List of 3pp Pathfinder Campaign Settings

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

oh, the same avatar as the guy above me. That's embarrassing...

Anyway, how I wish that someone would do some licensing voodoo magic and allow Eberron to be officially published Pathfinderized. Obviously can still use it, would just be nice to have it all done up.

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Running a Pathfinderized Eberron game is on my Bucket List. I think the investigator class would do swimmingly there.

We actually did the Bokor base class a while back. It's free.

TimD wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:
So, out of curiosity ... is there any particular reason you are compiling this data?

Dotting thread as campaigns that go to multiple worlds & planes can almost always use a bit of flavor from somewhere else.


heck I've already linked a few of the game settings I own together using the Nexus Gates from Neo-Exodus (The Sovyrian Stone the elves used to flee Golarion during the Earthfall can easily be interpreted as a Nexus Gate, so it's half cannon already)

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For those who like Ravenloft should check out the guys who are doing the "Mistfinder" fan conversion.

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Endzeitgeist wrote:
You and me. It's my second favorite setting after Ravenloft. I found it by chance after googling whether the author of Necromancer Games' "Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia" (one of the BEST 3.X adventure anthologies - PERIOD.) had written anything else. If he ever kickstarts a book, I'd back the living hell out of it.

And the interesting thing here for me was the recent Primeval Thule kickstarter: it just didn't quite capture the essence that Xoth very simply does. I found Primeval Thule to be derivative and bland compared to the homage that is Xoth.

Does anyone know if Xoth is available from a legal source other than directly buying it from the writer? It looks really, really tempting to me, but I have reservations about signing up for Paypal just to get one pdf, no matter how awesome it looks. :-S

If not, well, I guess I’ll have to join the queue of people waiting for a Kickstarter....

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber
necromental wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Oathbound Seven
What's the difference between Oathbound Seven and Oathbound Eclipse?

Oathbound Seven is the overall basic campaign book. Eclipse is a more detailed look at one region of the campaign world.

@OSW: Yeah, felt the same way. Thule never really kicked off with me - too politically correct and inclusive, not that raw sense of a dark, wondrous and savage land. But maybe I'm wrong and they'll get it right.

@Trace Coburn: The 3.X Honestly, that was the product that made me get a Paypal account. Seriously. O_o

Xoth also has a lulu-account and I *think* lulu takes credit cards...

Here's the link.

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Trace Coburn wrote:
Does anyone know if Xoth is available from a legal source other than directly buying it from the writer? It looks really, really tempting to me, but I have reservations about signing up for Paypal just to get one pdf, no matter how awesome it looks.

Hi, I'm Morten, aka Thulsa, the author of the World of Xoth adventures.

As far as I know, you don't have to create a PayPal account just to pay, you can also pay directly via a credit card on the PayPal site (ie without being a registered user).

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
And the interesting thing here for me was the recent Primeval Thule kickstarter: it just didn't quite capture the essence that Xoth very simply does.

Glad you enjoy Xoth! As a fan of all things S&S, I've pre-ordered a copy of Primeval Thule; I like most of the artwork I've seen so far, and hopefully the setting and adventures coming out will be good as well. On the topic of S&S settings, there's also the 1E-style "Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea" (, which I haven't had a chance to buy/read myself yet, but which looks interesting.

Anyway, if anyone has any questions about the World of Xoth, feel free to ask away...!

- Morten

My question would be:

What do we have to do to get you to write a full-blown epic sandbox/setting-book/AP in Xoth, using the ethnicity-rules from the blog and limited spellcastinga s in the original anthology? When do we get more modules?

:D *Wants MORE Xoth*


the hunger for more wrote:
Trace Coburn wrote:
Does anyone know if Xoth is available from a legal source other than directly buying it from the writer? It looks really, really tempting to me, but I have reservations about signing up for Paypal just to get one pdf, no matter how awesome it looks.

Hi, I'm Morten, aka Thulsa, the author of the World of Xoth adventures.

As far as I know, you don't have to create a PayPal account just to pay, you can also pay directly via a credit card on the PayPal site (ie without being a registered user).

I’ve tried that, Morten; unfortunately, every time I select the right country out of the drop-down box, PayPal automatically switches over to the ‘create an account and pay’ screen. I think their software doesn’t quite understand what its programmers meant by ‘account optional’. Grrr. >:(

Meh — I’ve gone through with it. That card already runs off an account I’ve sequestered from my primary cash-flow anyway, and based on the samples I’ve seen and free offerings like “The City of the Spider-God”, it’s worth it. ;)

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Endzeitgeist wrote:
What do we have to do to get you to write a full-blown epic sandbox/setting-book/AP in Xoth, using the ethnicity-rules from the blog and limited spellcasting as in the original anthology? When do we get more modules?

