WrathW1zard's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 100 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.
Adacanavar wrote: Diego Rossi wrote: PRD wrote: These crystalline stones always float in the air and must be within 3 feet of their owner to be of any use. When a character first acquires a stone, she must hold it and then release it, whereupon it takes up a circling orbit 1d3 feet from her head. It never say "around the owner head". If we go to the original literature from the Ioun stoens (The Dying Earth novels by Jack Vance) they circle a few feet behind the owner, not in his field of vision.
So the focus of the ioun stones orbit isn't the owner head, it is a point behind his head. It can even be a point over his head. So essentially if you have enough ioun stones you can't be sneak attacked from behind or flanked because they create a solid shield behind your back? (not serious) Does that mean you can walk backwards through a dungeon and be some kind of walking tower shield?
Well I am excited I hope to see the game released on all tablets as well as a windows and mac version. If anything at least a PC version and not just make it a ipad only game.
I loved new vegas, I think aside from a good number of glitches it had it was a fun game and rather solid. And the stick of truth was one of the best RPGs I've played this year. It was very well done, the graphics looked like I was actually in the show. And the turn based combat was very good. If they put that kind of commitment to a turn based Pathfinder game I am very excited to see what they may turn out.
Well deserved Eric, you are a quality GM and it couldn't have gone to a finer man.
I would say since the ability does not call out for a save then they do not get one. Just like if the creature were to be directly hit from a concussive bomb they are deafened with no save. And the madness bomb has a diminishing return on the wisdom damage.
I think Jiggy hit the nail on the head as far as the difficulty of being able to hit a creature and the possibility of hitting your allies.
David Haller wrote:
It seems as though this GM (whoever it is) is well-known for these kinds of antics; frankly, he should be banned from running games (and this highlights the downside to judge rewards such as free attendence and accomodations at conventions - it can bring some fairly inept judges out of the woodwork.)
Well I do agree with you to a certain point on this. If people complain enough about the judge going out of their way to pull this kind of stuff. Paizo holds the right to put them on the no volunteer list and charge them for their rooms.
That being said this is more or less the result of the anyone can be a GM policy. I'm in no way complaining about it I have met and played with a lot of fantastic GMs but there is always a bad apple to ruin the basket. Best thing you can do is report those people and just refuse to play at their table.

I think reincarnation is a fantastic spell. It only breaks immersion if you let it, just like anything, really drive home the points that it might bring up.
Odraude brought up a great example going dwarf to elf and the crisis of faith, I mean if a cleric of Torag just got turned into something other than a Dwarf, would Torag still grant him favor?
Think about how would you prove to people you are who you say you are? If you have family and they come to visit they might wonder what happened and if it is really you.
Especially if they become a more uncommon race like bugbear or Kobold. Most people might try to kill that player on sight simply for being what he is. And even after they trust that player is who they say they are they might ramp up the prices on items or drinks at the Tavern because they still hold mistrust for him.
Also it is MUCH cheaper than a resurrection spell. I feel bad anytime a character dies in the game. Most of the time it breaks the players investment in the game itself, and it can sometimes be hard to introduce a new character to a plot that has become very deep. Reincarnation solves this problem, and creates whole new problems for the players sense of who their character is, not just to themselves but to everyone around them.
My Dwarf cleric has a adamantine warhammer. Which also counts as a very noisy lockpick.
Fromper wrote:
If I can't spend all day Sunday, August 4 reading and preparing at least one of these adventures, then I just won't have time to prepare them both.
This is just the breaks. I'm sure the staff, including Jason Bulmahn and his bonekeep adventure, are working very hard to try and get us these adventures as soon as they can. I heard last year they didn't get the adventure until the week of Gencon. Best we can do is just try to prep as best as you can, with that kind of time frame I doubt anyone expects you to show up with hand sculpted 3D terrain for both bonekeep levels and the special.
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Kyle you are a man of true inovation. If I see you at Gencon remind me to buy you a beer.
Could anyone recomend a carrying case for all the maps I have to bring? Most of them are hand drawn on paper that rolls up nice so I am looking for something tube like in shape. Or from past experience what have you used to carry all the maps you bring?
Are we allowed to post documents on the Seige of Diamond City?
