Please join me in congratulating Eric Clingenpeel on his promotion to VC of central Michigan. He will be based out of Alma, MI, but will coordinate across the larger region of the central part of the state.
Thanks for your continued service to the campaign and organized play, Erik!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hey, good news! Congrats, Eric!
Glad to see it finally happened Eric
Eric has been doing the job of a VC for quite a while. He's quietly grown Central Michigan and has been a frequent sight as a supporter of conventions state-wide, as well as GenCon. Also, he's always been welcoming and inclusive on the messageboards. A well-deserved promotion! So when is Central Michigan's convention? At the winery, hopefully?
Well deserved, Eric.
You've been vocal and mobile; I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the region in the future.
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Thanks guys! I definitely wasn't expecting it this morning. I'm looking forward to continuing to help my region grow. A couple of years ago, I'd have never thought there'd be enough PFS in the area to support a VC, but after traveling around the last year, it is quite a bit busier than I thought. Thanks to all the players and especially the GMs in my area, if you ever need anything, feel free to email me and I'll do whatever I can to help.
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Congrats Eric!
You're now the most powerful computer dragon/braindog evar!
Congrats Eric! Well deserved my friend.
Well done, Eric. Well done.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Congratulations Eric, I couldn't think of a better choice.
Huge congrats to you Eric! Even if the Wolverines are going DOWN this weekend!!
Congratulations on your promotion!
Congrats, Eric. You've earned the crap out of this.
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Congratulations Eric, and thanks for running a great table of The Stolen Heir for me at U-Con this weekend!
Chad Newman wrote: Huge congrats to you Eric! Even if the Wolverines are going DOWN this weekend!!
Meh, my dad's the one that likes the Wolverines. I was always more partial to the Spartans. And since Ann Arbor isn't in my region, I don't have to care about them. :)
Congratulations Eric! Here's to hoping that I can one day roll some dice with you.
I spent two years in Michigan just wandering from place to place. Great to know that Pathfinder goes strong there too (Because of people like you)!
Well deserved Eric, you are a quality GM and it couldn't have gone to a finer man.
Way to go! So very glad to see this post this morning. Really made my day.
You rock!
Congratulations! Hope you have a great community there!
Great Choice!! Congratulations, Eric!
Congrats Eric. Keep up the good work.
Congratulations! I see a very well deserved promotion.
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