The good news is that XP4, Land of the Silver Lotus, is about 60% done. It will have great original artwork by Kent Burles.

After that there's lots more material waiting to be taken from my notes and turned into publishable modules, including a jungle sandbox and a (possibly epic) desert nomad adventure.

- Morten

the hunger for more wrote:
Endzeitgeist wrote:
What do we have to do to get you to write a full-blown epic sandbox/setting-book/AP in Xoth, using the ethnicity-rules from the blog and limited spellcasting as in the original anthology? When do we get more modules?

The good news is that XP4, Land of the Silver Lotus, is about 60% done. It will have great original artwork by Kent Burles.

After that there's lots more material waiting to be taken from my notes and turned into publishable modules, including a jungle sandbox and a (possibly epic) desert nomad adventure.

- Morten

YES! YEAH! *drool* WANT! Jungle sandbox? Desert Nomad adventure? Gimme! :D

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In Little Red Goblin's Google Document, Santiago's publisher is listed as "0." It should be "EN Publishing."

Grand Lodge

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Rite Publishing also has Questhaven

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Little Red Goblin Games wrote:
I have a serious soft spot for Ravenloft. One of my favorite gaming groups I was ever in was Expedition to Castle Ravenloft.

I know that Kaidan has already been mentioned, but even though it is a feudal Japan land, really it's gothic horror with Japanese tropes and very much inspired by Ravenloft. As someone mentioned in a Kaidan thread here, his players have been calling it 'Asianloft'.

There are no 'dark powers' in Kaidan, rather that land itself is cursed, and all inhabitants (or anyone visiting who dies in Kaidan) become trapped in Kaidan's Wheel of Life reincarnation mechanic - a worse fate than failing a dark powers check. Your soul becomes trapped in an endless cycle of reincarnation instead of going on to your afterlife, and cannot be resurrected into the original one...

Also Kaidan is a pocket dimension in a way, that coexists with any prime material world, but it can move from prime to prime periodically. If you don't have a Japan-analog in your world it's only a matter of dropping Kaidan into any ocean in your established world (even if it's Golarian).

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Libertad wrote:
In Little Red Goblin's Google Document, Santiago's publisher is listed as "0." It should be "EN Publishing."

Just adjusted it to include that.

And Kaidan is quite well-written. Love it.

Edit: I can't find the PDF of Questhaven. Link?

Questhaven isn't done yet - all "In the Company", "Evocative City Sites", "Secrets of..."-pdfs of RiP do have some nuggets of Questhaven-lore, though. It's essentially the thread that ties all non-campaign-setting PFRPG-books of Rite Publishing together.

Plus, Steve has just released the first pdf to offer information on the pantheon.

Ok, then we can add it when it is live :-)

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Obsidian Twlight, about to become Obsidian Apocalypse.

And now Obsidian Apocalypse is up for sale at RPGNow and DriveThruRPG. Coming to Paizo very soon.

Fantastic! Added!

There's also NeuroSpasta's Pathfinder edition, a modern setting in a cosmopolitan metropolis:

Drive-Thru RPG Link.

Here is the current list.

I see you have Coloseum Morpheuon listed as Cubicle 7 Entertainment - that's incorrect. It's Rite Publishing. Cubicle 7 published the print version of the first print run of that setting, but Rite Publishing is the actual publisher. If you look at the PDF version, Cubicle 7 is not even listed in the credits.

The same is true for the original print version of Curse of the Golden Spear adventure arc for Kaidan, since Cubicle 7 published the print run - even then, Kaidan is still Rite Publishing, not Cubicle 7.

If my understanding is correct, Cubicle 7 got distribution rights for the first year of product release, only. Rite Publishing no longer works with Cubicle 7, due to some internal issues, and no new releases go through Cubicle 7.

Just clarifying for you.

No problem! Thanks for clarifying that. I updated the list to reflect that.

There's the Dark Solace Campaign Setting, by Solace Games.

Also, might Neverwhen count? It's less a full campaign than a space connecting worlds

Dark Archive

Yesterday, I received my pdf of Thunderscape.
I haven't read all of it since I prefer print copies, but so far, it looks quite good.

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the hunger for more wrote:

The good news is that XP4, Land of the Silver Lotus, is about 60% done. It will have great original artwork by Kent Burles.