Look at the universal monster rules for burrow
d20pfsrd wrote:
*Burrow (Ex)
A creature with a burrow speed can tunnel through dirt, but not through rock unless the descriptive text says otherwise. Creatures cannot charge or run while burrowing. Most burrowing creatures do not leave behind tunnels other creatures can use (either because the material they tunnel through fills in behind them or because they do not actually dislocate any material when burrowing); see the individual creature descriptions for details.
Format: Burrow 30 ft.; Location: Speed.
The alchemists bombs are weapons and have a Nat 20 crit and X2 damage like spells. Can you quote the section your specifically talking about?
So I have had 2 sessions running this book and after an almost TPK with the prison my players made it to the mansion and were shown to the downstairs I was taken to notice a possible problem with one of the statblocks.
I don't know if this was a simple oversight or what but it would turn the encounter into a much deadlier one if they had 2 instead of 1.
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Kitsune with red fur and we have Elmo
289: You are introduced by your co-workers to new employees as "the guy who plays dungeons and dragons" *not a joke* and get miffed because they don't refer to it as pathfinder.
290: When you go out fishing and get no bites all day and wonder if any stores sell +1 fishing hook of allure
You may want to look at the Disruptive and the Spellbreaker Rage powers, they allow to to increase the DC for a spell user to cast defensivly and on 12th level allow you AoO them when they fail their checks.
With the DCI guys being forced to give out cards to judges, they actually sacrifice quite a bit in doing that. The cost per card is much higher than you might think, as someone who works for a printery, I can tell you the cost of printing a single magic card like that can be staggering. Figure you have to buy the material it is being printed on. This is a large stack of reems, but you use maybe half of it depending on how big the print run is. Then the cost of upkeep on the machines used to cut and print the cards including the cost of the ink. Then there is the cost of shipping and warehousing, it stacks up quick. And thats not counting paying the guys like me to do the work.
And how dare you make comments about how halarious my face is? I will *redacted* with your *redacted* until your *redacted* comes down with a basket of puppies and *redacted*
welll if you wondered what might happen refer to this
And maybe the folks of our areas should look into rewarding our GMs not in a buy a boon kinda way. Over here we are having game days just in a tribute to those who have stuck around to get their two stars. I have even been looking into making dice trays for local GMs when they hit that 2nd star. Just as a thank you for the hard work.
Finlanderboy wrote: I understand with your point. But for some people to bust out their kitsune character and when asked about it say "Ya [insert local VC], saw how much I contributed to our gaming community got the boon for me." is a huge thing as well.
Idividual players going out of their way to say they loved your table is one thing(and it is awesome). I am refering to the PFS management to recognizing it as well.
Infact if someone(s) did not appreciated my GMing I would stop GMing for them.
Recognition is not measured in how many nifty boons you can aquire. i think most people do appreciate the time and effort you put into GMing, and for running a fun game, but a simple "Thanks for running the game it was a lot of fun" is really anyone should need. Your approach may come off to some people as "look my shiny toy that you can't play with" while not a bad idea just some people don't like not being on a even footing as everyone else.

Quote: Castilliano
T-Shirts are pretty cheap to develop
I think it'd be neat to wear my stars on my sleeve. :)
Quote: Howie23
Vests with badges, pins, etc
Did anyone else get a picture in their mind of all the GMs with one or more stars walking around in army jackets with their star amounts on their shoulders and pins from various cons on their chests?
no? just me?
Quote: Netopalis
The more I think about it, the more I like the ressurrection idea. Think about it: A free ressurrection for a permanently dead at each GM star level is hardly game-breaking, but it is something that no player has access to otherwise. I think this strikes a very nice game balance and would make people want to GM. It would also probably attract more roleplay-heavy GMs, as players who don't care much about roleplay just scratch the name off of their build and make a new one at level 1.
This is pretty solid. I would be good with it.
This is a great idea. And while I side with Doug on the fact that I as a GM don't really need or want anything to incentivise me to GM more. But this would be a great idea to get some new GMs to want to get their feet wet and keep going with it. While the system can and most likely will be abused at some point or another, it may help to grow the PFS community with a influx of new GMs may also help bring a influx of more players as well.

warfteiner wrote: I wouldn't mind seeing a permanent coupon code for each star level that is unlocked. Say, something like this:
1 star = 10% off scenarios
2 stars = 15% off scenarios
3 stars = 15% off scenarios and unlocks access to "limited" items, like branded tumblers, shotglasses, hats, etc all for purchase in the Store
4 stars = as 3 stars, continue to get the yearly special; also, eligible to review PFS Quests as submitted by hopeful authors (perhaps work it like RPG Superstar! runs every year)
5 stars = the beating heart of a distant star.
