List of 3pp Pathfinder Campaign Settings

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So I was looking to compile a list of all the 3pp campaign settings for Pathfinder. I am looking for currently published (not in KS, not conceptually, etc). Things that are available to be purchased at this exact moment.

Just off the top of my head:
Neo Exodus
Cerulean Seas

I know I'm forgetting about 90% of them, but that is what made me want to post this thread.

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RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Shadows over Vathak (Fat Goblin Games)
The Lonely Coast (Raging Swan Press)
Realms of Twilight (Silver Crescent Publishing)

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

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Caedwyr wrote:

Thank you mention Shadowsfall, Caedwyr.

I should mention that Shadowsfall is not a standalone campaign setting. It's designed to be the plane of shadows for any existing campaign setting. It works with standard campaign setting without changing the familiar setting you already know and love.

Oathbound Seven

Obsidian Twlight, about to become Obsidian Apocalypse.

Doesn't Dreamscarred Press have a CS?

Dreamscarred has a CS but it hasn't be Pathfinderized yet.

Do partial settings count?

We have Heroes of the Fenian Triarchy out which is part of our Porphyra setting. Along with countless other releases with Porphyra content in them.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Lands of the Jade Oath

Wicked Fantasy

Only really has 1 kingdom but they have done a lot of work with the races to create a nice setting with a lot of room to expand either for the company or for ambitious DMs who enjoy maps with blanks spaces labeled "Here be Monsters"

Not sure how I could have forgotten about Wicked Fantasy... I backed it XD

If we are doing partial settings we did a line of "campaign inspirations" that gave the core mechanics and materials for campaign settings:

  • Of Angels and Demons
  • Equinox
  • A Land Out of Time (Dinosaur Setting)

  • Something like this: (Link)?

    Also, is the Kaiden and Land of the Jade Oath the same thing?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
    Little Red Goblin Games wrote:

    Something like this: (Link)?

    Also, is the Kaiden and Land of the Jade Oath the same thing?

    No. Kaidan is a Japanese, Horror genre setting and Lands of the Jade Oath is wuxia, but featuring countries/cultures from all of East Asian and India, but is mostly centered on a China-inspired empire.

    I wrote it originally for Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved rules, but Rite Publishing adapted it to Pathfinder. The AE version was nominated for an Ennie a couple years back. I am currently writing new support material for the setting under the Pathfinder rules.

    Dark Archive

    Don't know if it counts as a full-fledged campaign setting (more like a plug-in partial setting), but the Mor Aldenn stuff is quite nice.

    President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

    Since I didn't post it earlier, Link to Shadowsfall.

    Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
    Oathbound Seven

    What's the difference between Oathbound Seven and Oathbound Eclipse?

    Added Headless Hydra Games's Mor Aldenn.

    And @Ashanderai:
    For some reason my brain told me Kaiden was IN Jade Oath. Thanks for clearing that up :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
    Little Red Goblin Games wrote:

    And @Ashanderai:

    For some reason my brain told me Kaiden was IN Jade Oath. Thanks for clearing that up :-)

    Yeah, Jade Oath's Japan analogue is called Nihonshu.

    Liberty's Edge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The Midgard Campaign Setting from Kobold Press is definitely one of the most popular, and certainly the best supported, campaign setting for the Pathfinder RPG besides Golarian itself:

    Hi Marc! Yeah, we got Midgard.

    Liberty's Edge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Oh, sorry! Guess I missed it!

    Well, now we have actual links :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The Great City I think is another campaign setting.
    Also, the setting of Zeitgeist
    Setting of Way of the Wicked.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Added Great City & Zeitgeist. Link

    Does anyone know the name of the Way of the Wicked setting?

    Also, something I was thinking on, should this list include APs that doesn't have like a player's guide or w/e? (I think it should)

    Liberty's Edge

    So, out of curiosity ... is there any particular reason you are compiling this data?

    It came up in a conversation I was having. It was a good one on how the 3rd party had some great campaign settings, but I could only name a few off the top of my head. Also, I figure someone could use the data at some point to help promote those settings.

    Also Pure Steam, forgot that one.

    Andronia, by Hydra Publications. I'm not sure what sort of support, bit it does exist.

    Dark Archive

    Little Red Goblin Games wrote:

    Added Great City & Zeitgeist. Link

    Does anyone know the name of the Way of the Wicked setting?

    Talingarde (name of the continent-island), but I don't know if it has its own setting - IIRC, no.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    So, I went and did the obvious and looked at Endzeitgeist's website under "Campaign Settings". Here are the ones that have been missed so far in this thread:

    Realms of Twilight
    World of Xoth
    Coliseum Morpheuon
    Obsidium Apocalypse
    Kingdoms of Legend

    Thanks for the pimpage, Caedwyr! Unfortunately, I have not (Yet) had the options to get ALL online, but I'm glad it obviously works well enough to cover those a tad bit obscure ones. (Sword & Sorcery fans - CHECK those Xoth-publishing modules. Still love the anthology...)

    One that has slipped through the cracks, mostly due to being unnamed for quite some time, would be's world of Aventyr. On their site, there's quite a bit of information on the setting.

    Also on my to-do list:

    -Space Potato Production's Space Opera setting.
    -En Publishing's Space Opera AP Santiago
    -Sneak Attack Press' Broken Earth
    -Amora Game's setting for the War-AP they're doing
    -Rocks Fall Games' Awesfur, but that one is limited to info in modules as per the writing of this; no setting-book yet.

    @Necromental: Eclipse details one land in the Oathbound setting.