After that there's lots more material waiting to be taken from my notes and turned into publishable modules, including a jungle sandbox and a (possibly epic) desert nomad adventure.

- Morten

As a fan of both Xoth and Dark Sun, I cannot tell you how happy I am to read of "epic desert nomad adventures."

Thunderscape: the World of Aden just came out.

And so has Ponyfinder, which got its own campaign setting expansion.

Isn't Terah also a campaign setting?

Dark Archive

Craig Bonham 141 wrote:
Isn't Terah also a campaign setting?


Alright, I updated the list. Let me know if I am missing any or any new ones are released.


  • Dark Solace
  • Dragon Tiger Ox
  • Neverwhen
  • Ponyfinder
  • Terah

  • The list appears to be missing Parsantium.

    Liberty's Edge

    We are missing Amethyst Renaissance 2.0 by Dias Ex Machina.

    Also, Dragon Kings is in the final editing stages, I don't know if you want to include it yet, but it should be released soon.

    Amethyst is already listed I thought? Unless Amethyst: Renaissance is a completely different setting.

    Added Parsantium.

    And when Dragon Kings is done I will add it (as per the first thread).

    Also, what do you guys think about doing a "List of 3rd Part Base Classes" thread?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Always eager for that!

    Liberty's Edge

    I had assumed that they were different campaign settings since they were from different publishers, however after having looked online that may not be true, perhaps you could just add Dias Ex Machina to the publisher side since they're the ones publishing it currently?

    Also, isn't Razor Coast a campaign setting and a campaign rolled into one?

    Added Dias Ex Machina as publisher on it. Someone correct us if we are wrong.

    Added Razor Coast.
    Don't know if it's a campaign setting in the most exacting sense of the per se in that it wasn't made to be a campaign setting, but it has all the elements and builds an awesome world.

    Razor Coast will be included in the Lost Lands setting iirc.

    Also dot.

    Little Red Goblin Games wrote:
    For those who like Ravenloft should check out the guys who are doing the "Mistfinder" fan conversion.

    Ryan Naylor is also doing a pathfinder conversion of Ravenloft. Currently it's in this thread on the Fraternity of Shadows forum but it will be made into a couple of PDFs sooninsh.

    Red Goblin, I hope Expedition to Castle Ravenloft has not been your only exposure to the Ravenloft setting...

    Oh this is Scott Gladstein, head goblin over here at LRGG. Yeah, I've done games in and out of Expedition, but that was my first exposure and still one of my favorite modules.

    As soon as Ryan finishes up that- I'd be psyched to read it and add it to the list! Sounds like my kind of game!

    Thanael, do you think razor coast should be listed?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Razor Coast should definitely be listed - it is a setting with pirates of Polynesia flavor to it.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    NG did brand it as it's own setting/brand so why not. It's like Maztica (or Al Qadim) and Forgotten Realms, they share the world but are separate settings.

    Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

    Razor Coast is a part of FGG's overarching Lost Lands campaign setting, the major difference being that Razor Coast has been released and Lost Lands as a whole has not. That said, Thanael is correct, Razor Coast is basically its own setting within a setting. Much like Northlands Saga has been for FGG and The Blight will be when we release it as well. Also, of these only Razor Coast has been released as a cohesive, self-contained book to date. So you can give it some love if you want. :-)

    Well I just got my PDF copy of Amethyst which is an neat setting. Earth only an event has caused magic to flood into the world along with magical creatures such as the Fey and Dragons. Magic vs. Science with Magic creating a sort of interference field that disrupts electronics. Official setting is about 500 years after the event and introduces a lot of Tech based classes like soldiers, medics, engineers, etc..

    Haven't gone over all of it yet but initial look through offers some really interesting stuff

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    Primeval Thule by Sasquatch Game Studio should be coming out late summer/early fall this year. A mix of Conan, the Cthulhu Mythos, and ancient tales of Atlantis (Really a mix of the old Weird Tales fantasy fiction from the 20s and 30s). It was kickstarted last summer.

    Kadasbrass wrote:
    Primeval Thule by Sasquatch Game Studio should be coming out late summer/early fall this year. A mix of Conan, the Cthulhu Mythos, and ancient tales of Atlantis (Really a mix of the old Weird Tales fantasy fiction from the 20s and 30s). It was kickstarted last summer.

    This was already linked UPTHREAD

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
    Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
    This was already linked UPTHREAD

    Terribly sorry, didn't see it first time through.

    When it comes out, we can toss it on the list :-)

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