While a discount on scenarios is a good idea. I think that most GMs who look to get over two stars will attend a few cons and get most of the available scenarios for free for GMing those cons.
While I also like the shotglass, hats and such idea, as it has been stated it looks good on paper but Paizo would have to jack up the costs of these "GM special" items so they don't lose money on it.
Offering special boons is a good and albeit probably the cheapest route to go. I think I have to agree with Netopalis and that more of the dedicated GMs don't see that much play, not that they don't enjoy playing, but they enjoy GMing just as much and dedicate their time in doing so because the player/GM ratio is so skewed.
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I think this is a great idea. GMs as a whole are hard to come by sometimes and rewarding those who take the time and effort to do it might attract more to become GMs.
The Dice Bag of PFS awesome is a nifty idea, and a set of PFS dice would be very cool as well. We all love dice and dice bags and could always use more.
While the idea of Races is nifty I like that being reserved for Cons.
And while allowing GMs to play banned races I think that may cause an uproar in the player base.
One idea is to possibly give GMs a dollar amount at the paizo store. Like $10 for their first star and $20 for their 2nd star so forth and so on.
Ya I agree with adamantine Dragon to a certain extent. You seem used to a house rule where your ability score possiblity is massivly larger is the possible outcomes than this. 3 sets of stats and pick the one you like, that to me seems like you might as well use a point buy. The rolling for ability scores should be a gamble. Now I can understand wanting to roll your own stats, its fun and makes you feel like you have some form of control over how well you might do, but the fact that you NEED a 16 or a character is unplayable seems a bit farfetched. I have played charcters with junk rolls and still had tons of fun and it really made me think outside the box.
And making the character just to have it commit suicide is ridiculous. Accept fate and roll with the punches. It makes me sad when people actually consider this an option and do it.

anthonydido wrote: WrathW1zard wrote: Yea, the main thing he complains is the fact that his dark vision should work within the confines of spell, solely because of some preconceived notion that the torch should just drop it down into a darkness and misses the line in the spell where "darkvision does not work within the confines of the spell" clause. Ya I saw where he thinks that because grammatically the deeper darkness reads as where the dim light and below all become supernatural darkness reads like a clause that super cedes everything. And as far as ambient light goes, for the argument it is a windowless room so darkness as ambient light. except that sentence is taken out of context without the previous sentence
"Areas of dim light and darkness become supernaturally dark. This functions like darkness, but even creatures with darkvision cannot see within the spell's confines."
Meaning darvision doesn't work in supernatural darkness. It would still work in regular darkness if that was the end result of the spell. So the qustion lies in what lighting is and is not affected by the spell to determine the final light level. The highlighted part seems to disagree, as read so long as you are within this dark space your darkvision is nullified.
Yea, the main thing he complains is the fact that his dark vision should work within the confines of spell, solely because of some preconceived notion that the torch should just drop it down into a darkness and misses the line in the spell where "darkvision does not work within the confines of the spell" clause. Ya I saw where he thinks that because grammatically the deeper darkness reads as where the dim light and below all become supernatural darkness reads like a clause that super cedes everything. And as far as ambient light goes, for the argument it is a windowless room so darkness as ambient light.
8 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
So a fellow player and I have had a big argument about deeper darkness. Now our scenario is a simple room only lit by mundane normal lighting. Torches, candles, campfire take your pick. Now player X believes if deeper darkness is cast within this room the lighting of the room will only drop to darkness level and his dark vision still works. But the line in the deeper darkness spell "anything below dim light is supernatural darkness" would make the light level per the deeper darkness spell drop two levels and become darkness and there for supernatural darkness and his dark vision would not work.
Confirm this for me please.
no, When making a wand you have to use your current caster level when you made it. That is why the price scales with level and to determine the bonuses on the spell used.
When you make a wand you determine the price 375xlevel of the spellxlevel of the caster in gp and thats how much it costs to make it.
then do a spellcraft check at DC 5+spell level and can get higher if you wish to make it faster and stuff like that.
and it takes 1 day per 1,000 gp of the base price to make it, succeed in the check and you got yourself a shiny new wand with 50 charges.

