldn't have let him have feats that he's not allowed to have. They're normally restricted for a reason.

ZanThrax wrote:
tryhardGM wrote:
ZanThrax wrote:
tryhardGM wrote:
Guys, speaking about the healing thing, he gets to transfer damage done to eidolon on 1on1 basis to the pc, so that silly thing about temp HP is useless.
He can't give his real hit points to the eidolon until / unless the Eidolon would be dropped to zero (or less) hit points. So if he takes enough damage during a fight, he can sacrifice his real hit points to keep the Eidolon around and actually benefit from healing magic and channels. Outside of a fight the only way to heal the Eidolon is with rejuvenate spells.
That's what he does, and in fact is like having a ton temporary HPs that can be healed separately and his own ton of HPs, that is why he has that high con score. He has high enough con and D8 for the HPs thast he is tougher than the tha cleric on his own.
His Con score doesn't matter. When he's wearing the Eidolon, his bonus HP are based on the Eidolon's Con as it replaces his own.

True, but him having a decent Con means that if he does happen to go unconscious he won't immediately die when he loses the Eidolon's Con.

ZanThrax wrote:
tryhardGM wrote:
ZanThrax wrote:
tryhardGM wrote:
Guys, speaking about the healing thing, he gets to transfer damage done to eidolon on 1on1 basis to the pc, so that silly thing about temp HP is useless.
He can't give his real hit points to the eidolon until / unless the Eidolon would be dropped to zero (or less) hit points. So if he takes enough damage during a fight, he can sacrifice his real hit points to keep the Eidolon around and actually benefit from healing magic and channels. Outside of a fight the only way to heal the Eidolon is with rejuvenate spells.
That's what he does, and in fact is like having a ton temporary HPs that can be healed separately and his own ton of HPs, that is why he has that high con score. He has high enough con and D8 for the HPs thast he is tougher than the tha cleric on his own.
His Con score doesn't matter. When he's wearing the Eidolon, his bonus HP are based on the Eidolon's Con as it replaces his own.

Are you sure of this? it says that the eidolon HPs are added to his own as temporary, his HPs are not replaced.

Maybe i am wrong, but it looks odd that he loses HP when wearing the eidolon.

Eidolon gets his own stats increase from his own table. Eidolon has 8th HDs so he gets +1 and +1, summoner does the same.

"the rules wrote:
While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist uses the eidolon’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, but retains his own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

Bonus HP and Fort saves are both based on Con. When he wears his Eidolon, his Con changes to 12. Thus, his hp will go down (as will his Fort save). And then he gets the Eidolon's HP as temp hit points that are difficult to restore.

Which base form is his Eidolon? I'm trying to check his evolution points, and noticed that they all start at 13 Con so his being 12 is hinky.

ZanThrax wrote:
"the rules wrote:
While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist uses the eidolon’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, but retains his own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

Bonus HP and Fort saves are both based on Con. When he wears his Eidolon, his Con changes to 12. Thus, his hp will go down (as will his Fort save). And then he gets the Eidolon's HP as temp hit points that are difficult to restore.

Which base form is his Eidolon? I'm trying to check his evolution points, and noticed that they all start at 13 Con so his being 12 is hinky.

probably con is 13, i maybe wrong about one or two stat points.

This way he will have to drop teh 4 points increase for str and get big. i think he will end up having even more str and HPs than before.

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