![]() |

Spectral Hand would make all your touch spells of 4th level and lower into medium range spells for 1 minute per level.
(My witch uses this for both cure spells and attack spells).

Drejk |

Reach spell metamagic feat and associated metamagic rod. However those are hardly options for a rogue unless your GM allows for a wands that contain spells altered with metamagic feat. In such case I present you a wand of close range cure light wounds (4,500 gp, heals 1d8+3 hp to one living creature within 30 feet or deals the same damage to one undead with a successful ranged touch attack or half after if the undead succeeds a Will saving throw against DC of 11).
Another option would be getting a staff of mass cure light wounds (36,000 gp; CL 9th, heals 1d8+9 to a maximum of nine creatures within 45 feet and no more than 30 feet of each other; undeads suffer damage instead or half if they succeed Will saving throw with DC of 17).

Drejk |

"close range cure light wounds"? I couldn't find that in any of my books...
It would be cure light wounds with Reach Spell feat I linked applied once (thus changing range from touch to close) - as I mentioned it relies on you GM allowing for wands containing spells altered with metamagic feats (and would not be PFS legal).

Gauss |

IQuarent, you can apply metamagic feats when you make a scroll, potion, or wand. It will raise the spell level appropriately and thus raise the cost.
However, while it is in the rules to do this it isn't the "run of the mill Wand of Cure Light Wounds" so your GM still has to allow you to find one for sale.
A wand of Cure Light Wounds is (SL 1)*(CL 1)*750 = 750
A wand of Cure Light Wounds with Reach Spell is (SL 2)*(CL 3)*750 = 4500gp
It will heal 1d8+3 and have a touch range of 30feet.
While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell. Using metamagic feats, a caster can place spells in items at a higher level than normal.
- Gauss

IQuarent |

IQuarent, you can apply metamagic feats when you make a scroll, potion, or wand. It will raise the spell level appropriately and thus raise the cost.
However, while it is in the rules to do this it isn't the "run of the mill Wand of Cure Light Wounds" so your GM still has to allow you to find one for sale.
A wand of Cure Light Wounds is (SL 1)*(CL 1)*750 = 750
A wand of Cure Light Wounds with Reach Spell is (SL 2)*(CL 3)*750 = 4500gp
It will heal 1d8+3 and have a touch range of 30feet.CRB p549 wrote:While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell. Using metamagic feats, a caster can place spells in items at a higher level than normal.- Gauss
That's a great idea, but it doesn't work for PFS...
Sometimes I forget that all my questions have PFS in mind because that's all I play with pathfinder, and that other people might not play it :P
Claxon |

Why is a rogue the healer? Why are you healing in combat? Sometimes its unavoidable, and you never one people to be knocked out. Which is where potions of cure X wounds (whatever is cost and level appropriate to save your bacon mid-combat). After combat it's ye olde stick of cure light wounds to get everybody back into fighting shape.
In any event...see if you can find an item that will allow you to use Spectral Hand that is PFS legal.

master_marshmallow |

Reach metamagic rod is almost as important to a dedicated healer as an extend spell metamagic rod is to a conjurer. Reach Spell will allow you to increase the range for +1 spell level to a ranged touch.
Second best option is to take Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) and get yourself a familiar, since a familiar can deliver touch spells for you. At later levels picking up an improved familiar who can easily wade into battle (such as a Fairy Dragon who can turn himself invisible) will allow you to deliver those touch range heals and still be able to take your move action to go in a different direction (maybe to deliver a quickened heal into another ally). At later levels if you really want more action economy you can do the above and still deliver another spell by having your familiar cast it via Familiar Spell, though at +3 spell levels it's not really that good unless you can mitigate that somehow, which you pretty much can't in PFS without wasting your traits on it.