The fiendish flame is just flavor text, does not mean his ToC is some sort of demonic hellfire or something. The main thing to look at here is to just connect the dots, Throwing any sort of fast healing spells out the window
What do heal spells use for living creatures? Positive energy
What do clerics channel to heal the living? Positive energy
The paladins Lay on hands has been stated to be Positive energy by FAQ and heals the living while harming undead.
So taking all that into consideration it is safe to say that if your alive you want positive energy to keep you alive and fighting.
What do inflict spells use for healing undead? Negative energy
what do clerics channel to heal undead? Negative energy
Now the anti-paladins ToC is stated to "Heal undead" not give them fast healing, but to do the polar opposite of what a paladins lay on hands ability would do to undead.
now following the same line of logic for it is one hundred percent apparent comparing these side by side that Toc is logically a negative energy ability and would therefore heal undead not harm them, just as the Paladins ability to harm undead using Lay on Hands would not harm a living creature.
Not I think that it sounds like a cool thing to be able to do, but it just doesn't work rules wise.
Quote: mplindustries
Lay on Hands, in fact, can heal undead.
I don't think so
Quote: Harita-Heema
Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell cures such a creature of a like amount of damage, rather than harming it.
I have to agree with Harita, just because it simply does not say "Lay on hands only heals living creatures" and ToC "only heals undead" does not mean it goes both ways. the Undead are created and live because they are infused with negative energy and thats why it heals them. Using lay on hands to heal undead is pouring a positive engergy bucket of water on a negative energy bonfire. They simply do not mix.

mplindustries wrote: Daniel Chaplik wrote: The short answer is, no. Touch of Corruption, to the best of my memory, is a negative-energy effect. Negative energy does not harm undead creatures, it instead restores damage inflicted upon them. It's the inverse of positive energy, which does not harm living creatures - it heals damage inflicted upon them, but never heals undead creatures and instead inflicts damage to them. First, Touch of Corruption is never specified as being Negative Energy.
Second, Negative Energy and Positive Energy are damage types. I have to explain this a lot on these boards, but there is no general rule in which all negative energy heals undead or all positive energy heals the living.
Only negative energy abilities that specify they heal undead actually heal them. Other sources of negative energy damage them. For example, the touch of a wraith deals negative energy. Do you really think this is an infinite source of self healing? But from what I understand besides negative energy there really is no way to heal an undead. If the ToC specifys that it can heal undead I would think it is safe to assume that it uses negative energy as the source of the magic even though it is not specificly stated.
Well I have been looking around and seen a bunch that don't hook up to any computer, basicly I would like to be able to project my maps on the table to save me the hassle of drawing them, and being able to have a clear map of the area since i can't draw entire dungeons out on the paizo dry erase map. something decent for under $300 would be good. I think the bigger bulkier older projectors are kind of going backwards of what I want. Unless I could buy and old bulky projector, take it apart, and turn it into a smaller sleeker version of itself.
So I am looking into purchasing a small, portable projector that I could hook up to my laptop for projecting maps onto a table. Trying to save myself some time and markers by being able to project maps and use the fog of war for PCs exploring dungeons and such. I would also like to be able to take this to conventions so I don't have to lug around a tube case filled with maps. Anyone who uses or has used this option for games and has advice on one that would project well onto a table and be small enough that I won't break my back hauling it around I would love to hear from.

It does not, your thinking the 3.5 polymorph which gave you the abilities of whatever you turned into. in pathfinder it gives you immunities based on what you turn into and ability bonuses.
d20pfsrd wrote: Polymorph
If you use this spell to cause the target to take on the form of an animal or magical beast, the spell functions as beast shape II. If the form is that of an elemental, the spell functions as elemental body I. If the form is that of a humanoid, the spell functions as alter self. The subject may choose to resume its normal form as a full-round action; doing so ends the spell for that subject.
d20pfsrd wrote: Elemental body
•Air elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small air elemental, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Dexterity and a +2 natural armor bonus. You also gain fly 60 feet (perfect), darkvision 60 feet, and the ability to create a whirlwind.
•Earth elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small earth elemental, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain darkvision 60 feet and the ability to earth glide.
•Fire elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small fire elemental, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Dexterity and a +2 natural armor bonus. You gain darkvision 60 feet, resist fire 20, vulnerability to cold, and the burn ability.