    What is the Frog God Games setting called?
    -The Lost Lands?
    -Stoneheart Valley?

    Anyway, I think it's one of those. I'm having a brain fart at the moment.


    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Itchy wrote:

    What is the Frog God Games setting called?

    -The Lost Lands?
    -Stoneheart Valley?

    Anyway, I think it's one of those. I'm having a brain fart at the moment.


    The Lost Lands.

    No campaign book yet, though it's in the works (with a bunch more stuff, like a setting book for the whole Northlands Saga).

    Caedwyr wrote:

    So, I went and did the obvious and looked at Endzeitgeist's website under "Campaign Settings". Here are the ones that have been missed so far in this thread:


    I am VERY interested in this one.

    Obsidium Apocalypse

    I think you mean Obsidian Apocalypse. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    On a moderately related note: it's a shame that AEG has shown zero interest Pathfinderizing their d20 stuff.

    The Accordlands setting (four books) may be my favorite of all third edition settings. The storyline for the dwarves, the non-standard elves: it had a lot of cool things in it. And some of their supplements, like 'Mercenaries' were good reads.

    Ok I updated the list.
    I think we want to keep this to things that are currently for sale.

  • Is Andronia still up for sale anywhere? I saw it was on a few sites but “currently unavailable”.

  • Is World of Xoth published as a source book? I couldn’t find it.

  • Is Shadowlands out yet?

  • The Space Potato one space opera setting is called Between Chains and Starlight right?

  • Do the guys who wrote Pure Steam have a company name?

    I think I’d like to limit this list to a list of settings with source books or at least some material on their septic specifically (even if it’s like a web enhancement or wiki or whatever). Otherwise, every AP and module not stated to be set in a particular setting gets listed as a campaign setting. (Like Santiago has a players guide and all that).


  • Webstore Gninja Minion

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Pure Steam is written by the folks at ICOSA Entertainment.

    Little Red Goblin Games wrote:

    Ok I updated the list.

    I think we want to keep this to things that are currently for sale.

  • Is World of Xoth published as a source book? I couldn’t find it.

  • Sadly, no. The World of Xoth modules absolutely drip with Robert E. Howardish pulpiness.

    Liz Courts wrote:
    Pure Steam is written by the folks at ICOSA Entertainment.

    Thanks Liz!

    And I'll keep them off then HolmesandWatson.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    World of Xoth I may have been mistaken on. It looks like the semi-campaign guide is for Sword and Sorcery not PFRPG.

    Shadowlands has a conversion guide and a free module

    Webstore Gninja Minion

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Shadowlands are from Black Star Studios, here on

    Ahh. Yeah I was wondering why I hadn't heard about a PFRPG version.
    I'll add shadowlands.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    World Of Xoth is ACTUALLY kind of semi-pathfinder. The first glimpse at the setting/adventure anthology/campaign book is "Tales of the Spider God and other Tales of Sword & Sorcery" and is written for 3.5 and has since been also converted to the Legend-rules-set.

    The two other modules ("Song of the Beast-Gods" and "Citadel beyond the North Wind") though, are Pathfinder. I just wish there were more modules like these...

    Shadowlands has btw. 2 more modules, both of which are high up in my pipeline and will see reviews as soon as next week - at least one of them, that is.

    Endzeitgeist wrote:

    World Of Xoth is ACTUALLY kind of semi-pathfinder. The first glimpse at the setting/adventure anthology/campaign book is "Tales of the Spider God and other Tales of Sword & Sorcery" and is written for 3.5 and has since been also converted to the Legend-rules-set.

    The two other modules ("Song of the Beast-Gods" and "Citadel beyond the North Wind") though, are Pathfinder. I just wish there were more modules like these...

    Shadowlands has btw. 2 more modules, both of which are high up in my pipeline and will see reviews as soon as next week - at least one of them, that is.

    End, you have links for 3.5 Xoth stuff?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Here's the link to the anthology/setting book (3.5).

    And here is Song of the Beast-Gods (PFRPG) and here for Citadel.

    Supplemental rules can be found here on the blog .

    Hope that helps!


    Bittesehr! ^^

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    OMG - Xoth! it's like the oldskool I've been looking for for years!
    Humanicentric, low magic. Thanks so much folks (Caedwyr, Holmes and Watson and End for the links) for alerting me to this fantastic resource...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    You and me. It's my second favorite setting after Ravenloft. I found it by chance after googling whether the author of Necromancer Games' "Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia" (one of the BEST 3.X adventure anthologies - PERIOD.) had written anything else. If he ever kickstarts a book, I'd back the living hell out of it.

    Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

    OMG - Xoth! it's like the oldskool I've been looking for for years!

    Humanicentric, low magic. Thanks so much folks (Caedwyr, Holmes and Watson and End for the links) for alerting me to this fantastic resource...

    Xoth really is a labor of puplpish love. It's the only RPG stuff that reads like the old school pulp authors. I mean, you could drop Conan right into the middle of Xoth and it would work seamlessly.

    Endzeitgeist wrote:
    You and me. It's my second favorite setting after Ravenloft. I found it by chance after googling whether the author of Necromancer Games' "Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia" (one of the BEST 3.X adventure anthologies - PERIOD.) had written anything else. If he ever kickstarts a book, I'd back the living hell out of it.

    I have a serious soft spot for Ravenloft. One of my favorite gaming groups I was ever in was Expedition to Castle Ravenloft.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Marc Radle wrote:
    So, out of curiosity ... is there any particular reason you are compiling this data?

    Dotting thread as campaigns that go to multiple worlds & planes can almost always use a bit of flavor from somewhere else.


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