Bloodrager and Casting

Class Discussion

It seems strange that the Bloodrager can only cast when raging, for the class has a limited amount of time to rage and should therefore be using that time in melee. So why then would they be casting when they cleary are better optimized for melee combat during this time.

The other thing about casting while in Bloodrage is it states "While in bloodrage,a bloodrager cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly,Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration". So how then should they be able to cast when so limited with other concentration abilities. If your going to say because of their blood casting ability maybe they should only be able to cast offensive based spells do to the anger that the class is unleashing.

They are able to cast while raging, and also able to cast without raging. They however, do not get the benefits of the vast majority of their bloodline powers unless they rage.

That said, they should have a more limited selection of spells. I know that one reason my non-caster players prefer non-casters is they hate having to try and choose spells. Limiting what they can cast would be a nice way to ease them into casters.

if you're limit them further on the magus spell list, with only 4th level spells at max, why give them spells in the first place? the spells he gets are already shot in the face by the time he gets them (in terms of DC) and he's relatively locked into his choices (meaning he shouldnt have to juggle the rulebook as often), why make things harder?

Dark Archive

Nothing in the bloodrager write-up says it can only cast while raging. I'm not sure why people keep thinking this is true. They can also cast while raging, but they can cast outside of rage just fine.

It is quite ambiguous in the write-up, for under spells it states "The bloodrager does not need to prepare these spells in advance; he can cast them at any point during a bloodrage(as per his blood casting ability" so that is where I was not clear.

AndIMustMask wrote:
if you're limit them further on the magus spell list, with only 4th level spells at max, why give them spells in the first place? the spells he gets are already shot in the face by the time he gets them (in terms of DC) and he's relatively locked into his choices (meaning he shouldnt have to juggle the rulebook as often), why make things harder?

Why give the paladins and rangers spells? They only get 4th level spells at max as well. And I am almost certain that most bloodragers will take the buff spells over the spells that require a save.

i should hope so, yes. though that kills a great deal of the spell list of a class that was made around spell combat.

enchantment, illusion, evocation, and a good deal of necromancy, abjuration, and conjuration are now kiiinda terrible.

Scarab Sages

i think they think that they can only cast while raging due to blood magic being before spells in the class descriptoin.

Personally I assumed they could only cast during a bloodrage too. I did read it at 2am...

Anyhow, in the actual bloodrager discussion thread we get informed that the can cast outside of bloodrage :)

I actually like the only during bloodrage more, but that would cause problems

Blood Casting (Su): At 4th level, the bloodrager gains the ability to cast spells while using bloodrage

It's possible to interpret that as "...only while using bloodrage" or as "...even while using bloodrage". Nowhere in the text does it explicitly say that he can cast spells outside of bloodrage, so I can certainly see the confusion, though personally (absent later clarification) I'd assume that spells can also be cast while not raging.

A phrase make me doubt about the spellcasting when the bloodrager is out of bloodrage.

this one: The
bloodrager does not need to prepare these spells in
advance; he can cast them at any point during a bloodrage
(as per his blood casting ability), assuming he hasn’t yet
used up his spells per day for that level.

So the bloodrager can cast out of bloodrage or not ???

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

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A bloodrager can cast whether or not he is in a bloodrage.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
A bloodrager can cast whether or not he is in a bloodrage.


The Exchange

AndIMustMask wrote:
if you're limit them further on the magus spell list, with only 4th level spells at max, why give them spells in the first place? the spells he gets are already shot in the face by the time he gets them (in terms of DC) and he's relatively locked into his choices (meaning he shouldnt have to juggle the rulebook as often), why make things harder?

I actually kind of agree with this. I think that instead of regular casting, a bloodrager should just gain more spells from her bloodline.

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