•Water elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small water elemental, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Constitution and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain swim 60 feet, darkvision 60 feet, the ability to create a vortex, and the ability to breathe water
Knight Magenta wrote: I don't think you could flesh-to-stone an earth elemental, but could you cast stone-to-flesh on it? Would it become some-sort of zombie? Then it would become some sort of hideous flesh elemental, instead of rocks holding it together it would be large blobs of pure flesh with two indentations for eyes. *shutter* totally using this for a game.
@Gatin That nifty piece of paper is called a chronicle sheet. Paizo tracks these when the session using your Pathfinder number is reported by the GM running the scenario. as far as tacking you experience and gold for the character is something you have to do yourself and can do on your characters sheet.
it's a nifty idea, but I can see a huge power creep in this idea, being able to full round attack with 2 fists at 1D6 per fist and hold a spell in each one that discharges with the attack. That means at 2nd level holding a shocking grasp in each hand then doing a flurry would be 4D6+STR damage at 2nd level in one full round attack.
I had a game where the wizard got swallowed by a large clockwork leviathan. The wizard was going to attempt to have his large secret chest appear with him inside of the leviathan but died from damage before he could pull it off and make my brain explode from trying to figure how to deal with something like that.
Brew potion allows you to create potions for half the price it would cost to buy them. A useful thing because you can hold on to a potion forever and it does not lose its power and you can have as many as you can physically carry.
your extracts work like wizard spells except they only work for you until you take infusion. The difference is you have a certain number per day you can use just like spells for casters. But as long as know the extract/spell required to brew a potion you can make a potion, then have that potion avaible to you when you need it, and then you can prepare a different extract instead of having to use a extract slot for the spell in question.
That and alchemists can do it earlier than any other class that would otherwise have to be third level to take the feat.
Some of the alchemist special items like hybridization funnel are good, or anything that can give INT boost like ioun stones, skim through the slotless wonderous items section of ultimate equipment and you will find loads of useful things for an alchemist.
So this will be my first time attending GenCon and I decided to take the bull by the horns and do Tier 1.
Thursday, August 15
Slot 1 (0800-1300): #00-05: Mists of Mwangi
Slot 2 (1300-1800): #01-35: Voice in the Void
Slot 3 (1900-2400): Bonekeep Level 1
Friday, August 16
Slot 4 (0800-1300): #03-08: Among the Gods
Slot 5 (1300-1800): OFF
Slot 6 (1900-2400): Gen Con Season 5 Special: Siege of Diamond City 3-7
Saturday, August 17
Slot 7 (0800-1300): #00-07: Among the Living
Slot 8 (1300-1800): OFF
Slot 9 (1900-2400): Bonekeep Level 2
Sunday, August 18
Slot 10 (0900-1400): #00-05: Mists of Mwangi
Also as far as Chronicles go. Are we providing those ourselves or will they be provided?
I think CatBunnyGnome has some merit to the point that this is coming off like you are trying to form some sort of rally with pitchforks, torches, and banners saying "Death to Cheating GMS." And while I do not agree with cheating, simply solve the problem with all of the methods already stated on this post or just drop it. Ranting and raving really goes no where whether this supposed cheating GM reads it or not.
Even though this is a PFS druid it is still 4.5 rounded down so 4 every level?
I was adjusting my Druid to have a bear animal companion instead of a domain spell. Now my question is that with animal companions if I am reading it correctly get a D8 HD per level so using the hit point table they would get the average of 5 per level just like the druid himself. Am I correct in this assumption? as I was using hero lab to do the math for me it put in 4 HP for one level and 5 for another so it confused me.
paizo has served my download needs greatly ever since i started purchasing from you guys. I am very happy to actually get updates when something goes wrong and how hard you are working to fix it instead of a simple "This is down deal with it" message on the website.
The background generator is going to be great for my players who have trouble thinking up one. Also VERY excited for the rules on building your own castle, or bar, or temple so many ideas. I keep throwing my wallet at my computer screen to see if the book will come any faster.
So while running The Green Market at a con this weekend I got a whole table of new players and one of them pointed out to me that the gunslinger level 7 pregen has a +2 reliable pistol as his primary attack. But in his listed equipment it says that it is a +1 reliable pistol. I let him use the +2 but its a small typo I thought should be pointed out.
@Kristen Gipson
I was a GM at the con Purplecatbunnygnome brought the key to here in Michigan and I gotta say it made a lot of the players up the ante on the playing. When our VC playing Sheila was murdered and the key stolen I swear I saw about 5-10 people half stand up to actually run after him.